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Fizzio for Life in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Sport & recreation

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Fizzio for Life

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 3805 3223

Address: 22 Loganlea Road, Waterford West 4133 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 This month we are bringing you some simple information in an easy to understand way about some of the joints in the body - First in the series is the Knee! Thanks to our fab fizzio Emily for putting this one together!

25.01.2022 exercise is the last thing on your mind. getting out of bed is hard. the thought of moving is unthinkable. On these days have you ever pushed through and done a little? The sense of achievement is soooo much!! No matter where you are in your health journey, a doing some kind of movement each day will benefit your health.... !! !! See more

25.01.2022 These 3 ladies have a blast in our Friday morning class. This week they shared why they come each week: - It is fun and encouraging, while being non-judgemental. It is not like a usual gym. ... - I am not here for losing weight. I am now doing things that I haven't done in a long time and I want to keep doing the things I enjoy. - I used to fall over when I stepped on even a small stone, now I can walk on uneven ground and not fall over. Or if I do, I know that I now have the strength to get back up again! If you want to find out more about our classes, send us a message or call us on 3805 3223.

25.01.2022 An informative article on cervical screening and how they have recently changed along with a brief explanation of some frequent test results.

24.01.2022 Check out what our lovely friend Robin (bottom right corner) uses to 'take a break' and look after her mental health!! Robin has recently been able to return to group exercise classes with us here at Fizzio for Life! She is a bright and bubbly lady who does so much for Logan Seniors and but starts by looking after her own health with exercising regularly! Oh and why don't you have a look at the Senior's Wellbeing Bingo - a fab little resource from Logan Council for Queensland's Mental Health Week.

24.01.2022 " , ." Prof Daniel Galvao, Edith Cowan University Recent research in WA has shown that an individualised program that involves some high intensity exercise during treatment has most affect. For some this means that 5 minutes is enough, for others 30 minutes or more is needed. Our new class CANmove, facilitated by our Exercise Physiologist, will help you to work out what you can safely do, and how much to do t...o achieve these guidelines. Numbers are limited to make sure that your exercise is personalised to you. Contact us to book your place today!

24.01.2022 Are you finding all the womens health information helpful - Is there anything else you would like to know about? Comment below or message the page if there is a topic of womens health that you are interested in and would like to know more about.

24.01.2022 Check out all the Fizzio News for October !!! Hit subscribe to get all the news! -

24.01.2022 ... from us to you ...

23.01.2022 We run on the liquid gold at Fizzio for Life. Since it is , best we have an extra cup today!

23.01.2022 How are the mo's going for Movember? Unfortunately we are a little late getting ourselves prepared for the challenge this year ... however Nathan has written a great blog post on prostate cancer that is on the money. Take a read here ...

23.01.2022 We are so lucky to have some wonderful people in our Fizzio for Life community. One of these is Abbi from Mogo Wheelchairs, a company who manufactures cool custom made wheelchairs built to individual needs. Abbi will be here on 28th October to show our team their latest technology in sports wheelchairs, so we can learn and help our patients. We think this is such a great opportunity that we wanted to share this with our community. So you're invited!!!! If you would like to learn about these innovative designs and the technology that keeps people mobile and enjoying their lifestyle, please come join with us on Wednesday 28/10 at 2pm. This is a free opportunity, we do just require an RSVP due to COVID restrictions so please give us a call on 3805 3223. See you there!

23.01.2022 Look out this month for a whole lot of information coming your way about all things !! We will take a look at what is normal, what is abnormal, how to exercise safely and a number of different tips and tricks along the way. Jump on board and as always, we are here to listen to your concerns and answer questions. If you dont feel confident asking on facebook, feel free to message or call us at the clinic.

22.01.2022 Have you been to any of the nominated places during any of the nominated times as per below? If so please go and get rested and stay at home to protect our community. If you have an appointment this week the good news is we can treat most presentations very Easily, effectively and safely using our Telehealth facility. Just give us a quick call and we will step you through it.

21.01.2022 It is the time of year when people set some goals to achieve for the coming year. Lots of people start exercising or increase their exercise, many find this difficult to stick to ... Let's have a little chat about how you adjust your thinking to be successful this year. > ? - for your health, to continue moving, to reduce pain, be physically able to go on that holiday you have been planning? > , ... - You will not want to continue if you find it boring! Not everyone finds riding on busy streets fun - find what works for you. > - only doing the 1 type of exercise can get monotonous - shake it up a little and add in some different types of exercise like dancing or a group class, something social can help keep you accountable. > ' ! If you don't make the set time/reps/average heart rate/calories you wanted to achieve in each workout - it is ok - reset for next time - at least you have done something! > - the aim needs to be more than just a month of trying to improve, but a lifetime. > !! Moving your body is moving your body! Just do it! If you would like some guidance with what exercise is suitable for you - we would love to help out!! Book an appointment with one of our Exercise Physiologists today!

21.01.2022 "To paraphrase the Dalai Lama, our goal is not to be better than other people; it’s just to be better than our previous selves." An interesting read.

21.01.2022 Continuing on with our theme of Womens Health, this week Julie has a chat to us about . Have a watch ... Main point - !! If you would like any further info, we always love to chat! Give us a call!!

21.01.2022 Did you know that we have an online shop!!?? This is so that you DONT drop when you shop. For all your rehab needs - bands, putty, self-massage tools, heat packs, braces and creams, to name a few items you can find there at your convenience!

20.01.2022 It is time to check in on your friends, family, neighbours, strong people, expecting mums, those alone and those isolating and ask them if they are ok? , . !

20.01.2022 - ? This long term condition can affect any area in the body but mostly commonly the arms after breast cancer treatment. When the lymph nodes are damaged or not working properly, swelling is caused by excess fluid pooling in the limb. Physio treatment by a trained lymphoedema specialist includes massage or manual lymphatic drainage, fitting of compression garments, prescription of safe exercises to help with movement, and skin care to help reduce infection. Give us a call if you would like more information as to whether Michael, our very own Accredited Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, can help you.

20.01.2022 Virus Fragments in Loganholme: Please note the following article reporting COVID fragments in a sewerage test at Loganholme. If you have any symptoms no matter how mild, please be tested.

20.01.2022 It is Cancer Rehab Awareness Week - hosted by Pinc & Steel, "This week is set aside to reach more people with information about cancer rehabilitation, so that no-one misses out on optimal recovery after a cancer diagnosis."

19.01.2022 December Monthly Newsletter is out!! The year is flying by!! Find out all you need to know for the last month of the year! -

19.01.2022 CAKE DAY COMPETITION Cake and Fizzio for Life just go together - there is ALWAYS an excuse for cake!! So it is National Cake Day (at least somewhere in the world) and we want to see all of YOUR CREATIONS!! Share with us a pic in the comments of a cake that you have made (legitimately) and tag a friend to win a Coffee and Cake Voucher from @The Waterford Coffee Pot!! ... Entries close Sunday 5pm and will be chosen through a random selector See more

19.01.2022 You can tell the staff really want to win more cake!! But we need to see your creations too for some good competition!

18.01.2022 : New Covid Booking App is on trial at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PACE) and Metro South Health Browns Plains. To help you quickly and easily secure an appointment anywhere, anytime. Scan the below QR code using the camera on your mobile device.

18.01.2022 Vicki is one of our CANmove SUPERSTARS She has just recently started radiation as part of her cancer treatment regimen and is attending weekly classes with a smile. She is keen to keep strong, maintain her weight and manage her fatigue all while having fun in class. Vicki would like to meet people that are, and have been through cancer treatment who also have the goal of managing symptoms through a graded exercise program. ... CANmove class - Tuesday 10am - subsidised by the Logan City Councils Live Well Logan Program. If you would like to join, call the clinic to book your place.

18.01.2022 To give our staff a well earned break, this year we will be closed from 24 Dec until 3 Jan. We hope you too, enjoy the unique time of the year with constant food comas and loosing track of what day it is.

18.01.2022 We like to give back to our local community all year round and we are particularly aware this year that there are many that need a little extra help. Through the Salvos Wishes program and WITH YOUR HELP we hope to help bring Christmas to a few people in need in our community. HOW IT WORKS... Choose a gift that you would like to share online Gifts range from $5-15 (Cup of Kindness, Street Pack etc) to Wishes for Christmas Day including Christmas Lunch $29 and many others as well. Jo and Mick would like to match our Fizzio for Life community donations up to the value of $500 - that’s a Disadvantaged Youth Impact Gift of 50 meals!!!!. So to keep track of this please show the admin staff your proof of purchase. And add your bauble to the tree in the clinic with the amount written on it. We will keep a tally so let's get to it and make an impact for our community this Christmas!

18.01.2022 PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT Queensland Health has added five more venues to the list associated with visits from confirmed COVID-19 cases. Anyone who has been to ...these locations at the times specified should monitor their health and if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms, even mild, get tested. The new locations are: SUNNYBANK 18 August: Kingsfood Restaurant, Market Square Shopping Centre - 7pm-8.30pm GRACEVILLE 22 August: Graceville Netball Courts, Faulkner Park- 8am-4pm JIMBOOMBA 24 August: Perks Caf, Jimboomba Central Shopping Centre - 10am-10.45am 24 August: Woolworths, Jimboomba Central Shopping Centre - 11am-11.15am GREENBANK 26 August: Pub Lane Tavern, Greenbank Shopping Centre - 7.30pm-9.30pm MORE:

17.01.2022 Huge shout out to our physio team - Michael, Julie, Maathangi and Emily!! They give their all - day in and day out because they about you and giving the best treatment to get you on the road to better health. Thanks for all you do!!!

17.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Mr Peach and the whole team at Marsden State High School for the wonderful achievements at the Australian Education Awards! Secondary School of the Year, Secondary Principal of the Year, Professional Learning Program of the year plus recognition for many more programs and educators!!!! The passion and commitment to excellence at the school has always impressed us and is just one of the many reasons we are proud to be in partnership with them. Go Marsden and congratulations to Mr Peach!

16.01.2022 MEET YOUR WOMENS HEALTH TEAM Together Julie, our Senior Physiotherapist, and Kerryn, an Accredited Exercise Physiologist have a fantastic understanding of the womens body the changes that occur in all stages of life. They help with:... - Pregnancy, birth, postnatal, menopause - Pelvic pain - PCOS, Endometriosis, prolapse, - Incontinence concerns See more

16.01.2022 We will remember them...

16.01.2022 Help us fill the tree with donations to the Salvation Army Christmas Wishes - Buy online at - Show admin your proof of purchase - Add the dollar amount on the bauble on the tree and and Mick and Jo will match the total amount to give our local community something stellar!!

15.01.2022 ! We often hear new Mum’s asking when can I return to running. Whether they were a runner prior to pregnancy and they want to get back to their ‘running fix’, or they’re looking for a way to regain some fitness after delivery, it’s something that many want to do. However, it’s important to consider where your body is at before you take that first run Check out this blog for some great information to get you back doing what you love!

15.01.2022 The benefits of taking part in a cancer rehab program can be seen right from the early days of cancer treatment starting. Pinc&Steel certified physiotherapist, Julie, and Exercise Physiologist, Kerryn can help you through this time with a program that it designed for you, and your symptoms.

14.01.2022 Again something that is rarely spoken about - hidden, yet is so very common whether you have had a child or not. Here, Julie shares some of her wisdom on the condition.

13.01.2022 Enjoy all the things and have a Merry Christmas!!

13.01.2022 What is it that is stopping you from trying new things?

13.01.2022 ! But exercise is also really important not just for general health & wellbeing, but for helping to manage the pelvic floor condition that is most likely contributing to that unreliable bladder. Finding out exactly what type of exercise is appropriate for you is the best way to get you back in the swing of things without being fearful of making things worse, or having an embarrassing accident.Some ladies need pelvi...c floor strengthening, some need to learnt o relax their pelvic floor, and in many cases theres a need to learn to do other activities and general exercise a little differently to help that bladder out. There is so much information available out there, and its wonderful that we have access to so much information, however no online platforms can see you, determine what it is you need and make sure that youre doing what you need to do well. A visit to a trained Womens Health physiotherapist can help you get back on track making sure you have the right plan for your needs

13.01.2022 We are all a little excited about M's cake creation BUT no more than Emily who unbelievably has not eaten cake in a month!! Is this even possible?? Stay tuned for National Cake day fun tomorrow!!

12.01.2022 On average men die 6 years younger than women. But it does not have to be that way as for the most part, the reason for death is preventable. If you take action for your health today, you can live a longer life!! Here is how: ~ ~ The risk for developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke can all be reduced if you live an active lifestyle. Aim for 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week. ... ~ ~ Men generally don’t talk and share there thoughts and feelings. You don’t have to - Just checking in with a mate from time to time and catching up really makes a difference to your mental health. ~ ~ Having a listening ear, or even just sitting with someone shows you care and can save a life. But also gives you a feeling of worth as well. ~ ~ Find out about what illnesses can affect men. Your doctor will start talking to you about your prostate at 50 - but why? Sometimes it needs to be checked sooner, for example if you are from an african origin. Know your risks and take the initiative in conversation with your doctor. ~ ~ Know what is normal for you and check regularly if there are any changes AND if there is something different follow up - don’t leave it until next week. Get the support you need. We are here to help with keeping you active and moving forward. Check in with us today.

12.01.2022 These heat packs are !!! ....and they help out a local charity that is doing their part to help others around the world. Check the link to purchase through our online shop or of course pop into the clinic to grab one there.

12.01.2022 We did it everyone!! We made it above and beyond our target of $500 - in fact with all of your contributions, we smashed it with a total a donation of $619 !! Mick & Jo have made their promised donation for the Disadvantaged Youth Impact Project - witnessed by admin of course!! Thank you all for your contributions to achieve this amount - It is mind-blowing that this was even possible. ... As a side note - don't we all look fabulously festive in our hawaiian shirts!

10.01.2022 PELVIC FLOOR exercises may be simple but are you doing them right? Check out our latest blog to learn what simple exercises can help to strengthen your pelvic floor.

10.01.2022 CAPTION THIS What is M saying here? Not only do our physios help with pain - they know stuff too and like to share their wealth of knowledge!! Part of all rehab programs here at Fizzio for Life is education because we have found that the more you know about what is happening to cause your problem, the more you improve as you will understand the why behind your rehab plan. ... Have a chat to us today and ask us WHY!! See more

10.01.2022 As one wise clinician said: "Those who throw axes together stay together" We had a blast celebrating 2020 together yesterday. Some got bullseyes, some did not... everyone still smiling!... Disclaimer: no staff were injured at this years staff Christmas Party. Everyone still has all fingers, toes and heads....

10.01.2022 COVID cautious: Have you been to NSW or Victoria over the holidays or had visitors from these areas over the break? If so, please contact our office before attending your appointment to discuss. And remember, if you have any signs of illness or have been around someone who has, please postpone your appointment until you have been tested and are feeling well. Thank you for helping keep our community safe.

10.01.2022 hmmm....maybe sometimes we need a little push in the right direction to help fix our bodies...

09.01.2022 You have probably heard about the new COVID cases overnight. We just wanted to reiterate the messages about ensuring you help keep your family safe by being extra vigilant about social distancing at all times. And also by getting tested if you have any signs or symptoms of being unwell. Here is an updated link to the testing clinics.

09.01.2022 - ? A safe and consistent exercise program is a key part of managing symptoms, this means that it needs to be modifiable so that it can be adapted for different levels of pain throughout a monthly cycle. Read the blog link below for more information.

08.01.2022 Updated list of locations re COVID

08.01.2022 Covid Update includes locations at Waterford West. Please read the list carefully and if you have been to any of these locations please let us know and we will change your appt to Telehealth

08.01.2022 If you are expecting a bub in the near future, Julie shares just a few things that it might pay to be aware of while exercising!! Remember to ALWAYS listen to your body!!

07.01.2022 YIOTEIT Not a magician although I understand your confusion....

07.01.2022 = Loss of muscle mass = Loss of weight, or low Body Mass Index (BMI) alongside the presence of reduced food intake. Both can affect people with any cancer type and has been associated with a lower likelihood of survival, decreased likelihood of completing treatment and a lower quality of life. ... Good news is that when diagnosed both can be treated with a combination of nutrition therapy and exercise! The exercise component is key for the nutrition intervention to improve. A new position statement has just been released by COSA (Clinical Oncology Society of Australia) for the treatment of these conditions by health professionals. Ask us about it and how we can help!!

07.01.2022 !! Need to find a toilet - all 19 000 public toilets in Australia found in the 1 place - website or download the app

06.01.2022 Any ideas what your pelvic floor does? Julie, our Womens Health Physio, explains all about where it is, what is does and how to make it work for you! Let us know if you have any burning questions or womens health topics you would like answered from our team of experts.

06.01.2022 So you have found out that you are expecting a baby. Such an exciting time and so many things to think about, to plan and to arrange for the arrival of your little one. Don't forget about YOU and the massive changes your body is dealing with. If you are experiencing pain or have any questions about how your body is adapting or what you should be limiting doing, we are here to support you.

06.01.2022 November Monthly Newsletter -

05.01.2022 Every five minutes in Australia, someone is diagnosed with diabetes. These numbers are even higher if you consider the number of people who go undiagnosed. This World Diabetes Day, we are asking all Australians to consider their risk and make their health a priority - it could save your life. Watch Associate Professor Chen's full interview on The Morning Show below.

05.01.2022 to have the following benefits! Exercise will help keep: Aussie men connected, happier and healthier for longer. ... Chronic diseases at bay, and keep on top of your weight You strong and on your feet, improving balance You sleeping well Your heart working Manage stress and anxiety Want to work out the best way for you to be active for your health. Contact us today 3805 3223

05.01.2022 New update regarding the social distancing changes coming into effect immediately.

05.01.2022 We have made it to the end of September and our Women's Health Month!! We hope that you have enjoyed learning a little more about some of the women's topics that we have covered - Pelvic Floor, Incontinence, Pelvic Pain and Pregnancy (albeit very briefly). Please don't hesitate to contact us to have a chat about how we can help with physiotherapy or exercise physiology. We would love to see you improve your health!

04.01.2022 Wondering what is safe to do while you are growing a baby? ~ Is there anything that you shouldn't be doing? ~ Anything that you need to strengthen? ~ What about if you experience pain?

04.01.2022 Some great tips here for recognising early signs of Parkinson's Disease. Know them for yourself or to get help early for your family members. If you think you have Parkinson's Disease, ensure you see your GP to work out a plan of action for treatment and start a regular exercise program to prevent further symptoms.

04.01.2022 It was fantastic to see smiling faces leaving our first CANmove class yesterday. We started slow, to manage a gradual progression of cardiovascular, resistance and balance exercises. With a few laughs as well, the endorphins were flowing. This is program subsidised by Logan Councils LiveWell Logan program. Click here for their full range of low cost programs. Come join us, if you have cancer or are a cancer survivor at 10am Tuesdays. Call to book your place!

03.01.2022 !!! She is seriously a machine - always putting in 1 more rep - either she is extremely goal focused or she consistently cant count!! Alex has been with us for a year now and has a unique treatment plan seeing our Exercise Physiologist in clinic, at the park and via telehealth where needed. This has meant that through all of the Covid challenges she has kept making strength and fitness gains. Her transfers are getting easier and her confidenc...e in her own ability is building. We cant wait to see Alex continue to shine like the bright star that she is!!

03.01.2022 Sometimes little things bring big smiles!! We are ALWAYS here to help you get the most out of your treatment - including occasionally settling crying babies. This time it was Mickayla's turn ... I have my hand up for the next little one that needs a cuddle!!

02.01.2022 Game Time!!! Match the pet with their owner!! So it was International Day of the Dog yesterday so keeping with the spirit today we thought we would have a bit of fun because there are a few gorgeous pets in the Fizzio family!! Pet Parents: Michael and Jo Mickayla Adam Alyse M Emily ... Kerryn Nathan Match your pair and pop it in the comments!!

02.01.2022 For those who blinked - Its September !! -

02.01.2022 ScoMos wife Jen, reminds us to make that appointment!!

02.01.2022 Today M is rocking the birthday hat!! If you catch her without it make sure give her a gentle reminder that it is Fizzio tradition that it is worn ALL DAY on your birthday!! Oh and wish a happy birthday as well

02.01.2022 Important mask request. In the interests of being COVID-cautious all physiotherapy patients are being asked to wear masks during their sessions.we are able to provide a mask if you dont have one. It is a management decision until we know more about community transmission in Logan. Mask wearing will mean we can feel more confident that we are providing face to face therapy safely for both our team and our vulnerable patients. Our decision is based on the latest scientif...ic evidence on the efficacy of masks when being worn in close proximity to others as we are unable to practice social distancing as a physiotherapist. We know they are a nuisance but this is a short term inconvenience and discomfort to help keep our teams and others safe. If you refuse to wear a mask you are welcome to seek treatment elsewhere. We will not be apologetic about this. For the moment as we are able to socially distance for our exercise physiologists masks in the gym area are optional. We thank you for your support, and we assure you we are continuously upgrading our policy and systems to provide the safest workplace and clinical environment possible.

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