Eternal Wellbeing in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Beauty salon
Eternal Wellbeing
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 434 537 962
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25.01.2022 I'm excited to launch 'phase 1' of my brand new website!! Private coaching is now available at Eternal Wellbeing for women who want to feel more comfortable in their own skin, have more confidence and realise their potential. Holistic wellness for your mind, body and soul. Supporting you from the inside out.... Check it out, I'd love to know what you think! If you need support and guidance reach out here on FB or book a complimentary Discovery Call to see if we're a good fit for you.
25.01.2022 Let go. Be playful. Have freedom
24.01.2022 When we deeply and profoundly know at our core that we are good enough, we stop comparing ourselves. In the meantime remind yourself of those core qualities you were innately born with and of your achievements while listening to an awesome inspiring song. #confidence #selfconfidence #selfesteem #bodyimage #inspiringwellness #freedom #letgo #perceptionisreality #bodyconfidence #beyourself #beyou #mindset #mindsetcoach #mindsetiseverything #selfbelief #trustyourself... See more
20.01.2022 I just love this... No matter what, just keep doing your thing... Don’t take it personally...... It’s not about you... Find compassion.... Hurt people, hurt people... Be yourself. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #wellness #wellbeing #mindsetcoach #mindset #lifestylecoach #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #inspiringwellness #quotes #beyourself #beyou #doyourthing #compassion See more
20.01.2022 Ladies we have just been given the green light to re-open for business!! I’m so excited to welcome you back for all your beauty treatments from Tuesday 2nd June. Book in now!
16.01.2022 In 2018 my brother Richard passed away unexpectedly. We chose to donate his organs and it was an easy decision. We were fortunate last year to meet one of his recipients Mark and it was a surreal yet wonderfully comforting moment. Knowing that a part of Richard lives on in someone else and is allowing them to live, to make memories with their family and children and watch them grow is just incredible. Experiences they would never have if not for organ donation. Register to be an organ donor and help someone who is waiting for that life changing gift. It also brings great comfort to your loved ones left behind.
16.01.2022 So true! I did this for half of my life. One day 13 years ago I decided I wanted something different. Self-awareness is the beginning which gives you the choice to do something different so you can be yourself and create the life you want.
14.01.2022 Even though I can’t go to the gym I’m making use of my driveway, the floor and a few weights. No excuse! I exercise because it makes me feel strong, it clears my mind and improves my mood. Sure it takes effort but it’s worth the pay off when it improves every other area of my life ... #exerciseathome #healthybody #healthybodyhealthymind #selflove #selfcarefirst #selfconfidence #selfesteem #selfworth #selfimage #bodyimage #positivebodyimage #mindset
13.01.2022 Do you feel like no matter what you do your cellulite doesn't seem to improve? Do you feel like you've tried everything and nothing works? Maybe you've just been looking in the wrong place. Maybe it's time to take a look inwards at the story playing on repeat in your head.... The one that finds faults, criticises and judges you. The one that makes you feel self-conscious, embarrassed or uncomfortable about your body. As long as that story continues to play, any improvements you make will never be good enough. If you're wanting to change your story and learn how to accept your body and feel good about yourself, call me on 0434537962 or email [email protected]
13.01.2022 Introducing... ILLUMIN8 LED Light Therapy Treatments. A non-invasive, painless, non-thermal skin treatment for multiple skin concerns Relaxing, cost effective and safe with amazing results. If you would like to improve skin texture, tone, wrinkles, scars, redness, pores, acne, blackheads and more contact us today ... 0434537962 [email protected] Only available at Eternal Wellbeing. Ask about our introductory offer. #ledlighttherapy #antiageing #antiaging #naturalbeauty #reducewrinkles #naturaltreatment #healthyskin #inspiringwellness #naturalbody #youngerskin #skinfirming #skintightening #selfconfidence #noninvasive #noninvasivetreatment #acne #acnetreatment @ Eternal Wellbeing See more
12.01.2022 How can you love and hate something all at the same time? HIIT is so good for speedy fat burning in a short time frame (which we love), burns for hours afterwards (again awesome), burns deep fat around your organs (great for long term health), improves blood sugar and blood pressure and so much more. ... Sure you have to push yourself a bit harder but that builds resilience and determination which you need to create the life you want. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #endermologie #endermologiecanberra #fatburning #naturalbeauty #naturalbody #bodyconfidence #bodypositive #beyourself #beyou #wellness #holistichealth #healthy #healthyskin #lifestyle #reducecellulite #bodysculpting #bodytoning #fatloss #weightloss #fatreduction #antiageing #youngerskin #skinfirming #skintightening
10.01.2022 You're always doing the best you can in every moment. Holding onto what you cannot change not only weighs you down but keeps you repeating the past, living in guilt and regret, and not truly living. Surrender to the moment of now and start living in the present moment. There is so much to experience here.... #liveinthemoment #bepresent #letgo #surrendercontrol #liveinthenow #gratitude #appreciate #livelifetothefullest
10.01.2022 This is awesome!! ... #beyourself #beauthentic #shareyourgifts #expressyourself #becourageous #selfacceptance #youaregoodenough #betruetoyourself
10.01.2022 With the highly toxic smoke levels in Canberra there are ways we can protect our bodies. We can detox our cells, reduce cellulite and tone our skin all in one with a natural sauna detox. Sunlighten saunas patented 3-in-1 design have been clinically shown to raise core body temperature by 3 degrees for the most detoxifying sweat. They are also the most effective and safest on the market.... Reclaim your power today and enjoy 30 minute Infrared Sauna sessions for $45. 50% will be donated to the NSW Rural Fire Service to support our firefighters on the front line and help Australians affected by the devastation. Good for you AND the greater good. Click the "Book Now" button to book your appointment now!
09.01.2022 We all strive to feel like we belong, to feel accepted. To our detriment we do this by trying to fitting in which only takes us further from who we truly are. Never abandon who you truly are for others. ... If you feel drained around certain people, frustrated or some people just feel like hard work, that could be a sign that you’re modifying yourself to fit in. When you can be yourself with people, that’s true belonging. Those are the people you should hang out with.
08.01.2022 Workout time! Exercise always energises me and makes me feel stronger. I look and feel my best when I’m moving my body. That’s one way I increase my confidence. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #endermologie #endermologiecanberra #naturalbeauty #naturalbody #bodyconfidence #bodypositive #beyourself #beyou #wellness #holistichealth #healthy #healthyskin #lifestyle #reducecellulite #bodysculpting #bodytoning #fatloss #weightloss #fatreduction #antiageing #youngerskin #skinfirming #skintightening
08.01.2022 I haven’t shared too much publicly about the passing of my brother Richard but today felt like the right time. This event and this amazing human changed our life forever. My Dad got this incredible tattoo a few months ago in Scotland, our home land here is what the artist wrote... "All tattoos are important but every now and then you get the chance to do something that really is special. Over the last week I've tattooed numerous members of the same family who are over f...rom Australia, they have all got memorial tattoos for Richard (above) who sadly passed away last year, he was a hockey player. Today i tattooed Richards dad Harry, this is my first ever memorial portrait I've ever done, I was mega nervous about doing it and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Honoured to be trusted with something soo personal and I hope I've done it justice. Thanks for the trust. Safe trip home to Australia! #fatherandson #kelsotattoos #inmemory #loveyoutothemoonandback #lifechangingmoments #livelifetothefullest #gratitude #followyourdreams #letgo #beyourself #beyou #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #wellness #holistichealth Photo credit @kelso_tattoos Reposted with @plannthat See more
08.01.2022 Do you find yourself overthinking? The upside is that it can build our problem solving muscle. This downside is that trying to please everyone, trying to control, and avoiding conflict only leads to overwhelm, self doubt, lack of self confidence and ultimately low self trust. ... When you find yourself caught in the details and thinking through every possible scenario before making a decision, do the following... 1. Rewind 2. Breath. 3. Look at the bigger picture. 4. Decide what’s important right now that you can control. 5. Listen to the wisdom that speaks through you and just do that. 6. Keep it simple and trust that what unfolds is exactly what is meant to be. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #selfconfidence #selftrust #trustyourself #loveyourself #wisdom #wellness #wellbeing #mindset #lifestyle #Endermologie #endermologiecanberra #endermologiespecialist #healthybody
07.01.2022 We love you. We’re in this together, even though we’re staying apart. Visualize us all Heart to Heart. Michelle & Barb
06.01.2022 Be grateful for the people that show up in your life, the experiences you have and the lessons you encounter. Show kindness and #gratitude and in return you will experience #abundance in every form. #lifelessons #holistic #bodymindsoul #quote #antiageing #endermologie #endermologiecanberra #inspiringwellness #wellness #endermologiespecialist #collagen #collagenstimulation #infraredsauna #infrared #nutrition #weightlossjourney #fatloss #cellulite #anticellulite #cellulitereduction #fitness #selfconfidence #lifecoaching
06.01.2022 At Eternal Wellbeing we believe in a holistic approach by merging beauty, wellness and healing of the body and mind. We love and specialise in Endermologie which is a non-invasive and 100% natural treatment for cellulite reduction, fat reduction, body sculpting and anti-ageing. By combining Endermologie with a holistic lifestyle approach you can love your body, feel energised, build your self-confidence and reduce stress in the body and mind. ... To find out more about our Mindset Coaching and Endermologie Packages call Julie 0434537962 or email [email protected] #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #holistic #antiageing #bodyconfidence #selfconfidence #loveyourbody #loveyourself #wellness #wellbeing #weightlossjourney #weightloss #fatloss #cellulite #anticellulite #cellulitereduction #fatreduction #bodysculpting #bodycontouring #mindset #lifestyle #Endermologie #endermologiecanberra #endermologiespecialist #collagen #collagenstimulation #healthybody See more
05.01.2022 I am excited to be the permanent host for all your InBody Scan needs. This awesome technology is 98% accurate and tells you what your body composition is. Take your focus off the scale and see how healthy your body is on the inside. ... Learn your muscle mass, body weight ratio, body fat mass and bone mineral content. Receive your instant report and interpretation. If you’re not assessing, you’re simply guessing. Take the guess work out and track your progress. Book your InBody Scan today with our easy online booking system. #mobilebodyscans #inbody570 #coaching #wellnesscoaching #bodyimagecoaching #thebodyimagecoach #inspiringwellness #wellness #holistichealth #healthy #lifestyle #bodysculpting #weightloss
05.01.2022 2020 has a really good ring to it. I can feel an awesome year and decade coming our way
05.01.2022 I had an amazing week of learning this week. I’m excited to deepen my understanding of how we think and how we create and experience our reality. Part of this is learning how to reconnect with our emotions and gain deeper awareness of and connection to who we are. I love helping others rediscover who they are so they can create the life they want and love who they are. ... #coaching #wellnesscoaching #growthmindset #growth #wellness #wellbeing #emotions #mindsetcoach #mindset #lifestylecoach #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #awareness #inspiringwellness #loveyourself #loveyourbody #rediscoveryourself #createthelifeyouwant See more
04.01.2022 I love coaching my clients and helping them rediscover who they are again so they can live their best life and meet their true potential To find out more email [email protected] ... #quotes #waynedyer #purpose #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #naturalbeauty #naturalbody #bodyconfidence #bodypositive #beyourself #beyou #wellness #holistichealth #healthy #healthyskin #lifestyle #endermologie #reducecellulite #bodysculpting #bodytoning #fatloss #weightloss #fatreduction #antiageing #youngerskin #skinfirming #skintightening See more
03.01.2022 How I weather incoming storms: "I say this in the physical sense, as we in Florida have been bracing ourselves for the effects of Hurric...ane Dorian, but metaphorically it has so much meaning, too. Potentially catastrophic storms brewing in the distance have a tendency to bring out and bring up a lot for us, as humans. There's fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and the unease that comes from waiting. It's funny though, because that's life in regularity too, isn't it? We never really know what tomorrow will bring for us. Weathering storms, whether physical or internal, requires presence and awareness." Michelle Maros See more
03.01.2022 Do you feel like life would be better if you had more balance? Understanding what balance means to you is the first step because balance is not a one-size-fits-all formula. It all depends on what you need to master in your life. One level of balance you can strive for is the balance between structure and spontaneity. ... Too much structure leads to boredom and giving up. Too much spontaneity and we don’t achieve our goals. If you’re not where you want to be, have a look at where you can mix things up a little to find joy and challenge and where you can add structure to achieve your goals and experience success. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #balancedlife #healthybody #purpose #lifegoals #selfconfidence #wellness #wellbeing #mindset #lifestyle #Endermologie #endermologiecanberra #endermologiespecialist See more
03.01.2022 We love Endermologie and our client Kimberley does too. Just 9 sessions and 5 weeks and her cellulite is reduced, her skin is firmer and more toned, her skin colour and circulation restored, her bottom lifted and her shape more refined. Even slim women feel self conscious and want to feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. We love restoring women’s self worth through our natural body treatments and also working to restore self perception and mindset.... #coaching #wellnesscoaching #wellness #wellbeing #mindsetcoach #mindset #lifestylecoach #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #inspiringwellness #healthybody #selfconfidence #bodyconfidence #loveyourbody #weightloss #fatloss #cellulite #anticellulite #cellulitereduction #fatreduction #bodysculpting #bodycontouring #Endermologie #endermologiecanberra #endermologiespecialist #naturalbeauty #naturaltreatment See more
03.01.2022 My doors may be temporarily closed to my clients but they are open to one very special! While I’m enjoying an LED light therapy treatment I’m... Finding joy...Having a laugh on the phone with my mum...... Resetting my mind...with 20 minutes of meditation... And rejuvenating my skin.. How are you taking care of yourself right now?
02.01.2022 I didn’t always have good skin. I had to work at and I’ve learned that to have great skin means working on it from the inside out. Natural skin treatments are my go to for waking up the skin cells and slowing the ageing process. I also love the natural look and I believe in respecting the skin. ... Not only do the skin cells benefit from physical stimulation, they also need nutrients and protection. I achieve this through living a healthy lifestyle. To me, this means eating healthily, drinking lots of water, getting good sleep, minimising stress, engaging in joyful experiences and doing work that I love, limiting coffee, alcohol and smoking, protection from the sun and using toxic free skincare and makeup. Not only do I get the benefits of healthy skin I get to live my best life because I feel great too. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #healthybody #purpose #lifegoals #selfconfidence #wellness #wellbeing #mindset #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #Endermologie #endermologiecanberra #endermologiespecialist #naturalbeauty #naturaltreatment @ Eternal Wellbeing See more
02.01.2022 It’s so easy to fall into a pattern of doing the same daily in and day out...Remember the movie Groundhog Day? As much as we need routine and structure we also need variety and spontaneity. We feel good in a routine and we feel good going with the flow. We can’t be too strict nor too flexible. Our soul craves a balance of both worlds. Don’t wait for a holiday, or a weekend or a day off work to do it. Life passes by too quickly so start living today. ...Don’t take life too seriously, or with too much irreverence. #coaching #wellnesscoaching #mindsetcoach #lifestylecoach #inspiringwellness #naturalbeauty #naturalbody #bodyconfidence #bodypositive #beyourself #beyou #wellness #holistichealth #healthy #healthyskin #lifestyle #endermologie #reducecellulite #bodysculpting #bodytoning #fatloss #weightloss #fatreduction #antiageing #youngerskin #skinfirming #skintightening See more
02.01.2022 Right now is a challenging time and we're all feeling limited in some respect. Although much is out of your control, what is within your control is how you think and how you respond. If you're in lock down or you're limited to who you can spend time with you may be getting frustrated, losing patience or annoyed with each other. ... It's time to find compassion. To do that you can either focus on the "problem" or the gift. The problem is actually showing YOU a gift. The gift is the part of YOU that needs to be unlocked. This person is simply delivering the gift. This is the pathway to finding the compassion needed at this time.
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