Fighting Fair in Bangalow, New South Wales | Motivational speaker
Fighting Fair
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Address: PO Box 471 2479 Bangalow, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Virtual + F2F Training + EOFY PD! -
25.01.2022 Does this behaviour look familiar?
25.01.2022 I am preparing for my Difficult Conversation with the #1 Socially Engaged Content Contributor for the Real Estate Industry in Australia - Tom Panos! Notes galore to be able to deal with such a tough cookie! Just kidding - we are going live on how to have a difficult conversation and Tom is going to be a difficult colleague - I’ll also go through the 4 traps you want to avoid and also the 5 step model based on the Harvard Negotiation Project. Tune in on Monday Jan 4 at 7pm (Syd time) for some excitement! I’ll post the link in chat. Useful for any DC you may be facing currently (including colleagues, family + friends!) #realestate #difficultconversations #conflictresolution #coaching #liveevent
24.01.2022 MEDIATION + CONFLICT RESOLUTION (LEVEL 1) OPEN TRAINING 17-18/08/20 FANTASTIC!!!! AWESOME!... 100% relevant, informative and fascinating. Total RAD awesome. Absolutely great training... Scott you are pretty fantastic! Great. Very enjoyable, did not lose interest at all. Funny, calming and fair! Really good and entertaining! Fun! Yeah....he was oookkkaaayyyyy.....nah just kidding...he was awesome. Amazing once again!!! Great. Scott was very knowledgeable and engaging. Excellent of course - very engaging Excellent, witty, fun and informative. Fantastic. He was very engaging and entertaining. Well organised + experienced. Educational, engaging + fun Zoom was awesome, no issues at all Didn't know Zoom could do all of this! So pleasantly surprised. See more
24.01.2022 Thanks to Poppy from MCM for organising the 2-day mediation virtual training and for passing on this email from a participant after day 1 #virtual #online #training #mediation #feedback #engagement #pd #hr Melbourne City Mission (MCM)
24.01.2022 WILD + SCARY + AMAZING YEAR = 124 trainings + keynotes in 2020. Most ever. 101 virtual + 23 F2F. 3187 people completed a training or attended a keynote. The most requested sessions were: 24 Mediation + Conflict Resolution 23 Difficult Conversation... 21 Online Facilitation Skills 16 Team Culture + Team Building I'd like to thank all the wonderful organisations that invited me to speak + train - many I work with repeatedly. Also, thanks to those that attended the open virtual trainings. A big shout out to: Ovations International PepsiCo McGrath Estate Agents The REIQ RAAF - Department of Defence PHN WE Communications Parramatta Mission Southern Cross School of Distance Education Uniting - Melbourne Wallan SC Act for Kids AMC Services Ngunya Jarjum Aboriginal Child & Family Network AnglicareSA Office of Industrial Relations QLD Weatherbeeta Aspire Brighter Futures Uniting - Sydney Brisbane Youth Service Samaritans Brophy Family & Youth Services Campbell Page CatholicCare Social Services Southern QLD QuIHN CONC DVAC Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre The Healing Foundation Launch Housing Wesley Mission Workplace Health and Safety Queensland LISMORE CITY COUNCIL Melbourne City Mission (MCM) Northcott House of Welcome + many more!! #virtualevents
23.01.2022 Hey connections! I am offering a free ‘How to use Zoom for Training’ for L&D // leaders // exec to attend. July 15 @10am for 90 minutes. PM me if you are interested - spaces limited.
23.01.2022 FREE Zoom Session + 2021 Training Workshops! -
23.01.2022 Loving this free virtual app called Yotribe that can be used for team interaction + collaboration = super fun + dynamic! Up to 250 participants can move through multiple rooms (up to 36 in each room/ area) to connect + video chat with each other on a particular topic (just like at a F2F conference or training). I facilitated a Collaborative Team Culture virtual session for 55 staff at WE Communications Australia (thanks Dan Woods) and loved the participant-autonomy and flexi...lity of use. Thanks and shoutout to Melanie Martinelli + Joshua () Davies + Robert Kienzle for the heads-up + know-how! FYI I will be running a Virtual Facilitation training on August 21 where we will explore Yotribe + other great virtual tools + facilitation skills + content/ session design. See link in comments for further info. Stephane Roux Pascal Steck Leonard Witteler #virtualevent #online #training #tools #collaboration #facilitation #teambuilding #virtualfacilitation #workshop #register
23.01.2022 EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI) OPEN (VIRTUAL) 1-DAY TRAINING 10/11/2020 FEEDBACK - TAKEAWAYS/ APPLICATION The 7 elements of EI.... Take a minute or two each day to meditate + bring myself back into the present moment to enhance these areas of my brain - rather than focusing on the stress my day brings. Practice more mindfulness to slow myself down, + to focus on my own inner dialogue in order to serve my team better - without addressing my own negative self-talk then I can't support my team efficiently. Make the time for mindfulness + really trying to be in tune with others + what emotions they have and how to respond. Learning to move on with things out of my control. Increased my self-awareness, identified my strengths + areas for development. Start through small, daily conversations with co-workers to start to gradually implement change in mindsets + communication styles. Start with asking for feedback from my manager + also to take time out in the day to still my mind. Use strategies such as meditation when being aware of feeling stressed or anxious. Take a step back and try to ensure I’m listening + more empathetic in situations. Continue to read the room + think before reacting + be aware of others’ EI when responding. #emotionalintelligence #virtualtraining #pd See more
21.01.2022 EOFY PD + Free Zoom training for L+D + Managers -
20.01.2022 Loved the feedback from Tom Miller after our first day of (virtual) training on Team Culture! Northcott #virtualtraining #fun
20.01.2022 Lovely morning with TOM PANOS going through virtual training tools on Zoom, talking EI with Susan Zheng, waking up Steve Georgakis + IT expert Brett Kelly + the ever-patient event extraordinaire Whitney Coleman! Thanks for the feedback Tom #virtualtraining #realestate #funny #poolhustler
18.01.2022 So excited to be presenting at Cliftons Elevate showcase on September 3! It is the 1st hybrid showcase in the world! You can attend in Sydney or Brisbane or attend virtually. And it’s free! You just need to register!
18.01.2022 Did my first F2F training in 3.5 months (after completing 48 virtual trainings!) Wow - you forget how much effort there is in preparing for a F2F - packing the suitcase (do I have all my cords, clothes, toiletries, data projector, ipod, speakers, juggling balls....) + the travel component: hire cars (hopefully an upgrade rather than a car that smells of smoke!) + flights (hopefully business class not the middle seat row 24) + accommodation (hopefully at least 4 star hotel wit...h a pillow menu not a motel in the middle of nowhere next to a noisy highway!) Compared with virtual training: Pop on your jacket, flick on the lights + computer + webcam - ready set action! Easy! Of course, both require prep + to be switched on as a faciliator. It is just interesting to be reminded of the extra effort of training F2F! PS I couldn't fit the 48 training sessions on one page but got pretty close!
18.01.2022 TEAM CULTURE + DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS TRAINING (25/6 + 2/7/2020) 1st face to face (F2F) training in 3.5 months! FACILITATION... ‘Loved him!!!’ ‘Professional + relatable’ ‘Excellent relatable’ ‘Friendly + humorous’ ‘Entertaining, able to engage all participants’ ‘Full of energy/ a sense of fun, able to be lighten the mood’ TAKEAWAYS: ‘We have tools for the journey’ ‘Goal for a DC is to understand the other person’s point of view a curious mind’ ‘Listening to others is important but so too is understanding our differences’ ‘Be more mindful + consider others’ ‘The DC model’ ‘Conflict conversations’.
16.01.2022 FAB FEEDBACK! DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS (1/9/2020) WODONGA TAFE + DHHS (VIC): SPECIALIST HOMELESSNESS SECTOR Amazing - one of the best facilitators I've ever had, truly enjoyed the whole day. Funny, engaging, relatable, down-to-earth and great tone.... Really great, a bit magic even, to run a 7 hour zoom training and keep me present! Natural born facilitator! Fantastic, so funny, engaging, helpful. Put us all at ease. Fantastic. I haven't attended training facilitated this well for a long time Great! You made me feel relaxed and ordinarily I feel very awkward in these situations Amazing. Very engaging. Made challenges of zoom facilitation workable Awesome - very engaging and interactive. Fantastic training Scott, thank you! Thanks, that was really excellent! Thank you so much Scott! Will highly recommend you to everyone I know #difficultconversations #virtualtraining #online #learninganddevelopment #organisationaldevelopment #hrevents Wodonga Institute of TAFE Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria Elise Quinn Sharon McDonald Shannon Hollick Annie Collins Julie Fry Aaliah Cadzow Roz Heaven
16.01.2022 'Like chewing on a brick.' That was the expectations of one of the participants coming to my virtual 7.5 hr Difficult Conversations training. What did they think by the end of the course? #expectations #virtualtraining #difficultconversations
16.01.2022 MEDIATION + CONFLICT RESOLUTION (L1) VIRTUAL TRAINING ANGLICARE SA 9/11/2020 FEEDBACK! ... FACILITATION AWESOMENESS! Fantastic! Very entertaining! Excellent - engages really well and keeps training interactive + fun Great - humorous and had a good pace He is great, very knowledgeable Experienced, knowledgeable, skilled and engaging, fun too!! - would like to do more courses. TAKEAWAYS The structures and role plays. Learning how to actually mediate between people and not be the counsellor giving suggestions of my own Questioning e.g. why is that important to you! The mirroring techniques Impartiality in mediation Listening to clients and learning how to be neutral The CINO questions to encourage people toward resolution APPLICATION TO WORK Use it in an informal + formal capacity Intake work + employment career counselling Staff conflict With families and youth Student conflict - seeking a resolution before they re-enter class Balancing perspectives between Child Protection, carers and organisation Family mediation sessions with clients AnglicareSA #mediation #conflict #virtualtraining #professionaldevelopment
15.01.2022 GETTING TO HAPPY We are responsible for the energy we disemminate. If our thoughts are negative or toxic, that is the reality and relationships we create. Like attracts like. To get to happy, we need to train the neural pathways of the mind to move toward kindness of ourselves and others. We will never be happy if we are selfish as it closes the heart. ... To retrain the mind to be happier, we need to be aware of our thoughts and kindly lead them back to centre (our breath). The focus is on breathing in the present moment not on analysing and judging the thoughts. Thoughts are just thoughts - we don’t need to listen or believe everything that goes through our mind - Choose to give focus to good ones that are kind to all #meditations #mindfulness #happiness #kindness #keynotes
14.01.2022 Beautiful Byron morning!
14.01.2022 Good vibes! Loved our interactive small group on Wednesday from both NFP + corporate sectors learning about how to train with Zoom. Thanks for the fun, positive contributions + feedback on chat: 11:09:27 From Neil BW : Firenze to Scott Dutton: you're great! 11:09:33 From Emily, London to Scott Dutton: The best 11:09:34 From Jake - New Zealand to Scott Dutton: You are the best Scott! ... 11:09:36 From shirlei Brasil to Scott Dutton: Love your work 11:09:37 From Danni Anywhere to Scott Dutton: hi scott great sesh 11:09:41 From Jessica Thailand to Scott Dutton: you are wonderful! Thanks scott 11:09:44 From Fiona Japan to Scott Dutton: great presentation! 11:09:44 From Christine Portugal to Scott Dutton: you are awesome ... 11:09:53 From Jake - New Zealand to Scott Dutton: Scott made us do this 11:09:54 From Simone WA to Scott Dutton: Definitely getting ELT on to this type of training! 11:09:59 From Liz Hawaii to Scott Dutton: Thanks Scott - this is great See more
14.01.2022 I heard a rumour... for those that use Zoom as a platform...from tomorrow (Monday 21/9), people can move freely around breakout rooms without the need to make everyone co-host! I like it - the more flexibility the better! Thanks for the heads up Barbara Covarrubias Venegas! PS I am intending to run another FREE 90 minute session on using Zoom as a facilitator - Monday 28th September @ 11am (Sydney time) - DM if interested! #virtualtraining #virtualevents #innovation #virtualconferences #virtual #zoom
13.01.2022 Loving this virtual space - check out my new virtual showreel! Thanks to Michael McQueen Tom Panos, Juliet Fieldew, Julie Sucksmith, Pam Proctor, Jodie Cronk, Remington Martin, Janine Agzarian for the fab testimonials! Also Barbara van der Merwe for the video production :) And a big shout out to Joshua Davies, Melanie Martinelli & Robert Kienzle for their virtual mastery + know-how along the way!... PS I do have a few virtual open trainings coming up, including: Zoom Facilitation Skills - September 28 (90 min - FREE!) Mediation + Conflict L1 - October 12+13 Advanced Mediation - October 22+23 Emotional Intelligence - November 10 Difficult Conversations - L1 - November 20 Zoom Facilitation Skills - November 27 Difficult Conversations - L2 - December 10 PM me if interested in any of the above &/ or would like to discuss in-house trainings for your organisation! #virtual #virtualtraining #hybrid #virtualevents #zoom #yotribe #mentimeter
13.01.2022 Fab feedback today after 2 full days (a week apart) of mediation + conflict resolution virtual training (22 participants) Hands down amazing as always Great and very fun So engaging and well-paced... Scott was great. i was worried about online training but he made it so interactive on many different levels Excellent, such an engaging presenter Brilliant Scott is a fantastic facilitator Excellent and enaging , well executed So great! Good vibes and facilitated a wonderful learning environment Calm. Collected. Organised. Smooth. Great use of media. Very informative and engaging Professional, engaging and knowlegable on the topic Great - fun + excellent Very relaxed and good use of humour Engaging, entertaining and funny Excellent Super engaging - very informative Very informative and practical Scott is very engaging Fantastic - very engaging How did you find Zoom + the online experience? It worked really well because Scott seamlessly led us through the processes Fantastic Better than expected x 5! Worked very well for this content I thought this was very well done as have found other Zoom training very draining and hard to maintain focus and did not find that here Great, Scott is an excellent facilitator Much more engaging than expected - awesome use of online tools
12.01.2022 Collaborative Team Culture + Virtual Global Experts -
12.01.2022 Had a fabulous session with WE Communication Australia. Such a dynamic, creative + tech savvy team! Thanks Dan Woods + Kellie Stanborough for inviting me to engage in the conversation + exploration of Collaborative Team Culture! Feedback: I bloody loved this training! Hand on heart the best, most engaging training I've ever done. Thank you Scott! It was amazing!!! Scott's a Master!... Awesome tools, great skills, fun host, smooth collaboration despite not being with each other Scott was such a personable, inspiring coach. It was great to just step back + think about this stuff - we don't often take the time to do it. The power of positive interactions. And it was really nice hearing the uplifting things your co-workers think about you. Scott you are so entertaining + engaging! Fantastic way to give everyone a voice. You really upped my online skills by like 1000% + showed me a lot of interesting collaborative tools that can be used digitally. I loved using all the different tools + the way that Scott took us on a journey from our living rooms. Thank you for the smiles + laughs. Music was the best!! Incredibly helpful. It didn't even feel like we were doing this virtually. A reminder of the power of collaborating Feeling great about our agency!! See more
11.01.2022 Catching up with Tom Panos - looking forward to having a Difficult Conversation with Tom tomorrow night at 7pm
10.01.2022 Fantastic to work with the team at Domestic Violence Action Centre INC last week! DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS - VIRTUAL TRAINING DVAC INC (QLD) 17+18.9.20... FEEDBACK: - It is clear why Scott is renowned as being an expert in this field. Really enjoyed the humour he brought to the training. - The best experience of Zoom and online yet! - Absolutely Fantastic. - I loved the warmth and openness of your facilitation Scott. - Most interactive zoom training I have been apart of - I loved the online training and learnt a lot which I will try and use from now on. - Great. A nice balance of knowledge and fun. - Very engaging facilitator. Good use of humour. - Great! - mindful and knowledgeable. - Thanks for an enjoyable, thought provoking time. I think all staff would benefit from training of this type. - Very well organised and executed (even with technology). - I enjoyed his style of facilitation as the subject matter is not easy so humour is good. - Your presentation was amazing - I loved the use of all the apps to complement and involve the attendees. #violence #domesticviolence #socialwork #difficultconversations #virtualtraining #mentimeter #poll #professionaldevelopment #pd
09.01.2022 Fantastic speech by Kamala Harris!
09.01.2022 Masterclass with 3 conflict experts + #1 conflict tip! -
09.01.2022 Delighted to present in Hong Kong last night as a guest speaker on how to design + deliver engaging online training. Thanks to Brian Tang for inviting me + his participants for welcoming me. Brian Tang David Li Max Lei ... @Sylvia Chang @T K ellesmere choy #virtual #online #training #speaker #global
08.01.2022 Virtual Training Options + free Zoom Session -
07.01.2022 When you ask for feedback from participants after a virtual training you never know what people will say! Check it out. Thanks Samaritans team for your energy + fun! :)
07.01.2022 MEDIATION SKILLS VIRTUAL TRAINING 12/11/20 BROPHY FAMILY + YOUTH SERVICES (VIC) HOW DID YOU FIND SCOTT'S FACILITATION? He's a deadly brother... Best facilitator ever! Great, very entertaining Very engaging + funny Wonderful! Excellent! Very engaging + created a welcoming space Fabulous dynamic + engaging Fantastic, kept me engaged, listening + interested ALL day Entertaining, he is very good Very engaging, easy to take in Very engaging, entertaining + easy to follow It was fantastic! One of the best facilitations I have participated in + I could not speak more highly of the experience. Excellent, so easy to listen to, hysterical, loved the music during the breaks Awesome, great facilitator! Very informative + interactive Love the training + Scott you were great fun, look forward to further training with you - thanks! Liked the videos beforehand - a great way to see the practicalities of the techniques we have learnt Informative, entertaining, thanks Scott Fantastic training Thanks so much for today. I enjoyed it very much. Highly recommend A great day. Thank-you! Thank you Scott!! Jingy Walla #mediation #virtualtraining #professionaldevelopment Brophy Family & Youth Services See more
07.01.2022 Happy to announce I am now a Certified Virtual Trainer / Keynote Speaker! Thanks to the 770 people who have participated in one of the 45 virtual training sessions (on conflict + communication + culture) I have facilitated since pivoting at the start of April 2020. Over 12 weeks, I will facilitate 20 x half day / 14 x 90 min / 9 x 1 day / 2 x 2 day trainings + 3 intake sessions / 4 conflict coaching sessions / 4 mediation sessions! Thanks also to Joshua () Davies, Robert Kienzle, Melanie Martinelli, Peter Everett, Jimbo Clark (+ Tom Panos ) for your assistance in helping me to become a Zoom Master!! #virtual #zoommaster! #virtualtraining #keynotespeaker
06.01.2022 Wow! Excited to be speaking at the WORLD’S 1ST HYBRID SPEAKER SHOWCASE - ASIA PACIFIC! Looking forward to sharing how interactive + engaging hybrid/ virtual presentations can be. Think you will be surprised (+ excited too!) Come + join us on September 3! To register - (btw it’s free ... #hybridevents #virtualevent #future #conferences #speakers #trainers #hrevents #learninganddevelopment #eventplanning #asiapacific #apac #australia
05.01.2022 Amazing turn out today in Byron with the Arakwal/ Bundjalung people. A moving + peaceful protest considering the injustice experienced. Hard to get my head around the fact that from the 432 indigenous lives lost in police custody /jail since 1991, there has never been a conviction. #blacklivesmatter
05.01.2022 VT + RESILIENCE: FEEDBACK! ANGLICARE SA 16/9/20 - 10/10! - Scott was fantastic!!! He made virtual training really enjoyable!... - Scott is brilliant. The biggest take out is that VT is a normal experience and work hazard in our industry. - Be aware of what you’re doing while you’re doing it, practicing self-awareness. - Love Scott's training, its interactive, exciting and informative. - Awareness of VT. Self Care Wheel and balance of work and home life. - Fun, informative and thought provoking. The session went very quickly and good collaboration. - The presenter was very knowledgeable and had a good understanding with the material. - The 3P'S gotta read more on those. Scott always as awesome as Byron Bay! Seriously, I enjoy your sessions. See you next time! AnglicareSA #resilience #vicarioustrauma #virtualtraining #socialwork #youthwork #professionaldevelopment #hr #od #learninganddevelopment #feedback #health #safety See more
04.01.2022 Great fun with the PepsiCo team! FEEDBACK: DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS - VIRTUAL TRAINING 15/9/20 - Great facilitation, wonderful actually. The best I have been to. Great just to re-affirm the feelings and emotions associated w difficult conversations.... - Excellent presentation. Very captivating. Excellent action point to take the learning forward. - Outstanding!! Scott presented at a perfect pace and there were no silly questions. Gained some great structure from this session and feeling confident. - AND stance - will definitely give that a try! Scott was great, really engaging. - Having a curious mindset. Scott is lovely, lots of dad jokes but (I mean AND) a very engaging and funny guy. - Very insightful! most useful take out is the 'and' and understanding that there is more feelings beyond 'anger' - so try to get to the bottom of it :) - Today's session was good - lots of fun. Appreciate how condensed it was, fitting several days work into a few hours. - I found the session useful to provide a framework to ensure all parties are acknowledged and heard. AND was very helpful as a quick reminder not to dismiss! Thanks Scott! #difficultconversations #virtualtraining #hr #pd #od See more
04.01.2022 MANAGING DIFFICULT BEHAVIOUR (VIRTUAL 1-DAY TRAINING) PARRAMATTA MISSION 26.8.20 FEEDBACK ... TAKEAWAYS: The aggression cycle The 6 main triggers De-escalation skills + strategies How to deal with difficult behaviours Being mindful of remaining calm + neutral The importance of being ‘understood’ Being more aware of the perspective of the consumer The use of positive language ‘and’ instead of ‘but’ FACILITATION: Excellent!!! Scott uses a variety of methods to engage us in the training Awesome training! Entertaining as always Engaging, respectful + flexible Fun, but clear + subject-focused Very insightful + informative It was great!! Parramatta Mission #virtual #training #Difficultbehaviour
03.01.2022 ‘Do you think we will be doing more virtual training + keynotes in the future’? Great question today from a participant in our 75 minute ‘how to train with Zoom’ session with L&D + HR leaders. I think we will see more virtual communication (trainings + keynotes + meetings) in our future (hybrid wfh/ office) workplace. It is cost effective with reduced environmental impact due to less travel (car + air). We can join + team build with our regional/ remote + global teams on a r...egular + flexible basis. Virtual training + keynotes done well (facilitation + content + tech) can be just as engaging + educational + entertaining as F2F - maybe even more so. Thank you today to the participants for their input + fun! Olivia Mannix Sharmila Nahna Will Ainsworth Andria Vallese Geethu Koshy (CIPD/MAHRM) Cindy Pullar Rebekah Lee Olivia Velthuis Katherine Kirkwood gajansundaram dineeshagreen #virtual #training #keynotes #future #online #zoom #pd #hr #learninganddelopment #teams #wfh #office #hybrid #sustainability
03.01.2022 I facilitated a full day virtual Emotional Intelligence training today. One aspect we explored was that there are often other feelings beneath emotions like anger. I really like this visual - thanks for the heads up Matthew Jackman (He/Him) #emotionalintelligence #training #virtual
02.01.2022 Come join us! Friday August 21 #virtual #online #training #workshop #global #expert #zoom #group #facilitation
02.01.2022 Can't believe it is exactly 1 year ago today I presented at AREC in front of 3500 people. Feels like a long time ago! #conference #keynotespeaker
02.01.2022 'DEADLY' I take that as a great compliment when First Nations participants give me that feedback! Other comments from the MEDIATION + CONFLICT RESOLUTION (LEVEL 1) VIRTUAL OPEN TRAINING (27 + 28/7/2020):... FACILITATION SKILLS (SCOTT) What can one say? The venerable Scott Dutton - brilliant, insightful, open, craftfully faceitious and engaging. Scott what a legend! Scott was awesome! Scott was great + his role playing skills are the bomb! My first Zoom class and I loved it thanks Scott Better than I expected - Scott's knowledge of zoom is brilliant! This is the best zoom training I have attended. Most engaging remote training I have completed! I love the fun + learning. The training was amazing!! Scott did such a great job, making everyone feel comfortable + got everyone to engage. TAKEAWAYS Totally met, so much to take away but love informal use of CINO. Mirroring, clarifying understanding. How important active listening is + being present. I like the role playing activities + breaking off into small groups to brainstorm + learn different perspectives. Trust the process. Importance of neutrality + not falling into counselling mode. Learning outcomes were exceeded. I liked the feedback as I know if I am on the
01.01.2022 Grateful for the shared wisdom from the Traditional Owners + Custodians: Bundjalung Nation (Northern NSW + SE QLD) + the Bindal and Wulgurukaba People (Townsville) at our recent Mediation (virtual) training. These valuable jamboard contributions offer cultural considerations for mediation with our First Nation people. Ngunya Jarjum Aboriginal Child & Family Network Ink... Queensland Youth Services See more
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