Next Generation | Baby goods/childrens goods
Next Generation
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25.01.2022 Thank you to all my recent orders. I am a little overwhelmed, but very happy with how many orders I have at present (10 dolls). I have never had to let a customer know that it will be over a 2 month wait, before I can start their chosen Lalylala Doll, but this week when I calculated how many dolls have been ordered and the time frame in which to deliver gobsmacked me. I truly love making these Dolls, and I never tire from them. Each one has its own personality and even if they are the exact same doll, they are always different!
23.01.2022 Thank you to all who have liked my page, bought a Lalyala Doll and shared my posts. Without you I would not have the passion of creating these unique dolls. I just love making them, and seeing them go off to their forever home warms my heart and allows me to continue to be creative. Love you and thank you! 2020 has been a unusual year to say the least! From bush fires, floods and a world wide pandemic Covid 19, it’s been a challenging year for one and all. I was deemed an... essential worker and continued to go to work at both my Doctor Surgeries, but on my days off and weekends my movements were limited to staying at home. Not really a bad thing, just meant I had more crocheting time to make my Lalylala Dolls. Last year I managed to make, what I thought was a pretty good number of dolls 26 all up, well this year I almost doubled my figure, a staggering 42! This year I managed to make my own personal take on quite a few different ones, and I am pretty impressed, with all having found their forever homes! #lalylala #ritarabbit, #kirakangaroo #binabear #seppseahorse #batcat #dirkdragon #fibifox #buzzthehousefly #dinosaur #jackskellingtonandzero #ironman #shrek #ollie #jackskellingtonandsally #wednesdayadams #coraline #thereaper #thegrinch #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration
21.01.2022 Super colourful and bright! Kids love bright colours and these guys Fibi Fox, Kira Kangaroo and Rita Rabbit are just that! #lalylala #fibifox #kirakangaroo #ritarabbit #brightandcolourful #softandcuddly #specialorder #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration #grandmaslovetheirgrandkids
20.01.2022 Fun fact Did you know, that Seahorses they are among the only animal species on Earth in which the male bears the unborn young. #lalylala #seppseahorse #sepp #seahorse #suchacutie #nextgeneration
18.01.2022 What does love look like? I think this picture says it all! My cousins little boy finally got his Xmas present from me. We were supposed to get together for Xmas, but covid stopped us all from following through with our plans, they live in QLD and I live in NSW. Australia post to the rescue. #lalylala #ironman #loveatfirstsight #love #speciallalylaladoll #fornathan #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration #myfavouritemodel
18.01.2022 Today I have just completed my personal gift to my bosses at one of my surgeries I work at, they have welcomed their second grand daughter into their family. And sticking to my tradition of handmade something either edible or decorative they both will receive a Lalylala doll, Rita Rabbit and Bina Bear to hand onto their granddaughters. #lalylala #ritarabbit #binabear #agiftfrommyheart #stickingtomyhandmadetraditionatxmas #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #akeepsaketocuddle #nextgeneration
18.01.2022 That's right. I AM THE PUMPKIN KING! Jack Skellington, the pumpkin king of Halloween. #lalylala #jackskellington #nightmarebeforexmas #pumpkinking #halloween #darkandtwisted #thisoneisfortheolderkids #evensixteenyearsneedaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration
17.01.2022 My last Lalylala Doll for the year. My friend is a massive Roosters fan and wants a Kira Kangaroo in these colours. I decided given my friend is male, it’s only right he have a male kangaroo. Merry Christmas Danny. #lalylala #kirakangaroo #blueredwhite #somethingfordanny #notjustforkids #lastonefortheyear #roostersfan #specialorder #nextgeneration
16.01.2022 Fibi Fox in shades of purple really makes for a little girls best friend. Complete with her owners name on the hood. A perfect and very different Easter present from a loving Grandmother. A gift to be treasured and love for many years to come! #lalylala #fibifox #notjustchocolateforeaster #theartofgiving #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #softandcuddly #littlegirls #purplesandpinks #nextgeneration
16.01.2022 Family is everything! Cherish today, remember yesterday and plan for tomorrow! #lalylala #ritarabbit #easter #brothersandcousin #family #thebondoffamily #weareinthistogether #nextgeneration
15.01.2022 Happy New Year! My first for 2021 and what a way to start with a very bright and cheerful Rita Rabbit. This little girl is an order that has two other Lalylala Dolls to accompany her. Can you guess which one I’m making next? I’ll give you a colour!
15.01.2022 Rita Rabbit is popping up everywhere at the moment. That old saying Breeding like rabbits comes to mind! #lalylala #ritarabbit #easter #breedinglikerabbits #gettingreadyforeaster #betterthanchocolate #theartofgiving #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration
14.01.2022 Buzz the housefly has so much personality, it’s really hard to not love him. He was my first ever Lalylala Doll I ever made and it gives me so much pleasure to see someone else fall in love with him like I did. #lalylala #buzz #buzzthehousefly #notyouraveragehousefly #notjustforboys #grandmasgivethebestgifts #nextgeneration
13.01.2022 The truth about Santa Claus ATTENTION TO ALL PARENTS WHO NEED TO TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT SANTA Son: "Dad, I think I'm old enough now. Is there a Santa Claus?." Dad: "Ok, I agree that your old enough. But before I tell you, I have a question for you. You see, the truth is a dangerous gift. Once you know something, you can't unknow it. Once you know the truth about Santa Claus, you will never again understand and relate to him as you do now. So my question is: Are you s...ure you want to know?" Brief pause... Son: "Yes, I want to know" Dad: "Ok, I'll tell you: Yes there is a Santa Claus" Son: "Really?" Dad: Yes, really, but he's not an old man with a beard in a red suit. That's just what we tell kids. You see, kids are too young to understand the true nature of Santa Claus, so we explain it to them in a way that they can understand. The truth about Santa Claus is that he's not a person at all; he's an idea. Think of all those presents Santa gave you over the years. I actually bought those myself. I watched you open them. And did it bother me that you didn't thank me? Of course not! In fact it gave me great pleasure. You see, Santa Claus is THE IDEA OF GIVING FOR THE SAKE OF GIVING, without thought of thanks or acknowledgement. When I saw that woman collapse on the subway last week and called for help, I knew that she'd never know that it was me that summoned the ambulance. I was being Santa Claus when I did that." Son: "Oh." Dad: "So now that you know, you're part of it. You have to be Santa Claus too now. That means you can never tell a young kid the secret, and you have to help us select Santa presents for them, and most important, you have to look for opportunities to help people. Got it?" Help each other this Christmas kind Author Unknown
11.01.2022 My apologies to all my customers who are patiently waiting on their chosen Lalyala Doll. I have had an extremely stressful week from covering staff off on sick leave, to being locked out of the car park at work (locating security guard to unlock gate, so I can drive home), to my son who was involved in a car accident (he’s ok, but his car isn’t). Then to top it off I break out in a rash all over my arms, that is extremely itchy and burns like nothing else I can describe. I’m hoping I will only be a week behind in my time frame. It’s tricky to crochet as my arms rub against me, so for the moment I am just resting and trying not to scratch the crap outta my spots.
11.01.2022 I have so many Lalylala Dolls to pick from, but Rita Rabbit was a no brainer for my customer who decided to go with Rita, as her name is Rita too. A very special gift that will always have a special meaning. #lalylala #ritarabbit #averyspecialgift #babysfirsttoy #babyshower #extraspecialmeaninginthename #nextgeneration
10.01.2022 "An adventure isn't worth telling if there aren't any dragons in it." #lalylala #dirkthedragon #duckeggblue #everylittleboyneedsadragon #adventures #someonetocuddle #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration
09.01.2022 Grandmas are the best! I remember when I used to visit my Grandma we ate all my favourite things, pancakes, tomato soup and homemade custard. We went on a day trip using buses, trains and ferries. We played cards and I had sleep overs. Grandmas are the best medicine, they love you and spoil you. #lalylala #fibifox #buzzhousefly #grandmas #spoiltbygrandma #theartofgiving #specialeastergift #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration #somethingforthegirls #forhannahandgreta #grandmalovesyou
03.01.2022 Working hard on two orders at once. Because I can! #lalylala #fibifox #coraline #almostcomplete
01.01.2022 Fibi Fox has taken almost a week to make, but here she is! Been a very long week, working 40+ hours covering staff off on sick leave and holidays. Not much time left for my favourite time of the day, crocheting and watching Vampire Diaries. #lalylala #fibifox #fox #specialorder #softandcuddly #everychildneedsaforeverbestfriend #nextgeneration