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25.01.2022 Sunlight is a natural antibacterial. My aunty who is such an amazing homemaker said to me once I love seeing all the whites on the line. The truth is a lot of what creates good health is simple, basic and free lifestyle habits that have gotten a little lost in western society. ... Make most of your diet fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and wild court fish. A moderate amount of clean meat and whole grains Avoid white refined grains, sugar, and refined pre made foods. Grow some of your own Throw away your microwave Avoid plastics Go to bed by 9pm Move your body through what you love and a variety of ways Connect with those who are real and authentic and care. Get your goals in alignment with who you really are. Be present when you share time with another. Be present to yourself, get to know yourself Hug
25.01.2022 I received a grateful email from a Core Energetic Body Psychotherapy Counselling client the other day. Core Energetics is a form of counselling that works gent...ly yet deeply. It assist clients in deepening self awareness, building self worth, helping clients to live there lives more fully. See more
24.01.2022 A healing story.
24.01.2022 An easy guild on what to do. Self isolation is the best way to stop CV19.
24.01.2022 I am wondering where MacDonalds, KFC and Burger Fuel fit in the 9 Basic Human Needs It seems to be enough of a need to have people lining up for hours o...utside these stores, disregarding social distancing recommendations and blatantly leaving rubbish overflowing the bins!! Lets not make multiple dick moves too soon. Lets start thinking and responding differently. If the bin is full, take your rubbish home and deal with it appropriately Order ahead for pick up/delivery OR wait for the novelty to wear off before heading out to be the first to curb the craving (to being first OR to the food) This is not about food choices. This is about choice of actions that inadvertently affect others. https://www.facebook.com/655911839/posts/10160487645391840/?
23.01.2022 What makes you feel loved in a relationship. My top two are words of affirmation and quality time. How do I know this?... These are the things I treasure and move me the most What are the ones that affect you or move you the most.
22.01.2022 A great life lesson about finding real connection, genuine love, self nourishment and opening your heart.
22.01.2022 Preparing for Broccoli soup
22.01.2022 Its a great emotional experience to be in awe of something. This shark is 393 years old. AWE.
21.01.2022 PTSD can go unrecognised especially if the environment we grew up in played a part in creating the trauma and we have accepted it as normal.
21.01.2022 Rather then being abducted by aliens try taking a walk at Southbank, Toohey Forest Reserve, Wellington Point King Island, Brisbane Botanical Gardens, New Farm Park ... the list goes on but getting fresh air, sunlight and moving the body all support good immunity.
20.01.2022 Great tips @aware_animals #sustainable... #PlasticFree #HappyOcean See more
20.01.2022 The thought of a vaccination for Corona viruss is a enormous concern. With CV19 being a virus that we dont understand enough about, doesnt it seem dangerous to go injecting people with part of the virus through a vaccination. According to this research attempts to create a vaccine in the pastes proved to create negative immune and respiratory side effects. Warning-read all research around all vaccinations before following a heard.
20.01.2022 Are you ready to leave the past behind and take your life to the next level? If so, click below to register for my free training where I show you how to fully recover from PTSD and overcome past trauma for good.
18.01.2022 At Elixir & Life we understand the state of depression and ways to shift it long term. Wed love to help you too.
17.01.2022 Credit 1 Million Women
17.01.2022 I love that these human being are getting an opportunity to heal and to be truly seen.
16.01.2022 High concerns around a vaccine for CV19. Just let your immunity to its job and use nutritional supplements with actual research behind them.
15.01.2022 Hmmmm interesting. Everything is Vibration.
14.01.2022 Santa after eating leading a naturopathic life. whole clean food, daily exercise, a regular early bedtime and emotionally grounding routines.
14.01.2022 Body psychotherapy developers a bigger window of tolerance meaning you are able to self regulate difficult feelings more.
12.01.2022 Often we feel shame or guilt about one small aspect of a past trauma, we create a belief that somehow we where responsible for or created what happened. This is not necessarily taking responsibility for our Behaviour. But merely keeps us stuck, unable to feel and process the other parts of what happened that continue to affect us. This shame and guilt can actually just be a symptom that what happened was a traumatic experience to us. The truth is that part of a sign that something as been traumatic is that we feel guilt and shame. Releasing this guilt can be the key to moving forward.
12.01.2022 An unlikely organisation has emerged from the coronavirus pandemic fires of doom, which the media have been feverishly stoking about the current outbreak, in an... attempt to be the hero and saviour of us all. Are they really going to save us, or what might their real intentions be? Im talking about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, started by Bill Gates, the founder of the Microsoft Corporation, but of late he has mostly been working through his family foundation as an apparent philanthropist. The foundation aims to ensure that more young people survive and thrive, by being able to access quality healthcare and education. In reality the major aim and funding of the foundation is for the prevention of common infectious diseases through drugs and vaccinations. Sorry this is long, but theres a LOT of evidence of too many coincidences and pre-planned projects in place leading to this pandemic and this current situation that we are all in. The trouble is that the Gates Foundation may not be as as innocent or as generous as they try to portray. The reasons for this are as follows: The World Health Organisation (WHO) used to receive all their funding for health programs from the governments of the world. Now they also allow private "donations" from organisations such as the Gates Foundation, which are actually one of the largest sponsors of the WHO, second only to the US government. Such large donations, especially from a private organisation, carry a lot of political weight, or in other words "favours" or influence over decisions and outcomes. A published study in 2015 specifically mentioned the Gates Foundation as having a huge influence over world governments in their decision-making. The study suggests that "big philanthropy" is actually good for the donors business, and warns world governments and large organisations that such philanthropy can overly influence political decisions and needs to be analysed for risks and side effects on the development or decisions of these countries and organisations. Details of this study is here: https://www.globalpolicy.org//Philanthropic_Power_online.p The Gates Foundation also has major shareholdings in many pharmaceutical companies, after investing many hundreds of millions of dollars with them. The purpose of this, of course, is to make money from the increasing share price and dividends paid out on the shares owned. Theres nothing wrong with making money, but given the rest of the points here, it starts to get a little suspicious. Bill has been hinting or warning several times in recent years about a worldwide pandemic which will kill a large percentage of the population (he has estimated about 30 million people will die in a pandemic). Even as recently as 2017 and 2018, Gates was giving speeches to large audiences and warning world leaders, medical professionals and scientists that we need to be prepared for pandemics and bioterror attacks. He said because history has taught us there will be another deadly global pandemic". No, history only tells us what happened in the past! It was like he KNEW a pandemic was about to happen! He also said "And, as biological weapons of mass destruction become easier to create in the lab, there is an increasing risk of a bioterror attack". Well, thats what you get when you give your Foundations money to BSL-4 biowarfare labs for research, Bill! Heres a website link of his which details a speech he gave (which includes the above quote) on this issue in full: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/Shattuck-Lecture Again in 2019, Bill Gates featured in and produced a Netflix documentary series called "Explained", and in an episode called "The Next Pandemic", he said in an interview that he predicted a coronavirus-style pandemic which would kill millions of people. He even warned of such a virus coming from a "wet market" (a market selling fresh meat, fish or produce, often associated with live animals) in China! He said it would take years to find a cure for a new virus outbreak. Just months later, it happened - is Bill psychic too?! Details of the documentary featuring Bill Gates and his prediction can be found here: https://metro.co.uk//bill-gates-predicted-coronavirus-typ/ On October 18th, 2019, a high-level pandemic planning exercise called "Event 201" was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum, to plan for a global viral pandemic. By pure coincidence (again!) this meeting was simulating a pandemic caused by a new coronavirus outbreak! None other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation were a major sponsor of this event. Just 6 weeks after this planning event the first known cases of a new coronavirus started appearing in Wuhan, China. Coincidence?! The odds would be nearly impossible for this to happen... In an official John Hopkins University press release (on Nov 6, 2019), the coronavirus pandemic simulation estimated a death toll of 65 million people within 18 months. Various social media "fact-checking" (ie "censorship") has confirmed that this Event 201 took place, but they have been denying that the simulation actually predicted the number of deaths. However, information from the University shows that they actually DID include predictions of death rates of approximately 65 million people, and their predictions can be read here: https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/11/06/event-201-health-security/ In 2015, the Pirbright Institute, a biotechnology research organisation in the UK, filed a patent for a live attenuated coronavirus to be used in the production of coronavirus vaccines. The Pirbright Institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Very recently (in November 2019, just before the coronavirus outbreak and another coincidence?!) the institute received $5.5 million dollars (their largest funding donation) from the Gates Foundation for research into human diseases and vaccine development. Details here: https://www.pirbright.ac.uk//bill-melinda-gates-foundation Another type of coronavirus was responsible for the SARS pandemic in 2002. Luckily this one fizzled out with only 800 deaths. In the aftermath of this infection, many institutions and research organisations rushed to patent the SARS virus and its genetic sequence. This was apparently to prevent other scientists from working on the virus. Natural things and organisms are not meant to be patented, as patents are supposed to be for inventions or futuristic ideas. The Gates Foundation funded Pirbright Institute owns the SARS coronavirus patent. And this patent expired the day before the first case of the new SARS-CoV-2 infection was announced. The Gates Foundation have funded another vaccine research and drug production company, called Moderna. Within a few weeks of the coronavirus outbreak starting, Moderna was apparently ready for human testing of their coronavirus vaccine! The timing of this is unheard of, being a world record by several orders of magnitude over past vaccine development times. Its almost as if they already had a vaccine ready and waiting! Moderna announced on 25th February 2020 (just a few weeks after the outbreak became known), that they have not only created a coronavirus vaccine in record time, but have tested it on animals, and now is ready for human testing. This process normally takes many months to years to get to this stage. No vaccine company managed to develop a vaccine for the SARS or MERS coronavirus outbreaks in 2003 or 2013 respectively, or since, so how could Moderna do this within days?! What about all the other communicable diseases for which there is no vaccine for, such as malaria, the common cold, and HIV? If this company can somehow create a new vaccine and have it ready in weeks, then why havent they done the same for other infections? Had they already been working on this one for some time, as planned? https://www.cbsnews.com//coronavirus-vaccine-moderna-hum/# The Gates Foundation also very recently (March 2020) funded another pharmaceutical company (Inovio Pharmaceuticals) with $5 million for work on a portable "drug delivery device" for a DNA-based coronavirus vaccine. What is a DNA-based vaccine? No idea, but we will find out shortly, as the company is starting human trials in April 2020. Details here: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com//inovio-pharm-gets-5m Bill has said publicly several times in interviews or presentations that the world population is too high, and needs to be reduced. In a 2010 TEDx talk he said, The world today has 6.8 billion people. Thats heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent. A segment of his public talk when he said this statement is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNmj6Ug-a4A. Some people have said that his words have been taken out of context, and that he was talking about reducing population growth, rather than reducing the actual population. But note that was not what he said in this video. It is interesting that Bill Gates and his Foundation are huge promoters of vaccines to developing countries. I personally think people in these countries preferentially need 1) improved nutrition, 2) clean water, and 3) better sanitation and modern utilities such as electricity and waste processing (ie sewerage systems) to reduce infections, illnesses and deaths. But not the Gates Foundation, as their priority is just vaccines for population control. It was these 3 improvements to our lives that massively slowed the incidences and deaths from infections, decades before vaccines were made available. On 28th February, 2020, Bill Gates actually had an article published in the New England Medical Journal, one of the major scientific and medical journals! In his article, he was talking about the coronavirus, which he again referred to as the "once-in-a-century" pandemic, to urge governments to help poorer countries in this outbreak, and to fund vaccines and treatments, and strengthen their healthcare. Where will a lot of this government (ie, taxpayer) funding go to - to companies funded by the Gates Foundation! Details of his published article is found here: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2003762 On 29th February 2020 (one day after the last point), Bill Gates announced to the world that the coronavirus IS a pandemic and should be announced as such, over a week before the WHO officially did announce the pandemic. In his announcement, he claims that the coronavirus is a "once-in-a-century pathogen" which may kill up to 50 million people. Bill was generously offering solutions to the pandemic through his Foundation obviously, as he appears to have planned for such a situation! Of course one of his solutions is a fast-tracked vaccine, using techniques from one of the companies his Foundation has funded, that apparently make it possible to produce vaccines within weeks. Never mind the testing process which is supposed to take years before they can be made available to the public. Bills pre-emptive announcement that this is a pandemic is found here: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/bill-gates-coronavirus-p Microsoft, with Bill Gates still on the board of directors at the time (in January 2018) were a founding partner of a summit named ID2020. This summit was held at the United Nations, and attended by and formed alliances between governments, the UN, non-government organisations and private companies. This events objectives are to "improve lives through digital identity", and "accelerating access to digital ID... to vulnerable populations", and more. Their manifesto lists a number of points, one being "the ability to prove ones identity is a fundamental and universal right". No, the right to privacy, and being free to roam and not being tracked 24/7 is a fundamental and universal human right. Microsoft have pledged financial and technology resources to this project. Details of the ID2020 Summit and its purpose can be found here: https://id2020.org/manifesto and here: https://www.teleinfotoday.com//accenture-microsoft-create- In a recent interview (24th March 2020) with Chris Anderson (the Curator of TED Talks), Bill suggested that there should be a system of "certificates" that people will need to carry around to show who has recovered from the COVID-19 infection, and who is vaccinated (when the COVID-19 vaccine is made available), as he doesnt want people moving around the world who havent been vaccinated for this infection. This is sounding like restrictions of movement or travel, unless you have been vaccinated and have identification papers to prove it - much like everyone having to carry ID papers with them at all times in Nazi Germany. France is using such movement certificates now for people to be able to leave their houses. However the "certificates" being considered by Bill are in a digital form, of either a microchip being inserted under the skin, or a "quantum-dot tattoo". A segment of this interview can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch The Gates Foundation have also funded a project with MIT in December 2019, to develop a digital form of vaccination certificate, by storing data in encapsulated microparticles stored under the skin. These particles are injected at the same time as the vaccine using a microneedle patch, rather than a typical needle and syringe. More details about this technology, a related published study, and the Gates Foundation funding of it can be found here: http://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218 In an interview with CBS on 2nd April 2020, Bill was giving advice on health policy and strategies on the current pandemic. He was also giving estimates of how long this issue will last. Again he was promoting his vaccine companies and vaccines being the key to stopping this pandemic, before we can go back to our normal lives. Note the hint that you may not be able to go back to your normal life without a vaccine (and a fast-tracked vaccine which wont go through all the usual tests for safety). As he is not a doctor or health expert, he should not be interviewed or having a say on this topic, because of all of his conflcts of interest here. He did also suggest that there could be more pandemics in the future. His interview can be viewed here: https://www.cbsnews.com//extended-interview-bill-gates-on/ In a recent online Q&A session on Reddit (March 2020), Bill called for a "national tracking system similar to South Korea" to monitor people with an infection to "understand where the disease is". Again, more monitoring, tracking and control of the population. Details of this can bre read here: https://www.forbes.com//bill-gates-calls-for-national-tra/ On 28th March 2020, The Gates Foundation announced an alliance with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (run by Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife) and Mastercard and the Wellcome charity for finding affordable treatments for COVID-19. They announced they were working together with the WHO on a "COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator" to evaluate and repurpose existing drugs for treating this infection. They claim that since these existing medications have completed clinical trials, it would make them quicker to make them more available in this pandemic. I dont think so, as these medications wont have ANY clinical trials for safety or efficacy against this specific virus, and clinical trials will still need to be done. If they are looking for affordable and effective solutions, then why not look at natural substances like vitamin and mineral supplements, which have been proven to be safe and effective against all other viruses including other coronavirus types? But that wont make them any profits though. Details of this alliance can be read here: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/bill-gates-mark-zuckerbe In 2018, Bill Gates funded a US-based satellite company and together with a Japanese software company were planning to launch a $1bn network of satellites to provide "live and unfiltered" coverage of the earth. Another backer of the project said. "our objective is simple, we want to connect you visually with Earth in real-time". Services on the satellites will be able to track people and transport as it happens, watching weather systems and migrations. The tracking of people is a particularly interesting use of this technology, when you take into account the other factors listed here. Details of this project can be read here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk//bill-gates-backs-1bn-plan-c/ and here: https://www.cnbc.com//bill-gates-backed-earthnow-will-prov Each point above perhaps isnt so suspicious on its own, but taken together as a whole it reeks of conflicts of interest, influence over the UN and WHO and world governments, and wanting to exert his beliefs of reducing the population, mandatory vaccinations with digital proof, and monitoring and tracking of the worlds population. The timing of all of the above points is significant, with all taking place since November 2019. Everything is linked for one purpose - to create a pandemic and then benefit in every possible way from it. As the saying goes, "follow the money trail", to find out who really benefits from any situation. The money trail seems to be end up at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at every single step in this pandemic. This is why I believe something truly stinks about the entire coronavirus situation - its pretty clear that it is man-made, and extremely suspicious (or convenient?) that the epicentre of the outbreak was in Wuhan, China, which has a BSL-4 biowarfare lab where scientists have been developing coronavirus strains and publishing studies on this work. We could not ever believe the communist Chinese government and their "official" coronavirus statistics on incidences and mortality rates, but now that the virus is spreading around the world, we might see some slightly more realistic statistics. But can we really believe any statistics, as per my previous article on this topic? It is also very suspicious that the man who has been warning about a viral pandemic for years is the very same person who believes that population control is needed, whose Foundation funds biotechnology research companies (who manipulate dangerous pathogens to make them more virulent), funds pharmaceutical companies, funds a company which is currently already testing a miraculously fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine, funds technology projects for tracking the global population, and who also has a huge influence with the UN and WHO. This is a huge conflict of interest through his Foundations massive sponsorships at every step of the way in this crisis. His pre-emptive decision to call the outbreak as a pandemic ahead of the WHO decision, was premature and way out of line, but the WHO did announce the pandemic a short time afterwards. Keep an eye on which company or companies are approved for the coronavirus vaccines - will they coincidentally be funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Bill Gates admits that he is a big fan of vaccines, but has also said vaccines can be used to reduce the worlds population by 10-15%. Yet he wants to SAVE everyone with a coronavirus vaccine?! Is he doing all of this for altruistic humanitarian purposes? Or is he is a business-man with a dangerous and selfish agenda? The Gates Foundation appear to have their fingers in every single pie linked to this outbreak, and their involvement in everything here is highly suspicious at best. The Gates Foundation are trying to be the apparent knight in shining armour who will deliver alleged treatments and a miracle vaccine. At the very least, the Gates Foundation has a huge conflict of interest, but the above information also suggests to me that the Foundation is involved a lot more in this entire operation and for their own benefit. There are too many coincidences here, and too many things having been planned and developed, just at the right time, for the COVID-19 pandemic to be anything other an a planned project. If you put all of the above facts together, you get a fairly good picture of the intended outcome of this pandemic, and a possible look at a future with mandated vaccines, digital certificates of vaccination status, restricted movements based on vaccination status, constant monitoring and tracking of your movements, limiting informed consent, and more totalitarian measures that I dread to think about. Im not buying into the fear that the coronavirus will cause the predicted number of deaths that the Event 201 participants suggested. That was based on assumptions and estimates and computer modelling. I know that the virus can be defeated - thats what your immune system is for! It knows how to deal with any known or unknown infection, hence all the more reason you need to support your immune system to do its job and protect you! As there is currently no vaccine for this infection, there is no other option for you, other then to rely on your immune system! This is how humans as a species have survived for millenia without vaccines! Over 98% of people ARE surviving this infection, because of their immune systems! See my other articles on this topic for more information. There are many more daily deaths from many other infections such as influenza, tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS, or from modern chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, or simply from hunger in developing countries. Yet the media scare campaigns on this topic is disproportionate, while health departments simply say to "wash your hands" and "stay away from others", your governments tighten up laws to restrict your rights and freedoms, and social media platforms censor the truth even more. Is Bill Gates the most unqualified, but most powerful and dangerous doctor in the world? Or is he incredibly psychic in being able to predict the pandemic and have all of his investments in place at the right time - being in the weeks before the event occurred? See my other articles for more information on protecting yourself and your family from this rapidly-spreading infection. Washing your hands isnt going to be enough to prevent this infection. And theres more you need to do to treat it, other than isolation and staying at home. Stay Healthy! www.rosswalter.com.au #STFUGates
11.01.2022 It’s a great emotional experience to be in awe of something. This shark is 393 years old. AWE.
11.01.2022 Healthy attachment affects us for life. When healthy attachment is provided we grow up being able to trust others, when are in tune with ourself, when we become upset about something we are able to talk about it in a realistic way and communicate with the other person about why we are upset and our behavior in relationship is flexible. Poor attachment can look like, co-dependence, separation anxiety, difficulty being alone, telling ourself we dont need others, dominance or ...control in relationships, highly self reliant, unable to cope with rejection, keeping ourself separate from relations to avoid hurt and poor self esteem. Body psychotherapy and forms of counselling can be used to repair poor attachment making it possible to form more functional and for filling relationship that bring joy and love. Visit us and start healing. Deanne & Seth www.elixirandlife.com 0458 330 925
10.01.2022 Broccoli Soup So delicious
10.01.2022 Line up, line up...
08.01.2022 Here is the link to my live presentation on "Sustaining Inner Peace in Chaos - Applying Mindful Practice During a Pandemic " for the Brisbane Buddha birthday online in another 3 hours and 15 min :)
08.01.2022 This is not about being pro or anti vaccinations...this is about questioning making them mandatory... please have a read.
06.01.2022 Yes, calm yourself of your storms FIRST, then act. With thanks to Bobbie Stuart for this photo
06.01.2022 My dear friend Kwong is presenting mindfulness during the pandemic. Kwong is a teacher of Buddhism, is a doctor and has a PHD in grief and loss. Kwong and I studied somatic therapies together. He has a big heart and much to offer.
05.01.2022 Loss -- Change -- Letting Go -- and GRIEF No matter how much spiritual or personal development you've done, when Letting Go, and Letting God into your life, g...rieving will always be part of the process. And life then alters forever. Thats the nature of letting go. When we let go, life might get messy for a while. The Universe has to re-arrange all persons and parts of our life including our internal mechanisms of defence, strategy, fear, love etc. to re-align with the new Divine Order. This disruption in our beingness may not feel good, may not be pretty and will definitely take time. Be patient and kind to yourself. Death of anything, any situation, anyone, will always call up previous losses or deaths weve experienced. Its imperative to allow ourselves to grieve our ego dying, our dreams dying, our delusions dying, our identity dying, our relationship changing or dying, where we live changing, where we work, or even our dog dying. Doesnt matter whether the loss is big or small, the stages of grief will arise. You may feel like your heart is breaking. Or that youve been kicked in the gut. You may feel that some part of you is melting away right in front of your eyes. And with the surrender, a space, a hole even, appears that physically opens up your solar plexus or heart. We will experience loss, absence, even a void or a deep emptiness. And sadness. Before that hole becomes filled with acceptance and Divine grace, you will walk through stages of grief. Sometimes all in rapid succession in 5 minutes, sometimes it will take hours, days, weeks, even months to process. Turn inward during this time. And turn towards the Divine presence and those who embody it as shelter. Be gentle and loving always towards yourself. Yell and scream at the Divine if you have to (I certainly do!). It's all part of the process. This too shall pass and you will come out shaped even more perfectly by the Divine. You are coming to embody even more of your Divine essence. All spiritual development is about how much we can let go of, not how much we can hang on to. Remember, it may be messy before the acceptance comes in but the calm and Divine serenity will always arise. Trust the process. What might you be grieving the loss of through the Covid time? Where are you at in the stages of grief?
05.01.2022 Promising results for vitamin C and CV19
05.01.2022 Se observa una medusa deslizándose por los canales de Venecia, Italia, ya que la disminución del tráfico de embarcaciones ha hecho que el agua sea más transparente, lo que facilita la observación de la vida marina, incluso en el centro de la ciudad. Abril 20, 2020
04.01.2022 As we approach Christmas. Enjoy the festive season with lots of nature to help keep you grounded, calm, clarity of mind, energized and to maintain an ability to enjoy the month.
04.01.2022 Yep, sure has. #nomorebigpharma
03.01.2022 Hope we all get to get out and enjoy our beautiful days.
03.01.2022 Always looking for a good healthy snack.
02.01.2022 Loss -- Change -- Letting Go -- and GRIEF No matter how much spiritual or personal development youve done, when Letting Go, and Letting God into your life, g...rieving will always be part of the process. And life then alters forever. Thats the nature of letting go. When we let go, life might get messy for a while. The Universe has to re-arrange all persons and parts of our life including our internal mechanisms of defence, strategy, fear, love etc. to re-align with the new Divine Order. This disruption in our beingness may not feel good, may not be pretty and will definitely take time. Be patient and kind to yourself. Death of anything, any situation, anyone, will always call up previous losses or deaths weve experienced. Its imperative to allow ourselves to grieve our ego dying, our dreams dying, our delusions dying, our identity dying, our relationship changing or dying, where we live changing, where we work, or even our dog dying. Doesnt matter whether the loss is big or small, the stages of grief will arise. You may feel like your heart is breaking. Or that youve been kicked in the gut. You may feel that some part of you is melting away right in front of your eyes. And with the surrender, a space, a hole even, appears that physically opens up your solar plexus or heart. We will experience loss, absence, even a void or a deep emptiness. And sadness. Before that hole becomes filled with acceptance and Divine grace, you will walk through stages of grief. Sometimes all in rapid succession in 5 minutes, sometimes it will take hours, days, weeks, even months to process. Turn inward during this time. And turn towards the Divine presence and those who embody it as shelter. Be gentle and loving always towards yourself. Yell and scream at the Divine if you have to (I certainly do!). Its all part of the process. This too shall pass and you will come out shaped even more perfectly by the Divine. You are coming to embody even more of your Divine essence. All spiritual development is about how much we can let go of, not how much we can hang on to. Remember, it may be messy before the acceptance comes in but the calm and Divine serenity will always arise. Trust the process. What might you be grieving the loss of through the Covid time? Where are you at in the stages of grief?
02.01.2022 Se observa una medusa deslizndose por los canales de Venecia, Italia, ya que la disminucin del trfico de embarcaciones ha hecho que el agua sea ms transparente, lo que facilita la observacin de la vida marina, incluso en el centro de la ciudad. Abril 20, 2020
02.01.2022 Yum, I love this girls cook books.
01.01.2022 The wisdom in detachment...
01.01.2022 Turn off the tap on single-use plastics
01.01.2022 Being there, really seeing someone, really hearing another. Just really listen and be presents.
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