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Echo Floria

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25.01.2022 Plants are amazing. This hydrangea petiolaris was a victim of poor plant selection, scorched by the summer sun during its establishment. . We pulled a bare stem out of the ground, unsure if the visible buds were viable or had dried out. It was potted up anyway, and forgotten about in our greenhouse for a couple of months. . Spring comes, this climbing hydrangea lives! It’s a good reminder, plants have been around much longer than we have, and will endure long after we are Their systems of persistence are sophisticated, and durable beyond belief. Don’t be so quick to turf a struggling plant next time. . . #echofloria #landscapedesign #hydrangea #spring #horticulture #garden #plantdesign #lancefield #macedonranges #gardenadvice #happydays #plants

24.01.2022 It was food waste that really started us on the Echo Floria path. Australians throw out up to 20% of the food we buy, 8.2 million tonnes annually. This material, largely decomposing in landfill, is a huge contributor to the climate issues we face. . We use worms, chooks, composts and mulching to ensure that the only scraps that leave the property in the green bin are bones and egg shells (and sometimes those pesky avocado scraps). When we are better set up, we will roast and ...blitz these materials into a calcium rich soil amendment. One day. . We’ll do a live session soon to talk about how we manage our resources. If you’re not yet a composter, try separating your food scraps into a separate box over the course of a week and see how much you accumulate. It might be enough to flick the switch, and then you won’t look back. . Also, Trump lost. God bless America. . . #echofloria #compost #chooksofinstagram #wormfarm #biology #foodwaste #environment #gardening #agriculture #smallfarm #lancefield #macedonranges

24.01.2022 The whole ‘build a farm’ thing has been a much slower process than we perhaps initially expected. This is probably because the phrase ‘build a farm’ necessitates the ability to actually ‘build’ stuff. . In five years it will all be a blurry memory, and we will have the infrastructure to provide for ourselves and others in the way that we’d always dreamed. We’ll also have a raft of skills that we wouldn’t otherwise develop if we just threw money at it. . Slow and steady. Ill...ustrated here by power saw cuts to chip out a fence post. Building a farm one new skill at a time. . . #echofloria #diy #backyardfarming #building #macedonranges #centralvictoria #agriculture

23.01.2022 Afternoon stuff. When you should probably be planting tomatoes, but there’s always tomorrow for that. . . #echofloria #chickens #afternoon #knockoff #backyardfarming #agriculture #macedonranges #lancefield #countrylife

23.01.2022 What a winter. Frost killed trees, global pandemic, exploded wisdom tooth. . Still, you can feel it in the air. The spring sun rises on our newly levelled shipping container. A metaphor perhaps, for the promise of a new year, on hopefully more stable ground. . Also, a word of advice for any current or aspiring city leavers... put the concrete footings in before you get the container. It’s heaps easier.... . Next we build a carport and potting shed on either side, the beating heart of our little half acre. Also we bought shelves and organised our whole life and Kate is chuffed. . . #echofloria #winter #spring #lancefield #DIY #buildityourself #smallfarm #change #macedonranges

22.01.2022 Flicking through photos, finding reminders of simple pleasures for these weird and worrying times. Like our dear friend @kayne_tremills experiencing first hand the difference between a zucchini and a marrow (marrows are huge). . We are personally trying our best to shake off the weight of uncertainty up here in Lancefield. It’s important to keep others front of mind, spirits up, and to be as informed as possible so that we can have valuable, credible, calm conversations bas...ed on the evidence available with regard to what’s happening. . On that front, we recommend starting with @abcaustralia’s Coronacast, a daily podcast answering questions and discussing developments regarding COVID-19. Also, two great episodes of Making Sense with @samharrisorg came out this week. Must-listen programs about the history of the virus and the nature of pandemic. . Would love to know where you’re all getting information from as well. Please leave suggestions below as there is a lot of misinformation out there and it’s up to us to ensure the cream rises to the top. . Be safe, take care, don’t shake hands. We’re off to battle cabbage moth and bake zucchini chocolate cake. . @saskia_hampele . #echofloria #coronavirus #covid_19 #preparation #zucchini #chocolatecake #makingsense #samharris

22.01.2022 Taking guesses on what this plant is? . Gardening is the ultimate iterative pursuit. Due to the wonders of physics and biology, the lessons we learn each year can’t be implemented until a new season dawns. Pity for us that Kieran isn’t much of a note taker. . This is our second full season of growing plants in Lancefield, ornamental and foodular (not a real word). By next year we should be be well prepared to start really providing for our household. This plant won’t be... on any future crop lists; too much space needed, vulnerable when young, and easy to stuff up the final yield. Great photo but. . Aaaaaaaand go! . . #echofloria #wintercrops #lancefield #backyardfarm #growyourown #macedonranges #horticulture #vegetablegarden

20.01.2022 Yesterday we welcomed four gorgeous 8 week old chicks into our home. . It feels as though it’s been a long journey to get to this point. Full of excitement we started the chook house project in February of this year, optimistic about being able to complete it before the winter set in. Life however, as it always does, had other plans for us. . After the roller coaster of emotions the last five months have captured, we finally find ourselves looking out our kitchen window w...ondering if the girls are happy in their new home. Today Kate stood in the coop staring at them for what felt like ten minutes and turned out to be nearly an hour. They have brought immense calm into our lives, as well as love and delight. . So, let us officially welcome Regina Parmigiana, Gregoria Pecorino, Delores Featherby and the Unbreadable Kimmy Schnit to EF headquarters- we love you. . Check out our stories, and highlight (chooks) to see some detailed process pictures. We welcome absolutely any questions and advice! . . Ps Huge props go to our brother-in-law Liam Wood, our beautiful neighbours and Lauchie for all the help and support along the way. . . #chickens #echofloria #chickencoop #neighbourhoodfarm #lancefield #macedonranges #ballaratchooks See more

19.01.2022 We haven’t felt much like posting while this pandemic business has been ramping up. It’s been scary, and our little corner of Lancefield has been preparing to adjust to potential job losses, empty pantries, and days spent only in our own space. . The future is uncertain, the world order is literally crumbling around us, but it is in these moments that we can discover our true colours. This deep winter of isolation will provide an opportunity for all of us to reflect on the we want once we emerge from the cave. . You can learn to provide for yourself, to take responsibility for your consumption habits, to give away the little that you have to escape a mindset of scarcity. You can be alone with your thoughts, and sit in silence, to value time as much as money. You can smile at a stranger when everyone seems too scared to look someone in the eye. You can start again if you have to, if you want to. We all can. There’s still time to change the road we’re on. . Also, Kieran has been working on an acoustic cover of Stairway to Heaven, guitar solo included. Isolation is about to get weird. . . #echofloria #lancefield #covid_19 #stairwaytoheaven #ledzeppelin #isolation #thecave #deepwinter #macedonranges #centralvictoria

16.01.2022 One of the best things about working at @babbingtonpark (management calibre aside) is the 400 year old eucalypt that proudly stands at least 60m tall in the yard. It’s a striking reminder of how life finds a way to persist through all kinds of circumstances. . In talking to our friends and family of late, the sheer weight of the COVID situation in Victoria is starting to wear us down, almost universally. We live in a lucky age where mental health issues are treated with the ...gravity and compassion they deserve, and there are plenty of places to get support if you’re struggling. . Start by looking at the DHHS website, read the options, follow the links and take the first step. You are not alone, and you deserve the help. We all do, and we will persist. . . #echofloria #covid19 #mentalhealth #pandemiclife #isolation

15.01.2022 Chickens are savage, I’m talon ya! The boss, Pecorino, has been giving ‘The Unbreadable’ Kimmy Schnit a thrashing. . People, please shed some light on the pecking order process. Keen to hear your thoughts. How much is too much? How best to manage the transition and minimise harm? Share your stories. . .... #echofloria #chickens #peckingorder #chooksofinstagram #macedonranges #centralvictoria

14.01.2022 Firsts. As time marches on in the pandemic era, it’s easy to forget to create a bit of ceremony when a new chapter begins. The first tree planted, first garden bed, first meal cooked with homemade passata. Now, the the first egg. . We came to Lancefield to reorganise our lives, to learn how to provide for ourselves, and then to create opportunities to pass that knowledge on to others. Producing our own protein, in a household which largely eats vegetables, is a significant s...tep forward. . We’ve been told this week that happy chooks lay eggs, and if that’s true we are glad to know that the gals feel at home here. We are happy to have them, and are quickly growing to love their peculiar chookiness. . . #echofloria #chickens #growyourown #backyardfarming #macedonranges #agriculture #nextstep #first #chooks #eggs

14.01.2022 Hi everyone, Kate here. I just wanted to let the world know that today is Kieran’s birthday. Today this gorgeous guy turns one year older (well tonight at 5.45pm to be precise). . Simply put, Kieran is a really lovely, genuine, loyal and loving human. He’s the type of person you can rely on to always tell you the truth, to raise you up beyond what you think you’re capable of, and to remind you of what you’re made of when you’re feeling down in the dumps. .... If you have the pleasure of befriending, loving or even meeting Kieran be happy knowing you’re in the presence of one of our best. . Happy days love, I turned on the sunshine for you. . (I took this cute as photo of Kieran this morning before he set off to work in Trentham) See more

11.01.2022 Allium sativim, the humble garlic plant. Originated in Asia, and made its way west during Roman times. We are growing Italian garlic this year, after coming across a good local deal on some seed. . Spring brings with it the joy of green garlic, used in salads and on pizza like a spring onion - only garlic. . Organic garlic, grown in rich soil, is a world beyond what you find in stores. More pungent than you could believe, and a genuinely medicinal plant. Currently filling o...ur diets and boosting immunity in these times of uncertainty. . We’ll pick a few now when they’re soft, and wait until high summer to harvest. Half for the cupboard, half kept as seed for next year. Seeds, man. . Super easy to grow, and a good place to start if you’re looking to produce a solid quantity. . . #echofloria #garlic #lancefield #backyardfarming #growyourown #smallfarm #diy #macedonranges #agriculture

10.01.2022 Wattle blooming, days getting longer, fewer heavy frosts... Feel it? Change is in the air. It’s been a hard year, but the promise of spring is starting to thaw our bones. . . #echofloria #spring #seasons #sunrise #dawn #macedonranges #lancefield #centralvictoria

08.01.2022 We’ve set a goal to expand our food gardens every year, even if by only a little. Enter the emerging hero of small scale farming, the tarp! . Don’t weed like a big idiot! This beautiful bare, worm filled new soil took a month, some hay, and a thin as heck blue tarp from the green temple (@bunnings) to create. All plants need light to create carbon and expand their cellular structures, when you take that away from them they simply die off. The moisture created by the tarp he...lps the plant matter rot, and before you know it you’ve got a new space for growing food. . This patch, about 40 square metres, is for growing pumpkins for our nieces and nephews to run around in, when the world reopens. . . #echofloria #smallfarms #biology #naturalfarming #regenerativeagriculture #pumpkinspice #growyourown #backyardfarming #lancefield #macedonranges

08.01.2022 Taking a quick break from life to recharge before the second half of the year. Finishing garden jobs, researching new ones, making space, making plans, making music. . . #echofloria #lancefield #winterbreak #staycation #rdo #macedonranges #centralvictoria #downtime #winter

06.01.2022 Turns out that establishing half an acre of mixed food and ornamental gardens really is a two steps forward, one step back kinda thing. . As the weather heats up, we are taking stock of what has successfully overwintered, and what needs replacing. . These dahlia tubers were very crudely stored, but low and behold, a little soil and some water is all they needed to spring back to life.... . Shout out to everyone who is out there in the garden, persisting in the face of Month Nature’s other plans. . . #echofloria #gardening #dahlias #springtime #horticulture #lancefield #macedonranges #plants #perennials #flowers

06.01.2022 The last few months have been strange and challenging. We’ve lost work, been busy with other work, studying, worrying about the future, and adapting to what feels like a new world. On top of it all, we unfortunately had to say goodnight to our precious boy Lauchie. . Lauch was constant for the two of us while we gradually went about changing our lives and moving to Lancefield. He met us at the gate every afternoon when work was through, relished the chance to go for long wal...ks around town, and only killed our neighbour’s chicken once - a credit to his self-restraint. . We were lucky enough to bring him with us for the final act of his life. It truly felt like his destiny was to live out his days here with us at his side. We went everywhere together (even when Lauchie should’ve definitely been left at home), and our home just isn’t the same without his presence. The walls are cleaner though. . With the semester wrapping up, we are back on the tools, and most probably back on social media a lot more. There are exciting new projects on the horizon, though unfortunately without our beloved golden retriever. . Vale, dear friend. . . #echofloria #lancefield #macedonranges #centralvictoria #dogsofinstagram #vale #goodboy

06.01.2022 Forgot, once again, that the Lancefield frosts decimate the plastic in analog irrigation timers. Trying to minimise our impact means taking care of the plastic that we ‘need’ to use. It also means, apparently, taking better notes. . Next year they’ll be in the cupboard, or we’ll get around to kicking together a shelter box for them. . .... #echofloria #lancefield #lessplastic #backyardfarming #macedonranges #takenotes #winterstuff

06.01.2022 Clean beds. Full of promise. Our prep for spring has been pretty simple this year. Some beds have been fully cleared, others we’ve left root matter in the ground. We are working on disturbing our soils less, following cues from emerging research regarding low tillage growing. . Compost over the top, home made for the most part. It acts as a mulch and continues to develop fertility over time. It doesn’t need to be dug in as conventional wisdom suggests. Sometimes we use a bro...adfork to gently loosen topsoil without turning it, but this year we are pressed for time. . Our general rule is coverage and suppression. Keeping weedy plants smothered stops their growth, and keeping the seed bank covered cuts weed pressure off at its source. . Spring, baby. . . #echofloria #springtime #notillgardening #regenerativeagriculture #backyardfarming #growyourownfood #soilhealth #biology #gardening #horticulture #macedonranges

04.01.2022 Garlic harvest is on! This is really our first big (relatively speaking) storage crop, so we are happy it’s happened without a hitch thus far. . What a joy it is to grow. Spring garlic in our salads and eggs, scapes to our friends at @du_fermier, and now bulbs for the cupboard. . Might have to scale up next year.... . . #garlic #echofloria #smallfarms #agriculture #organicfarming #selfsufficient #DIY #harvest #lancefield #macedonranges

04.01.2022 Two years married today. Seven together next month. Inseparable from the outset. . More than yesterday, less than tomorrow. . .... #echofloria #marriage #anniversary #DIY #lancefield #macedonranges

04.01.2022 Good morning, world. . Today you’re waking up from the longest night of the year. Winter solstice has long been a sacred time throughout history, particularly to cultures and communities deeply intertwined with agriculture. . The winter will yet be long and cold, but slowly the balance of light and dark will restore itself as we approach a promise of spring.... . That fact might offer some solace in what has often been a dark and confusing year. Much life, human and nonhuman, has been lost to the consequences of chance and the passage of time. Our boy Lauchie lies below these flowers, under the log he used to chase the rabbits to. A funny symbol for us of the relationship between life, death and change. . We hope that the second half of this year brings you a chance for renewal, balance, and hopefully a little help from the taxman. Good solstice! . . #echofloria #wintersolstice #agriculture #newlife #lancefield #macedonranges #centralvictoria #solstice #winter #longwinter

01.01.2022 Turning our attention to food production this week, given the craziness going on in our food system. Lagging summer plants are coming out, flowers to the compost, brassicas and legumes going in everywhere we can. . Pre-Easter can be a tricky time of year. The weather is cooling and autumn crops need to go in, but the last bursts of summer warmth fill the yard with cabbage moth. The result, left unattended, are damaged young plants that struggle to establish themselves. . grown kale or broccoli plants that got killed off way before their time? You gotta net it, people! Exclusion zones are the best way to protect your crop. We used fleece, which wasn’t anchored properly and got away in the wind. The contingency plan is to check your plants all over, manually remove pest animals and eggs, and reinstate the netting. . . #echofloria #growyourown #backyardfarming #broccoli #pestcontrol #autumn #gardening #macedonranges #centralvictoria

01.01.2022 We were very grateful to be featured on the blog of @unimelbscicomm last week. The science communication program at the University of Melbourne is incredibly well respected. The voice of Echo Floria was deeply influenced by the ideas Kieran explored with @scidocmartin during that semester of study. . Self sufficiency, ethical consumption, and community resilience necessitates a a scientific literacy that we believe should be taught more effectively at every level of school. ...The greatest challenges our species will ever face have arisen from a systematic project of undermining our scientific institutions. . While we aren’t strictly science communicators, we like to pepper our online world with insights into the environmental and biological sciences, the history of botany, and journalism that upholds critical thinking and peer review. . Thank you to Jen and Rosie, it’s a great write up on our background and our plans for the future. It’s in our stories and in the old bio, as they say. . . #echofloria #unimelbscicomm #sciencecommunication #backyardfarming #lancefield #macedonranges #biologicalagriculture #centralvictoria #science #scienceiscool

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