embodiment_coaching in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Personal coach
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 473 499 583
Address: 48 Abottsford Rd 4006 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.lukesparrow.com.au
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25.01.2022 A underlying principle to the movement work I do with clients in pain, is focusing on the quality of the rep, not how many reps can be performed. It's not lost on me how this reflects the age old saying "it's about the journey not the destination" So much of the movement distinction in peoples bodies (and subsequently the enevitable pain) is due to this concept. ... And so to in our lives of instant gratification do we see the inevitable mental and emotional pain. Just a personal observation.
23.01.2022 What's wrong with this picture ? You may of heard the saying "you can't shoot a cannon out of a canoe"? Well... You can, but there are some obvious consequences.... The mind and body works under the same reality, except the mind won't let you fire the canon in the first place. Alot of people feel like need to be stronger, more powerful and work out as much as possible, but the opposite is more often true. What most people need in reality is to replace the canoe with a much more solid and stable foundation. This foundation is built through practice and greater awareness of the parts of the body that provide it. When the body feels stable it will allow the canon to fire, giving a feeling of great strength and a capacity for better movement.
19.01.2022 The secret to longevity can be found in saying good morning to a stranger. Did you know that a massive study was done that revealed the top ten predictors of longevity. Susan Pinker psychologist, author and social science columnist for The Wall Street Journal delivered a Ted about it. "The results where surprising" she said, revealing the number one predictor of a Long Life to be Social Integration. Basically, those who comfortably greet their neighbors, feel free to talk to ...the person in the lift or chat to the barista that makes your coffee. Although seemingly insignificant, according to the research nothing could be further from the truth. Try it on for size https://youtu.be/ptIecdCZ3dg
18.01.2022 Do you know someone who is: Already going to the gym Not sure if they are doing it right And would like to learn how ?... In my 5 years of working with clients I have found 1 thing that almost everyone of them is lacking. They have lost their ability to access parts of there body. What does this mean? It means that when they attempt a movement (let's say a squat) they are only able to do that movement with the limited mobility and coordination they already have. Here is an annalogy for you Take a car that is a bit old and hasn't really been looked after. Lett's say the wheels are out of alignment, the break pads are due for a change, the parts are all a little rusty and the oil needs flushing out. If you just simply started driving that car on a race track a 100 miles an hour do you think it would last long ? No! of course not! But this is the mistake I see so many people making! They grind away in the gym with the rust bucket that is their body and then wonder why they are sore all of the time. What I do is the equivalent of being a mechanic for your body. But I do you one better, I teach you how to address it's aches, pains and issues yourself. I teach teach you how to move like the race car that you are underneath all that rust. If this sounds like something some you know could benifit from then call me 0473499583 Luke
17.01.2022 The bicep curl is a core exercises What? Yep that's right.... Infact almost all movements are core exercises. The core is your foundation and always comes first. It is always the focus of any movement. What do I mean by focus? If your focus is "get that last rep" you may end up looking like me in the first part of this video, sacrificing the core (your foundation) to achieve that focus. But, if you focus "IS" the core, meaning that if it starts to crumble, I STOP! Then we are creating integrity. This is where strength comes from, this is power, it is courage. This your focus. So with that in mind, this is what a bicep curl is: My core stays in unwavering integrity *WHILST* I curl the bar up. If I can't achieve that I need to bring down the weight or improve my engagement.
17.01.2022 It's all in the eyes Watch my eyes, they tell a story. At the start of this 1min 40 horse stance (video is obviously sped up) my eyes are darting all over the place. This is the result of a busy mind, that is trying to makes sense of the situation, calculating risk, value, pleasure, danger, past experiences and much more.... These mental gymnastics are taxing and take away from the benefit of this practice..... Presence. Once I caught myself I begin to breath, I pick a point on the floor and I focus on it. I watch my mind trying desperately to start its computational antics and take me out of focus. But I am in control I am the master I decide what we do with my attention. This is the goal of any movement practice. Simple opertunities to practice presence.
10.01.2022 There is no point filling a leaky bucket right? So why do the same in your body? There are so many programs out there that claim to "fix" your various aches and pains with exercise programs and repetitive movements. To be fair, they get results and sometimes even long lasting results. ... I to implement similar approaches with my clients. But there is a missing key element to this approach. If you understand why these solely physical approaches "work" you would also understand why they can also do you harm. See there is big business in "curing" peoples symptoms, and fair enough, pain and discomfort sucks big time! But what if I told you that these approaches only patch the holes while filling your bucket, giving you the illusion that you have "improved"? There is a deeper source of pain and discomfort and it is very often overlooked and undealt with. The good news is that it's a simple skill that anyone can learn, and I will be talking about this and other important information in my upcoming seminar (date to be confirmed). Hit me up if you would like to know more
09.01.2022 Asking for help Man did I use to struggle with this one! "Nah I'm good" ... "I'm totally nailing this adulting thing and have all my shit sorted" Pffff, yeah right ! The energy it cost to put on your best adult persona every god dam dam is fucking exhausting!! There is a conflict between your personal, at home, in your comfy place Self and your public, got no problems, living my best life insta bullshit Self. This conflict shows up in your body. It's the tension, the stiffness, the pain, the headaches, the dodgy knee, sore back, the "I can't", the victim story, it's blaming society, the list goes on. Massage and Mindful Movement are a fantastic place to start, I will always work that way. But what I have found is that the deep root of body issues is in the mind and how we perceive our world. It's in feeling overwhelmed, it's feeling ashamed when comparing ourselves to others, the guilt of not being the best partner, parent or employee. What we need on top of the body based work is someone to watch our unconscious behavior and language. Someone to listen to the stories that we tell ourselves about the world. Someone who is willing to challenge those stories and help creat new ones. I want to help you with this. I know it's hard, believe me, it never really ends. But we can develop the skills to be better at seeing these stories as they happen and lessen the impact that have on our lives and ultimately our bodies. If you want help with this, please ask, don't be ashamed to do so.
07.01.2022 Where are you right now? Where is your mind, your focus? What has your attention? Is it on what your doing right now?... Not being mindful and present when moving your body, is like putting a blindfold on you nervous system. It becomes cautious and hypersensitive resulting in inflexibility and stiffness. Ultimately this can lead to pain and dysfunction.
07.01.2022 Learning to parent ourselves. The Body-Mind relationship that very closely resembles the Parent Child relationship.
07.01.2022 Yoga is not found in the postures and movements sprawled across the internet. Yoga is found in the person moving through those postures The person who is finding their edges and breathing into them. Yoga is a state of being not an exercise regime.
06.01.2022 See what others are saying
06.01.2022 Resentment is a bitch... And it shows up in Your Back. PAIN... Is the bodies way of keeping undesirable emotions out of our consious awareness. It's quite clever really, helpful even, but left too long and shit starts to get pretty messy really fast!... I see it time and time again, I hear the same story over and over and over. Tension, stiffness, pain, tight this tight that. We have an army of mildly disabled people with bodies that don't allow them the freedom they so desire. I hear all the reasons to. "I have a desk job" "I have degeneration in my back" "Oh it's because of an old injury" "Thats just my dodgy knee" Once upon a time I would have agreed with you to, but not now, not anymore! Now I've seen too much, I have learnt too much and the fact is that these reasons just don't sufficiently explain it. Sure! Moving more, sleeping better and eating better are always going to help and these are a MUST! but under all of that, under all the egos genius excuses, is SHIT YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT. I get it, I am no exception ,It's not even really your fault, we are just built this way, it keeps us sane, it keeps us moving forward... Your pain may not be your fault but it sure as hell is your responsibility!! There is so much relief in just admitting to the fact that there is stuff in your life that is hard to deal with. Trying to be perfect Trying to be successful Trying to be a good parent Or partner Or friend Keeping your shit together Making enough money Just admit it!.... Resentment is a bitch... And it shows up in Your Back If you want actual help with pain, come and talk to me.
06.01.2022 Is pain Bad ? Judging sensations to be Good or Bad often starts us off to a poor way of assessing them. The experience of pain is most certainly Unpleasant, but it is not Bad. This is a very important distinction to make as the meaning we place around our pain and other sensations plays a massive role in how we recover from them.... Pain is a message from your body, your unconscious self, a very important function for survival. It's like the ships crew notifying the Captain of a problem. If you where the captain of your own ship (hint hint, you are ) would just ignore these messages, or, would you try to understand them and address them. But how? What is my body telling me? These are great questions and if you or someone you know is asking them or wants help understanding them, I'm here to help. Talk soon
04.01.2022 Have you just started back at the gym? Are you unsure about wether you are doing your exercises right? That your efforts are going to give you the results you want? The number 1 reason I see people on my table feeling stiff or in pain is because they do not know how to move their own body!... Instead they throw it around ignoring it's cries for help and expect it all to just work out at some point. If your car flashes a warning light at you do you just ignore it? No! Of course not, you go to a mechanic. We need to do the same for our bodies. If you want a trainer that focuses on quality over quantity, if your sick of being in pain, let me know.
03.01.2022 The expert is conserned with what you "should" know. The teacher is conserned with what you "do" know. The expert says what you should do. ... The teacher asks what you want to do, and why? The expert is a professional The Teacher is an artist They are the yin and the yang The Master is one who moves gracefully between the two.
03.01.2022 Where does your arm start ? From the outside the answer could seem quite obvious... At the shoulder? Right? In reality there is no real definable "start", but, it is worth noting that the muscles involved with moving the arm go way past the shoulder, even as far as the hip!... When I work with client we often explore visualizing where movement starts from or initiates from. This is very valuable as it can be the difference between a poor movement pattern and a more functional one.
03.01.2022 Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Pain Your education and understanding of how your body works is likely limited, outdated or just non existent. I understand ... With so much info out there it can be overwhelming and down right confusing most of the time. But, I'm here to help If you know me well, you would know that it has been my obsession over the last 5 years or so of my career, to try and understand the body and mind and how these often mysterious things work. Not only that but also to unwoo-woo and demystify some of the more challenging concepts that have for so long been shoved away in the "we don't talk about that" section. I have spent thousands of dollars and hours doing this and recently, all of this experience and knowledge has come together in relation to an issues that has reached epidemic proportions......and that, is PAIN If you or someone you know has been dealing with: Chronic pain Tension Headaches Stiffness Niggles and or Naggles Then they are going to want to hear this. I will be holding a seminar that will unpack all of it. Debunking the myths around pain How and why it actually occurs And most importantly, how to stop it So watch this space and I will see you soon. If you would like to learn more or ask any questions you can contact me through this page
02.01.2022 Mindful Movement Practice There is practice to be found in all things. Take a breath, take the opportunity and apply your focus to the task at hand. This is meditation, this is presence and it is often found in the simplist of things.
01.01.2022 I HAVE HAD ENOUGH Over the last 5 years of working with thousands of bodies one thing has become abundantly clear! You have a poor connection to your body!!... No one can fix this for you, it is the responsibility of you and you alone. With some help of course 'Don't give me that woo woo shit Luke' I understand this is somewhat of an ambiguous statement, but it is true none the less. I have proved this to myself and others time and time again. When I help my clients move better with greater awareness, guess what? Their Pain, Niggles and Movement issues are all reduced if not gone. In a world where 99% of our attention is placed on mater's outside of us, little attention is left for how our bodies are feeling. The body is constantly speaking to the mind, providing information about the goings on of it's trillions of cells. If you have become aware of a symptom, this means your mind feels it is dam important for you to pay attention to it! This AWARENESS of the body is a skill, and like any skill you can learn it. It isn't hard and a great deal can be achieved in a short amount of time. If this resonates with you or someone you know get in contact now and end the suffering.
01.01.2022 SKILLS There is a reason I teach skills to my clients. Ever had this thought?... I know what I need to do... Buuttt... I just don't do it We often know the simple steps we could take to better ourselves. Clean up our diet Move more Get out money in order But yet we seem to struggle with these basic things. Why? The reason is often also quiet simple LACK OF FOCUS Making changes from our unconscious patterns to more favorable ones requires lots of focus. Challenging skills like Jungling, Ballance work, more subtle and mindful movement all require droves of focus. Skills are one of the best ways I know to learn this fundimental attribute and it's surprisingly simple. Skills require you to pay attention to what your doing, to actively participate in the moment and adopt unfamiliar movements and patterns. And guess what, there is so much you can do with just a stick and a ball and I think it has come time to share this. I'm going to put everything I've learnt and created together into some new offerings and I know your gonna love it
01.01.2022 Winning is fleeting Competition is forever The meditation of play I have a few people in my life that are truly great competitors. They are better than me in many skills and I get my ass kicked regularly ... But I love it ! Competition, the desire to overcome, to defeat ones opponent, these primordial impulses provide one of the greatest proving grounds for self Investigation. Competition usually exists around some form of game, games require skills and skills require practice. Practice, in it's essence, is consious and focused attention coupled with reflection. It is no coincidence that meditation adopts the same process. In meditation you are competing with none other than yourself AKA, your Ego... Often our greatest opponent. It know our every move, every weakness, every short coming and it will exploit every one of them if it means we stay comfortable. To be fair your egos intentions are pure, it has your safety and survival as its upmost concern. And fair enough! for the first part of your life this is all you know.... For most of human history this is all we have known. You can choose to stay here, stay an onlooker, an observer, never really stepping up to the challenge. Or... You can choose to compete, to be better than your current self, to look at where you are and imagine where you could be, where you want to be. I value these great competitors in my life because they push me to be better, they are a vision of what's possible. Challenge your ego, but be playfully with it. Be an admirable competitor, choose challenge, and you just might enjoy the game of growth.
01.01.2022 Where does your brain start and finish ? The answer might be a surprise to you
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