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Evado Studios Hawthorn in Hawthorn, Victoria | Pilates studio

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Evado Studios Hawthorn

Locality: Hawthorn, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9882 7556

Address: 165 Burwood Rd 3122 Hawthorn, VIC, Australia


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17.01.2022 We are looking for a fun, passionate and energetic Fitness Pilates Instructor (reformer) to join our Hawthorn team! For more info or to apply, please email Emma at [email protected] or call 9882 7556.

14.01.2022 Our fitness class timetable is now LIVE We are SO excited to welcome you back in studio next week. Download the Evado Studios App to book your classes - you don’t need to be an existing member to book in

13.01.2022 Only 5 more days until fitness is back running in the studio We couldn’t be more excited to welcome you all back... but in the meantime, lets smash out a tough workout challenge before we head back into the studio. 10 Burpees... 10 Burpees 20 Push-ups 10 Burpees 20 Push-ups 40 Reverse Lunges 10 Burpees 20 Push-ups 40 Reverse Lunges 10 Burpees 20 Push-ups 40 Reverse Lunges 80 Sit-ups 10 Burpees 20 Push-ups 40 Reverse Lunges 80 Sit-ups 160 Bodyweight Squats Each colour indicates a section. For each section a new movement is added with double the reps Between each section complete 2x10m shuttle run. Rest is up to you for this workout so chip away and get through as fast as possible! Can you complete under 20 minutes? Post your times below! This is a tough one

12.01.2022 Shoulder Injuries in the Golf Swing - - Hey guys, Hawthorn physiotherapist and scratch golfer, Josh here with EXERCISE 5 for golf related shoulder pain. -... Kneeling Single Arm Rotation on Reformer - Instability commonly occurs in the back of the leading shoulder in the golf swing. This is due the repetitive hyper-adduction the shoulder goes through at the top of the back swing. When you consider the amount of swings on the golf course and practice range imbalance is bound to occur. It is then important to strengthen the posterior shoulder, rotator cuff and back muscles to compensate for this common imbalance. - This exercise improves rotation and strength of upper spine and shoulder while incorporating core control and balance. It should be performed in both directions to develop equilibrium in the body to reduce the chance of injury - - - #physiotherapy #physio #sportsphysio #golf #golffitness #golfrehab #workout #shoulderpain #shoulderrehab #physicaltherapy See more

11.01.2022 Golf Physio: Shoulder Strength - - Hey guys, Hawthorn physiotherapist and scratch golfer, Josh here with EXERCISE 4 for golf related shoulder pain. -... Instability commonly occurs in the back of the leading shoulder in the golf swing. This is due the repetitive hyper-adduction the shoulder goes through at the top of the back swing. When you consider the amount of swings on the golf course and practice range imbalance is bound to occur. - It is then important to strengthen the posterior shoulder, rotator cuff and back muscles to compensate for this common imbalance. - This exercise is great entry level rotator cuff exercise and is great to incorporate into your warm up routine. - Exercise Tips - Hold a resistive band in front of you with your thumbs up. Bend your elbows to about a 90 degree angle, and keep your elbows by your side. Keeping your wrists in a neutral position, pull the band outwards while keeping your elbows by your side. Hold this position for 5 seconds then repeat 15-20 times. - - #golfphysio #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #sportsphysio #rehab #prehab #sportsrehab #hawthorn #melbourne #strengthandconditioning See more

09.01.2022 Tennis Elbow exercise 3 FOREARM EXTENSOR STRETCH .Hey guys, it’s @laczoffy_physiotherapy again here to show you some more treatment options for your elbow pain. This stretch is a great way maintain the work your physio has done to achieve some length through your forearm muscles between appointments. ... Straighten your affected arm whilst using the other hand push your hand down so that your wrist is in a flexed position. Hold for 10s. .DOSAGE: 3-4x10s once a day. . . . . . . . #tennis #elbow #elbowpain #exercise #strength #strengthandconditioning #rehab #physio #physiotherapy #hep #hawthorn #3122 #gym #physicaltherapy

07.01.2022 Why you need more beetroot in your life! Beetroot is high in nitrates - when eaten, nitrates turn into nitric oxide Nitric oxide does the following: Increases blood flow to working muscles... Improves the efficiency of mitochondria increasing energy production Promotes lactic acid removal from muscles Improves muscle contraction Increases oxygen uptake to the muscles by up to 20% Assists with glycogen (energy) uptake in the muscles during exercise which means sugars are absorbed by the working muscles quicker and more efficiently Beetroot is also high in polyphenols (antioxidants) & fibre which is great for feeding and strengthening our good gut bacteria Simple and delicious Spring & Summer recipe ideas to sneak more beetroot into your diet Both recipes are inspired by the cook book RUN. FAST. EAT. SLOW - my favourite cook book! It’s a great Xmas present for anyone who is active J Blueberry, beet and ginger smoothie: 1 cooked beetroot (peeled and chopped) 1 cup of frozen blueberries a frozen banana 1 cup of raw un-sweetened almond milk 1 cup of plain coconut water 1-inch knob of fresh ginger (peeled and chopped) 2 tablespoons of raw almond butter Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high until smooth Makes 2-3 big servings **Feel free to buy pre-cooked baby beets to save on prep time, just use 2 baby beets

05.01.2022 How good is it to be back!! Have you tried the EMOM workout this week? We have started to ramp up the intensity... and this one is a lot tougher than it looks Workout:... Every minute on the minute (50sec time cap) 4 sets on each station w/ 1 min rest after the 4 sets Work hard and try to earn some extra rest!! 1 SkiErg x12/15 cal 2 Rower x180/200m 3 Kneeling slams x20 4 Alternating side plank x50sec **Continuously swap sides 5 Box jumps x18 - 20/24in 6 Combo - Goal of 2 rounds EMOM Ground to sky x3 Pushup x4 Bodyweight squat x3 Forward lunge x4 7 Burpee x8 + Hollow body hold till 50sec mark 8 Sled x2 laps - 10m up and back x2 Give it a try and let us know how you go

02.01.2022 Gyms are BACK For a limited time only, take up our FREE 2-week Fitness Introductory Offer (usually $60). Unlimited access to Fitness Pilates (reformer), Strength, Conditioning, Yoga & Running Group. Jump on the Evado Studios App to book set up your free pass (under ‘buy’) & book into your classes.... This offer is available to new clients only. DM us for more info

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