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24.01.2022 Here’s Annabel Nixey’s second instalment of Mama Bear Apologetics on the #EQUIPbookclub... Have you ever bought a new car and then suddenly you start seeing that model of car everywhere? Just when lockdown started my husband had to drive up to Sydney to pick up our new-for-us car. We classified it as ‘essential shopping’ as otherwise I wasn’t sure how we were going to get around when our new bubba arrived! As soon as we got it, like magic, I started seeing that model ever...ywhere we went. That’s what’s been happening to me since reading these chapters in Mama Bear Apologetics. In this section, a variety of authors pick a ‘cultural lie’, unwrap it and evaluate it in light of the gospel. First up is ‘self-helpism’, i.e. a form of humanism whereby we are both the source and remedy of our own problems. The author of this section, Teasi Cannon, helpfully scoots through a brief history of this philosophy (in America) and then teases it apart a bit in light of the gospel. This chapter is super-accessible and is written with fun bounces of humour along the way. One thing that struck me was the prevalence of a sense of deservedness, or entitlement in self-help thinking. It’s so so easy to slip into this mentality. I deserve....a particular relationship, a better lifestyle, good health... and so I’m going to get them. As Cannon notes, these may well be good things! But there has been a subtle but significant slip from seeing them as gifts from God to rights we earn. As she explains ‘God doesn’t help those who help themselves; He helps those who are helpless and know it’ (p92). Our sin and rebellion is a bigger problem than we realise. It’s going to take an external solution to fix it, and a powerful one at that - God himself, through Christ’s work on the cross. Cannon does well to explain our responsibility to not just sit back and wait for God to magically change us, while being clear on what kind of change we really need (to become more like Christ) and where it is sourced (God, by his Spirit). This chapter is philosophical but very practical. I was challenged by her encouragement to combat ‘self-helpism’ in my kids by saying ‘Let’s see what the Bible says about it’ when a problem comes up. Read more here: https://www.equip.org.au/bookclu/mamabearapologetics-mjpza2 Looking for a book to read these holidays? Check out our extensive library on the #EQUIPbookclub! So many different books from a range of genres have been reviewed there.
24.01.2022 What will be your legacy? Jocelyn Loane shares some helpful reflections and comes to this conclusion... So, what is the legacy we seek to leave? Only that of having given glory to Christ. This can blessedly free us from the weight of making our own name great or being remembered favourably by others. We can be assured that this is a legacy freed from futility, because we know the glory of God will stand eternally regardless. In his magnificent kindness we are somehow caught up in this legacy of glory in our union with Christ. I might be waking with the words of Hamilton songs on my lips now, but only one song will remain: the cry of ‘worthy is the Lamb who was slain’. Let’s be caught up in building that legacy with the days we have on earth. Read more: https://www.australianchurchrecord.net/hamilton-and-the-d/
24.01.2022 Does guilt stay with you, popping it’s head up at every turn? Jen Wilkin shares the story of Peter and the great truth that there is no longer any condemnation for those in Christ Jesus... Our senses are powerful memory holders. The smell of mothballs transports me to my grandparents’ attic where I played dress-up. The taste of pound cake transports me to my mother’s kitchen where I licked batter from a wooden spoon. Sounds, too, attach themselves to memories. From childhoo...d, an old screen door banging shut is the sound of homecoming to me. I imagine what kind of memory the rooster’s crow evoked for Peter. Every dawn after that first terrible morning of betrayal, the proclamation of his bitter guilt would have rung afresh in his ears. Carried in the crowing would have been the memory of his colossal failure. By nighttime perhaps he would have pushed down the nausea enough to get some sleep. That feathered fiend would at last rest his infernal lungs. And there was evening, and there was morning. Cock-a-doodle-doo. Guilt for breakfast, again. Days pass. Jesus dies, is buried, is resurrected. Thomas receives release from his doubts, but Peter’s doubts run a different direction. With each dawn, Peter’s disqualification clamors afresh in his ears. Whatever his relationship had been with Jesus, whatever his calling, it appears to be finished. Read more here: https://www.christianitytoday.com//peter-rooster-crow-new-
23.01.2022 In the midst of busy days, it can be easy for us to look for help and hope first and most from created things, rather than from God. It’s easy to turn to substitutes to provide peace and comfort in the chaos. We may distract ourselves with short-term comforts by scrolling through social media, feasting on a favorite treat, searching online for solutions to our problems, or simply counting down the hours to the end of the day. Dear struggling mum, there’s a rich store of help and hope for us, and it’s not rooted in short-term comforts or pleasures. It’s not found in distractions. Our strength, endurance, and joy can be daily and rigorously rooted in who Christ is for us and who we are in him. Read more from Christina Fox here: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/no-longer-i-who-mother
23.01.2022 We have much to be thankful for with churches able to go online in recent months. But Mark Thompson helpfully reminds us not to get too comfortable not meeting together, and to think rightly about what church is. We were created by God for relationship, and meeting together for encouragement and fellowship is an important part of that... Can we, though, rejoice at what God has enabled us to do during this crisis and still recognise it is not all that God has for us as his p...eople? Can we avoid the suggestion of some that this is the way church should be done from now on? Or that it should be an ongoing alternative to physically getting together? As the crisis has dragged on and the first flush of enthusiasm for this new mode of connecting with God’s people has begun to wane, we have settled into a different rhythm which is a little less demanding and less accountable. Church at a distance can be adjusted to fit my timetable. Skipping out on the meeting this week seems less significant. I’ll catch up on the sermon later. I’ll make do with my Zoom Bible study group this week. I know church is there, only a click or two away, but I don’t have to be there at the same time as everyone else, do I? I can watch when I’m ready and do something else on Sunday morning. Will we resist the call to return to meeting face-to-face at a fixed time and engage in the work of mutual edification within 1 metres of each other, all for the sake of a newfound convenience? It is important that we keep a clear view of what the Bible means by church so that we don’t confuse this emergency online provision with that settled reality. Read more here: https://sydneyanglicans.net//its-an-emergency-lets-/50544
22.01.2022 The call of the gospel is a call to die, whether that be literally or figuratively. And for those considering pastoral ministry there is a great responsibility to count the cost in terms that are true to that gospel call. Hear Paul again: And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (2 Corinthians 5:15). CT Studd, the famous pioneer missionary, put it like this:... If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for him. Yes, it is the wonderful cross that still today bids us come and die. This is a helpful article for any considering pastoral ministry, but also more generally for Christians as we think about what it looks like to live Christ centred lives: https://au.thegospelcoalition.org//pastoral-ministry-and-/
21.01.2022 Ten reasons why you need to belong to a church: 1. Because you need the regular support and encouragement of Christian fellowship. The Christian life is not designed to be lived in isolation, and those who try it that way are likely to crash!... The Christian life is not designed to be lived in isolation, and those who try it that way are likely to crash! (see Hebrews 10:25). 2. Because fellowship provided by Christian friends is no substitute for belonging to a church. You choose your friends because their ideas and style are similar to your own. God puts different people in a congregation so they can learn from each other (see Titus 2:1-10). 3. Because gifts can only rightly be used by someone who is a member of a congregation. Gifts are primarily for the congregation, not for the individual and are rightly used to build up the church. The picture of a church as a body tells us that our various gifts complement each other. You don’t see a foot or an eye wandering around by itself! (see 1 Corinthians 12). Read the rest from TGC Australia here: https://au.thegospelcoalition.org//ten-reasons-why-you-ne/
21.01.2022 Where do you go to for the words of eternal life? Are the words of devotional books profitable? Some, but not all. Emotion is certainly an expression of devotion but is not its sum total. Biblical words of comfort are profitable, but so are words of correction. Both are words of life. If devotional reading is our primary vehicle for formation, we run the risk of malformation andworse stillof forming God himself into an idol, one who comforts without correcting, seeks rela...tionship but not repentance, dotes but does not discipline, and is our companion but not our commander. It is one thing for Amazon to confuse a devotional book with a Bible. But let it not be said of Christians that we have done the same. The inspirational words of humans are a paltry substitute for the inspired words of God. Devotional writing, when done with excellence, may supplement our time in the Scriptures, but it must not subordinate or supplant it. Read more from Jen Wilkin here: https://www.christianitytoday.com//jen-wilkin-devotionals-
20.01.2022 Thinking about discipleship... Ever since we started the church-planting process, we’ve had a deliberate discipleship programme. I suppose this has been prompted, at least somewhat, by the noticeable gap in discipleship throughout my early Christian life. Many Christians I met early on in my Christian walk thought discipleship happened in the ‘Manse’ after a church service with tea and toast, or more formally in an after-church fellowship. However, as a young Christian, the...se forms never really challenged me to grow in my faith. Now, I have no doubt that a talk with people round at the minster’s house on a Sunday night can be a good form of discipleship. Gathering together as a church body and listening to a speaker after a Sunday night service can also be used to help in the discipleship process. Then there are the more spontaneous, natural forms of discipleship, like when we meet a Christian friend from church for coffee. All these, I believe, are helpful ways to disciple. In recent years, we have noticed a growth in certain forms of discipleship which can be most helpfully grouped under ‘coaching’ or ‘mentoring’. Again, these forms of discipleship are helpful. Many ministers/church leaders today have mentors or coaches because their insight can stimulate new thoughts or points of view in the discipleship process. Kevin DeYoung wisely said: The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians. As a young church, discipleship is something we take seriously. We want to adopt good practices, and therefore we attempt to teach people to seize both the spontaneous method of discipleship as well as the more formal, structured approach to discipleship. Read more from 20schemes here: https://20schemesequip.com/discipleship-spontaneous-struc/
19.01.2022 Are these unprecedented times? Simon Gilham helps us think through opposition and opportunity... About 10 years ago I was in the north of Nigeria, in a region dominated by the Islamic group, Boko Haram. I was locked away in a church compound guarded by the army, training a group of local evangelists. Just down the road a bomb was set off outside another church. ... These local Christians knew that by trying to share the gospel with their Muslim neighbours, they faced the very real threat of death. Yet on my last day there they prayed for me, and for Christians in Australia. They prayed that God would make us ready to face opposition because, they reasoned, we had never had to face any real opposition in the past and they were not at all sure that we would persevere in the faith now the tide was turning against us. It was a great and insightful prayer. Read more here: https://www.australianchurchrecord.net/unprecedented-times/
16.01.2022 This month we had planned to meet for our next EQUIP nights with Caitlin Orr speaking on the topic of ‘Friendship and Discipleship’. We know lots of you were looking forward to that topic so we’re sad to have to postpone it for a while. Stay tuned for when and how it will happen. Recordings of our other EQUIP Nights topics can be found on our online Library here: https://www.equip.org.au/library... We asked Caitlin for her go-to book on Friendship. Here’s what she said... If you are only going to read one book about the important topic of friendship I would recommend Vaughan’s Roberts’ book ‘True Friendship’. It’s a short book, you can read it from beginning to end in a few hours. Vaughan brilliantly summarises what the Bible says about being a friend and the friend, like no other, Jesus. It just so happens, Vaughan Roberts is speaking on ‘Friendship - Beyond the Superficial’ as part of a series of Hot Topics being run by the Single Minded Conference in October. Find the details here: https://facebook.com/events/s/friendship-beyond-the-superfic/296422561583997/?ti=icl
16.01.2022 On this week from the Priscilla and Aquila Centre at Moore College... Retiring for Work: A Lifetime Serving the Lord Peter and Christine always cherished Ephesians 2:10: For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. As a result, over the decades, it is their daily prayer that they will seek and find the good works that [God] have prepared for us to walk in.... For the Jensens, work is not merely one’s paid occupation, but the service of one’s whole life. This means that the Christian school student worksas does the Christian retiree. This also means that a talk on this subject is for everyone. Topics that will be addressed in this seminar include: time and how to use it; relationships and how our work serves others; age and how we can be active even if we are no longer able to leave home; aloneness and how we cope with loss; money and generosity; and hope and joy. Find all the details on their Facebook page / website.
15.01.2022 We give thanks today for all the wonderful dads who love and serve their families sacrificially. We give thanks for the way you point your families to the Lord Jesus. We also recognise that for many, father’s and children alike, today is a hard day. Due to grief, relationship breakdown, or unfulfilled longings. The isolation of COVID-19 will make today particularly hard for many. We pray for comfort and peace for you, and that we would all give thanks for our Heavenly Fathe...r, who has perfectly loved us and sustains us every day. Here is a prayer for Father's Day... "Dear heavenly Father, on this Father’s Day, it’s a great joy to affirm that you are the Father we’ve always longed for and needed. The best earthly fathers offer a great taste of what it means to be your beloved children, but they can never be to us what you are. Our hearts overflow with thanksgiving, as we cry with joy today, "Abba, Father!" Thank you for adopting us through the finished work of Jesus, and for robing us in Jesus' righteousness and forgiving ALL our sins. Thank you for freeing us from our slavery to sin and our orphan-like ways, and for giving us the Spirit of Sonship, a secure place in your family, and an inheritance that can never spoil or fade. Thank you for being the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. Thank you for promising to complete the work you began in us, and for always disciplining us in love--never shaming, chiding, or withdrawing from us. And Father, thank you for grace to forgive our earthly fathers who didn’t love us as you intended--including those who broke our trust and hearts. Continue to heal us, Lord, help us to love them, and free us to parent to your glory. Lastly, Father, we thank you for the spiritual dads you’ve given us--the gospel-fathers who help us discover more and more of the multi-dimensional love of Christ. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ merciful and mighty name." - Scotty Smith https://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org//06/19/on-fathers-day/ "Behold what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears,we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. - 1 John. 3:1-3 NIV
15.01.2022 TRY BEFORE YOU BUY... Did you miss the Australian premiere of EQUIP at home? This year it’s not too late to watch it or invite a friend to watch - from anywhere in the world! You can rent or download the *full* conference (not just the talks) from our EQUIP library now. ... HERE’S A 10 MINUTE SAMPLE OF ‘Eternity’. (There’s a little bit of Alli Muscat’s talk - Is the resurrection true? And a quick tour of the highlights.) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/equip20eternity/443262706 Both episodes are available to rent for $15/week or buy for $45. *If you were a delegate in June, remember to look for your email from us containing discount codes! It’s funny how you can be a follower of Jesus for decades and yet not have thought deeply about Jesus’ resurrection or your own! In some ways, 1 Corinthians 15 is such a familiar passage. Who can forget verse 54? Death has been swallowed up in victory. But there’s so much more to that verse and indeed, the whole chapter. Even with two episodes, we’ll only begin to appreciate the riches in this wonderful part of God’s Word. In Episode 1, we’ll take a soaring view of eternity beginning with Jesus’ resurrection. In Episode 2, we’ll zoom in on the difference Jesus’ resurrection makes to our body and our work. Find many of our other conference and EQUIP nights talks on the #EQUIPlibrary to download and listen or watch.
14.01.2022 Starting uni this year? Make sure you head along to Launch first from 1-3 Feb. Hear from Rebecca why it’s a great conference for those starting uni this year...
14.01.2022 Our next Christmas book recommendation on the #EQUIPbookclub is Repeat the Sounding Joy by Christopher Ash, reviewed by Lauren Mahaffey... Each year, December gets busier and faster, but perhaps that won’t be the case this year. But while calendars mightn’t be so full, I’m sure our minds will be, with the looming end of the year prompting us to reflect on the many ‘surprises’ 2020 has held. In a time when our minds are full and moving fast, something to help us slow down co...uld be just the thing this year. When I started reading Christopher Ash’s advent devotional book at the beginning of last December, I felt sceptical that a devotional covering so little scripture over 24 days could keep from becoming repetitive it only covers two chapters! And two chapters of Luke’s gospel that are so very familiar?! Yet each morning, as I opened up to the couple of pages set aside for that day, I grew to look forward to uncovering more of the insights Ash shares on both the biggest revelations and smallest details. These details so easily pass us by as we take in the whole story in just one or perhaps a few sermons in the Christmas season. But digesting Luke 1-2 slowly over 24 days offered me a renewed experience of this narrative. Read more here: https://www.equip.org.au/bookclubfeed/repeatthesoundingjoy
14.01.2022 This book had me at ‘hello’ - Mama Bear Apologetics! What a title! And what an appealing premise: how can we be like a mumma bear and defend our little ones by encouraging them to challenge cultural lies, to do apologetics - aka defend the faith with reasons and evidence (p37). For a mum, dad, aunt, Sunday School teacher - who doesn’t want to be able to do that! Section 1 of this book sets up the framework of how to be a ‘mama bear’ and it has lots of helpful things to say, ...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Looking for something to watch or listen to over the holidays? We have many of our previous conferences and EQUIP nights talks available on the #EQUIPlibrary - buy or rent the videos to watch, or download the audio for free! That’s great for when you’re driving, going for a walk, doing housework etc. Find the EQUIP library here: https://www.equip.org.au/library ... Plus here’s a 10 MINUTE SAMPLE OF ‘Eternity’, our #EQUIP20 conference. (There’s a little bit of Alli Muscat’s talk - Is the resurrection true? And a quick tour of the highlights.) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/equip20eternity/443262706 Both episodes are available to rent for $15/week or buy for $45. It’s funny how you can be a follower of Jesus for decades and yet not have thought deeply about Jesus’ resurrection or your own! In some ways, 1 Corinthians 15 is such a familiar passage. Who can forget verse 54? Death has been swallowed up in victory. But there’s so much more to that verse and indeed, the whole chapter. Even with two episodes, we’ll only begin to appreciate the riches in this wonderful part of God’s Word. In Episode 1, we’ll take a soaring view of eternity beginning with Jesus’ resurrection. In Episode 2, we’ll zoom in on the difference Jesus’ resurrection makes to our body and our work.
14.01.2022 Please enjoy Rock of Ages virtual choir! What a joy to see so many women from across Australia and different ages, ethnic backgrounds, life situations and church denominations singing praises to our great God! It was also a great reminder that though the Covid-19 pandemic meant we couldn’t meet in person for EQUIP, our unity in Christ remains. That cannot be destroyed by a virus. ... This song premiered in our second #EQUIPathome episode on June 27. You can now rent or download the two episodes via our EQUIP library and find a 10 min sample there too! www.equip.org.au/library Share it on your feed or tag a friend to encourage them! https://youtu.be/CJsE7YeeYOQ Rock of ages, cleft for me. Hide me now, my refuge be. Let the water and the blood From your wounded side which flowed, Be for sin the double cure. Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Not the labors of my hands Can fulfill your law’s demands. Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone; You must save, and You alone. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to your cross I cling; Naked come to You for dress; Helpless look to You for grace, Stained by sin to You I cry. Wash me, Savior or I die. While I draw this fleeting breath; When my eyelids close in death; When I soar to realms unknown, Bow before the judgment throne, Hide me now my refuge be; Rock of ages, cleft for me. Words by Rev A.M. Toplady, Music by Ruth Buchanan 1998 Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students
13.01.2022 Sometimes I catch myself pausing to watch my kids when they’re asleep. If you have kids, do you do that? Even though just a little while earlier I was desperate for them to go to sleep, in the peace and quiet I love watching them rest. I ponder what they will be like when they’re older. What will they do with their time? What will bring them joy or contentment? What does God have in store for them? So many unknowns lie ahead. There is one thing, above all others, that I dee...ply desire for those in my family that they know and love Jesus. To know their need for his forgiveness, to throw themselves on his mercy, and to serve him with their lives. That’s the basis of this beautiful new book by Melissa Kruger Wherever you go, I want you to know. In fun and quirky rhyme, Kruger shares lots of different things a person might do for a job, or with their time and personality, and then shares this main message: Wherever you go, Whatever you do, I have a big dream I want you to know. It’s something exciting, something supreme. It’s be greatest of hopes my dream of all dreams I pray you love Jesus With all of your heart Whatever you do, That’s the right place to start. Read more about this beautiful kids book on the #EQUIPbookclub here: https://www.equip.org.au/bookclubfeed/whereveryougo
12.01.2022 Relationships are developed by doing things together. I think working alongside others is one of the things I miss the most at the moment. Church band practice, office chats about how Matthias Media can encourage discipleship, washing up mugs after the Sunday meeting bring on the day when we can be shoulder-to-shoulder serving together again! Fortunately, we can still do some things together, like growing in maturity in Christ. Our words are a precious way to help clear awa...y the weeds impeding each other’s trust in God. And although phone calls, video meet-ups and text messages are not the same as in-person conversations, those words are still there. And when we combine our words to each other with the written words of others still by reading Christian books together that’s a wonderful way to continue to cultivate Christ’s kingdom in our hearts. Here are some great suggestions of books that are ideal to read with one or two others, and discussion questions to help: https://matthiasmedia.com.au//building-bridges-out-of-godl
12.01.2022 Join the Facebook event for #EQUIP21 to keep up to date, plus it’s a helpful way to invite friends to watch with you! We’re looking forward to sharing some ideas for making the most of EQUIP this year - including pre and post conference resources! Would you like to receive postcards in the mail to hand out at church or to friends? Send us an email at [email protected] with your name, postal address, church, and how many postcards you’d like and we can get them to... you! The Outsider Saturday 19 June 10am - 3pm AEST Tickets $20 each
11.01.2022 We're excited to share with you the videos of the songs we sang together at EQUIP at Home - Eternity this year. You'll find them all on our YouTube channel! A wonderful all-Aussie line up "Jesus is Alive" ... There is now a hope that lasts beyond our days For the One that once was buried lives again Now the tomb is bare and empty, and the stone is rolled away Praise the Risen One who overcame the grave All you broken hearted, all you worn and weak Come find living water, everlasting streams To the wandering spirit, lost and searching Wanting something more Find the Risen King who overcomes the world Let there be dancing in the darkness And let our song break through the night Lift your voice and sing that Christ is King For Jesus is Alive No more condemnation, no more doubt and fear For our sin and shame, they have no power here In His resurrection, perfect love has set the captives free Praise the Risen King who stands in victory Let there be dancing in the darkness And let our song break through the night Lift your voice and sing that Christ is King For Jesus is Alive Hallelujah, death is undone Hallelujah, Jesus has won Hallelujah, we overcome Oh in Jesus, oh in Jesus Copyright EQUIP Incorporated June 2020. All rights reserved. Jesus is Alive Words and music by James Tealy, Jaywan Maxwell, Jesse Reeves, Michael Farren, Niki Shepherd, Tiarne Tranter 2018 BEC Worship (Admin. by CopyCare Pacific Pty. Ltd.) My Eleiht Songs (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) WriterWrong (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) CityAlight Music (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing Australia) Farren Love And War Publishing (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing Australia) Integrity's Alleluia! Music (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing Australia) Song No. 7121850 CCLI #293103 Recorded at Messiah Studios, Blacktown NSW 2148 for EQUIP Incorporated, May 2020 Thanks to Samantha Endycott, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Sing, Seanisaac Tng, Tiarne Trantner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_fNXa99tpQ
10.01.2022 On the hunt for bible reading tools? Here are some we’ve seen recently for both adults and kids. Please add ones you’ve found helpful in the comments! Melissa Kruger’s favourite bible in a year reading plan: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org//my-favorite-bible-in-/... Family scripture memory packs: https://parentsforeternallife.com/family-scripture-memory/ 10 ideas for freshening up your bible reading: https://parentsforeternallife.com/family-scripture-memory/ Ideas and resources for catechism with kids: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/catechize-kids/ Risen Motherhood free kids bible reading cards: https://www.risenmotherhood.com/kidsabide Risen Motherhood Abide bible reading template: https://www.risenmotherhood.com/abide Children’s Bible story podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Q5UK3dnX5PAaS4b62aP3d We pray this year we will grow in our understanding of God’s word and be convicted to trust and obey him in all aspects of life! Please join in praying that with us.
09.01.2022 From genocide and war to domestic violence and ongoing crime rates, the worst of humanity is clear to see. The reaction of many to the spread of Covid-19 backs this up. But intermixed with the stockpiling of resources, the displays of racism and the general fearmongering, there has been an overwhelming mass of very different stories. You may have noticed popping up on your social media or on the nightly news people showing unexpected love to their neighbours. Goodness is on ...the surge. There’s the crowdfunding page to fund coffee carts in front of hospitals so that health workers can get their caffeine fix.[1] There’s the rise of #ViralKindness cards which offer to provide essential items to the elderly, or the individual efforts of some like Di Kilsby who are reaching out to their neighbourhood.[2] If I haven’t convinced you yet, then maybe John Krasinski can.[3] So what is it that sparks us to display kindness in a time of crisis? As Ben Pantlin writes, it’s so encouraging to see an increase in empathy and thoughtfulness towards others during the pandemic. But why aren’t we kind all the time? How does knowing Jesus influence us in doing good? When someone accepts the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice, the motivation to do good increases. The good that has been done for them through Jesus will lead them to reflect God’s goodness back to him in gratitude. So the need to do good is not only magnified, it becomes the purpose for a Christian’s life: to glorify the God who lowered himself in love. Read more from him on these things here: https://www.australianchurchrecord.net/the-motivation-to-d/
08.01.2022 "You’re special. Don’t let anyone limit your potential. You’re made for more. Your life is up to you. Exercise more. Eat better. Make time for yourself. Cheer others on. Give more. Do more. Try harder. Run faster. And, while you’re at it, change the world. Solve injustice. Start a nonprofit. Lead a Bible study. Read all the new books (maybe write one, too). Read the classics. Make sure to vote. Wash your face. Live untamed. No wonder you haven’t thought about what’s for din...ner. (But, whatever you do, make sure it’s an all-organic, free-range, and locally sourced nutritious meal.) Do you feel the pressure too? Some days it’s exhausting to be a woman. Internally, we feel the reality of not measuring up to our own hopes of being the friend, employee, daughter, wife, or mother we think we should be. Externally, we have so many influencers telling us to make an amazing, groundbreaking difference in the world. Words meant to inspire often exhaust. Can I borrow a moment of your time to give you (and me) permission to lead a quiet, ordinary life? When I’m overwhelmed by all the messages coming at me each day, I remind myself of 1 Thessalonians 4:11: Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands. The quiet, godly life described here is within our reach. And I’ve seen it lived out firsthand." Read more from Melissa B. Kruger on TGC here: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org//permission-lead-ordin/
07.01.2022 In a year when we couldn’t meet together for our annual conference, we recorded some special music videos that were included in our 2020 online conference EQUIP at Home - ETERNITY Copyright EQUIP Incorporated June 2020. All rights reserved. The God of the Earth... Words and music by Lachlan Brown 2010 Lachlan Brown Song No. 5672806 CCLI #293103 Recorded at Messiah Studios, Blacktown NSW 2148 for EQUIP Incorporated, May 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIJkvF70USM
07.01.2022 #EQUIP21 registration is OPEN!! In 2021, we’re beginning a new series in the Old Testament, starting with the enchanting story of Ruth and Naomi. Did you know that the New Testament authors don’t directly quote from the book of Ruth? And God is only mentioned twice! The Old Testament was written not only for God’s people back then, but also for us. What does this story about two widows in the Middle East, thousands of years ago, have to do with us?... Join us on 19 June 2021 in your churches and homes to hear God’s Word to us in the book of Ruth. Register here: www.equip.org.au/equip21 Conference Details Online Saturday 19 June 2021 Premiering 10:00am - 3:00pm AEST (with live Q&A) Available for replay until Monday 19 July 2021 Program 10am - 12pm Episode 1 (with live welcome) 12pm - 1pm Break for Lunch 1pm - 3pm Episode 2 (with live Q&A) Speakers: Annabel Nixey, Tash Leong, Caitlin Orr and Carmelina Read Registration $20 per viewer Includes access to pre and post conference resources Available for replay until Monday 19 July 2021
06.01.2022 In the image of God it may be one of the most often invoked, and yet least understood, catchphrases among Christians today. Whether defending the unborn, or protesting injustice, or advocating for the elderly and disabled, Christian voices often appeal for common ground, across other differences, by declaring that all humans are in the image of God. And so they are; we’re right to remember it. But what does it mean to be made in God’s image? Rarely is that explained, a...nd when it is, the answers can be quite speculative that we are thinking or deliberative creatures. Or feeling creatures. Or that our will is free and not enslaved to instinct. Are such essentially invisible abilities really what it means to image God? Doesn’t the Bible have more to say and clarify the issue for us? This article helpfully looks at what the phrase image of God means, and how God himself came in Christ, giving us an identity and purpose far greater than we could ever have imagined. https://www.desiringgod.org/art/images-of-the-invisible-god
04.01.2022 If 2020 has taught us anything, it is surely that things are not always as they seem. We are generally more fragile than we like to admit. And with a sudden realisation of fragility there often comes frustration, anger, a claustrophobic feeling perhaps and definitely a lack of tolerance. The truth is, despite what advertising would tell you, this holiday period isn’t always happy and magical. Actually, the concoction of Covid-19, financial instability, and a constant chang...ing of the goalposts when it comes to government restrictions for the safety of the general community has for many resulted in hurt, pain and a breakdown in relationships. Of course, the bigger problem is that 2020 hasn’t just exposed a breakdown in our horizontal relationships, but also in our more important vertical relationship with our Creator God. There is obvious tension between us and God. As a society, we are clearly moving in a direction that loudly and proudly declares our autonomy. We are a law unto ourselves, and we claim to be happy ignoring God and his authority. But of course, that will not stand. Should we pursue this path, there is nothing but judgment to come. Should we continue to tell God to get lost, only hell awaits. And when Jesus returns, it will be clearly revealed who was on the right side of history. And so, I propose a New Year’s resolution of humility. It struck me as I was preparing to preach on the Magnificat, the words of Mary from Luke 1:46-56. Her words highlight for us that a key ingredient in our joy as Christians is our humility. As we recognise our place as rebels in front of our Almighty God, we then realise the underserving love he has so generously poured out on us in his Son, our Saviour. In this way, humility is a radical shift in perspective, forcing us to look at our lives in terms of a relationship with our Creator. And considering how much 2020 has exposed of the truth of our frailty, what better resolution to set for 2021? Read more here: https://www.australianchurchrecord.net/our-new-years-resol/
04.01.2022 Matthias Media have a great New Years sale on the moment with many classic books for just $10, $5 or $3!! They include a number of books we have reviewed on the #EQUIPbookclub previously: God's Good Design by Claire Smith ... Suffering Well by Paul Grimmond Captivated by Christ by Richard Chin Is God Green? by Lionel Windsor From Here to Eternity by Ray Galea Letters to Emma by Lee Carter Made for More by Emily Cobb and more! Why not swap a coffee or meal out this week for a helpful Christian book to enable you to live life in light of Jesus and the hope we have in him. Plus - buy two or more get 20% off and buy 4 or more get 40% off so why not choose a book to read and discuss together with a group of friends? Tag someone below who you'd like to read with. https://matthiasmedia.com.au/pages/10-5-3
03.01.2022 Jesus is alive!! There is now a hope that lasts beyond our days For the One that once was buried lives again Now the tomb is bare and empty ... And the stone is rolled away Praise the Risen One who overcame the grave All you broken hearted, all you worn and weak Come find living water, everlasting streams To the wandering spirit, lost and searching Wanting something more Find the Risen King who overcomes the world Let there be dancing in the darkness And let our song break through the night Lift your voice and sing that Christ is King For Jesus is Alive No more condemnation, no more doubt and fear For our sin and shame they have no power here In His resurrection perfect love has set the captives free, Praise the Risen King who stands in victory Let there be dancing in the darkness And let our song break through the night Lift your voice and sing that Christ is King For Jesus is Alive Let there be dancing in the darkness And let our song break through the night Lift your voice and sing that Christ is King For Jesus is Alive Hallelujah, death is undone Hallelujah, Jesus has won Hallelujah, we over come Oh in Jesus, Oh in Jesus CityAlight recorded for EQUIP20 last year. https://youtu.be/F_fNXa99tpQ
03.01.2022 Friends, we are not home yet, things are not as they ought to be; we are all boarders longing to be home with our families. Despite being taught this repeatedly in God’s word I find I am often too quick to forget this truth. I expect to feel at home here. I feel shocked when life throws up hurdle after hurdle. I seem to have this ingrained sense that I will get to a point in this world where things will settle down and life will be easy. I often feel 1 Peter 4:12 is directed... straight at me: Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come upon you, as though something strange were happening to you. This place we live now is fallen and passing away. When people act in terrible ways, when natural disasters strike, when sin mars my relationships and conflict marks my days I ought not to be surprised by it. Even when a global pandemic turns the whole world on its head and brings about widespread suffering on so many levels, this still fits within what I know to be true of this life. While it is right to pray for this suffering to end here and now, it is also right that these realities point me to an even greater reality. One day there will be no more sin and my relationships with God and with others will be perfect. The world will be made new and there will be no more natural disasters. Never again will a virus or any sickness or death touch God’s people. This is a very helpful article from Jocelyn Loane, member of our EQUIP committee, reminding us why it’s natural to feel homesick for heaven. Read more here: https://www.australianchurchrecord.net/homesick-for-heaven/
02.01.2022 How do we address the root and fruit of pride in our lives? Kylie Yip shares some helpful reflections... In order to make progress and ditch pride, the best way forward is not to focus on how bad I am (remember pride loves to focus on self, even negatively). Rather, it is to look to Jesus Christ, who enables us to work on trusting God and loving our neighbour. It is both very simple and very difficult it hurts to turn away from myself every day! But it is very effective. ...If I fill my field of vision with my God and my neighbour, then that doesn’t leave much space for me, does it? That’s the idea. We focus on ourselves less when we are focusing on others more. Eventually, I think, we’ll just forget about ourselves altogether because others, especially God, are just so much more interesting, and delighting in them is just so delightful. Pride is sneaky, alluring, powerful, devastating. It really, really hurts to cut it out of our hearts, but if we submit ourselves to the Great Surgeon, we will enjoy that sweet relief that is water to a thirsty man in a desert. Read more here: https://www.australianchurchrecord.net/pride-its-root-and/
02.01.2022 Join us in praying that God would use this year to grow us in Christ-likeness! In March of 2020, I got the phone call no mom ever wants to receive. Just a few hours after completing lab work for our newborn, Samuel, the pediatrician called and said there was a problem. She was worried about Samuel’s slow weight gain. Due to the abnormal lab results, she recommended we see a liver specialist right away. After multiple tests, X-rays, ultrasounds, and more blood work (which wa...s likely more painful for this mom than her son), we returned to the liver specialist. Praise God, the doctor gave us good news! The tests showed that Samuel has a genetic problem that he will likely outgrow, and there was no need for treatment. The doctor looked at Samuel’s chart and noted his weight had doubled since our last visit. He then said something I will not forget: Samuel, you are twice the man you used to be! A few days later, I shared this fantastic news with my women’s Bible study via Zoom. As one of the ladies prayed, she said, At the end of this coronavirus season, may each of us be twice the women we used to be. My friend wasn’t just praying we would become better versions of ourselves. Rather she was asking God to double the work He is doing in our lives and to accelerate our transformation into His image. Since that day, I have been praying something similar. I’m asking the Lord to help me decrease during this pandemic so that His glory would be multiplied and shine more intensely through me. I’m praying for twice the amount of the fruit of Spirit to be displayed in my parenting, my marriage, and my ministry. I don’t want to emerge from this time of isolation, shelter-in-place, quarantine, mask-wearing, and handwashing with a heart that’s bitter, frustrated, or angry. I want my faith to be more robust, my passion for Jesus to be stronger, my prayer life to be more consistent, my sharing of the gospel to be bolder, my forgiveness of others to be more complete, and my love for all people to be more genuine. What I want as a result of the coronavirus is for the good work God began in me to be expanded so that He will be glorified to a much greater extent in my life (Phil. 1:6). Read more here: https://www.reviveourhearts.com//what-i-want-out-these-c/
02.01.2022 The EQUIP20 talks are NOW LIVE on the EQUIP library! Buy or rent the talks, find talk outlines and our excellent 10 days of teen devotions (including videos!) to go alongside. If you were a delegate with us in June, you'll find your special discount code for one weeks rental FREE or a discount on downloading the talks to keep in the email we sent yesterday. ... Please share with friends and family! https://www.equip.org.au/equip-20-library-page ETERNITY It’s funny how you can be a follower of Jesus for decades and yet not have thought deeply about Jesus’ resurrection or your own! In some ways, 1 Corinthians 15 is such a familiar passage. Who can forget verse 54? Death has been swallowed up in victory. But there’s so much more to that verse and indeed, the whole chapter. Even with two episodes, we’ll only begin to appreciate the riches in this wonderful part of God’s Word. There’s a keyword that runs throughout this chapter. It’s usually translated into English as ‘vain’. It means something like a mist, that quickly floats away. You can miss this thread in the NIV translation, where you don’t always see the word ‘vain’. Otherwise you have believed in vain (15:2) His grace to me was not without effect (15:10) If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is useless (15:14) Your labour in the Lord is not in vain (15:58) Here Paul makes it clear that if Jesus’ resurrection is not true, then everything we do is in vain - it floats away with death. But if Jesus’ resurrection is true, then what is done in him, will last for eternity. In Episode 1, we’ll take a soaring view of eternity beginning with Jesus’ resurrection. In Episode 2, we’ll zoom in on the difference Jesus’ resurrection makes to our body and our work. We hope you will continue this resurrection conversation long after EQUIP. https://www.equip.org.au/equip-20-library-page
01.01.2022 Good guesses we are going to be looking at the book of Ruth together this year! Make sure #EQUIP21 is in your new diary or calendar - Saturday 19 June 2021. See you then!
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