East Ringwood Netball Club in Heathmont, Victoria, Australia | Community organisation
East Ringwood Netball Club
Locality: Heathmont, Victoria, Australia
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24.01.2022 NEW Rolling Subs During the Netball Fun festival substitutions can occur during play not just during intervals. Its helps our players transistion back to co...urt after this long break. How to sub: The outgoing player leaves the court before the second player enters the court. Players need to observe the offside rules as they enter or exit the court. Players must not interfere with the umpire’s movements during the change. For more info on the festival visit - https://menanetball.com.au/fun-netball-festival/ #staysafe #covidsafe #cooperation #wegotthis #thankyou Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club Mullum Netball Club
24.01.2022 Did you know? Each team should provide their own set of bibs and not share them with other teams. Bibs can be swapped between or within the team during the mat...ch. However, bibs should not be used for a second match with a second team. All bibs should be cleaned and sanitised between each session. For more info - https://menanetball.com.au/fun-netball-festival/ Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club Mullum Netball Club
24.01.2022 Top Tips for Parents/Guardians for our Fun Netball Festival. Are you scoring? Bring a pen, fill out the team list on the score sheet. It will be used for cont...act tracing. Wear a face mask and keep your 1.5m from the other scorer. For more important info visit- https://menanetball.com.au/fun-netball-festival/ #staysafe #covidsafe #cooperation #wegotthis #thankyou Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club @Southwood netball club St James Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club Mullum Netball Club
21.01.2022 We're on the lookout for a Goaler to join our 2021 MENA Rep 17 & Under team We have a spot available for a Goaler who will be turning 16 or 17 in 2021. We ...are looking for a determined and committed netballer who will be available to train Monday nights at Maroondah Nets Heathmont and play Wednesday Nights at Waverley. More information about our representative program can be found here: https://menanetball.com.au//Representative-Teams-Info-Pack If you are interested in finding out more information and/or expressing your interest, please contact our Representative Program Head Coach Lindy Dowell [email protected] Tag someone who would be perfect for this spot.
20.01.2022 Game day tip When you arrive at the courts on game day check in to register your attendance. PLAYERS: Ensure your name is on the score sheet, this registers you...r attendance. EVERYONE ELSE: Use the QR code displayed here (and displayed at the courts) or visit https://menanetball.com.au/covid19register/. Please check in no earlier than 5 minutes before entering the courts. Plan ahead as each court has a separate entry/exit points. #attendance #staysafe #covidsafe #cooperation #wegotthis #thankyou For more info visit https://menanetball.com.au/fun-netball-festival/ Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Club Mullum Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club
18.01.2022 2021 Melbourne East Representative Team Trials Registrations are now open for 11&U, 13&U, 15&U, 17&U, and Open age players. Players must register online at ht...tps://menanetball.com.au/2021teamtrials/ Ready to challenge yourself? Join our Melbourne East Netball Association Rep Team. Representative netball provides an opportunity to further develop and hone players’ netball skills and provides a pathway where players can aspire to play at elite levels. Playing a higher level of sport also develops strong personal and team discipline. Play MENA Representative netball and develop your skills with experienced coaches. Join a growing Association with a strong supportive MENA community of coaches, players, and umpires. Enjoy MENA team spirit and make lifelong MENA friends. #challengeyourself #MENATeamSpirit #WeLoveNetball Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Mullum Netball Club
17.01.2022 We are excited to welcome the Open players back to the courts this Saturday. Government restrictions have been lifted so we can now use the indoor courts. ... Please check your fixture - there are lots of updates due to these exciting steps forward. Major updates also include: - Outdoor courts: can now have additional spectators remember to observe social distancing rules as long as you are able to social distance masks are no longer required to be worn outside remember to carry your mask with you. - Indoor courts: 1 parent per child is allowed at the venue. No other spectators. Siblings should attend as a last resort and must abide by social distancing rules. See the netball fun festival info on our website for more info - https://menanetball.com.au/fun-netball-festival/ Please share with your teams - Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club @southwood netball club St James Netball Club Heathmont Jets Football Netball Club Mullum Netball Club
17.01.2022 In preparation for our return to junior netball all members are asked to read the Netball Victoria member guidelines. For coaches, team managers, parents and pl...ayers returning to training from Monday 2nd November at Maroondah Nets view the information at: https://menanetball.com.au/return-to-training-guidelines/ We have created a COVID-19 info section on our web site. This will be the hub for info including news updates, Return to play/training guidelines, netball at home info and tips. - https://menanetball.com.au/covid-19-information/ Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Mullum Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club #returntonetball #playforthelove #netballcommunity #staysafe #hereifyouneed
17.01.2022 Hi All, MENA have issued the below with regard to the likelihood of wet weather tomorrow and the need to ensure we are operating under COVID safe regulations so please keep watching the MENA facebook page for updates close to your game time. Good luck! "We will play games outside until it is deemed not safe to continue. If it gets to this point the game will be called off and players sent home. This will be done game by game so teams need to show up as scheduled. We will not be moving any teams, scheduled to play outside, indoors for half games. The games scheduled indoors will play as scheduled with no changes."
15.01.2022 Open Rep Team Registrations CLOSE TOMORROW Player registrations for the 2021 Open Representative Team team trials close tomorrow, Wednesday 2nd December. For players born in 2003 or earlier register online for the 2021 Team Trials go to https://menanetball.com.au/2021teamtrials/
15.01.2022 So very proud of the willingness of our members to give back to the game. Congrats to current players/coaches & Committee Members Laura & Emily, former coach and Committee Member Fiona and last but not least our Life Member Gus (whose resume for the Club is too long to list) for all being selected to be Rep Coaches. Best of luck with your respective sides in 2021.
15.01.2022 Want to learn about the Victorian coaching pathway, code of conduct, child safety and inclusion? Join our Introduction to Coaching workshop! It is aimed ...at brand new coaches who are just beginning their coaching journeys and it covers the off-court aspects that can be overlooked when you are just starting out. Sat 10 Oct 9-10.30am $35 (NV Members) $40 (Non-member) Register: https://tinyurl.com/CoachingRegister
15.01.2022 Please note the below from MENA. At this stage it only affects our Open Blue sec 1 team whose game has been moved to 4.20pm but please check the fixtures just to be sure on game day.
15.01.2022 Out first function is being held on the Round 1 clash vs @croydon_fc The Ladies Day is always the highlight of the season. It has been too long between drinks ...so any girlfriend, wife, mum, sister, aunt and grandma come along to this fun day. Tickets via www.TryBooking.com/BPWVE #pouch21 #mightyroos See more
14.01.2022 Hi all ERNC families, We hope you are all keeping well. MENA are proposing to run a 6 week 'FUN NETBALL FESTIVAL' starting on Saturday 30th October (Cup weekend), pending restrictions being eased to allow for it to go ahead.... This will be a fun opportunity for any players wanting to get back on the courts this year, after the disruption we've all had to the normal netball season. It will only be for junior age groups, with the exception being made to the 17U's to become 18U, to allow any players who are 18 to play. (unfortunately, the roadmap outlined by the government does not have any return to play this year for over 18's). The proposed game times are listed below - this is to take into account that only the outdoor courts can be used. There will only be 1 parent/guardian per player allowed for supervision purposes, along with 1 coach, 1 team manager & 1 scorer, with social distancing measures & face masks etc required. From a cost perspective, the club will cover the cost for any teams who would like to register, so there will be no further cost to anyone this year. (we will be sending out another announcement shortly re: refunds of 2020 fees/rollover into 2021). (NB. For anyone who took up the offer from Netball Vic of a partial refund of their 2020 memberships, you are still covered for the remainder of the year. For any new players, or anyone who received a full refund, you would need to purchase a membership, these being offered by Netball Vic at 50% cost). SO - WHAT WE NEED YOU TO DO..... - please have a look through the attached information & decide if you would like to participate in the 6 week program - then, please respond to us with your interest ASAP. Of course, there is no obligation to play. But we would need enough interest to be able to register some teams, knowing that these may be a mixture of the teams that were registered in Autumn, based on the players wanting to be involved. So your prompt responses would be appreciated, so we can forward this to MENA. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to respond to this email, or call Scott on 0409 148 792. We look forward to hearing from you all :)
12.01.2022 Wishing everyone within the East Ringwood Netball Club family the merriest of Christmas’s & a safe and Happy New Year. Looking forward to putting 2020 firmly in the rear view mirror and seeing everyone in 2021.
12.01.2022 Hi All, As noted below revised fixtures for the rest of the Autumn season post regrading have been updated.
12.01.2022 With the EFNL netball season nearly upon us we still have 3-4 spots available so don't waste time hop onto the registration link and join the Mighty Roos. We are looking for players aged 15 years and over to join us in the EFNL Friday night competition that commences on the 16th April 2021. As a playing member your invited along to all the Club functions as well as being welcomed back to the Club on a Saturday night for match day reports and of course invited to the Best a...nd Fairest. Games are held from 6.45pm onwards on Friday nights at: Maroondah Nets (HE Parker Reserve, Heathmont) Knox Regional Netball Centre, 9 Dempster Street Ferntree Gully Oxley Stadium, Old Melbourne Road Chirnside Park Jells Park, Ferntree Gully So, please jump online & register today Registration cost is $200 The EFNL approved dress is $60. Please refer to the following link: https://membership.sportstg.com/regoform.cgi?formID=97900 All players must also have a current Netball Victoria Membership to take the court. Please note payment for this separate to the above cost if you haven’t paid it to another Netball Association for 2021 already. Refer the attached link for your VNA https://netball.resultsvault.com/comm/pages//welcome.aspx Should you have any queries, please call Scott (President) on 0409 148 792 or email [email protected]
09.01.2022 Hi everyone, As we start to put 2020 firmly in the rearview mirror and begin to focus on 2021 we are very excited to be able to let you know that registration for the MENA 2021 Autumn season is now open. Given the tough year we’ve all had we are offering early bird pricing up until the start of the season in mid February 2021. As we need to formalise our team registrations with MENA by the end of January 2021, your earliest attention to this would be greatly appreciated. For ...returning players who did not seek the $80 refund for the 2020 fees please choose the junior or senior 2021 registration with rebate product. For returning players who received the $80 refund, existing players who didn’t play in 2020 and new players to our wonderful Club please choose the junior or senior 2021 registration product. Junior membership is for players born between 1/1/2004 and 31/12/2010 Senior membership is for players born on or before 31/12/2003 So, please jump online & register today! Go to: https://netball.resultsvault.com/comm/pages//welcome.aspx If anyone has any questions about registering, or any issues with the online portal, please reply to this email, or call me (0409 148 792). Finally on behalf of the Committee we’d like to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a safe & Happy New Year. Can’t wait for 2021 and what is sure to be a very successful year of netball for the East Ringwood Netball Club. Cheers Scott Hine President
09.01.2022 The response from the wider East Ringwood Family was fantastic for our inaugural year and we hope to be able to build on that momentum again in 2021 as we conti...nue to grow as the East Ringwood Netball Club. Registration for 2021 will open shortly so if you have a child interested in playing or you wish to play yourself please contact us via our email [email protected] or if you wish to speak to us direct please contact Scott (President) on 0409 148 792. We can’t wait to see you on the courts! Games are held at Maroondah Nets (HE Parker Reserve, Heathmont) Net Set Go competition (U9’s) will run on Friday afternoon/early evenings. All other age groups (U11’s, U13’s, U15’s, U17’s & opens) will run on Saturdays, starting with the U11’s in the early time slots, & progressing through each age group over the course of the day. (*exact game times will not be available until fixtures have been confirmed) #mightyroos #pouch21
08.01.2022 U17 MENA Rep Team Squad Registrations close this Wednesday (25 Nov)! For players born in 2004 or 2005 register online for the 2021 Team Trials go to https://...menanetball.com.au/2021teamtrials/ Please share with your teams - Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club @southwood netball club St James Netball Club Heathmont Jets Football Netball Club Mullum Netball Club
07.01.2022 FREE Train Like a Vixen Sessions available during the school holidays. The dates for the sessions, which include a special boy’s only clinic, are: 22nd Septemb...er 24th September 29th September Boys only clinic To register click the link below: https://premier.sportsubs.com.au//vixens/products/products #netball #melbournevixens #netballvictoria #holidayclinics #trainlikeavixen
05.01.2022 We are inching ever so closer to playing Netball games for our 18 & under players with our Fun Netball Festival. In preparation for these games starting on Fri...day, 6th November and Saturday, 7th November please read the Return to Play Game Day guidelines under the COVID-19 info section of our web site - https://menanetball.com.au//Return-to-Play-Game-DayFinal29 The fixtures will be published by Monday evening. We are looking forward to seeing you at the courts very soon! Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Mullum Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club #returntonetball #playforthelove #netballcommunity #staysafe #hereifyouneed
03.01.2022 Hi All, kindly note the update from MENA regarding mask requirements tomorrow. Good luck to all our teams for round 2.
03.01.2022 The Fun Netball Festival Fixtures are now live - https://menanetball.com.au/fixtures/ Change your season to "2020 Term 4" Plan your Entry & Exit for your Court.... Before your next visit to the courts please review the map and plan your entry & exit point for your court. Each court has separate designated entry/exit points. They are designed to support physical distancing. #physicaldistancing #planahead #planit Blackburn Lake Netball Club Heathmont United Netball Club Holy Spirit Netball Club - HSNC Trinity Netball Club Our Lady's Netball Club Ringwood Ringwood North Netball Club Nunawading Netball Club Park Orchards Netball Club East Ringwood Netball Club Southwood Netball Club St James Netball Club Mullum Netball Club Heathmont Jets Junior Netball Club #returntonetball #playforthelove #netballcommunity #staysafe #hereifyouneed See more
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