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25.01.2022 Welcome back to face to face conversation groups !
25.01.2022 Rdv digital de rentrée pour les membres de la communauté catholiques francophones. Informations, organisations et prises de contact !! On vous attend nombreux ! Envoyez vos emails sur ladresse de la paroisse si vous navez pas déjà inscrit !
25.01.2022 Discover Le Plonque's selection of fine wines from France. Based in Sydney, Le Plonque was created to share the passion for French wines all around Australia. ...They carefully source and select their products from all regions in France to offer you a wide variety of quality wines. From balanced Burgundy's, elegant Champagnes, crisp Alsace wines, structured Bordeaux reds to aromatic Rosés from the South of France, their large selection of wines allows you to discover a wide variety of styles and tastes. And the best part ? Risk-free delivery to your door, with free shipping for orders over $160 in NSW, ACT and VIC. For more information and to explore the full selection, visit the website: https://leplonque.com.au. With love, from France! *Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume and enjoy in moderation*
24.01.2022 LAnzac Day est annulé cette année, mais les bretonvillois noublient pas cette date historique. Pour preuve, cette jolie décoration réalisée par une famille av...ec une grande participation des deux enfants Alix et Adam. Bravo ! Vous aussi vous avez créés une décoration pour cette occasion ? Nhésitez pas à nous les envoyer en MP, nous les publierons afin que les nombreux australiens abonnés à notre page puissent les voir ! Portez vous bien See more
23.01.2022 We are excited to announce that Shire Farmers' Market will RE-OPEN on SATURDAY 16TH MAY, 8am to 1pm, Flora Street car park, Sutherland. The success a...nd continuation of the market depends on all of us especially in regard to social distancing. - for the time being, please simply shop and go; there will be no music, tables & chairs or jumping castle. Please shop without socialising - contact details for most of our stallholders are on our Facebook page and website - please pre-order if possible - use cards instead of cash when you can (some stalls don't accept cash) - look for your favourite stall or ask - they may have been moved - bring personal sanitiser or use ones supplied at stalls and management desk - we MUST all practise social distancing; please be aware of those around you - please be patient if unable to enter a stall or if staff ask you to move or to wait; we are all working hard to keep everyone safe - above all, PLEASE do not attend if you have any cold/flu-like symptoms at all - send someone else! Thank you to everyone for their support during this time - we can't wait to see you back again!
22.01.2022 Reading is essential in this difficult period of self-isolation or 'confinement'! Le Forum Magz can help you choose the right magazine for you and your children. To subscribe, visit https://leforum.com.au or contact Le Forum at [email protected]
22.01.2022 Yes, WE ARE OPEN this Saturday 16th May, 8am to 1pm, Flora St Sutherland. Please aim to shop and go; we look forward to socialising in the future, but not yet!... You can pre-order from many stallholders - details on our FB page. Hot food is for take home only. Look for your favourite stall or ask - many have been moved. Above all SOCIAL DISTANCING is the key. And please dont come if you have any symptoms - send a friend! (no tables & chairs, music, jumping castle or knife sharpening). Stalls here this week 16/5: Alexander Roastery Bake My Day Camilleri Berries Cheese on Wheels Crepe De France D&D Wholesale Flowers Linga Longa Farm - NEW Enchanted Delight Farmgate to Plate Great Southern Mead & Honey High Class Nuts La Boulangerie Leaning Oak Cheese Lous Produce Loyal K9 Mar and Pars Mattys Health Pizza Bases Mister Egg Mrs Fish Oktoberfest Bratwurst Hut On Ya Gnocchi Paddy the Baker Ritas Farm Fresh Produce Sevs Turkish Gozleme Meat and Eat Shepherds Bakehouse Sonoma Bakery - NEW Stephs Gourmet Foods Sydney Chai/Breakfast Time Universal Fine Foods Valley Falls Dips Vital Organics - Certified Organic Fruit & Veg Wendys Crafts Whimsy & Co See more
22.01.2022 Some great podcast ideas !
21.01.2022 Discover Le Plonques selection of fine wines from France. Based in Sydney, Le Plonque was created to share the passion for French wines all around Australia. ...They carefully source and select their products from all regions in France to offer you a wide variety of quality wines. From balanced Burgundys, elegant Champagnes, crisp Alsace wines, structured Bordeaux reds to aromatic Ross from the South of France, their large selection of wines allows you to discover a wide variety of styles and tastes. And the best part ? Risk-free delivery to your door, with free shipping for orders over $160 in NSW, ACT and VIC. For more information and to explore the full selection, visit the website: https://leplonque.com.au. With love, from France! *Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume and enjoy in moderation*
21.01.2022 For those of you with kids. You can download this book for kids made by a Québécoise. Free. Pour les familles avec de jeunes enfants.
21.01.2022 For those of you with kids. You can download this book for kids made by a Qubcoise. Free. Pour les familles avec de jeunes enfants.
21.01.2022 Aujourdhui, le premier mai, cest la tradition du muguet en France. Cette tradition remonte la Renaissance, Charles IX en ayant offert autour de lui en 1561 comme porte-bonheur. La tradition a t rompue pendant la Rvolution Franaise puis sest perdue pendant prs dun sicle. Entretemps, le jour du 1er mai est devenu la Fte du Travail. Le muguet revient la mode a la fin du 19me sicle (La Belle Epoque) grce au chansonnier Flix Mayol. Les hommes lgants portaient ...un brin de muguet au revers de leur redingote, et les grands couturiers offraient au 1er mai un brin de muguet leurs petites mains et leurs clientes. Christian Dior en a mme fait lemblme de sa maison de couture. Ce nest quau dbut du XXme sicle que le muguet sera associ la Fte du Travail.
20.01.2022 We can’t go to France for a while, but we can follow the Tour de France. It’s the next best thing ! Pas moyen de visiter la France en ce moment, mais suivre le Tour de France, c’est comme si on y était !
19.01.2022 #14juillet | Ils vous souhaitent, une bonne #ftenationale, o que vous soyez dans le monde !
19.01.2022 VIVE LA FRANCE! Happy Bastille Day - we look forward to seeing lots of you tonight with live accordion music, the very best of French cuisine and of course French wines to match! Bon appetit!
19.01.2022 Les meilleures rues pitonnes de Paris !
17.01.2022 LAnzac Day est annul cette anne, mais les bretonvillois noublient pas cette date historique. Pour preuve, cette jolie dcoration ralise par une famille av...ec une grande participation des deux enfants Alix et Adam. Bravo ! Vous aussi vous avez crs une dcoration pour cette occasion ? Nhsitez pas nous les envoyer en MP, nous les publierons afin que les nombreux australiens abonns notre page puissent les voir ! Portez vous bien See more
17.01.2022 Pour les amateurs dEngrenages (Spiral), a partir de cette semaine vous pouvez voir toutes les saisons, en avance de la toute nouvelle
16.01.2022 Oatley Bay make divine handmade candles that are a combination of carefully blended 100% vegetable soybean wax and coconut wax, and exquisite Australian made fr...agrances. The candle glass and packaging are reusable and environmentally friendly. This delightful combination is washable, all natural, biodegradable, vegan, has a cooler and cleaner burn pool, contains no petroleum, no paraffin, no palm wax, no animal or beeswax products, no toxic materials, contains no genetically modified materials and is not tested on animals. Certified Kosher. Check our their fabulous range at oatleybay.com.au
16.01.2022 #14juillet | Ils vous souhaitent, une bonne #fêtenationale, où que vous soyez dans le monde !
15.01.2022 Check out the new online shop from our friends at Frenchies Bistro and Brewery. 10% discount and free delivery for FASS members - use the code FASS10 Check out the range of fantastic craft beers at https://shop.frenchiesbistroandbrewery.com.au
15.01.2022 While ANZAC Day commemorations typically held in France were not possible in 2020, a small ceremony took place today at Frances most sacred war shrine, the tom...b of the unknown soldier beneath the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Respecting social distancing regulations, the Australian Defence Attach to France was invited with two fellow ADF members to join members of the Comit de la Flamme (Eternal Flame Committee) to lay wreaths in memory of the fallen. Our thanks to French authorities and the Comit de la Flamme sous lArc de Triomphe for granting exceptional permission to undertake this ceremony. Lest we forget. Photo credit: Simon Patching Australian Army Royal Australian Air Force Royal Australian Navy Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australian Government Department of Veterans Affairs
15.01.2022 Un autre trs bon film pour vous ce soir dans notre slection confinement.. #FrenchFilm
14.01.2022 We cant go to France for a while, but we can follow the Tour de France. Its the next best thing ! Pas moyen de visiter la France en ce moment, mais suivre le Tour de France, cest comme si on y tait !
14.01.2022 Bravo aux lauréats et lauréates de l’édition 2020 des Trophées des Français de l’étranger organisés chaque année par lepetitjournal.com et tout particulièr...ement à Christophe Bailhache co-fondateur d’Underwater Earth (lien) et lauréat du Trophée Innovation, représentant brillamment les Français d’Australie au palmarès 2020! Lien (): https://www.underwater.earth/
14.01.2022 Today, we pay tribute to all those who have served and continue to serve in our nations uniforms. Here in France, we especially remember the service of our men... during the First World War on the Western Front. Thank you for your service. Lest we forget. We send our heartfelt thanks to the Garde Rpublicaine for enabling us to hear the Last Post on this poignant day. Special thanks to Marchal des Logis Chef Nicolas Debacq Musique de la Garde Rpublicaine with the courtesy of the conductor the Lieutenant-Colonel Antoine Langagne.
14.01.2022 Les meilleures rues piétonnes de Paris !
13.01.2022 Vous vous demandez ce quest un biscuit Anzac ? Lisez cette courte histoire et essayez la recette via ce lien: https://bit.ly/2Ks0BIx. (Merci Alice in Bakingla...nd pour la recette ) Contrairement la lgende, aucun biscuit Anzac na t envoy aux troupes Gallipoli. La majorit des biscuits dits "Anzac" taient en fait vendus et consomms lors de ftes et autres vnements publics en Nouvelle-Zlande afin de collecter des fonds pour financer leffort de guerre. On les appelait "biscuits des soldats". Les ingrdients de base taient des flocons davoine, du sucre, de la farine, du beurre et du golden syrup - mais pas dufs. Cela les rendait nutritifs et leur permettait dtre conservs longtemps. Aprs la guerre, le biscuit le plus populaire portait le nom dAnzac et cest ainsi que la lgende du biscuit Anzac a commenc . National Army Museum, Waiouru New Zealand Carrire Wellington NZ Defence Force RSA National Anciens Combattants Veuves et Dscendants Ville dArras Le Quesnoy Somme Tourisme
13.01.2022 Pour les amateurs d'Engrenages (Spiral), a partir de cette semaine vous pouvez voir toutes les saisons, en avance de la toute nouvelle
13.01.2022 Un autre très bon film pour vous ce soir dans notre sélection confinement.. #FrenchFilm
12.01.2022 Nos sorcières bien-aimées
11.01.2022 Reading is essential in this difficult period of self-isolation or confinement! Le Forum Magz can help you choose the right magazine for you and your children. To subscribe, visit https://leforum.com.au or contact Le Forum at [email protected]
11.01.2022 Extract from PFA newsletter. Please note that survey needs to be completely by 30th May for your opinion to count. Take the Survey As President Joe mentioned a...bove, we are undertaking a first-ever (we think) comprehensive survey of petanque players. We are looking for all types of players to fill in the survey - PFA-licenced, unlicenced, social players, etc. So if you are reading this, as a PFA-Licenced player, and know of others who might like to participate please forward this email onto them. The survey is available at
10.01.2022 Aujourd'hui, le premier mai, c'est la tradition du muguet en France. Cette tradition remonte à la Renaissance, Charles IX en ayant offert autour de lui en 1561 comme porte-bonheur. La tradition a été rompue pendant la Révolution Française puis s'est perdue pendant près d'un siècle. Entretemps, le jour du 1er mai est devenu la Fête du Travail. Le muguet revient à la mode a la fin du 19ème siècle (La Belle Epoque) grâce au chansonnier Félix Mayol. Les hommes élégants portaient ...un brin de muguet au revers de leur redingote, et les grands couturiers offraient au 1er mai un brin de muguet à leurs petites mains et à leurs clientes. Christian Dior en a même fait lemblème de sa maison de couture. Ce n'est qu'au début du XXème siècle que le muguet sera associé à la Fête du Travail.
10.01.2022 This sculpture by Stephen Walker is made from Huon Pine and represents the bow and sails of a French ship.
08.01.2022 Vous vous demandez ce qu'est un biscuit Anzac ? Lisez cette courte histoire et essayez la recette via ce lien: https://bit.ly/2Ks0BIx. (Merci Alice in Bakingla...nd pour la recette ) Contrairement à la légende, aucun biscuit Anzac n'a été envoyé aux troupes à Gallipoli. La majorité des biscuits dits "Anzac" étaient en fait vendus et consommés lors de fêtes et autres événements publics en Nouvelle-Zélande afin de collecter des fonds pour financer l'effort de guerre. On les appelait "biscuits des soldats". Les ingrédients de base étaient des flocons d'avoine, du sucre, de la farine, du beurre et du golden syrup - mais pas d'ufs. Cela les rendait nutritifs et leur permettait d'être conservés longtemps. Après la guerre, le biscuit le plus populaire portait le nom d'Anzac et c'est ainsi que la légende du biscuit Anzac a commencé . National Army Museum, Waiouru New Zealand Carrière Wellington NZ Defence Force RSA National Anciens Combattants Veuves et Déscendants Ville d'Arras Le Quesnoy Somme Tourisme
07.01.2022 Dinner Speech from Committee Member and FASS Liason Officer Greg...
07.01.2022 The Australian Embassy is moved to see so many initiatives from our French partners and friends to commemorate Anzac Day despite the lockdown. From lighting a c...andle, to decorating windows, playing the Last Post or reciting the Ode, thank you for your unwavering commitment to remembrance and commemoration. While the service is cancelled, Anzac Day is not; but in 2020, we will commemorate in a different, more personal, way. This year, you might want to tune in to the Anzac Day commemorative dawn service at the Australian War Memorial. The service will be live streamed on the AWM website and Facebook pages, and on YouTube. The service will include a pre-service program with the commemorative service commencing at approximately 9:30pm on 24 April (Paris time). Click here for more information on #AnzacAtHome: https://www.awm.gov.au/AnzacAtHome/
04.01.2022 Rdv digital de rentre pour les membres de la communaut catholiques francophones. Informations, organisations et prises de contact !! On vous attend nombreux ! Envoyez vos emails sur ladresse de la paroisse si vous navez pas dj inscrit !
02.01.2022 We are excited to announce that Shire Farmers Market will RE-OPEN on SATURDAY 16TH MAY, 8am to 1pm, Flora Street car park, Sutherland. The success a...nd continuation of the market depends on all of us especially in regard to social distancing. - for the time being, please simply shop and go; there will be no music, tables & chairs or jumping castle. Please shop without socialising - contact details for most of our stallholders are on our Facebook page and website - please pre-order if possible - use cards instead of cash when you can (some stalls dont accept cash) - look for your favourite stall or ask - they may have been moved - bring personal sanitiser or use ones supplied at stalls and management desk - we MUST all practise social distancing; please be aware of those around you - please be patient if unable to enter a stall or if staff ask you to move or to wait; we are all working hard to keep everyone safe - above all, PLEASE do not attend if you have any cold/flu-like symptoms at all - send someone else! Thank you to everyone for their support during this time - we cant wait to see you back again!
02.01.2022 A new short film on Hazelhursts origins featuring rare photographs and interviews.
01.01.2022 Bonne nourriture, bonne compagnie!
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