Be Empowered By Nicole Taylor | Brand
Be Empowered By Nicole Taylor
Phone: +61 408 129 413
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25.01.2022 I have lived in zoom land for most of this year but tomorrow is no exception because I’m going back as a student to be certified as a trainer in hypnosis I also officially became master trainer year 1 of 5 and now embarking in year 2
25.01.2022 Hypnosis for weight loss Have you tried everything under the sun to feel your old self again? Every diet, every exercise to regain that old self that was full of energy and felt fantastic? Are you over 40 like me and nothing seems to work? Well have I got fantastic news for you!... Hypnosis may be more effective than diet and exercise alone for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating or even over drinking. So, how do I know? I did it myself, proof in the pudding, I have been working, studying and have a family and whilst burning candles at both ends I went to the quickest and easiest food just to get back to my daily life. Within one year I had put on 10kg and didn’t even know who I saw in the mirror anymore. I tried everything, I blamed everything even my hormones. Then one day I thought I am going to hypnotise myself (as I am a master clinical practitioner in hypnosis) and create a healthy eating plan for 2020. Today, since jan 1st, I have lost a total of 5kg. Simply by hypnosis and eating a healthy group of foods that I look forward to every day. Even my husband loves the food I cook. Does this sound interesting to you? Contact me and let’s talk how I can help you achieve happiness, energy and living a life of health on 0408-129-413 or PM me Let’s make 2020 the year and let’s do it together as a tribe Sending you happiness and love Nicole Taylor xxxx
25.01.2022 A little something to brighten up your weekend
25.01.2022 What I am doing for my family whilst in isolation More than ever I am boosting my entire family with essential vegetable, fruits and berry capsules along with a few extras such as omegas and probiotics. We also take a doTERRA Essential Oils Australia on guard beadlet and wash our hands frequently with DoTerra on guard hand wash.... I love, as a mum, that my boys are getting all these nutrients every day, the building block for they immune system. We always have our diffuser running with all the essential oils that help us with our immune system and mental health If you have any questions at all, I am here for you. Together we will get through this Nicole Taylor
24.01.2022 30 essential fruits, vegetables and berries for these guys I love, as a mum, that my boys are getting all these nutrients every day. The best part about this is that we have a children’s health program What does that mean you ask for every premium pack of these vitamins purchased you will get a free pack of the chewable day for every child in your family aged between 4-21 yrs of age up to 4 years.... no more time consuming and expensive juicing 100% vegan all natural no chemicals no pesticides or nasties How amazing is that Contact me on 0408-129-413 or comment or PM me Nicole Taylor
24.01.2022 When what you do matters I recently had a client that came to me for anxiety. We did a series of sessions for a full breakthrough package. Not only is my client living his best life but is now enrolled as a future master practitioner in NLP, hypnosis and time line therapy. You see, I’m the guide that guides you into success and a compelling future but it’s my clients that take action ... NLP, hypnosis and Time Line Therapy is magic and science all rolled into one and I’m so privileged to see the growth in each and every client and small business I see and coach and now I have a future practitioner joining us in transforming lives This is such a proud moment for everyone involved
24.01.2022 TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY, IT'S THE ONLY PLACE YOU HAVE TO LIVE 30 Vegetables, fruits and berries capsules Do you suffer from the following:... fatigue = your body needs more wholefood nutrients Feel like you have been hit by a bus: you need more nutrients Waking up tired and exhausted: you need more nutrients Too tired to exercise: you need more nutrients Cant fall or stay asleep: more nutrients Acne/Skin breakouts: you guessed it, more nutrients Always getting sick: more nutrients Poor bowel movements: more nutrients Is any of above you? It was me for years but i always thought i was over worked but I was wrong Little did I know or even understand that my body was screaming out for HELP Thats when i started my journey of research and a healthy lifestyle I transformed in front of my very eyes January 1st 2020 was the day, not because it was new years day but because i had enough. enough of being tired, my skin looking dull, lifeless and not feeling the way i should be 2020 was my year, my year of change I started a whole food, non processed lifestyle change along with these capsules of 30 vegetable, fruits and berries and OMG what a difference. I have so much energy Im sleeping like a baby everynight My skin is glowing My hair is thicker and growing Im the best I have ever been thanks to my capsules, 100% all natural, wholefoods Come join me in this journey of self transformation If you want to know more about these amazing products please contact me on 0408-129-413 or message me ONE CHANGE, ONE LIFE
23.01.2022 Wishing everyone a wonderful day full of love Nicole xxx Be Empowered By Nicole TaylorWishing everyone a wonderful day full of love Nicole xxx Be Empowered By Nicole Taylor
23.01.2022 Lets do it beautiful souls, what is three things you appreciate? For me it is my family including my fur children, helping my clients live there best life and my wonderful husband that supports and encourages me every minute of each day. Happy v day xxxxxx
22.01.2022 Let’s do this, realign our goals and what we want in life, this is the time we can stop and think about what we really want in our life xxxx Nicole Taylor
21.01.2022 Let’s talk about Cause and Effect. Taking responsibility for your projections is not having to be blamed for anything. ... Remember that if Perception is Projection works the way we say it does (based on Carl Jung’s philosophy), then we should pay really good attention to the definition of our goals and stay true to our beliefs and especially values. Once you do that, then by noticing the results you get from your goals, etc., you can hone in the skills for an even better definition of your goals, and become more and more conscious that you are getting the message of setting boundaries and controlling your projections, not to mention being ready to experience your own life and stop leaning heavily on others. It Pays To Pay Attention To Boundaries! So then, what is the condition of your boundaries and the boundaries of others around you in your world? Do you live by what you preach? Do you walk your talk? Do you stand for your own boundaries Do you allow others to step over them? Do you step over other people’s boundaries yourself? Depending on how willing you are to admit it, or how conscious you are about your own behaviors you may learn extremely valuable lessons here. How often do you feel that your boundaries of what is dear and true to you? what you stand for is stepped over by other people every day? How many times have you said to yourself: Oh, I actually did not want that thing or Oh, now that s/he told me otherwise, I realize that x is not really important to me? Maybe what I really want is not correct/not right/not good/not appropriate? And then it starts, you fool yourself but what you don’t realize is that in the process you are actually stepping over your own boundaries. It’s all about how your mind creates, constructs and represents the reality of your life experience. Be motivated, be true, be inspired, be empowered, BE YOU Nicole Taylor xxxxxx
21.01.2022 Let’s talk about Ketosis and hypnosis xxx After studying and working full time I found myself gaining unnecessary weight. Was it my hormones or was it me not looking after number 1? See I was burning the candles at both ends, trying to be the best mum and wife, working full time hours and studying. My fuel tank was running on empty and let’s be real it’s so much easier to get that quick meal or snack. After I got my master practitioner in hypnosis I needed to change. So Jan 2020 was the day. I changed the way I ate and did hypnosis to allow me to be the healthiest version of myself. So what is Ketosis? Ketosis is one way the body can obtain energy from food. Usually, the body breaks down carbohydrates -- foods like bread, fruit, and starchy vegetables -- into glucose, which it uses for energy. Excess energy that comes from consuming more carbs than the body needs becomes fat. If the body does not have sufficient carbohydrates to burn for energy, it will enter ketosis and start burning fat, which is how a person loses weight. The ketogenic or keto diet takes this process one step further by all but removing carbs from the diet so the body begins exclusively burning fat for energy. Many people are adopting this way of eating. THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE I also did healthy eating hypnosis I’m on my 11th day and have never felt so alive and better. I have energy, I’m feeling like my old self and I’m happy. Come join me in the journey of great health. Hypnosis may be more effective than diet and exercise alone for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating. ... Researchers concluded that while hypnotherapy may enhance weight loss. Does this sound like value to you? Let’s start the journey today, 2020, no more overeating, no more excuses but simply living your best life Call Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413 xxx
21.01.2022 Thank you America
20.01.2022 Monday’s Have you ever really thought about why mondays are the most disliked day of the week, I mean have you really really thought about it? Did you know that a risk of heart attacks increases by a whopping 30% on Monday’s researches have shown that huge increases in the stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol happen on Monday’s ... How interesting is that We are overworked, underpaid and stressed because we are working more and playing less Here are my 3 B’s and 3 M’s I know live because I followed my heart and my dreams The three B’s better work life better balance better life with family My 3 M’s more time with my family more time for me more time to feel empowered Come and join me and our amazing team and live the life you want. PM me for all the amazing details Be the boss babe you know you are
20.01.2022 Isolation: covid 19, the second wave 2020 Loneliness is a feeling of sadness or distress about being by yourself or feeling disconnected from the world around you. It may be felt more over a long period of time. ... Isolation is being separated from other people and from your normal, everyday environment. WHAT ARE SOME REASONS YOU MIGHT FEEL LONELY OR ISOLATED THROUGH LOCKDOWN 1) Losing a loved one or friend through death or relocation 2) Lack of close family ties 3) Living alone 4) Difficulties in meeting new people due to the lockdown 5) Feelings of loss or grief 6) Poor physical health 7) A mental health condition such as depression or anxiety 8)Fear of rejection 9)Inability to participate in activities due to the lockdown 10)Lack of purpose or meaning in life 11) Loss of employment 12) Home schooling stress 13)Geographic isolation HOW DOES LONELINESS AND ISOLATION AFFECT OUR MENTAL HEALTH? Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but long periods of loneliness or social isolation can have a negative impact on your physical, mental and social health. Some signs include: Physical symptoms aches and pains, headaches, illness or worsening of medical conditions Mental health conditions increased risk of depression, anxiety, or panic attacks Low energy tiredness or lack of motivation Sleep problems difficulty getting to sleep, waking frequently or sleeping too much Diet problems loss of appetite, sudden weight gain or loss Substance use Increased consumption of alcohol, smoking, medications, drugs Negative feelings feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness or thoughts about suicide WHAT HELPS? Loneliness and the feeling of isolation can be overcome. 1) Connect or reconnect with friends and family staying in contact with loved ones can prevent loneliness and isolation, technology can help you stay in touch 2)Daily exercise, a walk around the block 3) Get involved in your community enrol in study, or learn a new skill via online, at your local TAFE 4) Consider getting a pet 5) Get support If loneliness and social isolation are causing you distress, you should discuss your concerns The team at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor are open through isolation via 1:1 in person or through technology such as zoom and/or FaceTime We are an essential service and together we will help you strive for your best life Please call on 0408-129-413 or message us Sending you all love, healing and support xxx
20.01.2022 WELLBEING STARTS IN THE CELL Something super exciting is happening at Be Empowered By Nicole Taylor. We are introducing a Holistic bioenergetic support to help you balance your mind and body and improve quality of life. ... We can also give you an analysis of your energtic state and give you ways to improve for you and your family. We are proud to be one of 100 practices in Australia to offer this, how amazing is that So what is it? Healy can support restoring cell membrane tension back to a natural level. It helps promote your energetic balances, vitality and overall wellbeing. We have individual programs that can support you in the following areas: Local Stimulation: unpleasant sensations in the back, body, mouth, joints, head, sleep issues, mental balance, relief in mental stress Sleep: fatigue, exhaustion, deep sleep in the delta state, balanced sleep Gold cycle Mental Balance: Inner strength, emotional wellbeing, energetic balances of your inner self to help avoid addictive and compulsive behaviours, well being, mental balance. Job: Mental clarity, positive thoughts, balance nerves, extreme stress Beauty/Skin: Inner beauty, hair, ageing, nails, skin elasticity, Support local wounds, support cell metabolism, acne, scars Learning: central nervous system, learning through the cranial stimulation, memory, oxygen supply, concentration, cranial support before exams, balancing anxiety before exams, mental balance for creativity, stress Fitness, weight, muscle, circulation, performance, strength, stamina, regeneration, deep relaxation Meridians: allergy, connective tissue, bladder, large intestine, small intestine, fatty degeneration, gall bladder, joints, skin, heart, hormonal balance, circulation, liver lungs, lymphatic sysyem, stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidney, organs. Charkas: crown chakra, third eye chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, root chakra Bioenergetic balance: Gastroinestinal tract, bacteria, tonsils, intolerances, toxins, head, prostate, lung function, thyroid gland, joints/bones, sciatica, immune system, colds, allergies, eyes, hormones, intestine, nerves, flexibility, menopause, potency, circulatory system How amazing is this, to have a holistic approach to all of the above. We are offering a introductory session so stay tuned for all of the details. Please contact Be Empowered By Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413 or message us for more information
20.01.2022 Friday meetings done right
20.01.2022 Lets talk about immune systems and how it protects us from terrible diseases and illnesses Credit: Alissa Harriman
19.01.2022 Let’s build our immune systems with hypnosis and time line therapy With the world experiencing all five negative emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, hurt and guilt our immune system becomes compromised. By removing all the negative emotions this will allow you to have a strong and healthy immune system all the way to the event that this virus has passed ... What I am offering is a hypnosis session including time line therapy in the comfort of your own home via FaceTime, Skype and/or zoom 1:1 If this sounds of interest to you to live a healthy life through these times please contact me on 0408-129-413 or message me. My name is Nicole Taylor and I am the owner of Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor. I am a certified master clinical hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and coach and a time line therapist , I am also a certified trainer of NLP. I am offering this amazing session at $200, which is normally $1000, that’s a saving of $800 to help you live your best life Let’s transform the world together and change our mind set into a uplifting life full of health, strength and your immune system being supported
19.01.2022 Everything will be ok
18.01.2022 The team at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor are open through the Victorian lockdown as we are an essential service We are doing online and in person sessions Online sessions work the same as in person sessions and we have found that they can even be better as you are in the safety of your own home. ... We are here to help support you with any fears, anger, sadness, guilt, anxiety, depression, sleep concerns, goal setting and reiki healing We offer Time Line Therapy, hypnosis, personal and business coaching, reiki healing plus many more We are with you during this challenging time and want to thank all of beautiful clients for there ongoing support Call us on 0408-129-413 or message Nicole Taylor xxxxxxx
18.01.2022 Business success package day 1 for a special small business ready for change and growth. Cannot wait to see where we go
18.01.2022 FUN FACT THURSDAY I’m the founder and owner of Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor and The Academy of NLP I am a mum of 2 boys, 2 boxer dogs and 2 guinea pigs... I obsessed with true crimes, murder mysteries and true stories I wanted to become a forensic scientist but decided I wanted to help people heal I obsessed with 70’s, 80’s and 90’s music, anything from the doors to queen to any boy and girl band my favorite band is New kids in the block and I met them in 2012 Jordan knight I’m a huge dreamer that loves dreaming big My all time favorite movie is Ferris buller’s day off I believe in the power and magic of positive thinking I love a great belly laugh and love joking around I get to do what I love every single day, transforming clients, small business’s and students. This is me, Nicole Taylor
18.01.2022 Let’s look after Mother Nature
17.01.2022 Mantra march For the entire month of March the team at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor are offering an amazing opportunity to have a one hour Reiki session for $70. We want everyone to feel there best, to be motivated, embraced, empowered living in full abundance... Reiki (ray-key) is a technique that aids the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation. Reiki promotes healing and health. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "the Wisdom of God or the Higher Power" and Ki which is means 'life force energy.' So Reiki means 'spiritually guided life force energy.' The Reiki system of healing is a technique for transmitting this subtle energy to yourself and others through the hands into the human energy system. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens blocked meridians, nadas and chakras, and clears the energy bodies, leaving one feeling relaxed and at peace. Reiki can: Accelerate healing Assist the body in cleansing toxins Balance the flow of subtle energy by releasing blockages Help the client contact the 'healer within.' A treatment feels like warm, gentle sunshine which flows through you, surrounds you and comforts you. Reiki treats the person’s body, emotions, mind and spirit as a whole. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki is powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and nurturing. During a treatment, the clients remain fully clothed. Reiki is an effective alternative, or complement to massage therapy. Reiki supports any medical, or supplemental healing methods a client may be using and is of growing interest to chiropractors, medical doctors, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, psychologists and hypnotherapists. To book an appointment please call in 0408-129-413 or comment below or PM us. Nicole Taylor Reiki Practitioner Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor
17.01.2022 Something exciting happened today @beempowererdbynicoletaylor and @the_academy_of_nlp. We have partnered with ezypay for all of your payment plan options. Creating your best life has now become even easier
16.01.2022 Without goals, I can guarantee you are not living the life you want. Before I set my goals, I was doing what everyone else thought I should do or society thought I should be doing but I wasn’t happy, I wanted to live my dream, my truth. At the time I didn’t even realize I was drifting along day by day doing what other people thought was important. ... Everyday was exactly the same routine with no change to my life’s purpose I have spent the last ten years of my life learning how to be the best as a ‘goal-setter,’ and a ‘goal-achiever.’ My decade worth of discovery and study has lead me to understand the reasons to set goals and achieve them. This has changed the way I set goals and allowed me to complete all of my goals I set years ago bigger and brighter than I first thought. As we go through lockdown with covid 19 it is so extremely important to start looking ahead to the next year. If we don’t do it now, we will reach 2021 and not even try to set goals and live the life society, family, friends and/or work colleagues define for us. Let this be the time, the time for you to realign your goals for the future YOU As a Personal and business coach we will realign your goals so you will reach for the stars Call Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413 or message us Nicole Taylor xxxx
15.01.2022 Negative emotions be gone Time Line Therapy has been so successful in its results that it has been utilized since 1986 by thousands of people including psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family counselors, social workers, life and business coaches, and even athletic coaches. Your Time Line is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. ... Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don’t change consciously. The Time Line Therapy techniques allow you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change inappropriate programming in minutes rather than days, months or years. Are you bothered by Negative Emotions? Want to get rid of some emotional baggage? Then contact me on 0408129413 or message me regarding Time Line Therapy v to see how you can quickly get rid of Negative Emotions. Nicole Taylor xxxx Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor The Academy of NLP by Nicole Taylor
14.01.2022 CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER If you talk about it, it’s a dream, If you envision it, it’s possible, But if you schedule it, it’s real Don’t let fear determine your life... A personal breakthrough session is a supercharged, intensive 8 hour or 2 day life coaching session using techniques from Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis and Reiki Healing, to assist you move yourself in the direction of your goals and desires today. Get rid of all the barriers that have held you back. A Personal Breakthrough session is designed specifically for you and that means we work on your personal changes you want to achieve whether it be in your personal or professional life or both. It will help you with unresolved issues or presenting problems that you have not yet managed to resolve. There are many reasons for this such as limiting decisions, Limiting beliefs, fears etc. What value would it be for you to let go of all negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, phobias, hurt, guilt and habits What is include in the personal breakthrough session/s: Detailed Personal History Cause and effect Modelling Values Time Line Therapy Limiting decisions and beliefs Parts Integration Enforcing Boundaries Hypnosis Reiki Future Pace for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years How would you like to feel? Be in control of your life. Feel empowered and transform your life the way you want it to be. Today is the day you say no more to the old you and embrace the journey to the new you in 8 hours Every client that I see for a breakthrough empowers me every time with there transformation, you see a physical shift in front of my own very eyes and to see them transform to living there best life brings me tremendous joy and happiness. I personally work 1:1 with you to achieve your new chapter in your life story - Nicole Taylor xxx IT’S FAST, IT’S POSITIVE, IT WORKS, AND YOU KEEP THE CHANGE Call Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413
14.01.2022 Tuesday hangs with my girl gang I just love our team calls and all the goodness that comes with it Living this holistic healthy lifestyle and doing what I love has been so amazing plus you get to hang out with these babes #bossbabesquad #healthylifestyle #beyourownboss #frankston #morningtonpeninsula #nlp #nlppractitioner #timelinetherapy #reiki #beempoweredbynicoletaylor
14.01.2022 Happy Saturday to you all Day 7/14 in our virtual NLP Master Practitioner course with our amazing students. Now is the perfect time to be certified as a NLP Practitioner ... Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could learn and implement change into your life and to other’s? Would you love to know how to change a negative emotion to a positive emotion and have all the tools and certifications to see clients? Are you in a cross roads, a fork in the road, where you want to expand and/or change your career? If you answered yes then take the first step and contact us Today is the day to take the step for your future
14.01.2022 How to change a negative to a positive in our current situation What I have done for myself and my family ... Step 1: I took the current situation we are all facing into a positive I removed all five negative emotions with time line therapy and took us all to 15 minutes after the event where we were told the peak of the virus has passed and our country can go back to normal where we are fit, healthy with a supported immune system. I feel what I feel, I felt what I felt and I heard what I heard, all the postivity then I anchored that positive feeling of being healthy, fit, supported immune system Step 2: I took this situation and looked at it diffently: instead of being at the effect I chose to be at cause: I am spending quality time with my family, I am empowered and thankful. Everyday is a blessing to spend this time with my husband and kids Perception is projection: when you feel empowered you will project empowerment Don’t be at the effect, be at cause because we will get through this as a country, everything will go back to normal so take this moment to embrace what is around you as a positive experience You can do this technique for anything, if you lost your job, future pace yourself as above to when you start your first day back at work, feel, felt, found and take in how amazing it feels and how empowered you are If you need anything, anything at all, the team at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor is here for you. We can do sessions for you via platforms such as zoom, skype, or FaceTime to allow you to embrace all positivity BE AT CAUSE OF YOUR LIFE Sending you love, strength and positivity Nicole Taylor xxxxxx
13.01.2022 CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER I’m so lucky to have changed so many of my clients lives and next week is a week of breakthrough sessions for some very special souls wanting to take action If you talk about it, it’s a dream, If you envision it, it’s possible, But if you schedule it, it’s real... Don’t let fear determine your life So what is a breakthrough session you ask A personal breakthrough session is a supercharged, intensive 8 hour or 2 day life coaching session using techniques from Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis and Reiki Healing, to assist you move yourself in the direction of your goals and desires today. Get rid of all the barriers that have held you back. A Personal Breakthrough session is designed specifically for you and that means we work on your personal changes you want to achieve whether it be in your personal or professional life or both. It will help you with unresolved issues or presenting problems that you have not yet managed to resolve. There are many reasons for this such as limiting decisions, Limiting beliefs, fears etc. What value would it be for you to let go of all negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, phobias, hurt, guilt and habits What is include in the personal breakthrough session/s: Detailed Personal History Cause and effect Modelling Values Time Line Therapy Limiting decisions and beliefs Parts Integration Enforcing Boundaries Hypnosis Reiki Future Pace for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years How would you like to feel? Be in control of your life. Feel empowered and transform your life the way you want it to be. Today is the day you say no more to the old you and embrace the journey to the new you in 8 hours Every client that I see for a breakthrough empowers me every time with there transformation, you see a physical shift in front of my own very eyes and to see them transform to living there best life brings me tremendous joy and happiness. I personally work 1:1 with you to achieve your new chapter in your life story - Nicole Taylor xxx IT’S FAST, IT’S POSITIVE, IT WORKS, AND YOU KEEP THE CHANGE Call Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413
13.01.2022 Happy Monday to you all Now is the perfect time to be certified as a NLP Practitioner Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could learn and implement change into your life and to other’s?... Would you love to know how to change a negative emotion to a positive emotion and have all the tools and certifications to see clients? Are you in a cross roads, a fork in the road, where you want to expand and/or change your career? Has the current crisis effected you and your family emotionally If you answered yes then take the first step and contact us We are taking enrolments now for our November 2020 training Today is the day to take the step for your future
13.01.2022 The healing power of whole foods I just adore how they make me feel ... Happy weekend everyone Love Nicole xxx
13.01.2022 The healthy lifestyle December 2019 to match 2020 Have you had enough? Hag enough of feeling fatigued, not comfortable in your own skin, finding you don’t really want to leave the house? ... I understand because that was me xxxxx January 1st 2020 was the day of change, change for me to be who I was I did a healthy lifestyle hypnosis program, reprogrammed my mindset and the fuel I was going to put in my body from this point on I went to plant based whole foods, starting taking 30 vegetable, fruits and berries capsules daily that are all 100% real, not synthetic, REAL, VEGAN, PLANT BASED goodness I also added probiotics for a healthy gut and omegas for my brain fog Hypnosis, whole foods, amazing whole food capsules, probiotic and omegas..... 5 simple changes 55555555555 I’m a qualified master hypnotherapist and I would love to help you, help you change your mindset for good and live the life you truely want Contact me for all the amazing information on my healthy lifestyle program, the whole food capsules and how to get your inner self back Call me now on 0408-129-413 or message me at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor xxxxx
13.01.2022 The Unconscious Mind is so powerful and amazes me on a daily basis When my clients see me to release past traumas I explain in detail the unconscious mind but why you may ask? You would be surprised that your Unconscious Mind can take over especially if you have suffered an emotional event that you don’t think of on a daily basis but can be triggered all the way back to that very first event.... Interesting, isn’t it? I see a lot of clients that have past trauma stemming from childhood, some with no memory of the event and some that do, but each one of them has a pattern that they just can’t break and cannot understand why. Our full breakthrough sessions are designed to release those memories and create a compelling future If you want to know more, Feel free to PM me or call 0408-129-413 and let’s have 2021 the year of change, growth and empowerment LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE
12.01.2022 If ANYONE is not working/not getting a paycheck and runs out of food or necessities or times are just tough...please don’t let yourself or your kids go to sleep with an empty stomach. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to send me a private message. I am more than happy to share whatever I can. No one has to know and I will pretend it never happened. What's understood never has to be explained. #JoinTheCause CopyAndPasteIfYouCanAndAreWilling
12.01.2022 PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGH SESSION A personal breakthrough session is a supercharged, intensive 8 hour or 2 day life coaching session using techniques from Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis and Reiki Healing, to assist you move yourself in the direction of your goals and desires today. Get rid of all the barriers that have held you back. A Personal Breakthrough session is designed specifically for you and that means we work on your personal change...s you want to achieve whether it be in your personal or professional life or both. It will help you with unresolved issues or presenting problems that you have not yet managed to resolve. There are many reasons for this such as limiting decisions, Limiting beliefs, fears etc. What value would it be for you to let go of all negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, phobias, hurt, guilt and habits What is include in the personal breakthrough session/s: Detailed Personal History Cause and effect Modelling Values Time Line Therapy Limiting decisions and beliefs Parts Integration Enforcing Boundaries Hypnosis Reiki Future Pace for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years How would you like to feel? Be in control of your life. Feel empowered and transform your life the way you want it to be. Today is the day you say no more to the old you and embrace the journey to the new you in 8 hours Every client that I see for a breakthrough empowers me every time with there transformation, you see a physical shift in front of my own very eyes and to see them transform to living there best life brings me tremendous joy and happiness. I personally work 1:1 with you to achieve your new chapter in your life story - Nicole Taylor xxx Call Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413
11.01.2022 Happy Halloween and evaluation day for the hypnosis trainers certification. Let the stage show begin
10.01.2022 Negative emotions be gone Today we here at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor are doing zoom sessions with Time Line Therapy Time Line Therapy has been so successful in its results that it has been utilized since 1986 by thousands of people including psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family counselors, social workers, life and business coaches, and even athletic coaches.... Your Time Line is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don’t change consciously. The Time Line Therapy techniques allow you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences and change inappropriate programming in minutes rather than days, months or years. Are you bothered by Negative Emotions? Want to get rid of some emotional baggage? Then contact me on 0408129413 or message me regarding Time Line Therapy v to see how you can quickly get rid of Negative Emotions. Nicole Taylor xxxx Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor The Academy of NLP by Nicole Taylor
10.01.2022 Farm fresh nutrition Did you know that vegetables are fruit are an important part of a healthy lifestyle? We need more of the health-giving whole food nutrition of fruits, vegetables, omegas and protein in our diets everyday. I’m a prime example of how a lack of all of these can leave you feeling flat and fatigued. In January this year I changed my whole lifestyle to a plant based nutrition plan and added these amazing capsules that are made from farm fresh, premium quali...ty, non GMO fruits and vegetables to my life. This fruits and vegan led are grown in specifically selected farms that are carefully rested to ensure that absolutely no pesticides or other contaminates effect the quality of these products. Better yet when picked they are juiced and concentrated into powders using a proprietary, low temperature process. WOW Even better is that also come in child friendly chews so my sports made boys have all the dietary requirements to allow them reach there full potential in all that they do. In fact my youngest one’s concentration at school has increased so much What value is that!!! Did you know that a report came out that stated from parents about there child and teenagers that: 56% were taking fewer over the counter prescription drugs 60% were missing less days from school 66% were visiting the doctor less AND ARE YOU READY FOR THIS A whopping 96% were reaping the positive benefits of some kind. Wouldn’t you absolutely love that for yourself and your family I’m so incredibly proud and excited to have these products in my business as a practitioner in NLP and especially for my clients that come to come with there health and weight concerns. You don’t even need to be a client in mine to receive all the goodness. I would absolutely love for you to join me in my journey and together let’s be super healthy with energy and the best bit is it’s all natural, vegan with absolutely no nasties I would love to hear from you so message me, call me or comment below if you want to know more and these amazing capsules, children’s chews and/or vegan protein shakes. Together let’s make a change
10.01.2022 What is your 2020 New Years resolution? My personal 2019 resolution was to live my best life and let go of past trauma and hurt and I did it using Time Line Therapy Time Line Therapy utilizes a person's own internal Time Line to work with their unconscious minds in a variety of ways; including, healing emotional traumas and eradicating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors. ... Behavioral change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. The most amazing part of my trainings and certifications in my field is that I was trained by the person who developed this technique Dr Tad James. This technique is pure magic and really works. Call today for your complementary discovery call and let’s live 2020 to our best possible way. Call 0408-129-413- Nicole Taylor xxxx
10.01.2022 DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR Have you ever experienced bloating, food intolerances, allergies, skin problems, low energy, brain fog or even weight management and mood disorders? All of these symptoms, and more, have been linked to an imbalance in your gut bacteria....Continue reading
08.01.2022 Hello beautiful souls, tomorrow I’m going to discuss my journey from being a full time corporate worker, being a mum of two , working 60 hours a week to my journey studying and being qualified and certified as a Master Practitioner in Neuro linguistics Programming (NLP), Master Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis, Master Time Line Therapist, Reiki Practitioner and certified trainer in NLP. I have been able to stop my mum guilt and work for myself as well as helping others liv...e there best lives. I’m also going to discuss the dark times in my life when I had a severe auto immune disorder that left me bed ridden every 6 weeks for 2 years, the pain, the hospital visits, no one knowing what I had, having every test and scan known to man to Living my best life, being there for my family and allowing us all the amazing nutrients in the world that have changed all of our lives. Mum guilt is real, earning a income to support your family is real, life stresses are real but step by step, day by day we can change this as mums, as wives, as partners. Join me tomorrow because this is going to be amazing value to you and a great insight into my world and how I changed it Nicole Taylor xxxx See more
08.01.2022 Are you ready for it? Do you want to live your best life? Do you want more energy running around after your children?... If you answered yes then come onboard and join the best babes all wanting the same thing as you KICK START 10 This is not a diet but simply a lifestyle change, a change for your mind, body and soul adapting lifestyle habits towards a better you. What value would it be for you to have the following: 1) More energy 2) More wholefoods 3) More Hydration 4) More sleep 5) More clarity 6) More support 7) More time What value would it be for you to have: 1) Glowing skin 2) healthy hair and nails During this 10 day kick start program, you will be part of our amazing facebook support group, The Kick start Movement where you will find people just like you going through the same journey, in face you will be supported like you have never been before. You will also have access to our life app which will give you access in all areas of health, nutrition, motivation, fitness, recipes, tracking and so much more. All of this is designed to help you achieve your goals xxxx Even more we Kick start with you I have seen in myself amazing results, in real time. I have lost weight, my skin is glowing, my hair is healthy and the energy i have is so amazing. Lets shred the unhealthy habits together and focus on wholefood, clean living. The best part is that it is suitable for children and pregnant/nursing mothers Contact us today for more information and how you can live your best life xxxxxxxxx
08.01.2022 This is a once in a lifetime event by my mentor Dr Adriana James, click for the reminder Nicole Taylor The Tad James company is stepping up and doing what we can to transform the planet.... Given everything that's happening in the world, Dr. Adriana James is running a Facebook Live Time Line Therapy experience... "How You Can Release Fear And Create Certainty For Your Future, Whilst Naturally Boosting You Immune System" Join us live: - Las Vegas time, Sunday March 29th, 3pm - Sydney time, Monday March 30th, 9am This live coaching movement is to help the planet reduce the panic and fear that is being felt and seen by us all. Click the link above to get your reminder for the event. Join us live on Facebook, because we ARE transforming the planet!
07.01.2022 Professional clinical hypnotherapists, NLP Practitioners, Time Line Therapists and trainers fulfil many crucial roles within the framework of the hypnotherapy, NLP and Time Line Therapyprofession. These include maintaining the national register and ensuring consistent standards in training by providing a course recognition scheme, while also promoting diversity. Certified boards provide on going professional development, professional supervision, industry and professional... representation and lobbying to the government, private health funds and other appropriate bodies. At Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor, we are certified by the Australian Hypnotherapists Association, The Hypnotherapy council of Australia, The American board of hypnotherapy, The American board of NLP and the Time Line Therapy Association as a certified practitioner and trainer. We abide by professional guidelines set by all boards and associations. We pride ourselves in transforming your life with the highest standards See more
07.01.2022 Time Line Therapyexplained Think about the five major negative emotions being: anger sadness... fear hurt guilt We all feel them and have experienced them Now think of a weed in the garden. When we garden and remove the weed if we don't get the root it will continue to grow beck over time with the same effect. Our emotions if not treated to the root cause of the very first event will be the same. So we need to get that root out of the garden to finally release all the emotions all the way back to the very first event That is what Time Line Therapy does, if removes the root cause, the very first event in which you felt the five negative emotions Does that excite you? Do you want to be at cause of your life? Do you want to be motivated instead of procrastinating? Let’s do it, let’s do it together Call us 0408-129-413 and together we will do this, let’s garden and remove the roots
06.01.2022 A new student wanted to join this morning at todays online training with 50 students Values What is important to you what is your value level
06.01.2022 It’s a sparkle kind of day
06.01.2022 FFF= FUN FACT FRIDAY Last week I did a fun fact day with outstanding response so I thought I would start off with the weekend with a new one I would love to hear what 5 fun fact ts you have about yourself that no one knows about you ... 1) I was born Sarah and was changed to Nicole 2) I hypnotised myself through my 1st labor with my son: that’s when my passion started with positive mindset and relaxation 3) I always dreamt of living near a beach and dreams do come true because that’s exactly where I am now 4) I’m a inner she wolf: anyone that has watched fuller house knows what I’m talking about 5) I have met Goldie Hawn, had my head out of a car window at kourtney kardashian, sat a row in front of hulk hogan and saw Miley cyrus’s mum all in one America trip So what’s yours?
06.01.2022 Today is the day to finally let all you beautiful souls know about our amazing news. Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor have joined the SMB team and we have launched our very own health business. Our mission is to help you become the healthiest versions of yourselves through our incredible whole food products. As you are aware I have been going through my own personal healthy lifestyle journey so I am so excited, beyond excited, that today is the day we can finally ...let you all know what we have been working on. As well as being practitioner in NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki and time line therapist for Be Empowered for Nicole Taylor we want you too, to crush some health goals you may have and live your best life To hear more about these amazing, all natural, vegan products hit LIKE and I’ll be in touch or pop me a message and I will send through more information Remember beautiful souls, you are not alone in this journey, let’s do it together xxxxx Nicole Taylor See more
05.01.2022 One simple change eat more whole foods drink more water sleep more, stress less... get more exercise even if it 30 minutes of light walking This is my mantra of 2020 and the results are showing January 1st 2020 I began my whole food journey that has seen me loose weight, sleep so much better, jump out of bed, my hair is healthy and thicker, my skin is glowing and all over one simple change I’m 42 years of age, I have 2 very active boys, 2 even more active boxer dogs, a husband and run my own practice. I often though last year if I was starting the M word, menopause. Yep you heard right I was fatigued, grumpy, my skin was breaking out for no reason, sounds were so loud for my 42 year old ears and don’t get me started on daylight . I love Mother Nature but the sunlight really hurt my eyes Sound familiar That’s when I decided to do and try something different I went to whole Mother Nature foods, I take probiotics daily, I take my vitamins that are not synthetic. Vitamins of vegetables, fruits and berries that help my inner me have energy and glow with radiance. I get asked all the time now what I have done to my skin One simple change: whole foods and high quality vitamins containing over 30 vegetables, fruits and berries Not synthetic but 100% all natural, all vegan, Mother Nature vitamins. I also realised that being in my 40’s that I don’t get the results I use to going to the gym 5 days a week over doing it, instead I researched and found for me walking 30 minutes a day 3 times a week gave me the results for my pre menopause body: again Mother Nature So I ask you? What are you waiting for? Don’t wait for tomorrow but start today Contact me now on 0408-129-413 or comment below I am a qualified master clinical hypnotherapist and my passion is for people to live a healthy lifestyle. I offer weight loss hypnosis, healthy lifestyle hypnosis along with a food plan and all your essential vitamins required to assist in the new you
05.01.2022 Day one of assisting with TJC for the secret of creating your future, what a transformational weekend ahead for the students
05.01.2022 Life in isolation Are you ok? What is the one thing that you are struggling with the most?... For me and my family we have been in lockdown now for 6 weeks. The first 2 weeks was what felt like the honeymoon phase I loved everyday because for the first time we got to spend quality time together, it was bliss. Then comes homeschooling, that in itself was a huge obstacle for me to get through. Day 1 was a nightmare, I had no idea how to use the google school apps let alone how to attach links to submit to the teachers and school and grade 1 and a grade 4 at the same time so whilst being the teacher in the house I also had to learn new skills. Let’s be real, it was hard, I was stressed, how was I suppose to do this as well as everything else. Day by day, hour by hour we came up with a plan that suited both me and my boys. It consisted of doing the essential work such as maths, writing, spelling and reading. We decided not to worry about the specialist subjects such a Italian. It became easier and fun for all of us. In between that we lost a person close to us and automatically I became the person everyone depended on for support. Little did I know that 2 weeks later I myself needed to have me time to process all the changes and loss . I also have elderly parents that I cannot see, I do there shopping and drop it off but normally I see them everyday in normal life, this was super hard for me I realised that I was the lucky one because I knew what to do and how to do it. How to change my mindset. I became selfish, selfish that I turned my phone off for 4 days, didn’t watch any news but just accepted how I was feeling, what I felt and found my inner peace. This time is so hard for all of us in so many different ways. I have my good days, I have my bad days but what has got me through is the amazing friendships I have, my tribe. Everyone needs a tribe, someone to lean on through good times and bad Don’t suffer in silence, I am here for you to guide you through this time and set new goals for the future, releasing fears and anxiety. I would love to hear from you and tell me what has been the hardest obstacle for you? Are you ok? Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute we will get through this together. Don’t let limitations get hold of you You are worthy, you are loved, you are amazing Nicole Taylor xxxxx
04.01.2022 Super excited to be going back to where I started with my business. Assisting the amazing students for hypnosis with the Tad James Company I feel so blessed to be part of the students journey in transforming themselves and the planet This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey
03.01.2022 Transform your life Proof is in the pictures ... What started out was fatigue, skin breakouts, mood swings, weight gain turned out to be my blessing because it was then I knew my body was crying out for help I changed my lifestyle to a whole food,non processed, all Mother Nature goodness. I eat amazing foods I take my all natural non synthetic vitamins containing 30 vegetables, fruits and berries daily I take a probiotic daily I take an omega capsule daily Then this happened: I got my fire back I got my energy back I lost weight I have no more brain fog or mood swings my skin and hair is the best it’s ever been, wrinkles are even disappearing My cell membranes are back to there natural level I ask you, what value is that for you to feel this amazing For a short time only, I’m offering a life changing program When you purchase the premium pack of the 100% all natural, vegan, Mother Nature capsules I will include for FREE Good morning karyn, So I have been thinking about the chronic fatigue and I want to do something for you for free a Holistic bioenergetic support to help you balance your mind and body and improve quality of life. So what is it? Healy can support restoring cell membrane tension back to a natural level. It helps promote your energetic balances, vitality and overall wellbeing. We have individual programs that can support you in the following Inner beauty, hair, ageing, nails, skin elasticity, Support local wounds, support cell metabolism, acne, scars, weight loss, fatigue plus many more. This is valued at $250 absolutely free with your purchase of a healthier life, a healthier you There are limited spots available so act now and together let’s strive for our best selves Call Nicole on 0408-129-413 or message me now ONE CHANGE ONE YOU
03.01.2022 Hypnosis for weight loss and healthy lifestyle As per my last post I wanted to share my journey to date. No filters, no adjustments just pure healthy eating and hypnosis How do I feel?... I’m not tired searching for the next coffee to give me that lift I feel healthy, my skin is glowing..... no more breakouts. I love to cook more than ever knowing what I’m eating is amazing and so so so tasty My clothes are fitting I’m happy I’m back to my bubbly self I started my journey thanks to all of modalities i qualified in on 1st January 2020. To date I have lost 6 kg. The 2nd photo is today How would you like to feel like this and join me in the 2020 health is you program
03.01.2022 From corporate world to being a present mum and owning my own business
03.01.2022 Have you ever wanted to feel and be the person that has no regrets, lives life to the fullest and is incredibly happy in there own skin? Well for me I had a life time of past trauma and I just couldn’t seem to shake it off. I tried absolutely everything and I mean everything to just make me happy, make me feel worthy, make me feel loved. So I began a journey, a journey that has changed my entire outlook on myself and life. I underwent these amazing treatments using NLP, time ...line therapy and hypnosis to eliminate everything that was holding me back from being who I wanted to be. Guess what, it worked and that’s when I decided right then and there I will learn and be qualified and certified in helping people just like I was to live there best life. I woke up and I transformed. Wouldn’t that feel amazing for you? My name is Nicole Taylor and I lived with trauma for 40 years until I woke up and said enough is enough. I am a qualified master practitioner in Neuro-linguistics programming (NLP), master practitioner in Time Line Therapy, Master Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis and a NLP certified Trainer. I am recognised by the ABNLP board and The Time Line Therapy Association. This is how much I wanted to transform people’s lives that are just like I was. 2020 is just around the corner, let’s decide enough is enough and start your transformation journey. Call me on 0408-129-413 for a complementary discovery call and together let’s make 2020 the year. See more
03.01.2022 Focus on what you want My journey of personal development training started a few years ago and I knew I will be here today assisting my mentor and watching the transformation of the students
03.01.2022 KICK START 10 This is not a diet but simply a lifestyle change, a change for your mind, body and soul adapting lifestyle habits towards a better you. ... What value would it be for you to have the following: 1) More energy 2) More wholefoods 3) More Hydration 4) More sleep 5) More clarity 6) More support 7) More time What value would it be for you to have: 1) Glowing skin 2) healthy hair and nails During this 10 day kick start program, you will be part of our amazing facebook support group, The Kick start Movement where you will find people just like you going through the same journey, in face you will be supported like you have never been before. You will also have access to our life app which will give you access in all areas of health, nutrition, motivation, fitness, recipes, tracking and so much more. All of this is designed to help you achieve your goals xxxx Even more we Kick start with you I have seen in myself amazing results, in real time. I have lost weight, my skin is glowing, my hair is healthy and the energy i have is so amazing. Lets shred the unhealthy habits together and focus on wholefood, clean living. The best part is that it is suitable for children and pregnant/nursing mothers Contact us today for more information and how you can live your best life xxxxxxxxx
02.01.2022 Goals Be at cause Focus on what you want take action ... What an amazing weekend seeing the transformation in the students Can’t wait to be back assisting for the NLP Practitioner on Tuesday
02.01.2022 Are you ready The Academy of NLP by Nicole Taylor 2021 trainings and development in ... hypnosis certification Neuro linguistics programming(NLP) practitioner certification NLP coaching certification Time LIne Therapy certification 4 in 1 certifications to transform your life a d others Come join the movement Call us in 0408-129-413 for early bird discounts See more
01.01.2022 2020 is around the corner so let’s make that year be the best year of your life! Have you ever wanted to feel and be the person that has no regrets, lives life to the fullest and is incredibly happy in there own skin? Well for me I had a life time of past trauma and I just couldn’t seem to shake it off. I tried absolutely everything and I mean everything to just make me happy, make me feel worthy, make me feel loved. So I began a journey, a journey that has changed my entire... outlook on myself and life. I underwent these amazing treatments using NLP, time line therapy and hypnosis to eliminate everything that was holding me back from being who I wanted to be. Guess what, it worked and that’s when I decided right then and there I will learn and be qualified and certified in helping people just like I was to live there best life. I woke up and I transformed. Wouldn’t that feel amazing for you? My name is Nicole Taylor and I lived with trauma for 40 years until I woke up and said enough is enough. I am a qualified master practitioner in Neuro-linguistics programming (NLP), master practitioner in Time Line Therapy, Master Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis and a NLP certified Trainer. I am recognised by the ABNLP board and The Time Line Therapy Association. This is how much I wanted to transform people’s lives that are just like I was. 2020 is just around the corner, let’s decide enough is enough and start your transformation journey. Call me on 0408-129-413 for a complementary discovery call and together let’s make 2020 the year. See more
01.01.2022 Happy new year to you all. The team at Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor have had a well deserved break over the Christmas break with there families. We are officially re-opening on Monday January 6th 2020 and to start off the new year we are offering a deal not to be missed Reiki healing normally $150 now is $100... What is reiki you ask? Reiki is a Japanese therapy for stress reduction, relaxation, self-improvement and promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy"flows through us. If one's life force energy is low then we are more likely to feel stress or get sick. If our life force energy is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating self worth, happiness, abundance, confidence, feelings of peace......the list goes on and on. At Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor we are qualified and registered Level Practitioners with a Lineage tracing back to Dr Mikao Usui. We are registered with the international Associations of Reiki Professionals ( which is the gold standard of reiki. We also are qualified and registered Practitioners of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Clinical Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy. We are registered by the American Board of NLP, The American Board of Time Line Therapy and American Board of Hypnotherapy. These boards are world wide recognised at the top of their fields and modalities. Call Be Empowered by Nicole Taylor on 0408-129-413
01.01.2022 2020 is just around the corner and we are working on all exciting workshops, seminars and trainings for the new year plus 1:1 coaching and personal development to allow you reach your goals. We cannot wait to share with you all what’s around the corner -Nicole Taylor xxx
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