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Vanessa Burton in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Vanessa Burton

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 497 854 886


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25.01.2022 Shatahn had his first booty band workout this morning! He did in hand work and then a ridden session! Travelled really well and had a super foamy mr whippy booty afterwards Judi also had her first in hand session with the #equibandsystem and got some good releases and engagement! I love this mares attitude she always gives 100% to her rehabilitation programme

25.01.2022 Miss Judi has had a great 2 weeks and is soaking up all the loving here @sunsetfarmqld . This week Katie from @Zen Animal therapies came and gave her a beautiful acupuncture session. Working on clearing her negative energy and balancing her emotions, in preparation for new training! There was also some points for her hindquarters and her stomach too Judi was very shut down from herself due to pain! This has caused her to be totally disconnected from her body, as it’s bette...r to not acknowledge it when no one really listens. Its exciting to see the way she communicated about what she needed and where! I take a whole horse health approach to getting a horse to feel better Regular bodywork is 20% of the feel good pie

21.01.2022 QLDs pretty bloody cold today, I had to put a coat on and it’s summer am I the only one? I’m renaming sunset farm to windy sunset farm My laughter wrinkles look soo much worse with all my shivering and quivering!! #happyness #horsetherapy #horsemassage #brisbanequine

21.01.2022 What goes in your horses mouth affects their body, hooves and organs! Are you feeding your horse healthy food or junk Food? Junk feed may include: Anything soy based High NSC grains - barley, corn, millrun, millmix etc. ... Molasses - sugar creates acidity in the body, causing sore joints, unhealthy gut health and sore feet. Oils such as canola and sunflower Healthy feed: Grain free - these are usually fibre based such as lupin hulls. High fibre - better for your horses gut! The basis of your horses diet should be fibre. Make the most of these bargain prices, if you’d like to order please message me! Delivery maybe able to be arranged, but pick from Thornlands preferred.

21.01.2022 I think his face says he loves a good sports massage combined with a equissage!! I see these two horses every month and they are just going from strength to strength, and becoming much more flexible. Soft pliable muscles build muscle, with the correct work, nutrition, hoof care and therefore enhance performance! It’s awesome

19.01.2022 Team SHATPIE had some envious onlookers on Saturday afternoon!! As if your not tubby enough boys

18.01.2022 Many of us opt for thoroughbreds but too much too soon has detrimental effects on their bodies! When you look beyond the shiny coat at the races, and you learn to tune your eyes, you see all kinds of ouch. Do you know what to look for and do you know how to give them the best start at their next career? It goes much further than just letting them have some R and R time in the paddock. I find a OTT horse needs at least $1000 spending on them before you’ve even started re-e...ducation. What problems do they present: Sacroiliac tears Inactive gluteals and no topline Postural problems Ulcers and other organ pain Deep muscle tears lower limb injuries Kissing spines Foot imbalances and structural weakness Joint wear and tear Fascial imbalances from only being trained in one direction Cervical and thoracic sling issues I have 2 lovely once competitive thoroughbreds at home! They are on a rehabilitation regime, both have fallen apart to the point of being 4/5 lame and are beginning their rebuild. I’m not into patching up their problems, so the time it takes is the time it takes. They were racing lame The goal is to get them back to the track and prove that these horses can still perform. Once they feel sound and happy. Racing’s never going to stop, I’d like to see better welfare in the industry and more longevity. Education is key!! Pics are: Tycoon Rosa top left : look out how camped out he is and the fact he has no muscle! His fetlock on the right no range of motion and he has grey hairs due to the lack of mobility. He know has movement, his feet were also a mess with squashed heels so much so that he’s walking on his frogs . Only finished racing 2 weeks ago. Random TB in mounting yard: No topline and very weak hindquarters, walked like she had SI damage. She was also falling on her toes in front and back. Dench (Judi) - no topline, sacroiliac tear, hence the reason she has no gluteals and her front end has overcompensated . Feet were very bruised and soles are 3mm.

17.01.2022 $100 for a MAKE ME FEEL AWESOME FULL WORKS TREATMENT: Allow 75 minutes for this full body treatment. A nvestigative treatment that is very effective at identifying issues, asymmetry, eliminating soreness, maintaining tip top muscular skeletal health. It will improve your horses performance and enhance their overall health and well being. If I feel your horse needs further work from dental to saddle fit etc, I have a range of professional contacts in varying fields which all an amazing job. Once you have identified and treated the cause of pain you will find your horse will have a much happier demeanour, movement and their coat will glow. What’s included: Assessment palpation of muscles and range of motion check of joints. Static assessment is observed throughout the treatment. 20 minute Equissage - this warms up the body, relaxes tense muscles and really gets the blood pumping. (if your horse loves equissage and has soreness in legs and feet I am happy to apply the boot). Red Light Poll Cap - stimulates accupuncture points around the poll and jaw, helping soften tissue and relax your horse. Hands on Sports Massage working on the prime movement muscles, deep postural muscles and entire skeleton. Myofascial release work this gentle technique works on relieving fascial restrictions. Stretching and suggested exercises Ongoing support - message/ call me anytime Follow ups within 2 weeks of first appointment will be $90 My hands are for feel, massage and manipulation. Equissage CVT is a deep surging circulation boost to the entire body. Rock blades are amazing for stretching out tissue, releasing spasm! I find horses that resist touch due to a variety of reasons absolutely the blades. They work amazingly at reviving horses that are numb by stimulating the superficial tissue and nervous system. Red Light the pool cap and torch, both are used to stimulate acupuncture points and boost circulation! Stretches at the end allow the horse to realise their range of motion has improved and also releases fascia adhesion's. I service everywhere from South Brisbane - Ipswich - Gold Coast - Tweed - Redlands - North Brisbane and West Side! I've also being over to Stradbroke Island.

17.01.2022 Racehorse Rehabilitation case Tycoon started his first walk out in his hoof boots! So good to see him landing heel first especially on the puzzling stressed leg. Check out the grey hair , he presents with navicular heel pain. When he arrived he has absolutely no heel, even with a shoe on his frog would have being touching the ground!! is it any wonder he’s had pain in that area and all up his forelimb Lovely horse - that’s done a good job of saving his body somehow Can’t wait to see how Tycoon changes

17.01.2022 Exploring beautiful Paranella Park today

17.01.2022 Sunny boy is 3 weeks old he’s ultra cute and has straightened out nicely!! He’s having a deep snoring snooze here

16.01.2022 Something that should have being happening years ago If your transitioning your horse from shoes, you should still be able to compete if you want! Boots are the way forward ... How nice is it kicking your boots off after a big big day See more

15.01.2022 I can spot a horse with pain from miles away. However that doesn’t mean they can’t be rebuilt, you just have to take a step back and not have a agenda. This lovely lady has has being performing with lots of upper body pain and and unbalanced feet! It makes you wonder what they could be like if you detox their internal system, supple up their muscles, book a osteo treatment, work on their posture, balance the feet correctly for improved function and build up strength and flex...ibility where they are injured. What could they be like? This girl think she has landed on heavens door and is improving everyday She loves a cuddle, what thoroughbred doesn’t

14.01.2022 Do your horses incisors connect on both sides evenly? Is your horses TMJ level ? Are they constantly sore around the poll? Do the hindquarters connect with the front of your horse well? All things to consider for healthy functioning jaw and a happy horse ... #equiflexions #equinemassage #happyhorses

13.01.2022 Nappies are amazing for helping foot issues!! Poor Tycoon mr rehab he’s blown out a abscess in both front feet he’s feeling soo much better and trotted up sound !! Abscesses are to be expected during the transition period from shod to bare! Especially when the horse has being unhealthy shod and suffering with sore feet! He has a sad look, but I’m sure we improve his emotions and unlock his shut down ever so compliant nature. I find if you have a off the track horse they highly compliant, don’t show pain, don’t express pain and by the time you get onto their pain they are in a lot of pain! Learn to read the little signals, the head toss, the ear flick, putting their head down. They go through so much racing and are never really listened to being a number instead of a sentient being. Because no one listens they either shut down and be complaint , or go nuts and get branded mental. See more

11.01.2022 Cattle dogs they are beautiful Do you love or hate this breed? Miss womble the blue dog was in love with Rosie the red dog puppy! Quirky, fiesty, noisy, protective and of course lovable to their people ... Oh and I think they are rather lazy to See more

11.01.2022 Yep we ask a lot of our wonderful horses Do you ever take a step back and think how you would handle the challenges thrown at them if you were in their shoes? We just expect them to be okay with it!

11.01.2022 Sore backs present in all kinds of ways! However if you can visibly see the spine and the tension it is causing to the muscles, it's right! It may not be spasmodically tight but it's tension tight. Your horses back is as important as their feet , no back no horse!

11.01.2022 I'm back to normality and organising my schedule after a refreshing holiday in FNQld ! Shatahn knows it and decided he's entitled to wallow in the dam like the water horse he is I'm entitled to a thorough grooming session if I do this

10.01.2022 Christmas puppy love!! Awwww how adorable are these two border collies

10.01.2022 I’m putting in a CEN Order would anyone like anything? Save money and have a healthier calmer horse! 1kg of the formula daily and your horse gets 35% of their daily fibre needs (SPEEDIBEETS only 15%) plus a full vitamin and mineral spec, live probiotic and with only 2% sugar it’s the healthiest feed available. ... 20kg complete feed $49.50 or buy 5 and it’s $49 CF50 7kg - a condensed version of the formula great for the good doers $72.50 4.5 litre oil - $58 10 litre oil - $120 20 litre - $217.50 Message me about prices for supplements Pick up Thornlands or I could arrange a drop off!

09.01.2022 If your horse is displaying mouthy discomfort work out why, the animals doing its best to communicate! Don’t just strap them up in gear or tighter nose bands, stronger bits etc. Harmonious horses are happy and wiling Force should not be used to train these beautiful animals

09.01.2022 It’s FRI- YAY Spartacus the 3 year old unbroken Tb is such a character! Was such a good boy for his first hand walk outing, lotsa ground work and trust really pays off with babies

09.01.2022 Shatahn loved his Osteo adjustment this morning, from the awesome Kate Williams at Happy Horse Sports Therapy! He had a few things, but all realigned easily. He hasn't had one since November 2019. It's great to see his back health mobility improving, especially as he's going on 15 soon! I have to keep up the joint support as his left hock range of motion is showing some age. Prevention is better than cure, look after the body before it breaks down with regular body work, joint support, internal health and the correct work for optimal posture engagement!

08.01.2022 Giant Toblerones for $5 at Woolworths made my Friday go YAY ! My sugar addiction when the weather heats up gets bad Then I crash and burn and feel bluerghhh But it feels soo good when your scoffing it

08.01.2022 The benefits of functioning feet = no thrush or separation. No bacteria infections for the ones I have that are trimmed by Jenn and Shatahns look beautiful!! Functioning feet and your half way there to a functioning body! I’m very honest and I don’t see the point in putting work into a horse with dysfunctional unhealthy toes As it affects their biomechanics and therefore upper body!

08.01.2022 $125 for a MAKE ME FEEL AWESOME FULL WORKS TREATMENT: Allow 75 minutes for this full body treatment. A investigative treatment that is very effective at identifying issues, asymmetry, eliminating soreness, maintaining tip top muscular skeletal health. It will improve your horses performance and enhance their overall health and well being. If I feel your horse needs further work from dental to saddle fit etc, I have a range of professional contacts in varying fields which all... do an amazing job. Once you have identified and treated the cause of pain you will find your horse will have a much happier demeanour, movement and their coat will glow. What’s included: Movement observation: How does your horse move posturally? Can they back up, yield, do they track up, how is their hoof placement. Assessment palpation of muscles and range of motion check of joints. Static assessment is observed throughout the treatment. 20 minute Equissage - this warms up the body, relaxes tense muscles and really gets the blood pumping. (if your horse loves equissage and has soreness in legs and feet I am happy to apply the boot). Red Light Poll Cap - stimulates accupuncture points around the poll and jaw, helping soften tissue and relax your horse. Hands on Sports Massage working on the prime movement muscles, deep postural muscles and entire skeleton. Myofascial release work this gentle technique works on relieving fascial restrictions. Stretching and suggested exercises Ongoing support - message/ call me anytime Follow ups within 2 weeks of first appointment will be $110 My hands are for feel, massage and manipulation. Equissage CVT is a deep surging circulation boost to the entire body. Rock blades are amazing for stretching out tissue, releasing spasm! I find horses that resist touch due to a variety of reasons absolutely the blades. They work amazingly at reviving horses that are numb by stimulating the superficial tissue and nervous system. Red Light the pool cap and torch, both are used to stimulate acupuncture points and boost circulation! Stretches at the end allow the horse to realise their range of motion has improved and also releases fascia adhesion's. I service everywhere from South Brisbane - Ipswich - Gold Coast - Tweed - Redlands - North Brisbane and West Side! I've also being over to Stradbroke Island.

08.01.2022 Alfie makes up for his lack of size with a very loud bossy voice box Him and Bentley love to eat their bones right next to each other it’s very cute Do you have a little and large that love hanging out together ?

07.01.2022 Christmas cheer from the Sunset farm! Hope you all had a good one Life has changed soo much for me since meeting Adrian!! Looking forward to getting this gang of happy pain free horses up and running in the new year The golden boys are living the life, Shatahn no longer has anti grass depression I suppose that’s a pretty top Christmas present for a horse !!

05.01.2022 @sunsetfarmqld such a beautiful place to call home, so green after all that rain. The doggies are loving their on property adventures Hot humid horsey ground work sessions for Sparky, Frank, Rain and Judi all morning! Super TBs Now to power up for a busy afternoon of treatments

05.01.2022 I don’t tend to head up the NORTH SIDE very often! However I’ve being asked by a couple of people and I am trying to get a few more. $120 for initial treatment and $100 for follow up treatments! If you’d like to pay via card it will be plus gst!

05.01.2022 #surefootpads tap into the nervous system - stimulating the parasympathetic response mentally and physically. Combined with #rocktapeequine which instantly reduces inflammation, promotes circulation and assists in either activating or relaxing muscle groups. ... Spirit was interesting he stood and relaxed on the pads, but only after he'd being #rocktapeequine. If your interested in learning how you can help your horse send me a message.

04.01.2022 How does your horses tail feel? The tail is a extension of the spine, if it feels tense and clamped, unable to loosen up or enjoy some relaxing mobilisation work this can indicate your horse has a back problem.

04.01.2022 I’m heading over the gateway this Wednesday! Sports massage therapy is beneficial for every equine athlete, it allows your horse to express how they feel about their body and improves their performance and overall body function.

02.01.2022 I always work my horses muscles before and after exercise. I never tack up and then just get on a cold horse. I never untack, wash and just put away. I always do some myofascial warm up and cool down exercises! To help improve performance, reduce lactic acid build up and assist with recovery! ... It might mean more time and more work but the effort pays off in the long run, with happier softer horses

02.01.2022 It's jolly holiday time for Vanessa and friends! We're heading to Cairns for a 12 day road trip I will be back on the 17th September!

02.01.2022 The more you can do for your horses body the better This is Judi a rehab who’s coming a long amazingly with massage, inhale straightness training which is like riding from the ground, strengthening exercises and regular mfr release techniques! Her structural problems created by humans will never disappear but the goal is to strengthen the muscle to support the problem, therefore helping manage her pain! She’s a much happier lady these days that’s for sure

01.01.2022 Transitioning your horse from shoes to barefoot for a healthier and sounder life? Check out these toe tips, they protect the toe and pedal bone and offer relief to thin soled horses! Had Tony Cotteral from barefoot revival come and show me them and trim a couple ! He’s very knowledgeable, was thinking about Judi eventually! However weekly trims and boots seem to be helping address her issues

01.01.2022 Swapping horses for under the sea adventures! Swam with some amazing turtles and iridescent fish yesterday

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