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25.01.2022 Residents in northern India have been left in complete awe by their new view. The snow-capped Himalayas are now visible for the first time in 30 years. The beau...tiful mountains are 200kms away but have not been visible for decades due to high pollution levels. With the country in lockdown locals have been mesmerised by what was hidden all along. : TjSingh/Khawar S Khawaja See more
23.01.2022 | Super Simple Vegan 5 Minute Mexican Salsa | SOUND ON . Hey guys! I have just uploaded my first ever YouTube recipe video, a slightly longer version than shown here. I would love to hear what you think in the comments... https://youtu.be/WzUZfUiTsOI Today, we are making a super easy vegan Mexican Salsa in 5 minutes! You will need a food processor or blender for this recipe Ingredients: 1-2 garlic cloves diced 1 small onion diced 1 chilli (I used a Habanero) Juice of 1 small lime 400grams diced tomatoes 1tbsp cilantro (or sub mixed herbs) 1 tsp cumin 1/4 tsp salt (Optional -pinch of sugar) Pulse until desired consistency is reached and serve with your favourite chips, burritos, tacos, on a salad, or with whatever you like! I would love to see what you make with this recipe! Tag me!
23.01.2022 This is amazing
22.01.2022 New YouTube Video out!!! Mexican Quinoa Stuffed Capsicums I would really appreciate it if you could head on over and like, comment or subscribe for more #yum #vegan #recipes
21.01.2022 When Mozart was 8 this tree was over 40. When first Steam Engine was patented this tree was 50. When the Wright Brothers flew the first motorized plane this tre...e was 180. Now at aged 300 it was felled for a service road for HS2 Words fail me. ~ David Attenborough. See more
21.01.2022 05.04.20 As I closed my eyes and found myself entwined within the strands of my internal dimensions, the tendrils of distraction from my bodies direct environment began to arise.. As I resounded in all the love in my heart and soothing energies from the soul, a bird struck its song outside my window, testing my commitment to self. I gave in, and held onto the resonance of the birds song for a brief second... Momentarily I felt annoyed at the disturbance from my direct envir...onment as I was joining resonance with healers, leaders, lightworkers in a worldwide meditation to raise the vibration of the collective and felt the test of something so small was limiting my reflection of healing energies unto all...this annoyance flourished into acceptance and within that second, I shot abruptly from my chair and up into the air, floating higher and higher, observing below, wondering which way should I go.. I allowed my self to drift, higher and higher into the clouds.. Further and further feeling the atmosphere drop away below me.. Until, before me, her beauty.. Mother Earth lay so beautifully upon the star studded cosmos that tears began to fall down my cheeks and onto the Earth below me..where my feet were still firmly planted... . I became visually aware of the connection to our Mother Earth. A sort of essence seemed to dance around this planet, shimmering, translucent wisps weaving around and around. She spoke of creation.. of destruction.. of the inevitable cycle of that which emits only change..change the only constant.. the constant of transformation.. the release of what was before to reveal something anew . Leading me back down to Earth, we began to witness landscapes before us ever-evolving, shifting form as if I was watching thousands of years timelapse within seconds. The creation. The destruction. The growth and healing, a reflection of the purity of pachamamas light. The shadows and ruins, a reflection of her darkest depths. As all this unfolded before me, the acceptance of the constant of change for the sake of our Mother settled within. The knowing that despite all that is evident now, the constant of change and transformation is always on the horizon See more
20.01.2022 I have few words tonight... A lot of feels but not a lot of words.. They will come. This is a time for processing and reflection for most of us and an agreeable time of high energy. Be sure to look within. Ask yourself how is this really affecting you internally? Allow yourself to feel whatever is reflecting within. But know that you do not have to react to it.. You do not need to be controlled by feelings of scarcity, panic, stress.. These all stem from fear. Stay strong in... the knowing that this is a transformative stage for us all and that immense growth will come to the collective from this.. Not only externally but internally.. Both reflect and respond to each other.. Our own internal reality reflects upon what is manifested and experienced within our perceived external reality. How you choose to feel affects predominantly your reality but also has a ripple effect onto the energy of the collective conciousness. Whether you are aware of it or not, it is our individual responsibility to take control of how we react to what we are feeling. We can choose to dwell in fears that likely were planted by media and peers, or we can take this opportunity to embody the love and healing that this Earth is calling for right now. . What emotions are you allowing to lead you during these times? . I choose to embody & reflect love, compassion, awareness and acceptance . Turns out I had a lot more to say then I initially thought See more
19.01.2022 Solitude is like oxygen to me, it's a must. I love connecting with people, but I love reconnecting with myself even more. Getting back in flow with my own rhythm, my true and authentic self, without anyone else's energy influencing me. It's never personal, it's self care.
18.01.2022 Elevation, money, focus... What's in store for you in 2021?! Let me know below! @prism.and.fleur
17.01.2022 One way to make peace with the past is to shift from asking 'Why did this happen to me' to 'What have I learned from this and how is it helping me evolve towards my highest self' . As hard as it is, learning to grow from the past instead of falling victim to it unlocks many doors. It will lead to an entire deconstruction of who you imagine yourself to be. Patterns, beliefs and habits, friendships and relationships may be shed, but within the space of that which you have los...t will begin to flourish the most authentic parts of who you really are. Give energy to your authentic self and understand then 'starve' anything that does not resonate with who you really are Your higher self is waiting for you See more
17.01.2022 Nestled in the heart of Australia's tropical rainforest, lies one of the most incredibly interesting places I have ever explored... Just around the corner from home lies one of my favourite places in the North. A spot not so often travelled, a place not many more than a handful of locals may know about... ... A part of the world that is so close to my heart Join us, as we traverse through the heart of the mountains in search of secret waterfalls and other wild wonders of the tropical rainforests of Far North Queensland, Australia This video was filmed 3 years ago back in 2018 Its been sitting idle for a while and I have an updated version on the way so please subscribe for more!! https://youtu.be/JY5uvCiiGNc
17.01.2022 I am curious to know what your thoughts are on repressed emotions affecting physical ability? Have you ever felt more tense, stiff and sore after an emotionally exhausting day, week or month? Do you find that you feel emotions in certain parts of your body for example happiness bursting from your chest or ill in the belly when feeling shame, discomfort or guilt? . I have so much to say on this in some upcoming posts but for now I am curious what you think!... I would love to hear what your thoughts are! Do you think trapped emotions can cause tightness, tension, perhaps even illness and injuries? Or do you think we just feel because we just do and thats all there is to it? Let me know below See more
16.01.2022 Who were you before society told you who you should be?
15.01.2022 A realisation that I had a couple of years ago now was that in order to get the life I was dreaming of, I had to allow myself the room to grow, without the external validation and justification of those disassociated with my path It suddenly became so detrimental to me, who I allowed myself to associate with and who I was seeking acceptance and support from For so long I unconciously sought justification and validation from those who werent in a position that I longed to be i...n. From peers who didnt authentically align with my truth I noticed that in directing conversation of my dreams and passions towards those who werent willing to see me for who I truly am, was draining me of the very energy that was the driving force needed to create the actionable steps towards my passion. By seeking acceptance in those who werent willing to understand let alone accept my visions, I was giving away my energy, the fire within dwindling each time I was faced with the resistance of other's judgments towards something I felt so passionately for So I stopped. I stopped listening I stopped trying to justify my dreams and my truth to others I cut the deepest of ties.. some of which were so toxically engrained that I was blinded by how the tendrils had been holding me back I rekindled my own fire and played my own symphony, directing and conducting from the essence of my heart not from the repressive states of those unwilling to see me. I became my own hero, my own best friend, my own lover, first and foremost because if I didnt get a hold of my true self, it would be lost in the tumultuous winds of the oppresive and broken I know now my true worth and validation reside only in my heart and not in the shadows of others unresolved fears
15.01.2022 What are you saying no to today to create a better tomorrow?
10.01.2022 This course is life changing Not for the faint hearted
09.01.2022 There is something about Outback Australia that stirs something inside of me.. I am so fascinated by the unique landscapes, rock formations and beautiful swimming spots such as this which are only around for a couple of weeks of the year due to the recent rain.. Could spend ages out here.. Though I love the rain & greenery too much to become an Outback girl... Keen to come back to this place when there is less water though
09.01.2022 Stop waiting for that one moment in time that will change your life. Cherish every moment instead.. A cactus that blooms only once a year does not consider every moment not in bloom wasted. It understands that those moments are just as important. It knows that in every moment, every day of its life, it is beautiful too. Every single moment counts. The silent moments. The lonely moments. The moments of internal battle. The moments of destruction. The moments of creation. The m...oments where everything just clicks. The moments of awakening. The numb moments. The pain. The hurt. The love. The fear. Every moment is just as important as the next, as they pave each step beneath you on the path to your most authentic self. Each moment brings the potential of opportunity, expression, evolution and transformation. In every new dawn and within the midst of the moment lies a chance for you to shed the layers of who you are not. You will find the more you choose the path of unbecoming who you are not, the more effortlessly those moments you so deeply longed for manifest with ease.. And you will find the power lies within your ability to harness the potential of every moment that you are gifted, for you are the driving force of your life and in any moment you can steer in which ever direction you choose. See more
08.01.2022 Smoothie bowls are always my go to #breakfast when I have a little bit of extra time in the mornings. This mix is not the prettiest looking smoothie but it tastes so good and is super nutrient dense I used . Half avocado Half banana... Handful of kale Handful of raspberries 2 small cubes white dragonfruit Few pieces of watermelon Few pieces of pineapple 1 passionfruit 1 tbsp moringa 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tbsp hemp seeds 1 tbsp flaxseed powder 2 tsp @natureswayoz Greens Powder Water Ice cubes . Whats your go to smoothie flavour recently?? Let me know below See more
06.01.2022 And thats a wrap! First 4 week block of Aerial Silks done and dusted! Bring on the next round! My body absolutely loves the challenge of silks and in only 4 weeks I am really seeing a difference It is challenging to both the body and the mind but having such great guidance from the talented Jenna at Innisfail Aerial Silks has made learning these new tricks a breeze!
05.01.2022 Buzzing with excitement after my first ever #aerialsilks class!! Thought it would be a good idea to get a quick video of my first attempts to remind me of my progress along the way Ive got a long way to go but I'm proud I could even do this! If you're in the area and interested in classes contact Innisfail Aerial Silks
05.01.2022 Always lead from your truth
04.01.2022 Continually ask yourself, what is worth my energy? Assess any aspect of life which does not resonate with your dream and journey and release all of which does not serve you. To cling to patterns, habits and relationships of your past self is to invite in all other associated energies and emotions from those experiences and the fears feeding them. Allow yourself the time today to assess your energetic field and feel what does not align... Is it something external? Work? People...? Or something internal? Health? Hurt? etc. Why is this within your life? What are some actions you can take to remove this unnecessary baggage? Release it today to live lightly tomorrow. And understand that you most certainly do not have to put up with any unwanted experience. Work towards better days and a brighter future and let go of that which only feeds from your energy See more
03.01.2022 A daily habit I have been struggling with for awhile is ensuring I start my day with a healthy, nourishing breakfast to keep me energised. Too often I would start my days with a hot drink - usually a cup of coffee to start the day - then would end up not eating until after lunch or even all the way up until dinner!! This always left me feeling exhausted and so low in energy by the afternoon - leading me to a whole string of unproductive, procrastinative habits - or more often... than not, lots of naps!! I always heard of the importance of starting your day with a nutritious breakfast... but still I continually chose to fall into habits that didn't positively serve my body. In choosing the path of most resistance, the path that wasnt serving my body in a healthy, nourishing way, I was left feeling fatigued, low to no energy, falling asleep at my desk every day, constantly napping, never truly revitalised and energised... Since deciding to nourish my body in the mornings, when it intuitively feels right I have been a host to immense energy, productivity, creativity and initiative. When we make the choice to truly care for our body, our sacred temple that we call home each step of the way through our tumultuous lives, it not only begins to operate efficiently, but beyond your energetic expectations.. Nourish your body for it nourishes your mind which nourishes your heart, soul, future and path ahead . . . . #intuitiveeating #breakfast #bioindividuality #plantbased #nourishyourbody #ebriony #nolongervegan #nutrition #healthylifestyle #coach #coaching
03.01.2022 Lets discuss the fear of judgement Of being within a shadow state of constant fear of being reprimended and discriminated for who you are. For starters I had to realise that this was something I was doing to myself. I couldnt blame these people for being so insecure about themselves that all they could see was through their own clouded judgment. That was all just a result of their own unconcious conditioning and insecurities within themselves that they are yet to face. I coul...d only blame myself for allowing myself to be affected by the meaningless opinions of others. For realistically, I was wasting so much time wondering whether or not I should post what I do, or be who I am, or say what i feel, throwing away precious time and energy and moments that I could have been authentically embodying my pure self. All because of the self destructive shadow of fear of judgement that I was clouding my own self with. Somehow I had allowed my story to become repressed within the confinements of the limiting definitions and opinions of others. I came to a realisation that in order to define my self, I had to find myself and that by embodying my truest self would attract those that resonated, those who were willing to understand and accept my truth.. Then came the challenge of overcoming my inner critic.. To overcome the neurological pathways of self doubt and fear and rewire them to respond in a way that aligned with who I truly am to the core.. There are so many layers to any fear or experience for that matter as we are ever evolving beings shifting into new levels of perception as we go and grow our way through life.. There will always be something or someone to challenge your commitment to your truth so light your own fire and fuel your own flames and dont give anyone the chance to dim your light You were born to shine See more
02.01.2022 | CROW POSE DRILLS | One of the most requested asanas for tips and drills that I receive in my DMs is for #bakasana #crowpose So I have FINALLY put together a tutorial of some of my favourite stretches and drills that I have incorporated into my practice over the years to strengthen this arm balance You can even just follow along for a core workout as I have included lots of core drills! When I seriously began focusing on strengthening my core, it changed the game complet...ely for me. Working on core strength has proven to be a huge foundation for my yoga practice and has accelerated my progress more than I imagined possible. Remember to NEVER work within a point of pain, if something does not feel good for you, try an easier variation or a complety different pose. And don't forget that with each moment of practice, you are conditioning your mind and body closer and closer to your goals. #practicemakesprogress See more
01.01.2022 Its okay to be silent. It is okay to feel heartbreak. Its okay to feel sad. Its okay to feel angry. What we are experiencing as a collective is the shedding of the old paradigm. Shedding of a collective of centuries of surpression, of segregation of heartless acts and uncompassionate tacts I personally feel the most essential thing right now is awareness....Awareness of where you stand in your perception...awareness of your acceptance or resistance to unity....awareness of an...y aspect or perspective that may be or may have previously caused division.. awareness of the repressive thoughts and notions of our daily lives that are insinuating division among the people.. Awareness of the tendrils of judgment and segregation that have been entangled within ancestral beliefs and societal standards for time too long... this has arisen time and time again to be released. The indoctrinative layers of suppression, have arisen to be shed in the light of the golden age of love, this old paradigm, arising within us, arising without us, arising as a collective and arising despite the inhumane weight of the system of the old. All of us are being faced with uncomfortable layers of an old system that has not resonated and served us since its emergence. As an individual within the collective we must become aware of our actions and impact down to the core of our being. Its okay to be silent and observe all that is unfolding externally without reaction or spoken opinion. I am sure we can all agree that when we pause to look within, there lies a chaotic unfolding of self just as is within our external reality. Healing comes in many forms and acceptance and awareness of not only your healing and how you heal in times like these, but that of our brothers and sisters who have walked the long road of supression, is the medicine that we need to embrace.
01.01.2022 I keep trying to write a caption but I just cant seem to find words great enough to describe this magical part of Earth. Behind the veil of mist lies the creator of the mist.. Australias largest single drop waterfall #wallamanfalls . The most powerful and majestic waterfall I have ever had the chance to experience. The energy of this place is both mysterious and powerfully endearing. There is no way I can even describe the magic held here, I encourage you to experience this magnificent place for yourself
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