Edithvale Public Golf Course in Edithvale, Victoria, Australia | Sport & recreation
Edithvale Public Golf Course
Locality: Edithvale, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9772 4242
Address: 112 Fraser Avenue 3196 Edithvale, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.austgolfclub.websyte.com.au
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25.01.2022 Members, Public, Guests and Visitors to the Edithvale Public Golf Course are reminded that there is a NO BYO ALCOHOL policy within the course grounds. Alcohol can be purchased from the Pro Shop between the following hours (the start times are in line with our Liquor Licence): Monday - Friday 10.30am - 6pm... Saturday 11am - 6pm Sunday 11am - 6pm In the current environment, we're lucky to still be open while many other people have lost their jobs and businesses have closed down. All it takes is one person doing the wrong thing for these gates to close and we all miss out on one of the few still acceptable activities. Please follow the club/course rules, the additional temporary rules and other restrictions/measures put in place.
25.01.2022 What an afternoon for golf!! This shot is the back of the 4th green, showing a great look back down the fairway.
24.01.2022 We've got plans for the kids covered these school holidays! - FREE Come and Try sessions early in the New Year with PGA Professional Paul Boxall, - Golf Coaching Program with PGA Professional Paul Boxall throughout the holidays and, - Every Monday and Tuesday after 2pm kids play FREE when playing with an adult! ... To register for any of the coaching sessions head to www.mygolf.org.au and search for "3196" to see the Edithvale Public Golf Course programs. For a round of golf on a Monday or Tuesday afternoon, call the Pro Shop to arrange a booking on 9772 4242.
22.01.2022 Tomorrow is the only day of the year that the golf course is closed. We hope everyone has a great day and we will see you all back again on Saturday! Merry Christmas!
22.01.2022 Things are really starting to come together for our FREE Family Open Day on Sunday 29th March (proudly sponsored by the House of Golf / X-Golf Mentone)! It promises to be a great day with plenty of activities, BBQ/Drinks, prizes and various competitions. There will also be a two-piece band providing live music on the day!
22.01.2022 Work also happening on an alternate tee on the 3rd that can then have it used as a Par 3 as well as a Par 4
21.01.2022 We've had the night and the morning to review and get all information that relates to golf courses and there is one big change that we need to follow - players must be in pairs, no groups greater than two (this is a Government restriction that the club must follow). This includes any competition events and social clubs. The club has also determined that during this period a maximum of 9-holes can be played outside of competition golf. This is to ensure that we can flow people... from the first tee as easy as possible, you may remember the last time golf was one of the few things that people could do and we had multiple groups waiting around outside the Pro Shop to start their round or continue their round, this should help alleviate that issue. As such, we are also reducing the cost of golf for both the public and members during this period, the new prices will be up on the board in the Pro Shop and will also be on a sign at the door. If you've got any questions or concerns, please feel free to come and chat or get in touch, I'm happy to help and talk through things if you need/want! Thank you, Mark Vallance Manager
21.01.2022 New addition to the Pro Shop - Titleist Beanies! On sale from today for $25 (RRP $35). Check one out before your next round!
21.01.2022 Hi everyone, Golf Australia has released information relevant to Victorian golf clubs and the good news is that at this stage we are able to keep the gates open for people to play golf! There are two important points that need to be made first though -... - Given the nature of COVID-19 and the rate that things are changing locally (nationally and globally as well), the good news of right now could very quickly change and, - We should be considering it a privilege that we are able to remain open while so many other businesses and sporting providers are having to close, abusing the rules can very quickly close the gates (on golf across the board). Please respect the fact that we're able to remain open and respect the changes mentioned below so that we may keep this course open as long as we're able. As might be expected with the current environment, there are some restrictions and measures in place, further to what we put in place last week after the Club Committee Meeting. The club has put these changes in place based off information provided by the Government and Golf Australia to put the course in the best position possible in these circumstances. Please make sure you understand and are across these changes: - ONE person is able to enter the Pro Shop at a time, others must wait outside until that person has paid for their round and left the Pro Shop, - EFTPOS/Card payment is the preferred method of payment, - Please stay behind the red line that is on the floor in the Pro Shop when being served at the counter, - There is to be no socialising or drinking within the Pro Shop, - Golf Carts are indefinitely unavailable for hire, - Flag-sticks should not be removed from the holes on each green when putting or removing golf ball from hole, - Bunkers are considered G.U.R and rakes have been removed, - Do not touch or handle another players equipment (e.g. golf balls, tees etc.), - Refrain from using ball-washers and drink fountains while out on the course, - The clubhouse will be remaining closed indefinitely, this includes the bar and taking drinks from the fridge in the bar and also the seating area out the back. Everyone should also remember the rules around social distancing and whether out on the golf course or sitting behind the Pro Shop, remember to keep that 1.5m distance between each other and also remember to continually wash your hands, use sanitiser and sneeze/cough into a tissue or your elbow. Let's all work together to keep each other safe, healthy and ensure that we can enjoy this course open for as long as possible! Thank you, Mark Vallance Manager
21.01.2022 The $10 Twilight Social Golf Competition is back tonight! First tee-off is at 4.30pm, so come down for an afternoon of golf, prizes and a BBQ! Contact the Pro Shop with any questions via [email protected] OR 9772 4242.
21.01.2022 Construction has begun on an alternate tee for the 2nd and the 7th is getting widened at the back of the tee box
21.01.2022 The 2nd is looking amazing this morning! We're in for a pretty good week with the weather (bit of rain tomorrow afternoon apparently) but today especially is perfect for golf! Plenty of spots available this afternoon so call 9772 4242 to book your tee time!
21.01.2022 The Old Boys Social Golf Club are off and running this morning. There are patches of rain hot on their heels. There are still some tee times available this afternoon, call the Pro Shop on 97724242 to book your round!
20.01.2022 Please note the course will be closed from 12pm due to the heat. We're open as normal from 7am Saturday morning.
20.01.2022 Plenty of mowing this week, unbelievable how much the grass had grown in less than a week since the last mowing spree! Tees, fairways, rough and greens all done. The greens have also been scarified (that was the "white" green image from a couple of days ago, it's ok though, they are green once more!). We've removed some more trees/branches around the back of the 9th tee and also the 7th tee.... Today the massive pile of dirt behind the 1st green is getting sieved and ready for use to create some of the alternate tees.
20.01.2022 A frosty morning should make way for a mostly sunny day for golf! The Old Boys Social Golf Club are out enjoying the blue skies at the moment but there are still plenty of available times this afternoon! Call the Pro Shop - 9772 4242 - to make your booking!
19.01.2022 The course is looking absolutely spectacular this afternoon!
18.01.2022 The greens aren't so green at the moment!
18.01.2022 It doesn't get much better than this! Plenty of tee times still available for this afternoon, give the Pro Shop a call on (03) 9772 4242 to book your spot!
18.01.2022 Not much to report from Day 3, the picture sums up the entire day! Today there are two holes left to complete in the mowing and then the more interesting reports can continue!
18.01.2022 With this course closed there's plenty of other things taking place. Aside from the usual tasks (e.g. spraying the greens, finances/banking) we've started some of the other changes around the course. For Day 1 of the closure, cutting back/removing the fallen down tree between the 1st tee and 9th green and starting to clean the Pro Shop (inside and outside).
18.01.2022 Great to see 27 ladies from the Kolonga Ladies Golf Club out on the course this morning!
18.01.2022 Read the latest from the Manager, Mark Vallance - https://drive.google.com/open
18.01.2022 Also started a project on improving the garden(s) at the entry to the course. New plants have also been added to the hazards on the 5th and 6th.
17.01.2022 Good Afternoon Everyone, It’s been a tough month or so for everyone, we’re all in uncharted territory in the current circumstances and we’ve done exceptionally well adhering to all the restrictions that have been in place. For us here at the golf course, that has meant that our gates have been closed since Saturday 28th March and plenty of people have unfortunately missed out on some perfect golfing weather during that time.... However, this time has also given the club the opportunity to make improvements around the course (such as irrigation works, tee leveling and garden installation) which means that when the time comes to throw those gates open again, the course is looking fantastic. This weekend has everyone waiting with bated breath to hear what restrictions may be scaled back by the national and state governments, in respect to our little golf course, this means whether we can open again. Our fate lies with the Victorian Government (Golf Australia has already come out previously saying that they recommend golf courses follow the guidelines and restrictions set out by their relevant Government), who have said all along that they won’t be making any restriction announcements until at least the 11th of May, this coming Monday. Whatever the announcement is from the Victorian Government, know that the club and the course will be ready. We’ll be ready to follow all restrictions that may be placed upon us so that we may reopen, as we were doing up until the time golf courses were closed. Should the announcement be that golf courses should remain closed at this time, know then that we’ll be ready to continue working on improvements to the course, ready for that day that the gates get swung wide open. Most importantly, we’ll be ready to welcome you all back to this great course and we look forward to seeing you out there once again. I can only continue to thank you all for your patience and understanding that you’ve shown during this time, I truly appreciate it. Finally, to all the Mother’s out there, I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday and thank you for everything you do! Thanks all, Mark Vallance Manager
17.01.2022 Hi everyone, We're as eager as everyone else for news on if we are able to remain open or if we have to close the gates. Unfortunately, at the moment, all I can say is that we're in constant communication with Kingston Council and Golf Australia and both parties are hoping to send information out to us by midday today. At this stage the only area of the club/course that is 100% affected by the changes in laws is the clubhouse which we have closed as of last Monday. ... I will keep everyone informed when I receive further information. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. Mark Vallance Manager
17.01.2022 We're in for a very good week of weather, so the best way to spend it is out on a golf course! The best part about it all is the loosening of restrictions over the last couple of weeks, meaning that you can play in groups of four again and we can sell food and drinks from the Pro Shop - so get a group together and spend an afternoon at the course! Call (03) 9772 4242 to make your booking for any day this week, there are still plenty of tee times available each day!
17.01.2022 I hope everyone is keeping well! It's time for something a little different - a competition of sorts! It's an extremely simple competition and one where I'm very curious to read the answers when I get them back.... The question: If you could add a bunker anywhere on the course, absolutely anywhere, where would you put it and why? The best response by 12pm Friday (1st May) will receive 2 x free round of golf cards! Responses can be posted here or emailed to me at [email protected]. Mark Vallance Manager
15.01.2022 While we won't have the official Twilight Golf competition or food and drink on offer tonight - we will still be offering $10 golf from 4pm - 5:30pm! Come down during those times and you can pay just $10 for as much golf as you can play before it gets dark!
15.01.2022 Picture perfect morning! The Old Boys Social Golf Club are out enjoying their first round of golf in a couple of months!
14.01.2022 Irrigation works underway around the practice green
14.01.2022 A bit tough for our members this morning!
13.01.2022 So we come to the end of the first working week of the course being closed. It's been a busy week and I'll recap what we've done so far, but first here's what we've achieved on Day 5 of the closure. The tree/bush/climber that was on the front fence has just about been completely taken away (just a few bits that have really wound themselves around the fence wire remain). We've also started cleaning the walls inside the Pro Shop and a hook will be put on the back of the door on... Monday so we can get rid of the small bin holding the door open. So to recap this week (where I've jumped out of the Pro Shop/Office and given Craig an extra set of hands to get some additional works done during this closure period while there are no golfers on the course) - - Bunkers poisoned for weed and grass growth - The tree between 1st tee and 9th green cut down in preparation for irrigation works next week. Grass around that tree poisoned in preparation for a new garden in that space. - Trees removed along the fence of 6th tee and space for alternate tee cut back and the leveling process has begun. - Fairways, rough and greens all mowed. - Greens sprayed twice this week in preparation for scarifying next week. - Pro Shop external walls cleaned of glue/tape marks and new Pro Shop sign added to sidewall. - Pro Shop internal walls cleaning process begun and hook to be added to the door on Monday. - Tree/bush/climber 90% removed from front fence - 1st back tee garden bed cleared Next week we hope to have three major projects completed - 1) The irrigation works that Trevor and Craig have been working tirelessly on for a while now, 2) The greens all being scarified and, 3) The removal and mulching of all the tree debris that we've created this week. Administratively, let me just say that I am on top of the advice, recommendations and guidelines that are coming from the Federal Government, State Government and Golf Australia in regards to our course and it's future. I am applying, registering and showing interest in all things that will ensure the course survival (and as John's letter to members said, the club/course is in a very good position at this time) through this tough period and have had great support from Craig (President), John (Secretary) and Arthur (Treasurer) over the past week with tasks that I've needed to source information and they have readily provided it. I thank them for their ongoing support and assistance! Once again, thank you to everyone for your support, understanding and patience during this time and please, stay safe! Mark Vallance Manager
13.01.2022 We've now got the NEW Titleist TruFeel golf ball in stock. This is the softest Titleist golf ball with low spin for long distance and excellent control into and around the green! Available as a single ball ($2.50), a two-pack ($4.50) or a box of a dozen ($28).
13.01.2022 New irrigation/sprinkler system on the competition first tee and public first tee and these are just one of five holes where the tees will have new systems installed!
13.01.2022 Your Pro Shop has had a little bit of a makeover today! More to come in coming days and weeks!
12.01.2022 Twilight Golf is back for another Thursday night, tomorrow, with the first tee time from 4:30pm! Rules for the competition, if you wish to take part in it, are pictured and each week will add up to one final Championship round!
12.01.2022 Day 4 of the closure had the mowing finished for the course (fairways, rough and greens) and then the area around the 6th tee got a huge clean up! To close out the day, the overgrown garden bed on the 1st back tee has started to be cleaned up along with the garden beds along the front tee of the 1st.
12.01.2022 Angela drew the winners for the recent AGC Raffle this morning with the following people being drawn out as winners - MINOR PRIZE of "Single Player 1hr Booth Hire Voucher" for X-Golf Mentone: Narelle Selwood... Roland Lindell Noel McLaren Rod Kelly MAJOR PRIZE of "$120 X-Golf Hire Voucher" for X-Golf Mentone: Rod Kelly Congratulations to all winners and especially Rod Kelly who got both prizes!! A big thank you to our sponsors House of Golf and X-Golf Mentone for their great and continued support!
12.01.2022 A great afternoon was had yesterday after the Members Competition. The club put on a lunch for the members and it was great to see people enjoying themselves and chatting away for a couple of hours. A big thank you to Chef John for his efforts!
10.01.2022 Hi everyone, I have good news! As per the announcement from Daniel Andrews this morning, we are able to reopen the course from 11.59pm Tuesday 12th May, which means come 7am Wednesday 13th May those gates will be open! There are, however, restrictions still in place as we play golf and they are much the same as they were prior to our closure. As a reminder, they were -... - Bunkers are GUR, - Motorised Carts are unavailable, - Flags are to remain untouched (there is foam in the cup to stop your ball from going down into the hole), - No sharing of scorecards between players, - The Pro Shop is closed to everyone but the staff (if you want any products from the Pro Shop please ask the staff), - Please stay behind the red line on the step when being served at the Pro Shop, - EFTPOS/Tap & Go is the preferred payment method, - Clubrooms and bar remain closed, - Players are expected to play golf and exit the facility, there is to be no socialising after rounds of golf, - Four people per group, - Players should wait at their cars until just before their tee off time (times will be staggered to ensure distancing) and, - BOOKINGS ARE PREFERRED (please call the Pro Shop to book tee times rather than simply turning up to the course to play) In other areas of our reopening, our weekly competitions are able to resume however please keep in mind all of the above and it would be preferred if players could be sent to the first tee to hit off as soon as a group of four have arrived so there is no "gathering" and waiting for tee times etc. Social Groups (Kolonga, Old Boys and SMOG), could you please let me know ASAP if you plan on utilising your regular booking time this Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday morning? As we are one of the few escapes now available for people to leave their homes, I'm expecting a busy week ahead and will keep your regular time slots blacked out for you if you require it. Thank you again for your understanding and patience during our closure (and with our prior and upcoming restrictions) and please remember to be courteous to the staff as they enforce these restrictions. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email over the next couple of days, I will get back to you ASAP and offer as much assistance as I can, or I will see you when our regular scheduled programming resumes from Wednesday! Thanks all, Mark Vallance Manager
10.01.2022 Please read the attached document for an update on COVID-19 and the Australasian Golf Club / Edithvale Public Golf Course. https://drive.google.com//1OYMURv0M_Yq2MrDRu1M4-d3Fb/view
10.01.2022 A fantastic night last night with approximately 45 people attending the Australasian Golf Club and Keysborough Angling Club Inc. Christmas function (all while keeping in line with restrictions). There was good food, drink, plenty of laughter and a Kris Kringle gift swap - thank you to Ken Hanna for his MC duties. A big thank you to the Keysborough Angling Club for cooking some spectacular food for the evening!
09.01.2022 This fog is clearing fairly quickly and it should make way for a great day for golf!
08.01.2022 The Old Boys Social Golf Club enjoyed playing in fours again this morning! The restriction change came into effect yesterday so bookings can now be made for groups of 4 instead of just groups of 2! Call the Pro Shop (03) 9772 4242 to book your time!
08.01.2022 To end this week we hired a skip bin to start completely tidying up the clubrooms and out the back of the clubrooms. With all the old and broken tables and chairs to throw out we filled it without much trouble - the difference though, is amazing! The next step is to get rid of all the dirt, grime, cobwebs, dust etc that's around the walls, doors, windows and the outdoor structure. The step after that will be to arrange a working bee to improve/tidy up the garden areas that ...are out the back. A big thank you to Trevor Jones for his work and help on this over the last couple of days!
07.01.2022 We've got some babies on the course!
07.01.2022 The alternate 2nd tee is starting to take shape!
07.01.2022 Fantastic work from Craig, Trevor and Wayne yesterday and today! New 8th tee retaining wall and irrigation installed and working! This irrigation work joins the practice green and the 6th-9th fairways as irrigation works they've installed over the past few weeks.
07.01.2022 A big day yesterday! The trench has been made around the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th for the new irrigation with pipe in around the 9th. The rest of the pipe is going in today. In the Pro Shop, the hook has been added to the back of the door meaning no more tiny bin holding the door open. A couple more sections of wall have been cleared of tape marks and the cupboard the food warmer sits on is getting a makeover!
06.01.2022 Hi everyone, At this stage we are still open for people to play golf and competition is still on this morning as well. As per the past week, the clubhouse is locked and is not to be opened. We're awaiting further updates from Golf Australia about golfing activities in Victoria and once they come to hand we will update you all.... Please respect the new course and Pro Shop rules during this time and read the signs carefully at the course entrance and Pro Shop to make sure you understand what those rules are. Thank you for your patience! Mark Vallance Manager
06.01.2022 It might be 2.5 degrees now but it is supposed turn into a really nice day for golf! Plenty of spots still available this afternoon when it should be warm enough to get out of bed, call the Pro Shop (9772 4242) to book your tee time!
05.01.2022 Small amount of fog rolling across the course this morning.
05.01.2022 Don't forget about Twilight Golf from 4:30pm tonight! $10 per person for a 9-hole social competition (if you wish to hand in your scorecard for a chance to win prizes) and a BBQ.
05.01.2022 Day 2 of the closure didn't really have any "photo-worthy" tasks to add to this summary for you all. There was mowing and edging, poisoning the area around the newly cut down tree for a new garden (once the new irrigation has been installed next week), poisoning of weeds in bunkers and a new sign put up on the side of the Pro Shop. On the menu for Day 3 - more mowing! Oh, also concrete removal, dirt shifting and more cleaning.
04.01.2022 The bunkers around the 8th green have had a touch up! No more losing the ball up and under thick grass around the bunkers edge.
04.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to everyone!
04.01.2022 A big thank you to SeeSigns for the new signage in the Pro Shop and the new "Conditions of Entry" sign for the entrance as well. The first of a few new signs that'll be seen around the course, so keep an eye out for them!
03.01.2022 The Working Bee was held on Saturday and what a fantastic job everyone did! Thank you to everyone who helped out and I'd like to thank the following people for their efforts on the day - Neil & Heather McFarlane... Rod & Ann Kelly (both the Kelly's and McFarlane's got the day off to a flyer and did a power of work before anyone else had arrived!) Brett Sneddon Wayne Edwards Trevor Jones Bill Patterson Colin Monger Bob White Bernard Hendry John Martin Roland Lindell Clinton Connolly The space now looks so much better than it previously did and thank you all for getting around the idea to run a Working Bee and putting in the time and effort that you did! Cheers, Mark Vallance Manager
03.01.2022 Afternoon Everyone, Some great news from the Premier with golf being able to happen from 11.59pm tonight - we eagerly await the Golf Australia information to say what the specific restrictions are on golf for when we reopen. In the meantime, please see the link below for an update from Trevor Jones, Chair of the Course Sub-Committee for the Australasian Golf Club.... Link: https://bit.ly/2T2VLpx
03.01.2022 Course working bee is well underway!
02.01.2022 Last couple of weeks to purchase one of these bags from the Pro Shop before we package them back up and send them back to Titleist! As an added bonus, buy one before we send them back and we'll throw in a free three sleeve pack of Titleist TruFeel golf balls. Contact [email protected] for prices!
02.01.2022 The base of the 6th tee is taking shape and dirt is being moved to the 9th where both tees will now be connected.
02.01.2022 Just a few galahs enjoying the work being done to the 1st tee...
02.01.2022 Been a little quiet on the reporting front for the last two days but that's only because no one wants to hear about mowing! Good news though, today the pipe for the new irrigation is getting put into the ground and another fallen tree or two will be cleared.
01.01.2022 Good evening everyone, I've got some unfortunate news that has come through this evening. The course will be closing until April 13th at the determination of Golf Australia in line with the Victorian Government's stage two restrictions regarding COVID-19. The directive that prohibits social sports gatherings applies to golf clubs and facilities, which are classified as "recreational facilities" under clause 5 of the directive.... Due to this, the club and course will be closed from 12pm tomorrow (Saturday 28th March) until April 13th with no golfing activities, no meetings and no social group activity until that date. "SMOG" golf and bookings for tomorrow up until that time will be honoured and able to take place, however bookings for the afternoon will be contacted and cancelled. The Pro Shop will close at 11.50am to be closed by 12pm. Work on the course and administratively will continue to take place during this time - the Pro Shop phone will not be manned as it currently is during this time and all enquiries, questions or concerns should be sent to [email protected] during this period. I'll do my best to keep everyone informed with what is happening during this period and we'll also keep everyone up to date with works done during this closure period so that we can all see a fantastic looking course and grounds when we're able to welcome you all back in! From myself, Craig, Brett and the whole AGC Committee, thank you for your patience and understanding during this tough time and please stay safe! Thank you, Mark Vallance Manager
01.01.2022 The Kolonga Ladies Social Golf Club had their "Fun Day 2020" and Christmas event last week during their usual Wednesday morning at the golf course. Read all about the interesting rules that they played with during the round: https://australasiangc.org.au//kolonga-ladies-christmas-e/
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