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Emily Sports Myotherapy & Personal Training
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25.01.2022 *Gentle Reminder* . . . In the Health and Fitness Industry our number one priority is you! ... . . . So why not make that your number one priority too? Following healthy habits makes for an easier and happier life! . . You just have to take that first step! This is your gentle push to go and do those things you’ve been meaning to start each week! . . And if you aren’t great at motivating yourself ... let me do It for you! . One on one Personal training at @seaviewhealthgroup https://www.seaviewhealthgroup.com.au/book-now . Or . Group HIIT training at @bpmfitnesshampton http://bpmfitness.com.au/ See more
24.01.2022 ACL INJURY: . . Injury to the ACL is very common in sports involving quick movements, such as pivoting, quick acceleration and deceleration and jumping. .... . . Recovery can be a long process but it has great results! Rehab should be overseen by a professional and the aim should be to improve the strength of the quads and hamstrings through a variety of exercises, these days exercises should progress from basic to more advanced. . . . If you suspect an injury to the ACL or surrounding structures please seek advice/treatment, so we can get you back to what you love doing as quickly and as safely as possible!. . . Although I am unavailable for face to face consults at the moment I am still able to give advice or self treatment over the phone or email for minor issues! If you have a major concern I am more than happy to help you find the best course of action! . . . Remember don’t let an injury get you down! There is always a way to get back to your 100% . . . . #myotherapy #remedialmassage #fitandhealthy #healthybody #healthymindhealthybody #injuryprevention #rehab @ Seaview Health Group See more
23.01.2022 *BEWARE LONG POST* but what else are you doing? Please have a read! FIRSTLY there are multiple ways of treating using cups. 1. Dry/static cupping... 2. Wet cupping 3. Dynamic/mobile cupping . . Focusing on static and dynamic cupping, both techniques are applied using either fire or with a hand held vacuum pump. The decompression applied can effect up to four inches deep, impacting blood vessels, fascia, muscles and scar tissue. . . When the cups are applied the superficial layers are drawn up into the cup stimulating circulation of blood, breaking up ‘knots’ and drawing toxins out to be eliminated through the lymphatic system (located on the surface). . . MOBILE/DYNAMIC CUPPING This is when oil or cream is applied to the skin prior to the cup. The cup is then moved across the affected area, feeling like a ‘reverse massage’, it can also feel more relaxing then a compressive massage. By moving the cup over the affected area it stimulates increased blood flow, therefore increasing nutrients and oxygen which encourages the healing process. This method doesn’t usually leave any marks. . . STATIC CUPPING This is when a cup is applied to a tight spot or site of pain. The cup is left 5-10 minutes, the therapist can also choose to move the client through range of motion, this technique is again helping to lift and separate the soft tissue allowing for increased nutrient supply, detoxification and stimulation. This method can leave marks ranging from light yellow to dark purple, but they should disappear over a 3 week period depending on colour. . . MARKING It is important to understand that the marks left being after a cupping session are NOT bruises. A bruise is caused by impact trauma which breaks capillaries in the injured area. During cupping there is NO impact or compression. The marks left behind after treatment should not be painful to touch, the marks are the result of blood being pulled into the area, the darker the mark the more stagnated the fluid. When the clinic reopens come in and see me for a treatment! #cuppingtherapy #myotherapy #remedialmassage #seaviewhealthgroup #improving #heathylifestyle #healthybody #healthymind #foodforthought
22.01.2022 Ready to brave the cold? . What’s your favourite thing to do in winter? . .... . . #snow #snowboarding #outdoors #healthylifestyle #readyforit #getaroundit See more
21.01.2022 Sometimes life gets in the way... we’re all busy (maybe not so much now as before) but being busy isn’t an excuse to let care of your body go out the window, if anything it’s MORE important! . . If you’ve been thinking that you should really book in for that treatment, then you really should! Go to your computer, grab your phone and give us a call or have a look online to book in! .... . Even if you book for a week or two by the time that appointment reminder comes, you’ll love yourself for being prepared! . . . If it is an emergency and the appointment you want isn’t available give us a call and we will try our best to work something out! . . . I’ll see you soon! www.seaviewhealthgroup.com.au/book-now. . . . #healthyliving #myotherapy #remedialmassage #dryneedling #cuppingtherapy #lookafteryourself #healthybodyhealthymind See more
21.01.2022 UPDATE: . . Unfortunately we have made the difficult decision to close face to face consulting as of Monday next week. Therefore today is my last day at Seaview Health Group for awhile. .... . Although hard, we felt it was the right choice for the community and for the safety of our families and clients, we are doing our bit to help flatten the curve. . . However if you have any questions or need advice about an injury, home exercises, stretches or self treatment options please feel free to reach out and contact either myself or one of our other practitioners via DM, phone or email (we will be checking regularly) . Contact info below . . We will be staying up to date with all new information and will be reassessing the situation in a few weeks, keep your eyes on this space and @seaviewhealthgroup . . . [email protected] 03 9589 7815 Seaviewhealthgroup.com.au . . . . . #stayunited #stayhealthy #staysafe #flattenthecurve #heathyliving #healthybody #healthymind #myotherapy #remedialmassage #osteopathy #exercisephysiology #podiatry See more
21.01.2022 BACK TO EXERCISE . . Getting back into the swing of things can be hard and we all want to be back to normal as quickly as possible... .... . However when getting back into training it’s really important that we take it slowly and don’t over work our bodies immediately. This leads to injury. . . It’s best to focus on correct form and technique rather than pumping out reps! . . If you’re feeling discomfort the day after a workout this is completely normal and instead of pushing ourselves at another session it’s best to take a recovery day and listen to our bodies. . . Gradually that post exercise soreness will decrease and you can increase your training load safely and without the worry of injury. . . If you’re not sure about your training or recovery come into the clinic and we can work with you to make sure your body is getting the right treatment! . . . . #myotherapy #remedialmassage #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #exercise #training #fitness #healthymindhealthybody See more
20.01.2022 OPEN FOR BUSINESS! . . Feeling like you can’t get back into a routine after Christmas, or you’ve got a few niggles that won’t go away? .... . . I can definitely help you! Being strong and fit starts with one baby step... and that’s booking in now! . . I currently have an offer of your first 3 PT sessions for just $100! . . I’ll be seeing you all soon I hope! https://www.seaviewhealthgroup.com.au/book-now See more
19.01.2022 MORE PT NEWS! . . . For those of you not as interested in one on one training and you’re more interested in a group setting, why not try out @bpmfitnesshampton! ... . . . From Monday-Thursday mornings you’ll find me here kicking your butt into gear! . . BPM is focused on the individual as well as the group, your technique will be watched closely and you will be well taken care of as you sweat it out! . . . Come on down for a free trial! You won’t regret it! See more
19.01.2022 COVID 19 UPDATE: Seaview Health Group is currently open and still taking bookings! We are following all government health guidelines to prevent the spread and have all completed online infection control training. ... During these times when visiting the clinic please remember to wash and dry your hands per requirements and if you are feeling unwell or have been overseas recently please do not come to your appointment. We will work with you to reschedule your appointment to a more suitable time. However please do continue to support us with making your regular appointments during this stressful time it is greater than ever that you look after your bodies and mental health! I’m available Tuesday Wednesday and Friday for any bookings!
18.01.2022 Important! . Don’t forget about self care, take time to catch up, we’re so busy running around that sometimes we forget to stop and catch up! . This weekend try take some time for yourself - do one thing that makes you happy and next week will be fantastic! ... . . . #myotherapy #myotherapymelbourne #selfcare #funfriday #myotherapymatters #myotherapyaustralia #fitness #health #healthylifestyle #healthymindhealthybody See more
18.01.2022 LIGAMENT SPRAIN . . . Ligament sprains can happen to any joint just but they are most common in the ankle, knee or wrists. ... . . . Ligament sprains happen when the joint is forced suddenly and severely outside of its usual range of motion, this causes stress on the joint and the ligament to overextend or tear. . . . During this time in iso I’m sure everyone has been cleaning out their garages (just like me), carrying things over uneven surfaces or tripping over things on the floor, ligament sprains can be common during this time! . . . If you suspect a ligament sprain of any grading it’s best to come in and see if we can sort you out! If the pain is only mild get straight onto that ice pack! . . . https://www.seaviewhealthgroup.com.au/book-now see you soon! . . . #seaviewhealthgroup #healthyliving#homeinjuries #ligaments #myotherapy #remedialmassage @ Seaview Health Group
17.01.2022 GOOD NEWS INCOMING... . . . .... Due to some easing restrictions I’m now opening up a few hours on a Friday night in addition to my Tuesday appointments! . . . Also we are now able to treat for up to 45 minutes! So if you’re feeling abit run down and the body needs some TLC! Come book in and I’ll sort you out! . . . . #myotherapy #remedialmassage #dryneedling #cuppingtherapy #softtissuetherapy #deeptissue #healthybodyhealthymind See more
16.01.2022 I get asked a lot during my treatments what are trigger points and why is dry needling so good? I’ve tried to answer this question so please have a read! Dry needling is when a fine, single use, needle is inserted into a myofascial trigger point within a muscle. The aim is to achieve a release within the muscle therefore decreasing pain and improving function. ... WHAT IS A TRIGGER POINT? A trigger point is commonly known as a knot within a muscle. It’s really a group of muscle fibres which have shortened during activation and have not been able to lengthen and relax again, causing compression of nerves and capillaries. Trigger points hinder the muscle from being able to move normally, block blood and oxygen supply and stop the flushing of bad chemicals. WHAT CAUSES TRIGGER POINTS? They can be caused by many lifestyle activities, such as: -Sustained postures -Quick/unexpected movements -Stress -injury -change in regular activity/increasing load -illness -nutritional deficiencies When the dry needle is inserted into the trigger point, blood pools around the needle, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the site causing the contracted fibres to relax, which in turn helps to flush bad chemicals. Please feel free to shoot me any more questions and I’ll answer them as best I can! #dryneedlingtherapy #dryneedling #myotherapy @seaviewhealthgroup @ Seaview Health Group
16.01.2022 MUSLCE STRAIN . . Muscle strains are usually sport or exercise related, but can happen during everyday activities as well. .... . Muscle strains can occur if you’ve had a sudden increase in: intensity, duration or frequency of your chosen activity. . . With a lot of us at home at the moment we are trying new things, or walking and running with more frequency- it’s important to be smart with our training, start out slow, warm up correctly and increase the frequency and intensity once our body has gotten used to the load! . . . . If you suspect a muscle strain, come into the clinic and we will be able to help you find the best way to recover and get back to your activities quickly and safely! . https://www.seaviewhealthgroup.com.au/book-now . . Stay tuned next week for some information about ligament sprains! . . . . #heathylifestyle #heathyliving #treatment #myotherapy #remedialmassage #dryneedling #myofascialcupping #musclestrain #strength #conditioning #rehab @ Seaview Health Group See more
16.01.2022 LONGPOST! you know you love it.... . . UNSURE WHEN TO USE HOT OR COLD? . .... . THERMOTHERAPY or heat therapy is when heat is applied to the site of pain or stiffness for around 20-30 minutes. The heat can be directly applied via heat packs, hot water bottles, wax baths and heat wraps also a more generalised heat can be applied via sauna, steam rooms or baths. . . By applying heat to the body, blood flow is increased by vasodilation (widening of blood vessels). Increases in blood flow accelerates oxygen uptake and tissue healing, also promoting tissue length and flexibility. . . Heat is fantastic for injuries related to muscle spasm and tension, but can also be used post injury to help with remodelling of muscles and to decrease scar tissue. Heat should be applied multiple times during the day and only if there is NO inflammation or swelling is present, usually 48 hours post injury. Heat can also be applied pre workout/exercise or post treatment to help increase circulation, flexibility and to ease any pain, tenderness or stiffness. . . CRYOTHERAPY or cold therapy is when ice is applied to the site of pain or inflammation for around 10-20 minutes. The cold therapy can be applied via ice massage, ice packs, ice gels/sprays or ice baths. By applying ice to the site, the blood flow is decreased by vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels). This reduces the amount of fluid flowing into the tissues and slows the release of chemicals that cause pain, inflammation and bleeding. . . Ice is usually best for acute injuries or recovery, usually in the 24-48 hour period, with the aim of reducing bruising, swelling and inflammation. For injuries an ice pack is applied over the site of injury, usually wrapped in a thin damp towel for around 20 minutes repeated every 2-3 hours. For recovery, ice baths can be used for around 6-8 minutes unless supervised, do not exceed 10 minutes. . . Ice massage can also be used to help with more chronic issues such as tendinopathies and scar tissue (usually performed by a therapist). . STILL UNSURE? get in contact & I’ll help out! . . . . . #recovery #thermotherapy #cryotherapy #myotherapy#injuryprevention #rehabilitation See more
14.01.2022 Although the clinic is closed we are all still available to help you during your time at home! . . We are all giving out free consultations and advice via phone, email or video! ... . . We can discuss your problem and decide on the best way to proceed, whether it’s through exercise prescription or stretches and self treatment we will help you get through this time and come out the otherside smiling! . . Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’ve got any niggles that you feel might need some attention! . . Contact info below . . [email protected] Seaviewhealthgroup.com.au 9589 7815 . . . . . . #osteopathy #podiatry #remedialmassage #myotherapy #exercisephysiology #lookafteryourself #healthylifestyle #healthybody #healthymind
14.01.2022 Who’s ready for the snow season...? . . .... . . . #readytoshred #dreamingofwinter #snow #snowboarding #outdoors See more
14.01.2022 One of the most amazing things I have ever done was go diving with the sharks off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii . . When there was a lot going on in my life it was amazing, daunting and humbling to see how huge and deep the ocean really is and to come so close to these incredible animals. People often stereotype sharks as being vicious or brutal, but this usually comes from misinformation and fear. ... . . . This week I encourage you all to pass on a positive fact to a family member, friend, partner or colleague. Did you know that sharks actually don’t like the smell of human blood, the high content of iron is too metallic for them. #spreadthelove #funfacts #positivevibes #mothernature #earth #ocean #sharks
13.01.2022 CLINIC REOPENING! . . After a period of hibernation we are opening out doors again for consultations! .... . Following government guidelines we are deemed an essential health service, we will be doing everything we can to keep the risk low, including following correct hygiene practises. I will be available on Tuesdays and all consultations will be 30 minutes. . . If your body and mind have been struggling during this time please book now and we will get you back on track!. . . . #healthylifestyle #remedialmassage #myotherapy #healthymind #healthybody #injuryprevention #staysafe See more
13.01.2022 Don’t be disheartened by the recent restrictions! . . It’s just for the short term,we will be back at it in no time! . .... . Although @seaviewhealthgroup is staying open, as a remedial massage therapist and myotherapist i am advised to stay at home for the next 6 weeks! . . I may be a little disappointed I can’t be there to help you all stay in tip top shape but I am instead taking this time to focus on furthering my studies to be a more well rounded and focused therapist. . . Stay tuned in to this space... good things are coming! . . . . #healthylifestyle #healthymindhealthybody #myotherapy #remedialmassage #staysafe #stayconnected #stayhome See more
12.01.2022 For anyone needing a little pick me up this beautiful Monday night in iso! . . . Sometimes you have a rough day and it’s hard to stay positive. Find something that makes you feel good- a book, a run, a walk, a nap or even the sun poking its head out on a winters day, for me at the moment it’s coming home to this little fluff ball. He is so full of energy and happiness it’s hard to stay grumpy. ... . . . Remember there’s another day tomorrow put those negative thoughts behind you and start each day on the right side of the bed! . . . #thanksreggie #13weeks #healthymindset #staypositive #stayhealthy #staytogether #postivethoughts See more
11.01.2022 WORKING FROM HOME? I’ve put some of my top tips together for working at home... a lot of it may seem like common sense but they can be easily overlooked!. . .... During these times it’s especially essential that when working at your desk you have GOOD POSTURE and that you take the time to MOVE every 25-30 minutes... it may seem like too frequent but while you’re being stationary your muscles are getting a reduction in blood flow and nutrients which leads to a build up of knots and cramps! A little bit of an inconvenience now can save you a lot of pain later!. . . Have a read! Stay safe! Keep in contact! . . . #workingfromhome #myotherapy #remedialmassage #staysafe #inthistogether #heathylifestyle See more
09.01.2022 During stressful times like these it’s important to remember to breathe and remain calm... Breathing is an involuntary process our body does in order for us to be alive. It supplies our muscles and organs with oxygen and therefore allowing the process of energy to be made.... However with so many of us following busy and active lifestyles we don’t often stop to think about if we are breathing correctly. . . Shallow or chest breathing is common during times of stress or anxiety and sometimes even during exercise. By only using your chest you are limiting your lungs capacity to take in the necessary oxygen needed. . . This can lead to chest tightness, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, fatigue and heightened stress or anxiety. . By taking at least 2 minutes each day to sit or lie in a calm environment and control your breathing, you can help to relax muscles, reset breathing habits and decrease stress therefore allowing you to have more energy through the day. Hang in there everyone
05.01.2022 COVID RUNNERS* this is for you... . Some of us, myself included have taken up the art of running during our lockdown. As we were unable to do much else we have increased our load and distances over a short period of time which can lead to overuse injuries such as ITB syndrome. . .... Now more than ever it’s important to get yourself booked in to check up on any niggles you might have that have popped up over these past few weeks! The quicker you get in the easier and faster recovery is! . . . If you suspect you may have ITB syndrome or any other injury come into the clinic and we will sort you out! We’re back open as of TOMORROW !! See you then! https://www.seaviewhealthgroup.com.au/book-now
03.01.2022 Have you checked in with someone today? . . It could be a friend, family member or work college, you never know what is going on in other people’s lives and a little bit of kindness goes a long way! .... . Everyone is equally important and everyone appreciates the effort of showing that you care, also if you ask the question be ready to listen to the answer, you don’t have to offer advice sometimes they just need to be listened to. . . . Remember also if you are struggling to pull yourself out of a dark place there is help available sometimes the hardest part is taking that first step! . . Ask your doctor about a mental health plan, 10 sessions with Medicare can go a long way. . . . For anyone who needs I am always willing to listen! And remember the best medicine can be as simple as putting everything down and going for a walk! . . Take a break, you deserve it, you’re the best! . . . #ruok #ruokayday #mentalhealthawareness #myotherapy #remedialmassage #healthylifestyle #healthandwellness #healthymindhealthybody See more
02.01.2022 It might seem to be a bit doom and gloom at the moment but it’s important to take the good with the bad! . . Find a hobby, maybe you always wanted to paint more or spend more time with your kids, or get those jobs around the house done that have been piling up. Maybe your pet needs a big cuddle or another 3 walks in the day! .... . Whatever it may be, just remember that this won’t last forever and we will come out the other side! . . And when we do we will be back to the beach in time for that beautiful summer sun! . . . Stay safe, follow the rules and send a nice message to a friend or family member! You never know it might make their day... . . . #healthandwellness #postivevibes #postivemind #spreadlove #healthymindhealthybody #healthysoul See more