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FEEL FREE 2 Be U in Avoca Beach, New South Wales, Australia | Astrologist & psychic

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Locality: Avoca Beach, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 422 594 166


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23.01.2022 Enough said.....eventually we will evolve to All LIFE matters.....not just lives, but LIFE in ALL forms and what a wonderful world that looks like

23.01.2022 Todays message, as always feel for what is meant for you Purification is needed. Many are feeling tired and malnourished in mind, body and soul. Spiritual cleansing can be achieved through any method you put intention into. A cleansing shower or bath, meditation, yoga or other movement/exercise, massage, crystals - whatever will assist in moving old energy out of your body and energy field. Consider what you are putting into your body and how consciously you are consuming There is a sense of unhappiness and/or feeling unfulfilled. You have the ability to inspire and empower others - however you are feeling a lack of purpose. You could try starting the day by asking yourself...what can I do to make the world better today? It doesnt have to be anything huge, often the simple things have the most impact. Go about your day holding the intention of how you personally can create positive change today. A new sense of purpose will emerge. Finally, if you desire clarity your best bet will be to go outside in nature as much as possible and/or spend time connecting with your pets (or neighbours/friends pets) as they are already holding the higher frequencies to assist us it is almost impossible to overthink if you go sit outside in the sun for a while and just breathe. As your mind quiets and stills, many answers can begin to emerge As always, Feel Free 2 Be U

23.01.2022 Strong incoming energies started about an hour ago (AEST) Enjoy the ride my friends Strong incoming energies started about an hour ago (AEST) Enjoy the ride my friends

22.01.2022 Today’s always, feel for your own truth Across the planet consciousness is shifting and raising. As it continues to do so we are readying ourselves to take our place in the galactic community once again. In order to do this, we must reach the point where we respect ALL life and can understand the concept that all creation is part of the unified whole - not just individual planets or species. Reaching this level of awareness requires us to see our SELF clearl...y - this means the negative as well as the positive - it is how we grow. It takes great maturity to really look at yourself and see what needs to change and then strength to make those changes - no matter how painful it may be. The key to this transformation is in observing WITHOUT judgement. Great power lies in self-observation. Right now you don’t even need to fix anything....just begin to see your habits and patterns clearly - it’s this awareness that begins the process of alchemy and transformation. In every moment, Feel Free 2 Be U

22.01.2022 For anyone interested in participating it will be taking place at @ 12.45pm AEST information to convert to other time zones is included in the link

21.01.2022 Its time for a new narrative as always, feel for your own truth

21.01.2022 12.45pm today. Great excuse to take 20 mins for yourself. Sit quietly, breathe deeply and be part of a global connection

21.01.2022 Todays message came in the form of a poem thought some may relate I can feel it. A deep, deep yearning for more But what is this more, that I am looking for? Its great in value, I can feel it in my core... But not money or possessions, of this I am sure. Its so persistent and just wont go away It calls to me often throughout the day Look for me I hear it say I will send you clues to guide your way. I promise your seeking will not be in vain You will discover meaning behind your pain The false around you will start to wane Your eyes will see from a different plane. Tell me, when will I know that I have found you? The answers shall be all around you Yes, but how will I know for sure? Because then my dear, you shall seek no more. Feel Free 2 Be U

20.01.2022 Do you really believe that something as complex and intricately designed as the human body, would truly be created with 90% junk DNA?Do you really believe that something as complex and intricately designed as the human body, would truly be created with 90% junk DNA?

19.01.2022 I am extremely proud to call this man a soul brother

18.01.2022 Puzzle Meditation can bring many insights when the mind is quiet and not racing with memories of things that have already happened or worrying about things that may not even occur! If you click on the first picture you will notice a piece left over at the top. The message I received was that as we complete the puzzle that we think is us, we put the last piece in place and think that we have completed something, achieved something.....surely now we must know who we are and where we fit in this great puzzle of life. Now imagine that completed puzzle, it suddenly collapses into one new piece and you are now holding that entire puzzle in a single piece and wondering what greater puzzle it/you are a part of....

15.01.2022 Many, many are now waking up with questions Questions about what is really happening in the world. Questions about what is happening within them. There is a curiosity about topics that once just seemed out there and I LOVE it For a while now, different people have said they would love it if I did some videos on different topics. I hadnt gone down that path yet, still overcoming my own insecurities and fear of judgement, the timing didnt feel right and to be honest ...I wouldnt even know where to begin With everything happening, perhaps now is the time to revisit this idea and hopefully create a feeling of connection and empowerment as we navigate this journey together If you are interested in this idea and you have questions, contact me here or message me privately....if I choose to go ahead with making these videos they will be me offering my personal experience/perspective on the topics brought up, it wont be a platform for personal readings....though that may also come soon So if youre interested, get in touch and well see what we create together. Sending much love to each and every one

14.01.2022 Last week I feel the urge to sit down and look into what looks to be unfolding over the coming months, in order to most effectively navigate these new times, we are experiencing. There will be a lot of people bringing forward information and guidance. Now, more than ever, it will be crucial to discern what is your truth and what is not. I am not attempting to predict the future or specific events; I am offering an interpretation of what the coming energies appear to represent...Continue reading

14.01.2022 Feeling different or like something is different? Major reset occurred between 7pm and 9.30pm Tuesday night (aest)

13.01.2022 So in case you hadn't already guessed, there is a lot happening energetically this month. I know many are feeling the Lunar Eclipse energy and we are heading for a Solar Eclipse combined with a New Moon. If you would like to understand these aspects a little on Lunar Eclipse - June 5, 2020 (15 SAGITTARIUS) The Lunar Eclipse occurring June 5th will help to facilitate rapid shifts in your emotional body and open you to new opportunities. You’ll become aware of th...Continue reading

13.01.2022 This came up randomly on my playlist.....while its not my usual style of music, the words are truly beautiful and very appropriate for where we are and where we are heading

13.01.2022 Do you believe because you see it or do you see it because you believe? Feel Free 2 Be U Do you believe because you see it or do you see it because you believe? Feel Free 2 Be U

12.01.2022 This came up randomly on my playlist.....while it's not my usual style of music, the words are truly beautiful and very appropriate for where we are and where we are heading

12.01.2022 A different perspective on what we are always, take only what feels right to you A new consciousness is being born on the planet, which means that we are in labour right now. Mothers will likely relate to this the most, but I am sure it is a concept that most can grasp. Being in labour hurts A LOT! Its scary, no matter how prepared you thought you were it can feel overwhelming, like it will never end, like you just cant do it at times or that you have... no control. But like labour; if we breathe deeply, if we try to relax as much as possible using whatever tools work for us, if we reach out to those that have volunteered to support us then we have an easier transition. In labour a woman will often go deeply inside herself to cope with the fear, the pain and to access that intuition and inner knowing of what she instinctively needs to do. This is THE perfect time for us to do the same. Go deep, then go deeper and keep going. Dig among the shadows you have been afraid to face. What do you find? Face each one at a time, see it clearly, judge it not and then love it into your incredible light. Individually you are birthing a new you. Together we are birthing a new world .one where you truly can Feel Free 2 Be U xx See more

11.01.2022 What does it look like when many hearts come together to anchor new frequencies of light for the planet?........This

11.01.2022 ALL roads lead to HOME! Let others choose their path and focus on your own ALL roads lead to HOME! Let others choose their path and focus on your own

08.01.2022 Intensity is building rapidly! Emotional body will be doing a lot of processing and the heart will be healing further so it can open wider. Breathe, move, cry, dance....whatever helps you move it through your body instead of contracting and making the emotions your own. Remember that you are the creator of your reality....create with LOVE and you will LOVE what you create

07.01.2022 So in case you hadnt already guessed, there is a lot happening energetically this month. I know many are feeling the Lunar Eclipse energy and we are heading for a Solar Eclipse combined with a New Moon. If you would like to understand these aspects a little on Lunar Eclipse - June 5, 2020 (15 SAGITTARIUS) The Lunar Eclipse occurring June 5th will help to facilitate rapid shifts in your emotional body and open you to new opportunities. Youll become aware of th...Continue reading

07.01.2022 Life is not always sunshine The last couple of months have been one of the most challenging times for me personally and yet I am grateful to have walked through it. It is in the darkness that you must find your own light again....nobody can find it for you. Once you have found it - you have enormous power to hold space for others who are in darkness. You may not be able to take away their pain, but you can sit in the darkness with them, allowing your light to embrace and hold them until they can find their own

07.01.2022 You are always matching frequencies! The question is.... Which frequencies are you matching? You are always matching frequencies! The question is.... Which frequencies are you matching?

06.01.2022 Something different is coming in....for the last 3 days I keep spontaneously getting the giggles even when nothing remotely funny is happening the more I try to stop laughing, the more I laugh, until my body hurts, I cant talk and I have to try and catch my breathe....its strange but Im quite enjoying it

05.01.2022 I have already shared these messages that I received about 18 months ago, yet like many things I get shown, I often dont fully understand their full significance at the time. I was told this is an appropriate time to re-share them, as many are now ready. As always, feel your way through and take only what feels right to you 14.9.18 I am the Divine mother goddess Shekinah. My way is the heart. The heart is the answer, on the path to light, our return home. Take this heart...Continue reading

03.01.2022 Today’s message, as always feel for what is meant for you Purification is needed. Many are feeling tired and malnourished in mind, body and soul. Spiritual cleansing can be achieved through any method you put intention into. A cleansing shower or bath, meditation, yoga or other movement/exercise, massage, crystals - whatever will assist in moving old energy out of your body and energy field. Consider what you are putting into your body and how consciously you are consuming There is a sense of unhappiness and/or feeling unfulfilled. You have the ability to inspire and empower others - however you are feeling a lack of purpose. You could try starting the day by asking yourself...what can I do to make the world better today? It doesn’t have to be anything huge, often the simple things have the most impact. Go about your day holding the intention of how you personally can create positive change today. A new sense of purpose will emerge. Finally, if you desire clarity your best bet will be to go outside in nature as much as possible and/or spend time connecting with your pets (or neighbours/friends pets) as they are already holding the higher frequencies to assist us it is almost impossible to overthink if you go sit outside in the sun for a while and just breathe. As your mind quiets and stills, many answers can begin to emerge As always, Feel Free 2 Be U

03.01.2022 It's time for a new narrative as always, feel for your own truth

02.01.2022 I can get lost in worlds within worlds when I gaze into this beauty

02.01.2022 What do you see?

02.01.2022 This crystal is beautiful at any time, yet it seems extra magical at night with the soft glow behind it. It is a Smoky Citrine Generator with Red Hematite laced through. The beautiful light is coming from a Selenite Tower If you zoom in you can explore worlds within worlds with the top being exceptionally beautiful and clear. Feel the energy coming from both these beauties

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