Early Years Inspiration in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Education
Early Years Inspiration
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Day 2 of lockdown here in Melbourne called for some slime making. My two loved this and played with it for ages. It’s now in a snap lock bag waiting for more fun tomorrow. Controversially I use borax in my slime. I use so little and supervise so I have no issue using it. First make your activator using 2 cups warm water and 1 tsp of borax. Stir and dissolve. Next we used white glue, some food colouring, lots of shaving cream and 4 tbsp of cornflour. Mix well, slowly adding th...e activator mixture. I probably used nearly half a cup of activator, but add slowly until you have the consistency you like. This made for a more fluffy and almost ooblek quality slime. My two loved the science of this and talking about the ingredients reacting to each other and changing the consistency. #slime #isolationlife #playbasedlearning #sensoryplay #earlylearning #learningfromhome See more
24.01.2022 One of my favourite games to play with kinder kids is It’s not a stick!. They each would tell me a new thing the stick was, but it couldn’t be a stick. I have lost count at how many different ideas children have come up with, and some of them, utterly amazing!!! A stick can be anything! There is so much fun to be had if you let your child’s imagination run wild. Try a game of It’s not a stick!
21.01.2022 Play based learning tip for parents learning often takes place withOUT adult intervention. Children are wired to learn, to investigate, to experiment, to explore. Step back and allow your children to do what they do very naturally. You are a facilitator, you can provide the resources, but allow them to do with it what they want to. That may not be what that thing is supposed to do, but that’s when the creative juices get flowing and the learning can take place. This marb...le run is slightly above the ability level of my children, particularly my 3 year old. However, they played with this for hours, working it out. They used it in completely different ways than it is prescribed for, but thinking outside the square is exactly what this world needs more of. The ingenuity they used was quite impressive. As they played they discussed angles and force, and why the marble can’t travel up! They discussed how the angle affects the speed. #learningthroughplay #earlyyearslearning #earlyyearseducation #stayingathome #consciousparenting #play #playbasedlearning #education #letthemplay #ey_inspiration See more
21.01.2022 Today we put together an obstacle course indoors. The weather wasn’t great. This kept Mr 5 and Mr 3 busy for quite some time. They loved setting it up and gradually added bits as they went. Their favourite part was the lasers (sorry I can’t say that word without thinking about Austin Powers). They also loved the part were mummy struggled to get out of the lasers!! #isolationfun #stayhome #playbasedlearning #earlyyearslearning #activeplayindoors #play #ey_inspiration
21.01.2022 Anyone feeling overwhelmed and anxious about homeschooling your preschool and primary ages children this term, please read this. It is such a beautiful idea. https://www.lovepedagogy.com///04/06/Reimagining-education
19.01.2022 The awesome Tegan Tay explaining the coronavirus to kids! This is well worth showing your children if they are asking questions that you find hard to answer.
18.01.2022 Yep! Seems about right...
18.01.2022 As promised yesterday in my video here is the link to the Bear Hunt that you can join in with. Check out and see if there are any near you!
16.01.2022 Sorry about the email pings in the background! Just multi-tasking like only us mums can Feel free to ask any specific questions about how you can follow your child’s interests below, or send me a message. Take care everyone. #earlyyearslearning #earlyyearseducation #play #stayinghome #ey_inspiration
16.01.2022 If my calculations are correct this Facebook love will take place at about 7am tomorrow morning. Jump on with your little science buffs. This will be great!!! Somethings going to blow up.
15.01.2022 Mr 3 loved this simple bit of sensory play today. Sensory play is so important, especially at the moment when things are a little different and confusing for our little people. This was just a bag of barley that I found cleaning out my pantry yesterday. It was very close to its use by date. You can colour it if you wish. Just put it in a snap lock bag with a bit of food colouring and leave overnight with the bag open, to dry. #sensoryplay #play #playbasedlearning #consciousparenting #stayhome #earlyyears #earlyyearseducation #ey_inspiration
14.01.2022 So today we did a quick bit of science and sensory play. Using Bicarbonate soda and vinegar with a bit of food colouring. Super simple, but very entertaining and engaging. #scienceplay #playbasedlearning #earlyyearsideas #earlyyearseducation #earlyyears #play #learningghroughplay #sensoryplayideas #sensoryplay #ey_inspiration
14.01.2022 This is another really easy little science experiment (perfect for science week) to help children understand that air is a gas all around us even though we can’t see it, it fills space. #earlyyearseducation #play #scienceexperiments #scienceweek #ey_inspiration
13.01.2022 And just to add to this, no healthy child’s brain just switches off and doesn’t learn. No child will lose a years worth of education. They may not learn what is on the curriculum this year, but there are great possibilities for learning how to be a good human being and learning about things of interest to the child in the family home without you compromising your job!
11.01.2022 A different perspective to consider as we all take another step in this new world we are in and move to education from home.
11.01.2022 Easter bunny has left foot prints through our house. So excited to see the kids faces in the morning. I’m guessing its chocolate for breakfast tomorrow #easterbunny #easterfun #ey_inspiration
09.01.2022 We had so much fun today creating roads on the floor with painters tape. Such a simple experience that both Mr 5 and Mr 3 were engaged in for over an hour. I even managed to sneak in a Zoom conference call for work while they played, winning!!!! #playbasedlearning #learningthroughplay #play #earlyyearseducation #earlyyearslearning #ey_inspiration
07.01.2022 To all those parents who found yesterday a bit a of shitshow take a step back, and have a listen. I will attempt to break this down a little more clearer in some more videos, if people want it. Ask questions in the comments and I will address them. I have a lot to say on this topic, so I tried to restrain myself. Our education system has needed an overhaul for a long time. Children are not built to sit at a computer screen. If this is what you are finding challenging. I can help with lots of ideas about how our children can learn that need to move.
06.01.2022 So, how did Day 1 of Homeschool go for you?
06.01.2022 Special request from @cindymac81. Here is a sensory bag. This is so simple, just some hair gel and blue food dye with some foam sea animals in a zip lock bag. This could also be stuck to the floor for some great tummy time for younger children. You could fill them with almost anything that will grab their attention. It’s great for fine motor (small muscle) development as they push the pieces around inside the bag. I do recommend double bagging, especially if the items you put inside are a bit pointy and could pierce the bag. #earlyyearseducation #earlyyearslearning #play #learningthroughay #stayinghome #teachermum #earlyyears #toddlerplay #babyplay #imaginativeplay #sensoryplay #playiswork #earlyyears #earlychildhoodeducation #ece
03.01.2022 This was such a simple experiment which gave a really impressive outcome. All you need is a glass, an egg, some vinegar and some cling wrap and maybe an elastic band to hold it on. Leave it to sit in the glass for 3 days. Just be careful as it will burst. Give it a go! #earlyyearseducation #science #scienceweek #funinisolation #learningathome
03.01.2022 This is great! Mr 5 asked just the other day if the Easter Bunny will still be able to visit. I just told him the Easter Bunny has put out a press release and showed him this. He is super excited! Luckily he can’t read the wrong season written in the corner.
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