Empowering Communities | Businesses
Empowering Communities
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25.01.2022 JUST ONE DAY LEFT! Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to receive upto 70% off our poverty-busting rugs. Head over to startsomegood.org/carpetsforcommunities now!
22.01.2022 Anyone want to help out selling carpets in Adelaide on Sept 27th?
22.01.2022 Last 3 hours! Donate and receive 3x the value in CfC vouchers! http://startsomegood.com/carpetsforcommunities
21.01.2022 I'm sad to announce that we have closed down the carpet project (except our uni scholarships). The producers have all transitioned to other incomes. More details to come. The reason for this quick post is that if you live in Melbourne, on the 27th and 28th July you have a last chance to get one of our rugs (for any size donation). Call me (David) for location details (near Bulleen). (0424 511 one55).
21.01.2022 Carpets for Communities may not making rugs anymore, but we are still selling them! We'll be at Womad this year and we'd love to see you there! We're clearing the last few hundred rugs and they're going well below cost. Big rugs that were $250 are $50 or less. Small mats are only $10... Find us at Womad!
20.01.2022 Please vote for friend and fellow climate space collaborator Matthew Wright-Simon in the Pro Bono awards. https://www.pbaimpact.com/ (Scroll to the bottom)... (Ends midnight 14th Feb.)
20.01.2022 Melbourne call out: Our number 1 volunteer in Melbourne, the dedicated and lovely Amy has moved o/s for work and we need a hand. Is there anyone in Melbourne who can help take a retail customer to our storage container so she can select some carpets? Longer term, we're looking for a new volunteer to be our face in Melbourne. Interested?
15.01.2022 Something that we're supporting... If you're in Adelaide on Saturday 23rd November and care about climate change we recommend going along to this... https://www.facebook.com/climatespace/ https://www.facebook.com/events/903628103339968/
14.01.2022 Hi everyone, As most of you know, we stopped production some time ago. We are still slowly clearing the remaining stock. You can currently get any of the remaining rugs we have at 50% off. ... Just click the link below or use the "FINALCLEARANCE" discount code. (Please note that the colours listed online are out of date). https://carpetsforcommunities.myshopify.com//FINALCLEARANCE
13.01.2022 And we're live! This campaign symbolises the end of 10 years of work in Cambodia and our volunteer fuelled business model. Thank you to everyone who has tirelessly supported our work - especially all the volunteers who sold the rugs! Now we need your help us fund-raise to evaluate our impact, consult with the villagers about what their needs are now and to research options for we're going to do next. ... Please support us to do real development - it's not sexy, but it's important work that will make sure we're making the difference that is needed and doing it sustainably. Oh, and did we mention that by making a donation you get a CfC voucher for about 2.5-3.5 times your donation!?! Everyone wins! Please donate now! If we start fast we've got more chance of succeeding! http://startsomegood.com/carpetsforcommunities
12.01.2022 JUST $2000 TO GO! We've got just $2000 to go until we reach our tipping goal. So if you've yet to support the project and receive ridiculously cheap rugs in return, head over now! Signing up is super easy, and donating is even easier. startsomegood.org/carpetsforcommunities
10.01.2022 Dear friends, We have made a very difficult decision: CARPETS FOR COMMUNITIES WILL BE SHUTTING DOWN PRODUCTION FROM JUNE. Cambodia, and Poipet in particular, has experienced dramatic changes in the decade since the project began, and as a consequence we are no longer confident that CfC meets the evolving needs of our beneficiaries in its current form. With dwindling sales and reduced demand for work from our regular producers, it has been decided that now is the time to reass...Continue reading
10.01.2022 All it takes is $180 to take a child off the streets of Cambodia. That’s just one third of what the average Australian spends going out each month. We want you to stay in, make a donation and sink your toes into one of our sumptuous, poverty-fighting rugs. On Monday July 13th, we will be launching our combined stock-clearance and fundraiser on startsomegood.com. In return for your pledge, you will be rewarded with a voucher worth up to 2.5 times your donation! These vouchers ...will be exchangeable for one or more of the 600+ carpets currently left in stock, up to the value of the voucher. Photographs of every carpet will be uploaded to our flickr account, together with their size, price, and purchase code. All you will need to do to redeem your voucher is browse the carpets, select those you want, then email us their purchase codes. We’ll be operating on a first-come first serve basis, so get in quick to snatch up the rugs you want! Details of how to make a pledge, where to find the photo album of carpets, and where to email your purchase codes will be sent out next weekend, a few days before the campaign officially launches. We highly encourage you to make your donations on the first day of the campaign in order to avoid disappointment. In the meantime, head on over to startsomegood.com to browse their current fundraisers and sign up for an account. Thank you for your continued support of Carpets for Communities, The CfC Team.
10.01.2022 We need help finding opportunities for market stalls in Adelaide. My (David Bacon's) parents are looking to run some more to help us clear the last of the stock, pay back the bank and fund our remaining scholarship student. Please let us know of anything.
07.01.2022 LESS THAN ONE WEEK TO GO! We are tantalisingly close to both our fundraising goal and the end of the campaign. You've got until Monday 17th August to receive up to 70% off our sumptuous, poverty-fighting rug. To avoid disappointment, head over to startsomegood.org/carpetsforcommunities now!
05.01.2022 UPDATE: Our campaign on startsomegood.org is very, VERY almost ready to go! We're waiting for their incredibly friendly team to approve the campaign for launch - as soon as we get the thumbs up, we'll send out an even bigger thumbs up to all our friends and supporters! In the meantime, we have made the sale EVEN BIGGER. You can now get up to 70% off our entire range of carpets if you support our campaign and help us to improve the lives of the children and families of Poipet. Watch this space and your inbox for information soon...
05.01.2022 We're hosting a Climate Action meeting for Unley Council Residents 3pm Saturday 13th June. Please feel free to join or invite friends in the zone.
03.01.2022 Empowering Communities is remobilising to support the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar in the wake of a military coup and national uprising against the new dictator. I (David Bacon) lived and worked there for most of 2015-2018 and I can't stand by while this happens to my friends. Please share and donate. More posts to come. https://www.facebook.com/donate/1557196004475851/10103419426464119/
03.01.2022 We've made our tipping goal and then some! Thank you to everyone that supported our fundraising campaign. Your donations will have ripple effects that will last generations and we are sincerely grateful. Check your email now to find out what happens next! For everyone else, watch this space for further updates and to find out how you can get involved in the future of CfC.
02.01.2022 ADELAIDE: The Moon Lantern Festival will be on the 27th Sept and we're looking for two volunteers to help sell carpets and fairy floss! http://www.adelaidefestivalcentre.com.au//moon-lantern-fe/
02.01.2022 Come see us from tomorrow at Womad! We'll be just near gate B selling the left over rugs all weekend. All rugs at clearance starting from $5... https://www.womadelaide.com.au/
01.01.2022 Does anyone know people at the national breast cancer foundation? We have a huge amount of pink carpets and want to try and organise something with them.
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