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25.01.2022 SETTING EVEN BETTER GOALS: START SMALL FN’Simple Most of us are pretty bad at goal setting.... It can be tempting to try to overhaul our lives when we have a fitness goal we want to achieve. You don't have to make a huge number of changes at once. You can start by making the smallest changes that will have the biggest effect. FN’Why Let’s take the example of weight loss. When we have a weight loss goal in mind, we may promise ourselves that we will: Start tracking our food intake Set a super high step target Stop eating out Start doing more cardio Add in some yoga, journalling, mediation because we heard it was good for us We could probably do this for about three days before it's all a bit too much. But then what? We give up. Feel like we’ve failed Then we are back at square one with no motivation to make a change. Instead of starting big, start small. You don't have to make a huge number of changes at once to see results. Take it step by step and remember that small successes snowball into larger ones. It’ll also help you build your self confidence earlier on. FN’How Choose a couple of small actions that will take you closer towards your goals. This could be: Eating a piece of fruit each day Getting to bed at a certain time Prepping lunch instead of eating out Once you have a target to focus on, be sure to keep track of it. Tick off the days that you do manage to follow through. If you fall short one day, that’s fine. Why did this happen? What will you do next time? Set small goals. Keep track of your actions Reflect and reassess. That’s a more effective way to reach your goals, one step at a time. Goal setting and measuring progress are two key components in the initial consultation when you first sign up to FNC. To learn how to set better goals and measure your progress, contact us and start working with your own nutrition coach.
24.01.2022 WHY CHECKING IN WITH A COACH IS IMPORTANT During our weekly check-ins, clients get feedback from their coach. Equally important is the chance that clients have to reflect on their week, their efforts and their progress.... We ask clients to answer questions like: - What went well this week? - What were your wins this week? - What did you learn? - What barriers did you face? - What do you feel you could improve on? - Is there anything you'd like to work on next week? From there, the coach provides feedback and strategies to help overcome any barriers or to help improve nutritional behaviours and practices. So what do the weekly check-ins provide? ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONAL REFLECTION PERSONALISED FEEDBACK Working with a Fortitude Nutrition Coach is far more than just meal plans and macros. It's a collaborative journey to help you develop your skills, habits, autonomy and self-confidence for long term success. Send us a message to find out more!
24.01.2022 FNC x MACABOLIC MINICUT October 2020 Intake Spots are now available. If you like the idea of dieting slightly more aggressively but for less time, taking advantage of shorter term motivation, getting the dieting over and done with, then this is for you!... This is a short and slightly aggressive fat loss program consisting of 6 short weeks of dieting separated by a 1 week pre-diet primer week and a 1 week post-diet maintenance phase to help you safely transition back into normal eating whilst maintaining the results you achieve. Throughout the process you’ll receive weekly check-in based feedback and on-going program adjustments to ensure progress is made as efficiently and effectively as possible through individual responses. Click the link for more information and to sign up. SPOTS ARE LIMITED AND SELL OUT FAST
23.01.2022 SCALE WEIGHT FLUCTUATES Even if you’ve been legitimately in a Calorie deficit, the scales don’t always show it immediately. Sometimes you have to wait for the scales to ‘play ball’. The result on the scales is often delayed behind at the start of a fat loss phase, due to various shorter-term factors which include... ... 1. You ate more fibre or even just more food volume. Starting the fat loss phase with a focus on plants to fill you up and stay full is great and just keep in mind that it takes a little more time to be digested, and as a result, a larger mass of undigested ‘bulk’ is simply sitting in your guts. 2. You ate more sodium (salt) - the rate you excrete fluid is lower, resulting in some fluid-related weight retention. 3. Your sleep has been off and/or you’re under some stress - stress-related hormones are a little elevated, resulting in increased related fluid weight retention. 4. Spikes in weight that are not related to fat, have occurred due to the influence of the menstrual cycle. Troubleshooting 1-3 weeks: Monitor other signs of progress - waist/hip measurements, how clothes fit, how you feel, energy levels, sleep, exercise performance and see if you can notice any signs that you are making progress, even if the scales haven’t changed yet. Troubleshooting 4+ weeks: At this point, if no weight loss has occurred and you're confident you have not gained muscle, it's time to consider why a Calorie deficit is not present consistently, despite what you might think. Audit your food intake, consider any extras,sauces, weekends. Important: Yes, scales are limited as a reliable measure of fat loss. Scales don't take muscle mass gains into account, they certainly don’t define our self-worth and a specific weight is never actually the true goal unless you’re competing in a weight class sport. When considered as a piece of information and a trend among various sources of data, scale weight can be helpful & useful. Some of our clients monitor scale weight, others don’t. It’s certainly not a necessity of the coaching process. If you are ready to start working on a new goal, contact us today. See more
21.01.2022 HAZELNUT SPREADS This comparison was requested a while ago in our private TeamFNC group which all clients get access to (shameless plug). We were shocked when we saw how many hazelnut spreads exist. Who knew?... Anyway what's your fav and why? We've presented the info with no bias, until you hit the image with text, then we’ll give you some bias and opinion. Pana annoyed us with their high price and "superiority" vibe with their marketing. organic (not shown to be better) no refined sugar (they use coconut sugar, same same still an added sugar) guilt free (should apply to all foods) Honestly, across the spreads, they are so similar. Choose based on preference, taste and price. NOYA spread is different, it's just nuts (85% hazelnuts + 15% cashews), so you get more nutrients per serve. However it depends on your purpose. Is a small serve of hazelnut spread really for the purpose of getting in some vitamin E and potassium, or is it enjoyment? If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
21.01.2022 VOLUME & PURPOSE Who loves a cuppa and a biccie? We certainly do and when the purpose is really feeling like a cuppa tea and a short bread biscuit or 2, we can honour our feelings and allow ourselves to enjoy what we desire.... However if our purpose is hunger and we are reaching for the closest thing and that happens to be a biscuit, then the choice isn’t going to match our purpose. Will a biccie or 2 satisfy hunger? A big part of feeling full is the amount of food we eat, the size of the meal, the volume. Plants play a massive role in this and as you can see, they do it with very few Calories. Feeling a little bit of hunger but a strong desire to enjoy a cuppa and a biccie - why not combine them together and enjoy what you want, as well as a big hit of plants. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
21.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES Episode 141 - What are 6 Festive Season Nutrition Tips? Episode 142 - How to Improve Your Eating Experience LISTEN, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE #TeamFNC #Nutrition #Podcast
19.01.2022 THE PALATABILITY SPECTRUM On average, ensure the majority of your diet falls in the middle of the palatability spectrum to give yourself the best chance of consistently sticking to a healthful, Calorie-conscious approach. Flavours and sauces can help make your meals more enjoyable, can help make plants more tasty and there are heaps of lower calorie options available.... Just be aware of sauces, if not controlling portions we can be adding hundreds of Calories to our day, even with small amounts of some sauces such as sweet chilli and mayo. If you don’t want to reduce sauce portions, give the lower Calorie options a go (see the second slide). Just be aware that there is a spectrum, from meals that are too bland and boring, which will be hard to stick to all the way through to foods that are super delicious and hard not to overeat. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
17.01.2022 BREAKFAST TOPPINGS FN'Simple Consuming your preferred 'superfood toppings' on top of a 'protein & plant fibre' diet foundation is fine. Just be aware that they're nothing special, the idea of a ‘superfood’ is marketing. The foundation of your diet matters more. ... The toppings can be expensive and some are Calorie dense so be aware of what you are eating and look past the ‘superfood’ label. FN'why Many of these 'superfood’ toppings have some benefits. Often they're high in vitamins, minerals and 'healthy fats'. But they're certainly no better than a whole food diet foundation and should be viewed as of lower importance to fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. If you don’t eat oily fish, flaxseeds can be a source of ALA - Omega 3s which is worth noting. FN'Opinion. WE think that chia, flax, PB, and pumpkin seeds are all great staple go-to options. Hemp can be a alternative to chia but it's a little expensive and the taste of hemp seeds isn’t superior. Coconut and cocoa is probably less desirable due to saturated fat content, however fine in small amounts and again we are talking about a sprinkle as flavour and texture. If a sprinkle of cocoa and coconut improves the taste of your base meal, then they might fit your purpose. Goji berries are just another berry but dried. Regular fresh fruit and berries does the job just fine for fewer Calories, money and greater food volume, so we’d go with fresh fruit. You can have all the powders and toppings under the sun but if you're not eating your fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and controlling your total Calories then you're "missing the forest for the trees". If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
17.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES Episode 139 - What Should You Do After Overeating? Episode 140 - What is Dichotomous Thinking? LISTEN, SHARE and FOLLOW #TeamFNC #Podcast #Nutrition
17.01.2022 INCLUSIVE NUTRITION Following a restrictive diet can certainly work in the short term for weight loss by placing people in a Caloric deficit. For long term results and overall diet enjoyment, we recommend finding a way to include your favourite foods and move towards your goals at the same time.... We want you to break the cycle of complete restriction and complete inclusion to find a middle ground that you enjoy. No matter what your preferences are, we’ll support you with strategies and options that suit you individually. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
17.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES: Practicing Self Control and Forbidden Foods Episode 117 - How to Practice Self Control and Re-Introduce Indulgences Episode 118 - How to Reduce Your "Forbidden Foods" List New Episodes Every Thursday! Listen, Subscribe and Share!! Tag us @fortitudenutritioncoaching #TeamFNC #Podcast #Nutrition
16.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES: Decaf and Limitless Episode 115: What is Decaf Coffee? Episode 116: What is the Limitless Model?... #TeamFNC #Nutrition #Podcast
16.01.2022 MOTIVATION Sometimes we don’t feel like doing the things that move us closer towards our goals. For example:... -We might have a long day and work and not be in the mood for our gym sesh, even though we really want to get strong. -We might overeat at social situations, even though we have a fat loss goal. That is part of being human. You are not faulty, you aren’t lacking motivation and you don’t need more willpower. Struggling to make a change has little with you being a ‘weak’ person, and much more to do with your psychological and physiological drives. Here are some key points about motivation: -There are different forms of motivation - it isn’t just one thing. -We are under many psychological and physiological drives at any given moment. You are not ‘weak’ for struggling to make a change. -Some forms of motivation are stronger than others. -Asking yourself why you want to make a change and tying it to who you are as a person can help you tap into your self-control. Want to read more about motivation? See our blog You Don't Need More Motivation. Head to our website to continue reading or go through the linktree in our bio. See more
15.01.2022 COTTAGE CHEESE Are you a sweet or savoury cottage cheese connoisseur? . Cottage cheese is that kid in school that always gets picked last but who ends up taking the hottest girl to year 12 formal. ... . The underdog. . The quiet achiever. . The tortoise. . Cottage cheese is FNCertified, FNSexy and heavily underrated! Cottage cheese is: -low Calorie per bite -mostly comprised of protein (high-quality essential amino acid-rich protein...blah blah nutrition jargon) -highly adaptable, & suitable to both sweet and savory meals. -convenient -zero-cook And delicious! Ok ok the texture is clumpy, it's certainly not creamy like yogurt. It’s just a little rough around the edges is all. . Try it a few different ways before you knock it. . No you don’t have to eat cottage cheese if come to us for nutrition coaching. We will understand if you don’t like it. That’s ok, you’re an individual with individual tastes. We’ll help you hit your goals with or without cottage cheese. Contact us today to learn about nutrition coaching. See more
14.01.2022 BIG ROCKS The Pareto Principle suggests that if you were to list 10 of your habits or items on a to-do list, two of them will turn out to be worth more than the other eight put together. Our 20% is known as the vital few or essential.... The other 80% of things are the trivial many. When it comes to health and fitness, the vital few that we suggest you build habits around are: Protein and plants Sleep 7-9 hours a night Hydration Manage stress Patience and consistency Regular physical activity These are our BIG ROCKS. The trivial many are also known as the pebbles or sand. These are things like nutrient timing, meal frequency, worrying about sweet vs white potato or brown vs white rice, supplements or other 1%ers that don’t have a great return on investment. Read more in our blog by following the linktree in our bio or copy/paste the web address: See more
14.01.2022 EATING WHILST WORKING The Boardroom Breakfast. The Laptop Lunch. The Desktop Dinner.... Your challenge for the next week is to carve out 15 minutes for yourself. Eat your meals in peace. Enjoy them. Notice the flavours, textures, smells, etc. Try to notice when you are starting to feel full and satisfied. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
14.01.2022 REALISTIC > EDUCATIONAL > PRACTICAL At FNC, we provide you with the tools in a way that suits you. Our job is to SIMPLIFY NUTRITION.... Nutrition can be complicated with all the different diets and beliefs out there. Our approach is to help you find a way that suits you instead of trying to change your life to suit the diet. It's personalised based on your: Goals Lifestyle Schedule Training and Activity Level and most importantly THE FOODS YOU LIKE!! If you want to find a simple way of eating that suits you, contact us today and start working with us.
14.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES Episode 147 - Is Microwaving Your Food Bad For You? Episode 148 - How To Feel More Satisfied With Your Meals Listen, Share and Follow!! New Episodes Every Thursday #TeamFNC #Nutrition #Podcast
14.01.2022 ALCOHOL-FREE BEER. A middle road option for those who love their beer, but are getting serious about fat loss. So you like a beer, but you’re fully aware they can be pretty costly on the old Calorie budget, which conflicts with your fat loss goals. ... Nutrition is not all or nothing. Any feasible improvement in habits that aligns with your goal is worth pursuing. When it comes to beer, a notable Calorie save can come from swapping a few regular beers, out for alcohol-free alternatives. Enjoying a few beers can be an important part of your social life and therefore vital for social health. So elimination is not only NOT feasible, but also not needed and even detrimental to overall happiness. A few clients of late have been dabbling with alcohol-free beer and loving it. My uncle even drinks them exclusively and has done for years. So I decided to compare the options out there and assess what the Calorie save actually is. The main take-home is that they’re all reasonably lower in Calories than regular beer. There isn’t a huge difference between the alcohol-free options out there. So your decision should probably be based upon taste preference. If you love a beer and still want to move towards a goal of fat loss, an FNC Coach can help you have the best of both worlds. Sign up to 1 on 1 coaching to find out how.
13.01.2022 SUPPORT CREW It’s not just the driver who wins the race, it’s the whole team. Who is in your corner, cheering you on, helping you see the wins along the way and helping you push past the lapses to continue with what’s working?... Having a support crew is going to be crucial for your success. Communicate with those around you, let them know what you are trying to achieve, how they can help and what they can do to support you. Support others and surround yourself with people who support you. A TeamFNC coach is part of your support team. Someone to help you find your way, helping you see what’s working and what’s not. Celebrating your wins with you and talking you through the lapses which come with making long term change. Send us a DM and the support starts today. See more
12.01.2022 AN FN’CONSCIOUS MEXICAN FOOD GUIDE Take this guide and personalise it for your goal. We have protein and plants. ... If vegan/vegetarian, tofu could be an option as could having beans + rice to get in protein and carbs. Athletes - don’t be shy with the carbs, have a burrito with rice and beans. Fat loss goal, aim to stick to 1 carb, 1 fat and be aware that adding guac, sour cream, cheese and sauce is going to shoot the Calories high. Looking to stay full - add the beans for more fibre. Don’t like beans - don’t add beans. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
12.01.2022 FUNCTIONAL APPRECIATION FN’Simple Focusing on what the body is capable of is associated with higher levels of body satisfaction. ... FN’Why Common ideas of appearance are often limited to few attributes (e.g., weight, measurements, body fat % scans) and can be distorted by the influence of media. Body functionality includes a wide range of attributes from which people can feel satisfaction. Focusing on what the body can do encourages people to positively reframe the way that they think about their body. FN’Opinion We aren't saying you shouldn't be proud of the way you look, this exercise is actually aimed at improving satisfaction with your own body. Think of your body as an active, dynamic instrument. Think about what your body can do and how that makes you feel. This might all sound a bit corny however this has been studied scientifically and this type of exercise might just be worth a few minutes of your day. We created a short activity to help guide you through recognising and appreciating the things your body does for you and have added it to our website. You can find it under the BLOG menu on our website or you can follow the linktree in our bio. The responses are completely anonymous, we will not use them for anything and will regularly delete the data. The exercise is purely for you. See more
12.01.2022 INDULGENCE COMPARISON 'Diet indulgences' are a fun novelty. But when you look at the facts on paper and consider taste trade-offs, it might not be worth it. Whole foods are for vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre.... Indulgences are for enjoyment. No matter what your preferences are, we’ll support you with strategies and options that suit you individually. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
12.01.2022 BROWNIE COMPARISON Firstly, yum. Secondly, do you notice any difference in how you feel about something like an easy bake packet brownie compared to a recipe you find online that is called a healthy brownie?... Why? Really ask yourself why and let us know! It’s a really easy, common thought process and those key words like packet and healthy can have a huge impact on our mindset. We might then eat way more of the option we think is healthy whilst we might use more portion control when eating something we think isn’t healthy. In reality, we can use the nutrition information to focus on what really matters first for a fat loss goal - energy! Then we add in enjoyment and purpose and we might just find that the easy packet option actually matches our goal more than the healthy recipe we found online. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. *Paleo Fudgey Brownie from Spark Recipes See more
12.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES Episode 149 - What are SMART and Public Goals? Episode 150 - The Benefits of Journaling and How to Get Started... Listen, Share and Follow #TeamFNC #Nutrition #Podcast
11.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES: Inclusive Nutrition and Nutrient Timing Episode 113 - What in Inclusive Nutrition? Episode 114 - What is Nutrient Timing?... Listen, Share and Follow Search TEAM FNC PODCAST on Spotify #TeamFNC #Podcast #Nutrition
10.01.2022 Brendan's Testimonial . When Brendan came to us for nutrition coaching he had the goal of increasing his strength and fitness to pass a career related fitness test. He also wanted to lose the last bit of stomach hanging over his waistband. . Before he started with FNC, he was eating well below his needs for the amount of training he was doing. He had all the best intentions, had read all about the need for a Calorie deficit and was pushing himself to eat less whilst training... hard. He was hungry all the time, exhausted and had a list of foods he wasn't comfortable eating. . Brendan was so open to change and we worked on increasing his food intake, reducing his list of forbidden foods and fuelling him for the high intensity and strength training he was doing. . He now eats more, trains better, is stronger, has added muscle, has reduced body fat around his stomach and enjoys his training more than ever. He is also now comfortable eating what he wants, knowing that there is no food or food group he needs to avoid. . He absolutely blitzed the fitness test too! See more
08.01.2022 EAT WITH PURPOSE Purpose....Does your choice match the purpose? If you feel like enjoying chocolate, focus on enjoyment, not how many grams of protein it has or whether it comes in a wrapper that looks healthy.... What do you actually feel like eating, why and what is actually going to hit the spot? Freddo or team Caramello? No matter what your preferences are, we’ll support you with strategies and options that suit you individually. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
08.01.2022 ONLY TRACK CALORIES Looking for an FN’Efficient way to use tracking with less time? Tracking approaches can be fantastic, short term strategies as a means of portion control & education. ... Tracking doesn't always have to involve tracking Calories AND all three macronutrients (protein, carbs & fats). For many goals and situations such as modest fat loss/muscle gain and healthy eating, tracking Calories only whilst letting some basic guidelines and habits take care of the rest can make the process easier and more time efficient. . Such an approach would involve tracking Calories exclusively using your preferred app or the FNC diet builders, whilst letting some basic guidelines & habits take care of the rest. The guidelines we would encourage are: Protein: 1 palm of a protein dense food with each main meal Plants: Achieving a total fruit and veg intake of 700 grams. Fats: 2 thumbs of a fat dense food with each main meal Carbohydrates: Fill up the rest of your Calorie budget focusing mostly on whole grains and beans. Indulgences: Consumed sparingly, in portions that consider the recommended serving size if the food is packaged. Indulgences are like "the garnish to a whole food-focused diet". This approach is focusing on the big rocks, the things that count. Focussing on exact grams of carbs and fats is rarely anything that’s going to make a difference, except making the process harder than it needs to be. No matter what your preferences are, we’ll support you with strategies and options that suit you individually. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. See more
07.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES Episode 143: How To Cure A Hangover Episode 144: What is Your Year in Review? Listen, Share and Follow #TeamFNC #Podcast #Nutrition
07.01.2022 FAST 600 FAST FOOD GUIDE Oporto...there are still a few around and for the chilli chicken burger lovers, we have news, unsurprising news - chicken burgers with a stack of mayo are Calorie dense. The do have a pulled chicken bowl which looks great. The Oprego burger is about 620 Calories for about 40ish grams of protein and looks good. ... Their signature is the Bondi burger, ranging from single to triple. The single is 460 Calories and 25 grams of protein. Adding another 1-2 chicken patties sends the Calories well over 600. chicken and a couple of sides could do the trick for a meal and on average, chicken will be a sufficient amount of protein per meal for those under 100kgs to support muscle growth/repair. There are times when you might end up at a fast food chain due to travel, family, friends, or work colleagues. It’s better to have an awareness around choices if need be and if you can free your mind from the good and bad food mindset, you will see that all foods can have a place in the context of overall nutrition. Oporto not your jam? We searched for options with roughly 30g of protein and around 600 Calories from a bunch of fast food restaurants and wrote a blog about it. Read our blog by following the linktree in our bio or copy/paste the web address: See more
06.01.2022 Kim's Testimonial Kim was part of a gym challenge which we supported with nutrition guidance. She worked 1-1 with @sammydrescher for the 8 weeks and made great progress. Congrats Kim! "I used FNC in conjunction with a 8 week challenge at the gym. I enjoyed having someone there to keep me accountable as I got back on track with my nutrition. I was able to maintain a steady loss during the 8 weeks resulting in a 6.9kg loss.... It took me a little while to notice the changes but the progress photos really helped to show me the changes as they started to occur. My clothes started to feel looser in the arm and waist area too!! It was great to be able to focus on my nutrition with the guidance of a coach to help with suggestions for making changes in different situations. It’s a great start on my journey and I'm excited to continue. Sammy was super supportive and offered so much knowledge. Fortitude Nutrition Coaching is great to deal with, I would highly recommend them." If you are ready to make a start, contact us as tell us about your goal. See more
06.01.2022 NEW BLOG: How To Feel Better About Your Body by FNC Coach Shannon Beer
05.01.2022 2 NEW PODCAST EPISODES Episode 177 - 5 Ways To Make Meal Prep More Enjoyable Episode 178 - Does Spicy Food Boost Your Metabolism? Listen, Share, Subscribe and Review 2 New Episodes Every Thursday on Spotify and Apple Podcasts #TeamFNC #Nutrition #Podcast
04.01.2022 COMMITMENT DEVICES Commitment devices are a strategy we can use for self-control. It is a commitment in advance that reduces how much self-control/willpower we need to practice in the future. We make a decision when rested, confident and thinking clearly so that our actions when fatigued and faced with temptation are easier.... It’s essentially like putting savings into an account you can’t touch. Examples include: - buying smaller plates/containers - single-serve indulgences - deleting apps off your phone - instead of buying a case of beer/wine, buying 1 bottle, less at a time to control the intake - buying a large drink bottle to make it easier to drink more water Make a decision with your long term goal in mind and make it easier to make a self-controlled decision in the present moment. What commitment devices have you used or are thinking of using to help you with your goals? An FNC Coach will help you with strategies to help manage your nutrition around your lifestyle and help to ensure your plan is tailored to you. Contact us today to learn more. See more
04.01.2022 NOT ALL STEPS ARE EQUAL Maintaining a smaller body after weight loss is a challenge. The period after a diet phase should be respected and planned. If you go back to living the way you were before the diet phase, there is a good chance you will end up like you were before the diet phase.... Be aware that to maintain a smaller body, you'll need to eat a few less Calories than when you were larger, or be more active. A big part of this is because you will burn less Calories in your day to day movement as that movement is easier, more efficient as you are carrying less weight around. Nutrition coaching isn’t the same for every person, we are all different and we recognise that. If you are ready to start working with a coach who understands that your preferences are unique to you, contact us today and tell us about your goal. Our coaches study and collaborate with @sportsnutritionaustralia - Go and check them out if you’re like to take your nutritional knowledge to the next level. See more
03.01.2022 COOKIE COMPARISON What is the purpose of a cookie? Is it for physical health?... Is it a way to consume protein? Is it a good source of fibre? Not really. A cookie is a source of enjoyment, it’s an indulgence. There are a few healthy cookies on the market these days and they’ve cottoned onto the fact that people are looking to add more protein into their diet. This popular cookie might be perceived as a superior choice over a regular cookie. You might feel like you’re being good by picking a cookie with 16g of protein in it. If you have a fat loss goal you might think this is a better option for you than a regular cookie. Calories are the most important factor for fat loss so looking at this cookie it’s actually 4 times higher in calories than a regular Woolworths cookie, not to mention it’s way more expensive. In our opinion, save your money and save your calories by eating a god damn normal cookie. Think about the purpose for eating a cookie. This one might not satisfy the indulgence nor the fat loss purpose. Extra note: if you want to get some protein and fibre in with your cookie, have protein shake and a piece of fruit. You’ll still consume less calories and get more protein in than the so called protein cookie. Share this with a friend or to your story if you found it helpful.
01.01.2022 STRESS STOPS FAT LOSS! Hopefully the clickbait title got you so now we can explain what's actually going on. ... Stress comes in many forms including: -poor sleep -psychological life stress -perceptions of stress -low energy availability (eating too little for too long) -training too much / hard for your recovery capabilities -vitamin and mineral poor diet (diet quality sucks) Can stress block fat loss, even when a Calorie deficit is consistently present? NO! If a Calorie deficit is present, weight loss occurs (even if it takes a while to show). BBUUUTTT!!! (big but) Stress makes adherence to a Calorie deficit more difficult, potentially preventing fat loss. Here is a few reasons why stress makes fat loss harder: 1. You’ll be hungrier so it will be harder to control Calorie intake 2. You’ll be irritable - mindful, well-considered food-related decisions and the ability to create awareness of hunger cues becomes impaired. Emotional eating and snacking can be more likely to occur. 3. You might lose some muscle - It’s been demonstrated that periods of weight loss with poor sleep, result in a greater amount of weight loss being muscle loss. 4. You’re more likely to get sick &/or injured - chronic elevations in stress-related hormones bring about the suppression of immunity and recovery capabilities from exercise. If you’re an athlete this is especially important as it means time away from training. When is the best time to start your goal? It’s different for everyone however if stress is a major issue right now, also aiming for fat loss might not be the best idea. Goal setting and attacking goals at the right time for each individual is part of the coaching process. An FNC Coach will help you with goal setting, managing your nutrition around your lifestyle and helping to ensure your plan is tailored to you. Contact us today to learn more. See more