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That Natural Clinic in Townsville, Queensland | Alternative & holistic health service

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That Natural Clinic

Locality: Townsville, Queensland

Phone: +61 428 773 880

Address: Burdell 4818 Townsville, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 From my crazy family to yours, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We are watching a movie under the stars before the fireworks here in Townsville! Stay safe & Ill see you in 2020!

24.01.2022 My family & I decided to go and explore the Cape Pallerenda trails via bike. As you can see by the photos, it was a STUNNING view, but rookie error; we took the wrong track and ended up on a never-ending track for advanced cyclers.(Our Daughter rode SO WELL!) We turned around and eventually found the correct track to Shellys beach which was GORGEOUS, but honestly we were too exhausted to really appreciate the view at the time ... 17km on an incline dirt track on big W bikes= This cycling rookie learnt a few things that Id like to pass on to other cycle rookies: . 1. Bring a first aid & snake bike kit (we did come across a snake. Eeek!) 2. Know where youre going & maybe even let someone else know where youll be going (We really should have studied the map on entry haha) 3. Bring more water than you think you need 4. Wear padded bike shorts. (Serious. The butt-cheek pain is real ) 5. Invest in decent bikes if riding long trails (we will be buying better bikes after this ride!) 6. Be realistic about your cycling ability! (My poor Husband only just made it back ,) See more

24.01.2022 Did you start the year off on the right foot? If not it's not too late to! Haha I pulled out this joke last night and my family just looked at me like I had gone mad ... Happy New Year x See more

24.01.2022 Last client done & dusted for the day! . I'm tired, but happy. I really do love my "job" . At this point, I have appointments free on Saturday morning. (Nutritional Medicine Consultation & hyperbaric oxyen chamber)... . Just a reminder that next week is my last week in clinic before my Christmas break! .................................................................................................... #happytired #hyperbaricoxygentherapy #townsville #nutritionist #naturalhealth #townsvillehypnobirthing #townsvillenutritionist #nutritionalmedicine #thatnaturalclinic #lovemyjob #christmasbreak See more

23.01.2022 *Intergenerational Trauma* ______________________ If people don’t have the opportunity to heal from trauma, they may unknowingly pass it on to others through their behaviour. . Their children may experience difficulties with attachment, disconnection from their extended families and culture and high levels of stress from family and community members who are dealing with the impacts of trauma. ... . This can create developmental issues for children, who are particularly susceptible to distress at a young age. This creates a cycle of trauma, where the impact is passed from one generation to the next. . This is a great video explaining intergenerational trauma. See more

22.01.2022 Did you start the year off on the right foot? If not its not too late to! Haha I pulled out this joke last night and my family just looked at me like I had gone mad ... Happy New Year x See more

22.01.2022 Happy Monday to you! RISE above the petty stuff & CHOOSE HAPPINESS!

22.01.2022 Do you ever have breakfast for dinner? We just did! #breakfastfordinner #eggs #bakedveggies #chorizo #onepandinner #easyrecipes #lazydinner

21.01.2022 Rainy day beach hopping I LOVE how beaches just recharge me! A good place to breathe in happiness & positivity & expel 2019s negativity/ stress. For anyone who is wondering how the MU-X handles on the sand- Shes surprisingly impressive! She loves it! ... ............................................................................................ #mux #isuzu #northqld #naturehealing #outdoors #adventure #beachhopping #rainydays #4x4life #townsvillebusiness #happiness #myfamily See more


21.01.2022 Why do I always start with a persons digestion when it comes to mental health? Because the gut is actually the major source of neurotransmitter production in the body! . So its no surprise that people with digestive problems are often anxious or depressed.... . The healthy bacteria (probiotics), help to lower the stress response by regulating the relaxation neurotransmitter (GABA) via the vagus nerve. . Mental health has become one of my main areas of interest and a lot of you already know that I have a 2nd job in mental health support and that I am currently furthering my studies in the area. . What you might not know is that I am also putting together a very exciting course on nutrition for mental health! . This will be an online course that you can do in your own time at your own pace and will cover a range of areas such as the brain-gut connection, the role of inflammation and digestion on mental health, individualised nutrition, supplementation, assessments and tools to use and so much more! . If you are interested or know anyone else who may benefit from doing this in-depth course run by myself, then please comment or tag them below and I will keep you all updated on when I will be launching this program. (The first 30 people will get 50% off, so stay tuned.) See more

20.01.2022 "Scientists at the National Institutes of Health found that women who use permanent hair dye and chemical hair straighteners have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than women who dont use these products. . The study published online Dec. 4 in the International Journal of Cancer and suggests that breast cancer risk increased with more frequent use of these chemical hair products."

20.01.2022 Im not on fb often, but I thought Id share my office for the morning Beautiful view whilst I work on my notes for my next presentation! ("Mental Health starts in the gut") Have a great day everyone!

20.01.2022 After a REALLY BIG week in clinic, it's finally my time to unwind & take a dive in my hyperbaric oxygen chamber! I know my skin has been screaming for some lovin' & I am in desperate need of some quite time! . Have a great weekend everyone.... Don't forget to take some time out to look after you! -Kris x See more

20.01.2022 After a REALLY BIG week in clinic, its finally my time to unwind & take a dive in my hyperbaric oxygen chamber! I know my skin has been screaming for some lovin & I am in desperate need of some quite time! . Have a great weekend everyone.... Dont forget to take some time out to look after you! -Kris x See more

19.01.2022 I jumped on fb this morning and scrolled past allllll the many posts from friends and family in regards to COVID-19. Some of you are stuck overseas unable to get back home to loved ones, a few of you are already in isolation, many many are struggling to buy the essentials for your households due to people panic buying and some have already had to stop work due to having the children home from school. . Im in Townsville, where we already have confirmed cases and my Son is cla...ssed as immunocompromised, so Ill admit, the unknown is a little scary. But all we can really do is stay calm and take preventative measures such as good hygiene, avoid unnecessary physical contact with others and BOOST OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS! Personally, boosting my familys immune system is my #1 priority and I do think that everyone else should focus on doing the same. . Eat the rainbow to ensure your body gets a range of micro-nutrients that it needs to function properly. Eat foods rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which stimulate the production of white blood cells. Eat foods rich in Vitamin A, Zinc, B vitamins, Vitamin D and probiotics for immune support. Stay well hydrated. (with water hehe :p) Avoid refined sugar. This is probably the hardest, yet most important! Sugar decreases the number of white blood cells that your body produces and depresses the immune system. Understandably, it may be hard perfecting the perfect diet with shelves all being empty, so I do recommend supplementation. (Practitioner-grade is best, but anything is better than nothing) . I do need to take precautions to protect my family, so if you are unwell and need a consultation/ practitioner- grade nutrients, I will be doing them online and posting the product out to you. . Please look after yourselves and those around you. Stay well, Kristy. . #covid19 #townsville

18.01.2022 No day is the same for me in clinic with my clients. Some days I have clients release and tears are shed, other days I am jumping with joy with a client and today we have Merle Haggard blasting whilst my client rests his body in the chamber after his chemotherapy. This is not just a clinic space, its a safe space, a space to release, recharge and to be empowered.


17.01.2022 I could have sat down wasting time scrolling on Facebook before going to work, But instead I chose to get up and run a solid 5km. I feel so good now and it gets me a little closer to my goals. Are there any other runners here?

17.01.2022 Are you pregnant? Make a POSITIVE start to the NEW YEAR by enrolling into our next Positive Birth Program! When a birthing mother is prepared with KNOWLEDGE about the birth process, TOOLS to stay positive, calm and more comfortable in labour, has good SUPPORT and a method of PREPARATION for both the body and mind, birth can be a very POSITIVE and EMPOWERING experience. ... Feel free to message/ ring for more info! See more

17.01.2022 Last client done & dusted for the day! . Im tired, but happy. I really do love my "job" . At this point, I have appointments free on Saturday morning. (Nutritional Medicine Consultation & hyperbaric oxyen chamber)... . Just a reminder that next week is my last week in clinic before my Christmas break! .................................................................................................... #happytired #hyperbaricoxygentherapy #townsville #nutritionist #naturalhealth #townsvillehypnobirthing #townsvillenutritionist #nutritionalmedicine #thatnaturalclinic #lovemyjob #christmasbreak See more

15.01.2022 I am officially on Holidays! Time for me to take me own advice and unwind, unplug & be present with my beautiful family! I do have my phone if you REALLY need me, but dont go knocking on my door, as my father-in-law is house sitting & he cant help you

13.01.2022 Hello to all, I hope you have all had a great Australian day weekend! . I have the following availabilities for this week if you are wanting to book in for a Nutritional Medicine consultation or come for a dive in our 2 person Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber:... . -Wednesday 5:30pm -Thursday 6pm -Friday 12pm, 1pm, 2pm -Saturday 3pm, 4pm, 5pm -Sunday CHAMBER ONLY . PLEASE NOTE: I now only check Facebook once a week, so if you would like to send an enquiry or booking please email me on : [email protected] or ring 0428773880 to speak to me direct. -Kristy See more

12.01.2022 Hello beautiful people! That Natural Clinic is open once again! BUT I DO HAVE NEW BUSINESS HOURS! A lot of you already know that I have a 2bd job working in mental health.... I LOVE both of my "jobs" But I do need to be kind to myself so I dont suffer burnout. My new clinic hours are as follows: Monday- Friday 5pm-7pm Saturday- 12pm- 3pm Sunday- Chamber use only (No Nut consults) See more

12.01.2022 How has everyone been keeping active throughout this Pandemic? I get in a lot of walking with my Mental Health job (some of you have seen me out and about with clients lately & have waved hello its so good seeing the walking tracks around town so busy! ... with the appropriate social distancing in place of course ) At home I mix my workouts up as I get bored doing the same thing. Some days I go for a jog, (This involves my Daughter and Husband riding alongside me, with... my Son in the bike trailer), other days I do a program on my cross-trainer, other days I use my home gym and do weights. But do you know what Ive REALLY been into lately? Lesmills Step & Attack! Absolutely LOVING IT! (Which is funny because its 2 classes of lesmills that Im actually not trained in ) I highly recommend you download the lesmills application if you are missing your group fitness classes _________________________________ #lesmills #lesmillsondemand #activefamily #bodyattack #bodystep #mentalhealth #covid19 #stayactive #townsville #nutritionist #thatnaturalclinic See more

12.01.2022 ****Silly season STRESS **** _____________________________ I just copped an earful from a very angry man! He later apologised and said he was very embarrassed by his actions and he made it right. I let it go, but it made me realise; IT IS HERE! ...Continue reading

11.01.2022 STOP throwing away those watermelon rinds! Pickle them! Watermelon, including the rind is AMAZING for depression & anxiety as it contains B6 & citrulline amongst other important nutrients. . #nutritionalmedicine #thatnaturalclinic #nutritionformentalhealth #mentalhealth #depression #anxiety #townsvillenutritionist #pickles #watermelon #watermelonrindpickles

10.01.2022 White Christmas North Pole was SO MAGICAL! We started off with an all-you-can-eat buffet dinner/ drinks before getting VIP access to the rides & VIP seating to the Christmas parade! I highly recommend to attend it one year if you get the chance to!

09.01.2022 The human body is the vessel of your soul, which is why it is important to nourish it and make healthy eating a lifetime habit.

09.01.2022 Love Joy Good digestion

09.01.2022 Who was I kidding?! I'm 1 week back from holidays/surgery and I've already seen 5 clients! . I'm a big softie! I can't deny someone help if they need it! Especially since so many clients have come so far! .............................................................................................. #funny #madeameme #christmasbreak #townsvillebusiness #townsvillehypnobirthing #townsvillenutritionist #townsvillehyperbaricoxygenchamber #thatnaturalclinic #workaholic See more

07.01.2022 Who was I kidding?! Im 1 week back from holidays/surgery and Ive already seen 5 clients! . Im a big softie! I cant deny someone help if they need it! Especially since so many clients have come so far! .............................................................................................. #funny #madeameme #christmasbreak #townsvillebusiness #townsvillehypnobirthing #townsvillenutritionist #townsvillehyperbaricoxygenchamber #thatnaturalclinic #workaholic See more

06.01.2022 Im not on fb often, but I thought I'd share my office for the morning Beautiful view whilst I work on my notes for my next presentation! ("Mental Health starts in the gut") Have a great day everyone!

05.01.2022 *Intergenerational Trauma* ______________________ If people dont have the opportunity to heal from trauma, they may unknowingly pass it on to others through their behaviour. . Their children may experience difficulties with attachment, disconnection from their extended families and culture and high levels of stress from family and community members who are dealing with the impacts of trauma. ... . This can create developmental issues for children, who are particularly susceptible to distress at a young age. This creates a cycle of trauma, where the impact is passed from one generation to the next. . This is a great video explaining intergenerational trauma. See more

05.01.2022 OPERATION BACKPACK @ CASTLETOWN . If you are able to donate any back-to-school items to support local children in need, please do! . The donation box is at Castleton in front of Big W.

05.01.2022 Can anyone guess what Im making? First time I am attempting this! (My Mother-in-laws recipe)

04.01.2022 Can anyone guess what I'm making? First time I am attempting this! (My Mother-in-law's recipe)

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