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F45 Training Malvern / Glen Iris in Malvern, Victoria, Australia | Sports & fitness instruction

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F45 Training Malvern / Glen Iris

Locality: Malvern, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 414 129 492

Address: 1416 High Street 3144 Malvern, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Showing up to the studio is half the battle, but without effective programming, you risk wasting your efforts At F45 Training Malvern, we do all the planning for you. All you need to do is turn up and show us what you're made of!

24.01.2022 Are you somebody who leaves meal planning until the last minute? Are you a household who purchases takeaway food multiple times a week? Do you find yourself popping into the shops everyday?... Most households have one or two members that work full-time which means that time is often not on our side. Some benefits of mean planning include: Saving money. Lower intake of nutrient poor takeaway foods that are often high in saturated fat, salt and sugar. Weight management. Reduced food wastage. Consuming a wider range and having a higher intake of important nutrients such as fibre, omega-3 fatty acids and B-group vitamins. Here are our top tips for meal planning: Sit down with any household members and pick one meal or cuisine each you enjoy e.g. Mexican, Asian, Indian. Looking on websites that provide healthy recipes are a great help. Aim for 1-2 fish meals, 1-2 vegetarian meals and 1-2 meat meals if you choose to eat meat. If you can, double up your batches so that youre only cooking every second night. Some meals that reheat well include frittata, soup, curries, slow cooker meals and stir-fries. Have a roster of who is cooking on what night so that you can share the load. What have you got on your dinner menu this week? Comment below!

23.01.2022 ! // Pic taken before lock-down.//

23.01.2022 Strawberries might be a summer fruit, but that doesnt mean the benefits stop! Do you eat seasonally or eat foods like berries throughout the year?

23.01.2022 Its time. Time to start. Time to commit. Time to accomplish. Time to #F45 >>

22.01.2022 Its Monday! Lets get ready to jump into this week with the intention to improve our cardiovascular performance, increase our energy levels and keep our body fat down during this quarantine with our daily F45 Live workouts! Whos joining us this week?

22.01.2022 Thinking about Challenge 30?. Why not challenge yourself to be better than yesterday AND be in the running to win an epic prize! The WINNER of C30 will be taking away $1500... DM us today to get started!

21.01.2022 High standards. Low squats. Insane results. ... Taken before lock-down but still delivering insane results from the comfort of your own home! >>

21.01.2022 Hey Team Malvern! As of next Monday the 23rd of November we will be a loud 20 people MAX in our classes...which we are pumped for! Please always secure your spot through the app and if you can't make it please make sure to cancel as this will free up a spot. Thank you.

21.01.2022 Weekly Motivation Tip... A little progress each day adds up to BIG RESULTS! The key is to always have your ultimate health and fitness goals top of mind, but to focus on the process to get you there.... >>

21.01.2022 WHAT A TEAM!!!!!. Remember.....Everyone goes at their own pace, but it is important to stick together to reach your goals and that's exactly what's happening here at F45 Training Malvern! #NotAGymButACommunity

20.01.2022 Food is fuel! What have you been cooking at home to stay energised?

19.01.2022 On the 11th hour. On the 11th day. Of the 11th month... We will remember them. We will never forget.

19.01.2022 There is no competition. Focus on being a better version of yourself. >>

19.01.2022 You’ve got 45 minutes. We’ve got the goods. Wake up. Workout. Commit to be fit. What are you waiting for

19.01.2022 Who's feeling a little dehydrated after last night?? Below we have some tips to re-hydrate yourself. You can thank us later! ... The good news is that rehydrating your body is a piece of cake. The simplest way to hydrate is to drink water. (Bet you didn’t see that one coming). Drink it slowly to avoid an upset stomach, and to give your body a chance to properly absorb it all if you guzzle it down too quickly, your kidneys will just flush it all out, and that will mean plenty of trips to the bathroom!. If drinking water doesn’t really rev your engine, that’s ok! There are plenty of other ways to rehydrate your body. Other beverages which can help you hydrate include coconut water, infused water* (eg. water with strawberry pieces), sports drink, juice, and milk! These are all perfectly acceptable ways to rehydrate. Beyond drinking, you can get a lot of the fluids you need from food. From water-rich fruits and vegetables (watermelon, celery, cucumber, lettuce, etc.) to soups and even homemade ice blocks (yum), there are plenty of meals that will help your body rehydrate. Please note: If you are seriously dehydrated, you should seek medical attention. In extreme cases of dehydration, the safest way to rehydrate is with an IV tube under medical supervision.

19.01.2022 Wanna make a change in your life? Start with something that is challenging. Do something new. Why? Because continuing to do the same thing over and over does not yield different results. This is exactly our method here at F45. We never repeat a workout and we never give your body enough time to reach homeostasis, resulting in consistent progress. If you want to make a change, you have to do something different, Period. #f45change ... >>

19.01.2022 Mix Up Your Fruit And Veg. Eating at least five portions of fruit and veg a day should be at the cornerstone of your healthy diet plan. What’s not wise is getting in a rut and eating the same five every day, because different types of fruit and veg contain different vitamins and minerals.... A good way to vary your five-a-day is to eat different colours, as the hue is a decent indication of the nutrients they contain.

18.01.2022 When you start on a fitness kick, it’s tempting to exercise every day while motivation is high. This is a bad move, and one that will see your enthusiasm burn out within weeks, because you’re always knackered and won’t see the massive improvements you expect for your Herculean efforts. Why?You’re not giving your muscles the time they need to recover and grow.

18.01.2022 Most of us seem to have things about ourselves and our bodies we dislike, or, would like to change. And, if there is a change that is better for your overall health and well-being it’s great to set goals and make those changes, but when we continuously beat ourselves up for not looking like someone we’re not, we are walking down a dangerous path. We are not meant to all look the same. We are meant to be all different shapes, colours, and textures, and you know what, each of them is beautiful!. We all were given the body we have for a reason, why not make the most of it, why not cherish it, love it, and appreciate all that it does for us, even if it doesn’t do all we would like, we can train ourselves to not let our mind bully our body. SLAY on!

17.01.2022 There arent enough words to thank those in healthcare. There never is, but its even more of a struggle these days to find words that seem even remotely adequate. Thank you for carrying the world on your shoulders.

17.01.2022 FORM TIP: SINGLE ARM SNATCH FORM TIPS Keep the dumbbell as close to your body as possible throughout the entire movement. The movement starts with your hips and glutes. Thrust them forward to help raise the dumbbell above your head.... Avoid swinging the dumbbell away from the body. See more

17.01.2022 What F45 class are you missing the most during lock-down?

16.01.2022 Dont forget to catch these two LIVE on ZOOM this SATURDAY 29th of AUGUST at 9am!. Itll be a HOOT. >>

16.01.2022 When you think its time to give in, well be there to carry you even further. Have you joined our community yet? Tag a friend below and tell them about our FREE 3 Online Class Pass!

16.01.2022 DONT FORGET TO JOIN CORY & PETE FOR HOLLYWOOD THIS SATURDAY. Hey Team, We know its been a tough few months for all of us, and we understand the challenges you may be facing during this lock-down. We are hoping to share a little bit of excitement and fun by inviting you to join a special Zoom Hollywood session this Saturday.... BOOK IN WITH THE LINK BELOW. ZOOM LINK: WEBINAR ID: 949 7647 4220 @coryg_ @pistoledpete

15.01.2022 Sign Up For An Event. Nothing focuses the mind as effectively as the prospect of a big event. It gives a clear target to your workouts. One top tip, however, is to not go straight to a marathon or a 100-mile cycle straight off the bat. There are lots of highly rewarding shorter events to try first, and there’s a good chance you’ll hate it if you bite off more than you can chew first time round.

14.01.2022 The strength of F45 is that people of all fitness levels will find motivation and support in the F45 studio. We look forward to inspiring people all over the world to pursue their health and fitness goals by introducing them to F45. Mark Wahlberg

14.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who have been smashing their at home workouts this week! Keep going strong, we are all in this together >>

14.01.2022 We cant promise you that this journey wont be tough. BUT We CAN promise that well be by your side every step of the way & that it will be the greatest decision of your life.... You are your greatest asset. Invest in YOU! You deserve it. >> #teamtraininglifechanging

13.01.2022 Nothing truly great ever came from your comfort zone, so it’s time to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Your potential is UNLIMITED. Why wait? Grab your bestie and get into the studio today!

13.01.2022 15 Min Morning Routine. Drink a glass of water. Stretch your body. Take 10 deep belly breaths.... Set your intention for your day. Put on your morning playlist. Cook up a nutritious breakfast. .....And then join us for F45 LIVE..... >>

12.01.2022 You know youre on the right path when you feel good about moving forward and couldnt care less about looking back!!

12.01.2022 Are you lifting with the correct form? Make sure you follow through the entire range of motion and are using weights you're comfortable with.

11.01.2022 Meet Your Trainer - Heidi After returning back to Melbourne from five years of travelling and feeling unsure on what to do next, training began as a way to manage stress, which ended up turning into a much greater passion. The majority of her experience being high intensity cardio and outdoor boot camps. ‘The more challenging the better’ is her moto when it comes to training. Heidi is passionate about utilising exercise and activity to improve mental health and, her priority being to create a fun and safe environment for all of her clients. Having found F45 a few years before becoming qualified as a trainer she knew that it was the company she wanted to work for, and since then she hasn’t looked back. Outside of the gym Heidi has a creative heart, and runs her own commission portrait business.

11.01.2022 Although this year has been a tough one for everyone we are so proud of the dedication and progress we have seen from all our members. Thank you for standing by us! We hope that 2021 is the year everyone gets to enjoy. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

10.01.2022 I am doing this for me. Your fitness journey is all about YOU what other people are doing isn’t important. Fitness can empower you, so embrace the journey and do it for YOU!

09.01.2022 Wakey Wakey!..... Lets get it done today TEAM MALVERN. >>

09.01.2022 Everyone starts somewhere! F45 Training is for beginners, weekend warriors, athletes, and everyone in between! Just think of where you will be in 6 months! Take that first step!... F45 Training is a ZERO intimidation zone! >> #notagymbutacommunity

08.01.2022 F45 Live still bumpin! Tune in from ANYWHERE in the world and get your F45 on! Literally, no excuse, unless you dont have wifi... Join us in the Zoom Zoom Room.... // Pic taken when we could enjoy the studio.

08.01.2022 We are extremely pleased to announce that F45 Training has won the 2020 Most Satisfied Customers Award in the Gym and Fitness Club category by national ratings and reviews site, Canstar Blue. So if you are thinking about getting back into or starting your fitness journey, we know where you should try first! We are the best, forget the rest!

08.01.2022 Mental health resources - coronavirus (COVID-19). Who to call to get help:. There are plenty of ways to support other people, or be supported if you are feeling anxious or uncertain.... Lifeline Australia 13 11 14 A crisis support service offering short term support at any time for people who are having difficulty coping or staying safe. Beyond Blue 1800 512 348. Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. Eheadspace 1800 650 893. Online and webchat support and counselling for 12-25 year olds, their family and friends. Care in Mind - online and phone counselling for people living, working, or studying in Melbournes northern, central, and western suburbs. Phone: 1300 096 269 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). CareinMIND online counselling. MensLine - professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men. Phone 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). MensLine online counselling. Mindspot - free telephone and online service for people with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression. It provides online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression and can help you find local services. Call 1800 61 44 34 (8am - 8pm, Monday - Friday; 8am-6pm, Saturday). Suicide Call Back Service - mental health support, call back service:. 1300 659 467 or online at (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

08.01.2022 Who enjoyed last Saturday with @coryg_ and @pistoledpete What a blast!

07.01.2022 Happy Saturday Team Malvern!! Name one thing that you've missed most about being in Studio with us?

07.01.2022 Check your weights before starting a workout! Remember, it's best to start light and work your way up as you build strength.

07.01.2022 Make a buddy’s day and bring them to F45 for FREE on SUNDAYS!!!!! Starting this SUNDAY, for the rest of the month we are offering Bring a friend for FREE to all our SUNDAY classes So if you have a friend who has been dying to try F45 now is the time to come in and join the worlds largest fitness community!! ... Tag your mates if you think they should come along All participants will need to book via the F45 training app to reserve a spot in the class. *Conditions apply please DM us if you have any further questions.

05.01.2022 HIIT Boosts Your Metabolism HIIT results in burning more calories than a regular cardio or strength-training workout. It also results in burning more calories longer - even hours after you have finished working out because it boosts your Metabolism. This is often referred to as "after burn!"

05.01.2022 The news we received on Sunday was not what we were hoping for, but lets stay strong and power on.

05.01.2022 Your team of trainers are happy to be apart of that 3% of your day! A small number, but a HUGE difference in the long run. No more excuses book your session today VIA the F45 App or HIIT the link below! >

03.01.2022 Start every day by thinking of your WHY. When you start each day by remembering the reason you want to work out your why the how becomes much easier. Your reasons for starting should be meaningful to you and be worth the discipline and effort that it will take to work out regularly. Your why should inspire you! The word inspire comes from a Latin word meaning to breathe life into that's the feeling you should have when you think about your why.... Reaffirming why you started each day can help you to find the courage to keep going when you don't feel like it. Remembering your why can help you to stay motivated when you're finding it hard to stick with your training routine or healthy eating habits.

03.01.2022 No matter what youre feeling down about know that it will be okay.

03.01.2022 This is how we kick off a new year! Goodbye to 2020 and hello 2021! Start getting those goals in mind now, write them down and make a promise to yourself, that this is the challenge, this is the year you SMASH them! ... Sign up today at or DM us to find out our early bird offer!

03.01.2022 7 Ways to Start and Stick To Your Fitness Goals. Making the decision to improve your fitness levels requires serious motivation. It's often said that starting any new training regime is the most challenging part! How to overcome those challenges?... Check out these seven ways to start and stick to your fitness goals: Train smart. Don't wait for motivation to strike, Surround yourself with positive influencers. Keep an open mind. Don't let stress become an excuse. Don't ignore minor injuries. Look after yourself. What are the other things you do to keep the focus and stay on your fitness goals? Please share with us below.

03.01.2022 Kindness Matters. If you know someone that may be struggling during this time, please reach out and check on them.

02.01.2022 You dont know what you can accomplish both in and out of the studio until you START! Its not just a workout. Its a way of life. #NotAGymButACommunity We are here for you #onthedaily. ... Check the schedule and book today! Link below to grab your FREE Class Pass! >>

01.01.2022 Fast Fact... Avocados are a great fruit to consume. High in good fats and tasty. Use in salads, on toast, in guacamole, as a substitute for Mayo, as a topping and even in smoothies. Smash an avo today

01.01.2022 If youre like many of us, your workout routine probably looks pretty different than it did a few months ago. But regardless of how youre getting moving, the benefits of exercise still remain: Working out is seriously helpful for both your body and your mindsomething thats extra important right now, as social distancing due to covid19 has left many of us feeling stressed and isolated. Exercise means different things to different people, and, heck, it could mean different to you now than it did a couple months ago. But even if youre a regular gym-goer or a fitness class enthusiast, you can still get your workout in at home. That means the benefits of exercise can still continue, even if the way youre going about it has changed. Lets be clear about one thing, though: Theres no argument here that these are stressful times, and circumstances may make it difficult for you to exercise at your previous level. Or you might feel yourself pulled into more chiller forms of leisure activity as a way to cope. So cut yourself some slack if you dont feel quite up to your normal routine right now. What you can do, though, is experiment with some different forms of movementmaybe a brisk walk while chatting with a friend on the phone, or some at-home workout classes that are new to you (F45 LIVE is a great one )to see which ones are best for you right now. And if you need a reminder of why movement can be so helpful right now, here are some of the known benefits of exercise. 1. Working out reduces day-to-day stress. 2. Exercise can make you happier. 3. Feeling motivated and strong can help you be your most confident self. 4. It might help you think more clearly. 5. Exercise can energise you. 6. Exercise can also help some people manage anxiety and depression. 7. Exercise can give you structure during a chaotic time. 8. Exercise can mean better sleep. 9. It can give you an excuse to wear something truly out of character. (Perfect time to try those tights youve kept hidden away hoping to wear them one day.) 10 Exercise helps you show your body some love.

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