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Snailed It

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25.01.2022 The snails certainly know I’m late for dinner time!! Waiting like cattle at a trough! #hurryup #hungry #feedmeandtellmeimpretty #feed #cattle #rout #walk #escargatoire #hadtogooglethat #farmlife #fortheloveoffood #escargot #australiangrown #imgettingthere #bepatient #snailspace

23.01.2022 Kids had fun @cliftongolfclub this morning, love that anyone can have a go, young and old! Not often all your kids can participate in a sport at the same time @windyacresfarm_ #golfaustralia #sundayfunday #futuresharks #familyday #perfectweather #playbeforework #cliftonqld #keepkidsactive

22.01.2022 Two things... 1. Pluggers are not ideal for walking in mud, at least Primrose had some sense and wore her gumboots 2. My moisture reader doesn’t seem to be very accurate Snails are certainly loving this rainy weather and it’s great to see tanks and dams full again! Hoping things don’t get too crazy though, stay safe! X

20.01.2022 So this was our morning, not one but 2 eastern brown snakes in our yard, one got caught in some mesh but unfortunately we couldn’t find the other. Thank you Anthony's snake relocating, very grateful you were able to come and safely remove the snake! Our dog Lucky will be getting an extra special dinner tonight for alerting us! #snakes #snakercatcher #goodstarttotheday #help #justaphonecallaway #toowoombaregion #greenmountqld #australianwildlife #snaileditaustralia @snailed_it_australia

20.01.2022 Tandoori chicken tonight for dinner, so good! I’m very lucky to have an amazing chef for a husband, can’t wait to show you what he can do with snails for now I am thoroughly enjoying his creations on our new Family Q from @weberbbqausnz

19.01.2022 Back on the 13th December we discovered babies, this beauty is one of those babies a mere 3 months later! In Australia, breeding stock isn’t readily available and the cost and risk involved with importing is too high at this stage so what we need to do is collect them from gardens. Not any old snail will do though, we have a specific criteria to meet to ensure that they produce MONSTER sized premium offspring. Sometimes I’m envious of farms that are able to bring in their breeding stock and away they go but I’m finding it incredibly rewarding to hand select and build our own and I look forward to being able to supply fellow Australian snail farmers with premium breeding stock one day in the future.

18.01.2022 As our growing out field nears completion we are looking forward to going snail hunting! Keeping our #fingerscrossed for some good #rain soon to draw them out of hiding!

17.01.2022 Garlic #escargot to celebrate Miss Prims 2nd Birthday with family last night, Primrose certainly loved them, ate the snails and tossed the bread!

12.01.2022 Each afternoon as I head out to the snails I have been watching these ugly buds grow on a cactus in our yard wondering what will come of them, was thrilled to walk out this afternoon after a particularly crap day to find this absolutely stunning, my back yard is my happy place and this time of year takes my breathe away, as I walked out the back door I was greeted by the beautiful scent of jasmine, the purple jacarandas and the sound of birds. #noplacelikehome

12.01.2022 Laying in bed with my youngest asleep on top of me enjoying the snuggles and staring at this window that is in the wall next to me, Wes came home with it one day, it was about to be thrown out so he saved it, off I went with the tape measure to find a wall it would fit in, too beautiful to gather dust in the shed with some other treasures Wes has found! After some research we found out that it is the motto (is that the right word) for the Presbyterian church. The Latin words CONSUMEBATUR NEC TAMEN means consumed but not taken which refers to a burning tree engulfed in flames but despite that it remains intact and stands strong. I just love that and each morning when I wake to the light shining through this beautifully crafted window it’s a nice reminder that no matter what is thrown at us we will get through it

06.01.2022 Perfect snail hunting weather tonight! Love it!!

06.01.2022 It’s Friday! Anyone else feeling like Prim?? now for a big weekend of building to accommodate our ever growing snail population! #helloweekend #growingbusiness #expanding #cantkeepup #snailsgalore #busy #farminnovation #growingprotein #heliciculture #lovemyjob #uniquefarmhouse #customdoormat by @nellyjossandco #thanks @windyacresfarm_

05.01.2022 Check out this cutie posing for a photo #cute #cutesnail #saycheese #cantstopeating #midnightsnack #australianfarmfresh #farmfresh #growninaustralia #seq #toowoombaregion #finefood #freshisbest #happysnail #southeastqueensland #uniqueeats #uniquefarm #comingsoon

04.01.2022 I was greeted with containers full of snails at school drop off this morning! I’m sure their Ma is grateful to have a few less snails in her garden! Thank you!!

03.01.2022 Need to be faster than that!!

02.01.2022 Breath in breath out

01.01.2022 Feeding the snails is Miss Daisy’s favourite time of the day, she likes to find where some are hiding and pops them up on the ledge to help them up and yes ballet wear is standard uniform on the snail farm Our latest additions to the quarantine pens come from a lady that works in one of the bottle exchange places, she finds them all the time when people drop their bottles off!

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