FLEX Mummy Bootcamp in Gold Coast, Queensland | Fitness boot camp
FLEX Mummy Bootcamp
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 478 110 993
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24.01.2022 Women are amazing when they support each other! How could you support one of your girlfriends? Your sister? Your mother better today?
23.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the festivities Keep safe! See you all in the new year!... #merrychristmas
23.01.2022 Lock down got you down? Sick of the gym? Need something FRESH!? Want an affordable unique to you workout program?... I can train you ANYWHERE in the world! If you have a mobile phone, I got you! I have 5 spots available for in-app training in the comfort of your own home! What’s in it for you? Tailor made workouts (by me) to suit your fitness level. Each exercise is demonstrated & modifications given where needed. Follow along workout calendar Habit goals to smash Nutritional Guidance & support In-app chat 24/7 [email protected] - This offer is for women only- #femalefitness #femaleempowerment #femalepersonaltrainer #trainwithme #homefitness #homeworkout #homeexercises #fitnessapp #fitapp #howtogetfit #lockdown #lockdownfitness #getfit #moveyourbody #deadlift #gymrat
23.01.2022 I love the idea of shelf care that can help with self care What do you have on your shelf? Is is cluttered? Is your pot plan dead?... Create a SHELF CARE station to allow better self care
22.01.2022 : Meet Chantal! Mum to THREE busy kids under 7. Friday was pupil free day at school. Chantal showed up with her small entourage, ready to sweat! ... I know, having two kids of my own, how much work it takes to get ready, get everyone changed, fed, snacks packed, pram loaded, extra toys ... all just to leave the house! Then it’s getting everyone into the car!! So when I see Chantal still showing up, still making herself a priority, I applaud her! I applaud all mums who chase their kids & their goals! It is not selfish to make your fitness & health a priority. Thankfully Flex! Mummy Bootcamps babysitters where there to receive all the kiddies so Chantal & fellow Mummy’s could get some much needed Me time flextraining.com.au
22.01.2022 Have you ever stared in amazement at kids moving naturally about at the playground? Their natural ability to hang, pull up & squat. Their bodies naturally move with ease & flexibility... so did ours, until we stopped viewing moving our bodies as a necessity.... : Buy new active wear! Refresh your playlist! Sign up for a fun fitness class. Set a new fitness goal! Buddy up! : Non-scale victories- Celebrate the wins, even the small ones! They will build on each other each day & soon you’ll be moving your body everyday & loving it! #moveyourbody #moveyourbodyeveryday #athlete #fitnessmotivation #gymnastics #momlife #kidsofinstagram #monkeybar #girlsareawesome #playgroundfun #playgroundworkout #fitnessjourney #fitbit #squats #animalflow
21.01.2022 Got a wobbly lunge? Or muscle imbalances? Unilateral training may help to avoid overtraining or overuse of the dominant side of your body. When doing bilateral movements of both sides, the dominant arm or leg may be able to compensate for the weaker limb, leading to imbalances in training.... Work to your weaker side, always! #unilateraltraining #unilateralexercises #muscleimbalance #runamoktights #moveyourbody #muscles #workout #fitnesstips
20.01.2022 . . : I will be featuring #realmomlife stories. Stories that I hope will encourage other mothers to reach out & start a conversation. You don’t have to feel alone in this this called motherhood ... My name is Cindy and I am the very proud Mumma to 3 gorgeous boys now aged 10yrs, 8yrs & 5yrs. My parenting journey has not been an easy one right from the start. Our eldest two boys have Autism, one of whom has more struggles being apart of this world than our other son does. , ? My boys have taught me the most important part about being a Mum is: ! I, like many mothers, never saw myself as important enough to take care of myself. I always saw it as weakness or being selfish ? If you don’t take care of yourself, WHO WILL? When you don’t get enough sleep, (which let’s face it we all don’t) your brain can not function properly, and it downward spiral very quickly. I have always had anxiety as a child and this has now amplified by having my own children. My biggest changing point when I hit rock bottom mentally was going to see my GP and making a mental health plan. This seriously changed my life for the better. Realising that you need to take care of yourself seems elementary, but many of us are continually putting ourselves on the back burner. You will better cope with the stresses of motherhood when you allow yourself to be first. It’s not selfish. It doesn’t make you a bad mum! It makes you a better mum Thank you to @cindywalters_mk_artist for allowing me to tell your #momlifeunfiltered story!!
20.01.2022 . The minute you become pregnant you enter into this invisible arena with every other mother. When you enter this arena you expect smiling, warm embraces & welcome balloons... Instead you’re likely met with:... Unsolicited advice. Judgement. Fake sympathy & condescension. The motherhood arena is filled with gladiators getting ready to hit you with big questions like: Will you breastfeed? - INSERT OPINION. Will you sleep train? - INSERT OPINION. Will you co sleep? - INSERT OPINION. Will you feed baby formula? - INSERT OPINION. Will you use cloth nappies? - INSERT OPINION. You can be sure that whatever your answer is, momma gladiator is ready to slash you down at the knees. Pregnant & new mothers don’t need your opinions. They don’t appreciate the judgement- but likely too terrified to disagree. How many new mums continue to struggle because they felt guilt tripped or judged by friends & family. Feeling the pressure to be perfect. Being a new mum is incredibly overwhelming as it is. Why not offer support, offer kind words & encouragement. Help clean the house. Make food. Hold baby so she can shower. SHE alone is the mother. There are no perfect mothers. Even a white rose, has a black shadow.
19.01.2022 My day doesn’t start until I’ve had my cup of coffee How do you start your morning? #coffee #coffeelover #coffeefirst #happythursday
18.01.2022 THEY ARE WATCHING YOU Disclaimer: This post is not to shame anyone, but rather be an important reminder! Children see all that you do & don’t do.... They watch you on your phone, they watch you watching TV, they watch you on the toilet, they watch the way you eat, the way you talk to yourself & others. Your children are YOUR biggest reflectors. Reflection Questions for you: What behaviours are you modelling for your child? Good or bad. What habits are you instilling in them? Good or bad. Being a parent is tough. Being present in the moment for every HEY MUMMY WATCH THIS for the gazillionth time is tough. However, we could all do better. I fail every day as a mother, thankfully I get to try again with each new day. #motherhood #motherhoodishard #motherhoodproblems #momlife #parenting #parenthood #payattention #kidsofinstagram #kids #childrenfirst #momguiltisreal #exercise #fitmummy #modelgoodbehavior #goodbehavior #goodparenting #positiveparenting
16.01.2022 Remember, we all start somewhere & every single momma out there has their own unique journey to walk. I stood before the mirror in those cool, massive maternity knickers many times after my second baby & wanted to disappear. I wanted the world to just gobble me & my wobbly butt right up. Lots of people will guilt trip you into feeling bad about feeling that way about your postpartum body & it was the minimising of my feelings, the guilt tripping & shaming that aggravated my p...ostnatal depression. So I’m an advocate for: YOU DO YOU! It’s not shallow to miss your pre baby body. It’s not vain to want to fit into your skinny jeans again. It DEFINITELY doesn’t make you a bad mother to grieve your old life!!! YOU DO YOU. #postpartumjourney #postpartumweightloss #postpartumbody #postpartumdepression #postnatalexercise #postnatalbody #momswhojudge #dontbeabitch #dontjudge #youdoyou #momoftwo #momguilt #momguiltisreal #motherhoodunplugged #unfilteredmotherhood #triggered
16.01.2022 I think I am a better mother by showing my kids that I can commit to something, work hard at it and achieve it, no matter how hard it seems. It also means time for me as a mum to connect with myself, my friends and nature." N.P
14.01.2022 Fitness plateaus... we ALL hit them. When you hit a wall, you’ll either stay exactly where you are, or you’ll need to switch up your game to climb over it. #fitnesstips #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnessquestions #qanda #exercisetips
14.01.2022 ’ ... That’s the lie we so easily believe. The silent, devastating thought that sneaks up on us, whispering destruction into our lives. Comparison causes us to judge ourselves, berate ourselves, feel resentment towards our spouse, children or situation BASED ON WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS. ... What we have suddenly isn’t good enough. @tesjahnig spoke a POWERFUL message during her Tea with Tess. She spoke on COMPARED TO WHAT?! When you feel too fat- Well, compared to what? Don’t have enough money! Well, compared to what?! I’m a bad mother... Well, compared to what? She spoke about how we feel gratitude for our lives UNTIL we look at social media or other people’s lives & suddenly we feel worthless. It was a beautiful reminder to go within. To see your anointed gifts. To STAY THE PATH. YOUR path, not someone else’s. To go on an exciting journey to find out just WHO YOU ARE when you aren’t trying to be someone else. Your TRUE SELF & power is NOT in someone else’s life & achievements but the ones you’ve been blessed with. I’m so grateful for all these influential women like Tes, who are boldly spreading important messages such as these . . . . . . . . #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #galatians6 #anointing #blessingsonblessings #dontcompareyourself #youareworthy #selflove #selfcare #journeyoflife #godisgood #teawithtess
13.01.2022 The DEADLIFT. A full body lift that strengthens your hamstrings, glutes , back & core! It’ll also develop your grip strength. If your goal is fat loss, lifting weights and resistance training will burn more fat than just dieting or dieting with cardio exercise alone.... Be sure to practise safe form before attempting a deadlift, if you are new to the exercise! #deadlift #deadlifts #howtodeadlift #musclesused #muscles #glutesworkout #fullbodyworkout #fullbodyworkouts #resistancetraining #burnfat #gymlife #girlswholift #girlswithmuscle #womensupportingwomen #femalefitness #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning
13.01.2022 Building a supportive group of women sets my soul on fire Flex Mummy Bootcamp Brisbane squad
12.01.2022 The Ingredients for a Day: Low energy. Low Mood. High stress & anxiety.... Gently spoon in busy kids, messy house & that dog you constantly trip over & you can be sure you’re headed for a hair pulling melt down. Beat the storm by adding in a generous drizzle of regular exercise! Increased energy! Boosted mood! Relieves stress & anxiety! Find your tribe & begin enjoying exercise again! You DESERVE IT!
12.01.2022 Which glasses do you have on? Be selective, as you would choosing a real pair of sunnies. Art credit: @positivelypresent ... #growthroughitbook See more
12.01.2022 : How often do we get caught up in trying to mould our kids into OUR idea of perfect or the right kind of kid... Sit back & watch them, get to your child. Do you know what brings a smile to their face? What makes them laugh? Their favourite colour?... Join in on what THEY think is interesting & fun, you may find yourself learning something As parents we are their guides. To keep them safe & nurture acceptable behaviour, but who they are at their core is an exciting journey that we are blessed with watching unfold before us . . . . . . #childrenarethefuture #kidslife #parenthood #parenthood_unveiled #parenthoodunplugged #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodjourney #dontjudge #letkidsbekids
11.01.2022 ? Do something for YOURSELF today! Something that brings you joy, something that relaxes you or something that’ll help FUTURE you! Don’t let partners, family , friends or kids keep you small.... YOU ARE WORTH IT! Show up FOR YOURSELF!! . . . . #showupforyourself #beseen #dontstaysmall #selfcare #selflove #selflovejourney #youareworthy #worthyoflove #goalsetting #beyourself #perfectlyimperfect Infographic: @realheidipowell
10.01.2022 , & : Welcome mum @mrs_love.b ! I wanted to share her inspirational motherhood story of patience, fear & resilience. , ?... I suffered a miscarriage & then waited a very long time for my daughter, Tori-Jayde, yet as much as I still longed for a child, I was fearful! I’d find myself thinking: What happens if I don’t sleep? How will I function? How will I know what to do? Don’t tell me it just happens naturally?! Needless to say, it really does just happen naturally! Tori fits right into our lives, like a piece of a puzzle that was missing ? I am a naturally anxious person & I had to increase my dose of my SSRI to help me manage my anxiety and symptoms of postnatal depression. ? ! I have found that mothers don’t like to speak out about these things or they seem embarrassed? We live in a time where mental health & wellness is an absolute necessity, especially when you are a new mother! Many taboos have developed around PND and antidepressants and it needs to come to an end! ? If you are struggling & you need to take prescription medication then you take it! It’s helped me in more ways than one . I enjoy motherhood and my time with my daughter. ’ ! My daughter is my inspiration behind my little business (Glam) BaBeez. I love the fact that she is my muse! She has inspired me to make beautiful handmade baby accessories and sensory play toys. May Bonnie’s story inspire you & encourage you to BE TRUE TO YOUR REALITY! There is no shame in needing medical assistance, there is no shame in admitting you’re not coping & there is NO SHAME in not being able to do it all!
10.01.2022 -: An appreciation of one's own worth or virtue. It’s OKAY to take time for yourself. It’s OKAY not to have your every single second of your day planned. It’s OKAY to sit & read a book, watch a movie, write in your journal, meditate, draw, go for a walk or sing badly at the top of your lungs to your favourite song!... Stop being afraid or guilty to look after YOU!
06.01.2022 ! Today’s #realmomlife story comes from @tsauce321 (Theresa) , ?... What gets me is how overwhelming motherhood can be. Yes, it’s my choice to be a mother, but no one tells you the truth about how stressful it can be! There are (many) days when the house is an absolute mess. Work is stressful & I struggle to find time to get dinner(or anything) done. ? When I feel like it’s all too much I remind myself to take a step back. To cherish these moments. To make memories & appreciate the little things. If I can do that, then I know on those really hard days I can look back on them for comfort and refuge. ? The housework...it can come later every mum is doing their best all the time, every mum puts their family before them, every mum is worthy and a true hero to their kids. Theresa, like so many mums feel the pressure to DO IT ALL, to be the perfect mother. The perfect mother is an illusion! With these #realmomlife stories I want to encourage other mums to step forward & tell their story If YOU have a REAL motherhood story that you want to share, DM me . . . . . #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #realmotherhood #unfilteredmotherhood #rawmotherhood #momguilt #momguiltisreal #mumlife #mums #mothersofinstagram #reallife
05.01.2022 This year is like none other but you will survive this. It’s easy to look around and feel like giving up. It’s easy to feel trapped & hopeless. It’s easy to complain. Look around you. Find something that you’re grateful for.... Your warm house, comfy bed, breath in your lungs, legs that work, the blue sky, the rain.... there are plenty things to help you shift your focus. It’s too easy to get swept up in hating this year. Take a stand. YOU GET ONE LIFE!!! How are you going to turn this around for yourself and make it matter? #attitudeofgratitude #bethankfuleveryday #stopcomplaining #2020goals #positivelife #youwillsurvive #makeplans
05.01.2022 No matter what’s going on in your life, you are ALWAYS worthy.
03.01.2022 The word I’m projecting forth into 2021 is IMPACT. Impact as a verb means to Have an effect on something or someone and that’s my exact plan for Mummy Bootcamp starting up here on the Gold Coast. 2020 allowed my business to touch the lives of mums in Brisbane & it made my heart full.... I am dedicated to helping mothers reconnect with themselves through fitness so that mums can feel EMPOWERED and ENERGISED to better cope with the demands of parenthood. I will strive to impact the lives of all the mothers/women who will step into my circle. This is my word, hope & vision for 2021. God goes before me.
03.01.2022 ! ANY exercise that gets you moving & raises your heart rate is beneficial to your mental & physical wellbeing! Aerobic exercise helps diminish symptoms of anxiety & can help combat depression!... Box fit definitely helped me release a lot of pent up anxiety once my second child was born! Taking time for yourself IS NOT SELFISH. It doesn’t make you a bad mother. I’ll keep repeating this until the cows come home
01.01.2022 Do you incorporate resistance bands into your exercise routine? Bands are fantastic for creating resistance to bodyweight exercises & definitely should not be overlooked at being easy Bands are also great for activating muscles to prepare them for intense exercise ... #resistancebands #resistancetraining #bandexercises #resistancebandsworkout #muscleactivation #groupexercise
01.01.2022 ... Your day starts before the sun rises. The silent warrior of the night shift... Sometimes you’ve only managed to lay your weary head down for an hour before the shift begins again. ... Cold coffee in one hand & baby in the other you continue to perform this amazing juggling act of getting everyone else ready for the day. You wave goodbye to the troops as they leave for the day & turn your attention back to your cooing mess maker You’re tired. You question how on earth you’ll make it through this phase, leap, teething, growing pains alive... You’re tired, but you’re trying and that is enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Tag a fellow mum who is down in the trenches that needs to feel the love today! . . . . . . . Art credit: @positivelypresent #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #realmotherhood #postpartumjourney #postpartumdepression #postpartumanxiety #singlemum #momlife #sahm #sahmlife #sisterhoodispowerful #youareenough #tiredmom #tiredmama #tiredmommy #mumlife #momsplaining
01.01.2022 *NOT selling anything!!* I’m on the hunt for REAL MOM stories. The real NITTY GRITTY realities of motherhood & all its glory. My business proudly supports PANDA(perinatal anxiety & depression) & every two weeks I would like to share your stories. Stories to help other new mums, help kick off those difficult conversations & let other mums know they aren’t alone.... If you KNOW of a mum that you’d like to nominate or are that mum with a story/message/ experience to share please comment below & I’ll be in touch
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