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25.01.2022 It is only when we ever and again surrender ourselves to a certain definite thought, making it absolutely our own, that any results can be attained. This thought is as follows: I must certainly do everything I can for the training and development of my soul and spirit; but I shall wait patiently until higher powers shall have found me worthy of definite enlightenment. If this thought becomes so powerful in the student that it grows into an actual feature of her character, she is treading the right path. This feature soon sets its mark on her exterior. The gaze of her eye becomes steady, the movement of her body becomes sure, her decisions definite, and all that goes under the name of nervousness gradually disappears. from "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds & How to Achieve It. By Rudolf Steiner

25.01.2022 "To think that the sun rose in the east! that men and women were flexible, real, alive! that everything was alive! To think that you and I did not see, feel, think, nor bear our part! To think that we are now here, and bear our part!"... from "To think of Time" by Walt Whitman

24.01.2022 Tin metal shows us some of its Jupiter-nature through it crystalline forms and malleable elements. As the thinker within our planetary system, Jupiter is related to creative energetic thought forms that radiate to us in the mobile forms of dreams and intuition, (Steiner, 1988). When we are willing to reflect inwardly Jupiter will often initiate answers to difficult questions while we sleep. It also shows within the structural elements of the body such as the muscular and smooth round surfaces of the organs From

24.01.2022 ... "For Mars, which has something to do with ailments of the blood, it was easier to find the corresponding metal, iron" ... "We can thus say that once there was a connection between the earth and all the planets that circle the sun today, and this influence has remained behind in the metals". From Health & Illness II Rudolf Steiner

23.01.2022 The D is the consonant of firm grounding. With the power of the D, the Creator separated the world of gravity from the light-filled realms above. In our human body, we carry these polarities in feet and heads: the D helps us feel strengthened in our legs, while clear in our heads. with thanks to

22.01.2022 Silver reflects the action of the moon whose forces influence the rhythms in life. The moon qualities of silver show an intimate connection with light as she reflects back light from the whole universe. Starlight as well as sun light shines back to us in the moons reflection. She receives light images passively and reflects them back just a mirror would. Silver has an inner mobility that reflects it reproductive powers, like the ripples that form after throwing a stone water. In human beings we see the moon/silver forces in the bodys growth and building up processes, including the reproductive process that takes place within the warm and secret areas of the reproductive organs. It also carries its forces to the brain where we are able to conceive ideas and reproduce these, thus reflecting the world in our thinking life, (Hauschka, 1966). See more

21.01.2022 "... when he utters an F his effort is directed more towards reexperiencing the spiritual within himself". Rudolf Steiner From Eurythmy Therapy lecture 3

20.01.2022 The wisdom of ages

19.01.2022 Please look up this new website for Eurythmy Therapy International.


17.01.2022 We might ask: what is there to be said about ideation, contemplation, thinking and about the will and its impulses on the one hand during waking life and during sleep on the other? When we penetrate more deeply into this question it becomes evident that in his present physical existence man is, in a certain sense, always asleep, Only there is a difference between sleep during the night and sleep during the day. Of this we can be convinced in a purely external way, for we kn...ow that we can wake in the occult sense during the day, that is to say, one can become clairvoyant and see into the spiritual world. The physical body in its ordinary state is asleep to what is then and there happening and we can rightly speak of an awakening of our spiritual senses. In the night, of course, we are asleep in the normal way. It can therefore be said: ordinary sleep is sleep as regards the outer physical world; daytime consciousness at the present time is sleep as regards the spiritual world. from - The Etherisation of the Blood, Rudolf Steiner See more

17.01.2022 Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out Taste the air around you. Its scents, where its been and who its seen Its colour and how it swirls around you... Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Watch the wind make ripples through the water Watch it make the grass bend and sway Feel it rustle your hair, tying it into knots Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. from a poem by Lily Barrett


15.01.2022 The stars once spoke to man. It is world destiny that they are silent now, but in their silence there grows and ripens what man speaks to the stars! Rudolf Steiner

14.01.2022 Creator said, I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality. The eagle said, Give it to me. I will take it to the moon. Creator said, No. One day they will go there and find it.... The salmon said, I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean. Creator said, No, they will go there, too. The buffalo said, I will bury it on the Great Plains. Creator said, They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there. Grandmother who lives in the breast of Mother Earth and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, Put it inside of them. And Creator said, It is done." - Creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona From the North American Christian Community newsletter

14.01.2022 Imagine health as a beautiful sunny day with a brilliant blue sky and no clouds in sight. The earth is covered by a layer of green fields, plants, and trees springing up from a firm ground composed of minerals. The sun is our Spirit, the sky is our soul, the green living layer is our vitality (etheric body), and the mineralized earth is our physical body. We come to this earth with the purpose of purifying our soul. There are always clouds that form in our soul. Those issues life (our needs, wants, and desires) that we are trying to work through and transform. At any given time, if our Spirit is strong enough, then like the sun we can often dissolve the clouds that come our way. Sometimes too many clouds form at the same time or a cloud grows too quickly and becomes too large, obscuring the sun's light. If we don't pay attention to the messages from our soul, the clouds can grow and merge into a huge thunderstorm and eventually pour down to earth as rain. After the rain, the sky will become clear again, but all the rain may have flooded the earth. If our etheric body is not strong enough to withstand the rain storm, then our physical body can become ill. Hereditary factors, destiny, and karma can all affect the physical body we have in this life, but there are things we can do to strengthen our etheric body to help us resist becoming ill during these rainstorms of our soul life. Dr. Philip Incao, an Anthroposophical physician who practices in Denver, Colorado, spoke at the Artemesia Conference (2000) held at Rudolf Steiner College. He described a picture of health and illness that comes from a Dutch Anthroposophical physician.

14.01.2022 "When formed as a sound, the g actually points to a strengthening of the self, a self strengthening, not only of the soul-forces, but also all that in the self naturally spreads outwards. It is, then, that sound, which so to speak, holds our human being together ... " from Eurythmy As Visible Speech by Rudolf Steiner

14.01.2022 Silver Slowly, silently, now the moon Walks the night in her silver shoon; This way, and that, she peers, and sees... Silver fruit upon silver trees; One by one the casements catch Her beams beneath the silvery thatch; Couched in his kennel, like a log, With paws of silver sleeps the dog; From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep Of doves in a silver-feathered sleep; A harvest mouse goes scampering by, With silver claws and a silver eye; And moveless fish in the water gleam, By silver reeds in a silver stream. Walter de la Mare

12.01.2022 To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.... William Blake

12.01.2022 T]he human being is a mirror of the world; all the secrets of the universe are contained in the human being. The fixed stars work in the human being, the moving planets work in the human being, and all the elements of nature work there as well." Rudolf Steiner, THE ROOTS OF EDUCATION

12.01.2022 What is meant by, The human being is undergoing development? Again it is necessary to refer to the being of man. The physical body is only a part of the human entity. This he has in common with all lifeless nature. But he has as second member the etheric or life body, which he has in common only with what is life-imbued. This member wages a continuing battle against everything that would destroy the physical body. Were the etheric body to withdraw from the physical body, i...n that moment the physical body would become a corpse. The third member is the astral body, which he has in common with animals, the bearer of desires and sorrow, of every feeling and representation, of joy and pain, the so-called consciousness body. The fourth part is his ego, the central point of his being, that makes of him the crown of creation. The ego transforms the three bodies through development out of the central point of the human being. Rudolf Steiner, from Illusory Illness and the Feverish Pursuit of Health, 5 December 1907 Artwork Sally Mowbray

11.01.2022 "What a piece of work is man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, In form and moving how express and admirable, In action how like an Angel, In apprehension how like a god, The beauty of the world, The paragon of animals." From Hamlet, Willian Shakespeare

11.01.2022 "A real medicine can only exist when it penetrates into a knowledge which embraces the human being in respect to body, soul & spirit." - Rudolf Steiner

10.01.2022 Into what pattern, into what music have the spheres whirled us, Of traveling light upon the spindles of the stars wound us, The great winds upon the hills in hollows swirled us, into what currents the hollow waves and crested waters, Molten veins of ancestral rocks wrought us... In the caves in the graves entangled the deep root of us, Into what vesture of memories earth layer upon layer enswathed us Of the ever-changing faces and phases Of the moon to be born, reborn, unborn, of sun-split days Our arrivals assigned us, our times and places Sanctuaries for all loves meetings and partings, departings Healings and woundings and weepings and transfigurations? Kathleen Raine

10.01.2022 If you take the larynx first of all as an upwards directed extension of the windpipe, you will discover when you study its forms that it may be characterized as a reversed, a from front-to-back reversed piece of the human organism; from another place, another piece of the human organization turned around. Picture to yourself the back of the human head, including the auricular parts, and think of what you are picturing to yourself as the back of the human head, including the a...uricular parts insofar as these are localized in this part of man excluding the frontal lobe for the moment, and extending downwards so that it becomes the human ribcage with its vertebrae, including the beginnings of the ribs which have the much softer breast bone to the front that falls away altogether lower down. Picture to yourself, then, this less clearly defined system of organs that I have presented to you: the posterior part of the head including the auditory parts, broadening out into the ribcage below. From Eurythmy Therapy Rudolf Steiner See more

08.01.2022 From Rudolf Steiner

06.01.2022 We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, unremembered gate ... When the last of earth left to discover Is that which was the beginning; At the source of the longest river The voice of the hidden waterfall And the children in the apple-tree Not known, because not looked for But heard, half-heard, in the stillness Between two waves of the sea." from Little Gidding T. S. Eliot- 1955"

06.01.2022 Are you interested in studying Eurythmy? Furthering the wonderful work of Eurythmy in Australia.

05.01.2022 WERKSTATTGESPRÄCH HINTER DER BÜHNE/ WORKSHOP TALK BEHIND THE STAGE Einblicke, Motivationen und Perspektiven/ Insights, motivations and perspectives... World Conference 2020 CROSSING BRIDGES BEING HUMAN mit/ with Sophia Wittchow & Dr. Katharina Gerlach Kamera & Schnitt/ camera & editing: Jesse Osmer

04.01.2022 Whereas the arts of architecture, sculpture, and painting (which are the oldest arts) give us spatial representations of our soul/spiritual experiences, creative work with the spoken word and with music lives in the moment and lives in the souls ability to become aware. Eurythmy the youngest art lives in all these worlds. Using the temple of the human being as instrument, eurythmy sculpts the air and paints speech and music visibly in the moment of creation. The person working eurythmically with the elements of rhythm and tonality brings them into expression objectively and subjectively at the same time.

04.01.2022 L brings beautiful enlivening and rejuvenating forces. It is an exquisite experience that transforms darkness into light, hate into love, death into light. Learn to bring the stuck places of your body and soul into movement with this experience. Eurythmy Online

03.01.2022 Only when we become earnest about what is at work in the human organism, when we no longer proceed in so outward a fashion, that we picture the whole nervous system as an insertion serving the life of the soul can we hope to perceive the human organization as it is. Only when the human organism is so perceived can it provide the basis for a physiology and therapy which work in the Iight, not grope in the dark. Rudolf Steiner from Chapter 8 of Eurythmy Therapy

03.01.2022 "The whole universe is based on rhythms. Everything happens in circles, in spirals." ~ John Hartford

02.01.2022 That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. In me thou see'st the twilight of such day... As after sunset fadeth in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, As the death-bed whereon it must expire, Consum'd with that which it was nourish'd by. This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong, To love that well which thou must leave ere long. William Shakespeare

02.01.2022 The Cosmos reveals itself to Man in the first instance from two sides the Earth, and outside the Earth the Universe of Stars. To Earth and her forces Man feels himself related. Life teaches him this relationship with great distinctness. Not in the same way does he feel himself, in the present age, related to the Star-World about him. This however only lasts so long as he remains unconscious of his ether-body. To lay hold of the ether-body in Imaginations, is to acquire the ...same feeling of kinship with the starry Universe as one has through the consciousness of the physical body with the Earth. But along with the ether-forces that rain down upon the Earth from the circumference of the Cosmos there come also those cosmic impulses which work in the astral body of Man. The ether is like an ocean, on whose waves from all sides out of farthest worlds the astral forces come sailing to the Earth. from The Michael Mystery Chapter XXIV: Man in his Macrocosmic Being Rudolf Steiner

01.01.2022 Mercury is the principle or form of will which manifests itself as life, consciousness, and sensation. Mercury is the equilibrium between salt and sulphur, a liquid metal. Mercury effects the rhythmical system, breathing and circulation, harmony and balance, feeling and emotion, present life tasks uniting past and future. Both salt and sulfur side are old, specialized and ontogenetically not capable of further development. The young mercurial process is apparent in the immune system which is capable of change. The nonspecific inflammatory response system and the coagulation system are metamorphic stages between the two extremes on one hand and the mercurial middle principle on the other. The principle referred to as the mercurial seeks to achieve the droplet form you always have in you in your protein constituents. From the Work of Dr. Rudolf Steiner

01.01.2022 Along with gentleness, another quality will presently be developed in the soul of the student: that of quietly paying attention to all the subtleties in the soul-life of his environment, while reducing to absolute silence any activity within his own soul. The soul-life of his environment will impress itself on him in such a way that his own soul will grow, and as it grows, become regular in its structure, as a plant expanding in the sunlight. Gentleness and patient reserve op...en the soul to the soul-world and the spirit to the spirit-world. Persevere in silent inner seclusion; close the senses to all that they brought you before your training; reduce to absolute immobility all the thoughts which, according to your previous habits, surged within you; become quite still and silent within, wait in patience, and then the higher worlds will begin to fashion and perfect the organs of sights and hearing in your soul and spirit. Do not expect immediately to see and hear in the world of soul and spirit, for all that you are doing does but contribute to the development of your higher senses, and you will only be able to hear with soul and spirit when you possess these higher senses. From Knowledge of the Higher Worlds & it's Attainment by Rudolf Steiner.


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