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Foster Rose in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Coach

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Foster Rose

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


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to load big map

24.01.2022 ' ... Spend your time being the person you ALREADY are because the person you long to be is already inside of you! Say you long to be an Author/ CEO/ Boss AF Coach/ Actor...... You already are one, you don't need someone to come along and say its true, grant you a wish or give you approval If that's your desire, it's who you are already. Right now. , ** - . So if you want to run a business, be an author or actor, go be that regardless of the outcome! It's who you already are regardless of anyones opinions. It's none of your business how many people follow you, like your post, share your feed, say you're this or that, agree with you, ect What is your business is showing up to everything that , to what makes you so alive and shine your light brighter than ever! Let go of the outcome. We have no control of that anyway. ' By allowing yourself to be filled up with *being* the universe can't help but support you! Do what you love regardless of how good people think you are, Go be you regardless of the outcome. You already ARE ALL THE THINGS you strive for. Start being in that energy and go from there. ? See more

23.01.2022 INTRODUCING 1:1 Bespoke TRANSFORMATION Sessions for 60-90 mins. Peep the slides for all the info. ?... Said no Successful business owner ever (after they bust their limiting beliefs in as the ass! Think about this for a min... When you buy a new LV bag that has you dancing and twirling around in the department store... Does buying it make you feel icky? No! You feel like a GODDESS badass B! When pop down your credit card to book an airline ticket to a country youve always wanted to travel to... Do you think the Airline company should feel guilty for selling it to you? No. Thats so weird, right? When you get your nails done did on a Friday arvo and walk out feeling juicy & amazing Do you look back over your shoulder and think, "Gee, that nail tech should be ASHAMED for charging me money to get my nails done!"? !!! Selling is not sleazy so lets switch those limiting beliefs to a more empowered belief because YOU have the answer to what someone else NEEDS who is SO GRATEFUL to throw cash at you! and if you feel sleazy its probably because you learnt the old school sales tactics that are actually pretty gross!! No one likes cold sales. There are ways to run your business and life from the soul that actually feels good and aligned to you! , $ See more

23.01.2022 Hello my amazing peeps! Im doing Deepak Chopras 21 days of Abundance challenge and thought it would be a good idea to share this with you also, to help raise the vibes in this trying time. Its totally free & theres a 15 minute guided meditation each day and a daily task that takes about 15 mins. Ill post the task and audio file each day starting Tomorrow IN MY FACEBOOK GROUP.... Lets raise our vibes, energy and embrace mediation and abundance! Especially now when the world needs healing. Please feel free to message me with any questions you might have. Also if you feel that this would benefit someone you know, feel free to share this group or invite them in xx

22.01.2022 DO YOU UNCONSCIOUSLY PROGRAM NEGATIVITY? *Save this bad ass post* Ima spill the beans here & give you some truth bombs. You arent actually calling the shots in your life...... Uhm wtf Foster, Yes I do... Well you want the truth dont you? The thing is your conscious mind and logical self is only in charge about 5% of the time Your subconscious mind, the inner you that you may not even realise is there, is in charge 95% of the time! 95 % OF THE TIME HONEY... let that sink in... Whether you believe it or not, we ALL have a conscious and subconscious mind. No matter how many times you disagree its still the truth lol Thing is, many people live their life without knowing this, therefore creating a below average mediocre life & following the herd of sheep that society conditions us to be like. What does that look like? Repeating the same patterns over and over again Attracting the same asshole partners like wtf Better yet, picking the same fights for the millionth time Running out of money by the end of the month = #migoreng noodles for the next week #brokelife Constantly in debt and not seeming to ever make more $$ The list goes on and on and on you get the picture?! AND... No matter how HARD you TRY you just cant seem to shake this shit off. *Wtf am I doing wrong? Im a good person arent I?* Your subconscious mind has been programmed since you where a wee child, learning off your parents, teachers, friends, society and the more you REPEAT a pattern the more it gets installed into you mind. Which is why you keep doing the same dang thang! Repeating something again and expecting change is INSANITY SO HERES THE GOOD NEWS You CAN reprogram the subconscious mind and BUST those old patterns in the ass! Even if youre 40,50,60yo its NEVER to late to start. Youre SO ready to leave your old patterns in the PAST!? I am here to help you do so, leaving the B.S behind and stepping forward to a NEW and IMPROVED you to turn those beliefs around forever. Imagine & visualise the life YOU desire. Do that now! Because working with me, you will believe that your desires are 100% for you See more

22.01.2022 ? ( ) I find myself, self analysing who I am mentally on my path to spiritual biz growth Every time a new childhood memory gets unlocked from been compartmentalised for so long... I sit with the memory & talk it out, I watch the memory unfold & it plays in my life I question what has happened & the adopted beliefs if they are ultimately true? & ? No? thats where the root cause of behaviour & belief stemmed from & what ive got to heal to move the fk forward I talk to the little girl in my memory & integrate her fractured pieces back into my soul I tell her im sorry you learned that wanting money was evil, That you shouldnt trust people, That what you learned about the world isnt ultimately true. That youre free to let go of these beliefs... They dont serve you or your business. In fact its whats been holding you back all along... , , . . . All memories are stored in your subconscious mind, forgotten memories may be compartmentalised as a child to cope with. When youre emotionally able to comprehend the situation those memories may surface and... Pandoras box is open. It means, to heal & Youre to a new version of YOU This is a glimpse of inner child healing. What you learned in the first 7yrs of life is effecting your actions, beliefs and behaviours as an adult Yes, this impacts your business. Wonder why the needle isnt moving? What in you is trying to be seen but is ignored? , ? Ps Looking for spiritual business growth DM me ASAP, claim your spot, and snag a bonus 1:1 call! See more

21.01.2022 STOP SAYING IM TRYING TO MANIFEST, because youre not. Are you manifesting the thang or not? Because trying creates more trying rather then actually manifesting. You get me?... Say I AM MANIFESTING *Insert what you want* That way its a CLEAR command, not a wishy washy wish of trying... Soooo in saying that, your language and thoughts are important, if you remember the last in my last post.... HEALING SUBCONSCIOUS BLOCKS (MOST IMPORTANT) At the end of the day, you can do everything BUT if your subconscious mind isnt on board then you will run in circles. Find and heal those limiting beliefs to open up new pathways. THIS TAKES WORK It is NEVER to late to start. We create all these stories in our mind that limit us to not do what you want... My client told me "I created this whole story of how I couldnt run an online business because I have a baby" You can look at this like, wow well shes right, you cant run a business while having a family OR Im running an online business BECAUSE I HAVE a family! Change your stories. It really doesnt matter where you are right now, you are NOWHERE compared to where you CAN GO! You got this, one step at a time creates compound change! 1% each day is 365% a year and thats a completely new person! What story are you comitting to change today? PS - Join my free fb group Paradigm Shift - A tribe for intuitive entrepreneurs! See more

20.01.2022 Been a Mani-Gen with an open heart centre (If you know what I mean human design) I was to believe that I had to work hard, get educated, climb the corporate ladder and reach success or I wasnt worthy enough.... Id work myself to the ground, constantly on the go & not follow my alignment or wouldnt make decisions based on what I wanted, but off the opinions of others, like my parents telling me what I I was conditioned to feel this way, like it was normal. Like my life wasnt even mine, my thoughts wasnt even mine, what I wanted wasnt even what I actually wanted... It was formed on the expectations of others. I even purchased my house based on what I should do. Im I did this but I know it wasnt my alignment Was this you also? Or is this you now? Until I started de-conditioning everything I learned & followed my intuition which at the time was a tiny voice that was barely there *sorry for shutting you down gurl* I realised im WORTHY for been me. Im worthy to do my OWN thing & run a business that I wanted to do ever since I was 6yo . . What helped me move from living in expectation of others to living in MY DESIGN + alignment was . : ? Journal that out, let it flooooow. Then the most important part. ! Your mindset is the biggest game you will ever play in this life and it will either hold you back or propel your forward. In your life, business, finances, relationships, health & spirituality. Have you found yourself making decisions based on what should do rather than alignment? BTW WHO WANTS THIS WORKBOOK I CREATED?

20.01.2022 LOOK, MY MINDSET IS FINE! I JUST WANT THE STRATEGIES OK Ok well that behaviour is sabotaging you whether you like it or not... I know this because I was you...... Thinking if I hire the best coach they will give me this action plan packed with tangible strategy for me to be successful! When the question came up "So how did you feel when you launched" I felt sooo uncomfortable to dig deep, like eww this feels abit yucky to be confronted like this... So "Do you think people will hire you if you feel yucky about launching?" Me "No......" OF FUCK I GET IT NOW I used to ROLL MY EYES WAY BACK when I heard people say, Its not about the strategy, its all about your mindset. Its literally the truth, you can have the ACTION PLAN yet still get minimal results! If you dont grow your Mindset it can manifest in many self-sabotaging ways, such as the ones in my visual and... Blames yourself for not getting the results Blames others for not seeing you Unwillingness to change and grow Focuses on the things you DONT want Money is just so hard to earn all caters to self-sabotaging behaviour. I know its gross to look at and acknowledge any behaviours that arent serving you... Though this is where the GROWTH is at in SELF MASTERY Get yourself to the point where you can acknowledge the behaviour that isnt serving you so you can switch it to a behaviour that does. So, you CAN Show up and soulfully and SELL with confidence Believe in your mission whole heartedly You know you will end up where YOU WANT TO Become bold, takes the risk and invests in yourself Uses money to make impactful change and knows youre abundant and there is more than enough for you This is what I teach, To update your mindset at a deep level so you can finally get the results and step into the person that everyone is waiting for you to be. Click my link in bio to apply for 1:1 coaching, I got you xx See more

20.01.2022 Staying silent isnt the right thing to do... "Being uncomfortable isnt an excuse to stay silent Imperfect action is still better then your slience.... If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. Bishop Desmond Tutu I dont know what to say, and I understand that I will never truly understand... However, I stand by you. Here are some anti-racism resources Ive come across and is exploring, as well as ways you can donate. Podcasts: 1619; About Race; Code Switch; Seeing White Books: Color of Law, White Fragility; Me and White Supremacy; How to be an Anti-Racist Netflix: Dear White People, 13th Donate: Color of Change, Minnesota Freedom Fund, George Floyd Memorial Fund #blackouttuesday @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

20.01.2022 YOURE LIVING BLIND IF YOU ARENT AWARE OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND Wonder why some goals never get hit? Wonder wth is holding you back from the next level? Wonder why some thangs are out of reach?... "Oh, its just my luck!" Let me tell you something, Its not because you arent trying, I am SOOO sure you are! but only consciously. Your goals could be in direct conflict to your inner programming of the subconscious mind. For example, ever heard the saying "Money is the root of evil"? Your subconscious mind could be programmed to believe this belief (and many others) and in doing so will create self-sabotage consciously! Ever single time you make money moves Which can manifest in areas such as: Over spending Procrastination Not taking action Taking way to LONG making decisions (list goes on) Your subconscious mind runs 95% of your life, and without this understanding... YOU ARE LIVING BLIND In saying this, Im working on an exciting masterclass poppin soon (dates released in stories) in my Fb group, Paradigm Shift - A tribe for Intuitive Entrepreneurs This is for you if you want to learn how to re-program whats holding you the heck back You dont wanna miss out on this Join through the link in my bio asap #theimperfectboss #businesscoaching #freelancelife #shemeansbusiness #womenwithambition #selfgrowth #growthmindset #youhavethepower #icaniwillwatchme #mindsetcoaching #motivationnation #motivatedmindset #mycreativecommunity #herglobalnetwork #findingyourfearless #yessupply #letsmakelemonade #beliefshifting #ladieswholead #bossproject #salescoach #believeitdoit #hersuccess #personaldevelopmentcoach #mindsetmatters #whatliftsyou #myownboss #goaldigger#goalgetters#mindsetcoaching See more

17.01.2022 ? . Sometimes we make goals of how much money we want to receive, but then you dont even know what to do with the money if you actually had it, giving yourself NO reason to actually attract more money (therefore staying at the same financial situation)... We cant expect to attract more money if we dont know what to do with it! ... Here is a fun exercise to do. Q: 1: What would I do with *$* a month? (Choose an amount youre manifesting) = For example you are starting an online business and want to achieve a $5000 month. 2: How would I spend and allocate the funds? (Put a $ amount on each thing you would spend on) For example: Pay Mortgage/Rent $$, Hire a coach $$ ect If this feels uncomfortable energetically *spending money*, and cant think of what you would do past a certain limit then thats where you have reached your energetic maximum and have got some work to do to increase that!! Come Join The Paradigm shift community -

17.01.2022 It's because somewhere deep down, you're resisting it. So tell me, WHY don't you want it? ... ( ' * * ) ... Would it make someone close to you feel small? Are you worried about what others think? Feel like that sort of income is selfish? Worried about what it would require to create? Fear the disappointment of failure? Or even... Embarrassed that you want it in the first place? Because if you TRULY desired what you wanted and energetically embodied it to your full capacity you would be at your next level & wouldn't be in resistance to it anymore. and those pesky gremlins wouldn't be eating away at you I know this because I HAVE BEEN HERE. Multiple times! Ask yourself: What are you embarrassed of? How does staying stuck serve you? How does choosing not to change your actions serve you? ! Affirm: I AM good enough I DO have all the answers My desired income is possible It doesn't have to be hard I'm working on an exciting project to help you beat the resistance, breakthrough the limiting beliefs, So you can achieve consistent results, consistent CASH + growth and finally feel like you are on a forward moving path. So exciting! Drop me a DM & let me know what would be helpful for YOU (Purely for my market research, NO PRESSURE) Ain't about that pressure salesy life anyway. , ? ? See more

15.01.2022 I don't do everything the way it 'should' be or follow all the rules Some days I wake up and do a morning routine, and some days I don't. It's ever changing depending on how I feel... I don't follow a ONE set structure, I follow intuition The other day my morning routine was spending quality time with my newborn baby while he's awake, another day i'm pulling oracle cards, watching some netflix and sipping ice coffee Throughout it all i'm processing trauma, healing, cleaning memories and working on my growth. I am not like other coaches who only show you the highlight life, The highlight is awesome but that's not my full life I am imperfect, I am triggering real and I LOVE who I am and how I lead myself through life's challenges It's not only about how you lead yourself through the good times, It's how you lead and show up for yourself when the shit hit's the fan. I can confidently say i'm really fuckn good at that If you want a perfect coach who can 'fix' you and tell you who you 'should' be and how you 'should' run your business and life then i'm not your coach I am your coach if you want someone who can help you RISE to a greater standard of your soulful alignment when shit hit's the fan, when business is overwhelming, when things feel like it's not moving forward, navigate the ugly Who can hold a safe space container to relate to traumas, connect back to intuition and help you find yourself again that feels GOOD to YOU while elevating your mindset to attract your true desires. Then I am your coach See more

15.01.2022 OFF TO SYDNEY FOR THE AACTAs And you bet ya booty hole that were gonna slaaaay! So get ready for some Acting spam to come this week. Sorry not sorry in advance!... Magic is all around you if you choose to listen and block out the noise. So greatful that I have the power to create and live by my design! Doing some thangs I desire before I pop While been healthy and cautious obvy Its so easy to live in fear, to not do what you desire, to not take action or take the risks because its comfy and easy... BUT WHO WANTS COMFY? When you can have EXTRAORDINARY! Sometimes we get so set on something happening a certain way. We have this whole story and picture we hold in our minds. Like this is the only way our lives must pan out... Right? You know what? Be open to opportunities, They can come in a million different ways. You never know what could happen so dont be so set on something happening one way. When the thing you desire CAN happen In a million different ways Go out and be YOU, Live the life YOU DESIRE and just START. Seriously you only have NOW. It is up to you to make the decision and take responsibility of the life you desire! Hard pill to swallow, I hear ya. I say this all with LOVE boo 1:1 coaching open for Jan, Join the waitlist now if you want to take your life and business to the next level Love Foster xo #lovemybiz #quityourdayjob #socialcurator #creativebusiness #hustlehardgirl #multipassionate #prettylittletrips #thisgirlmeansbusiness #ceoofmylife #beingboss #dreamersanddoers #herestothecreatives #sheeo #thisgirlmeansbusiness #buildingbossladies #createyourlife#womenceo #lessworkmorelife #entrepreneurher #femaleentrepreneurlife #designalifeyoulove #dontquityourdaydream #findyourflock #womenofimpact #hustlewithease #goalslayer #sayyestosuccess #bossladystatus #herbusiness #girlbosstribe See more

14.01.2022 Every new year brings FRESH ENERGY Its like this magical time where we can start fresh, clear the slate of what was old to create something new. There is no such thing as Its to late or else you will never start so...... Here is some of my reflections of 2019 that im in celebration! Im so grateful im growing a baby! I stepped into my power and belief in myself to INVEST in ME, through coaching and programs I launched a product biz Fosters bliss, learned allot before rebranding to @sacredblissau I launched a service based biz in coaching @fosterrose I focused on healing generational conditioning and trauma Sky rocketed my confidence and stepped out of my comfort one Worked on multiple modelling, acting and promo jobs! Completed inner engineering by @sadhguru and travelled to Melbourne to get initiated and completed the 40days+ Mandala period of Shambhavi mahamudra kriya Attended acting classes weekly at The Acting Space Practiced Kung Fu + Tai chi weekly all year Did 50+ dancing lessons at @maximodancestudio Flew to Sydney for the @aacta STOPPED WORKING A FULLTIME 9-5 JOB Travelled, said YES to more of what I wanted, and lived many more experiences So grateful for the new friendships I made, The comittment to develop myself, to push through boundaries and to create the life that I desire and that im continualy creating There is SO MUCH MORE I could add but IG wont allow for such a post so here is a short re-cap on my 2019 My word for 2020 in ABUNDANCE - What is your word for 2020? Btw this picture was me in Melbourne at some @marvel exhabition #createyourlife#intentionalliving#livewithpurpose#stayinyourmagic#mindfulliving#embracechange#mindsetcoaching#fempreneur#girlpreneur#buildingbossladies#femalepreneur#mindsetiseverything#designyourlife#liveauthentic#thisgirlmeansbusiness#taketheleap#trusttheprocess#girlbosstribe#girlbossparty#quarterlifecrisis#ownyourlife#goaldigger#goalcrusher#goalgetters#mindsetcoaching #bloglifestyle#actor#planneraddict#growyourbiz#fempreneur See more

14.01.2022 If you feel triggered ask yourself... Why do I feel triggered? I feel triggered because... because... because... until you find YOUR underlying FEARS. Your triggers are NOT based on other people or outside sources. Its is to do With YOUR FEARS....

13.01.2022 TRUTH BOMB - SUCCESS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT Imagine your higher self, the YOU who has it all, the YOU who is doing the things YOU WANT to do and achieveing all the things YOU WANT to achieve How does that make you feel?... Like a bad as bitch right?! The truth is, you CAN have it all! Its already waiting for you to vibe on that level It just takes you starting today and believing in yourself ruthlessly Your desires have been specifically crafted just for you to obtain and the only person in the world holding you back is the cage you set for yourself in your mind, Subconscious limitations that you may not even be aware of! Even 6 months from now, you will wish you had started today. SO GET GOING BABY, I BELIEVE IN YOU! Take the RISK Let the heck GO Say YES to more of what you want Say NO to what you dont want Set Boundaries Have faith SURRENDER 2020 WE GOT THIS See more

12.01.2022 Maybe youll fail... (We all do from time to time) + Save this for the journal prompts! You make a new years resolution and never stick to it, Plans the whole year out strategically and the HOWS and it doesnt go to plan. We have all done it! Dont lie... You fly right in with all this new years energy and new found goals and resolutions and everything planned, propped and structured to go exactly how you want it to... Then a few months in, even a few weeks in, ohh the overwhelm, the burn out, shits not planning out, there is WAY TO MUCH and gurrrrrl wth went wrong? Can you relate? I HEAR you and there is another way. A special place in the middle where all your plans arent so jam packed tight leaving room to GROW and FLOW Creating goals that make you so excited that it lifts your spirits when things arent so perfect Leaving the regrets & guilt of the past that it didnt work out, Its okay YOU GOT THIS! Here are some journal prompts to ends 2019 and to get a positive start in 2020 What went well for me in 2019? What am I celebrating that happened this year? What was time, money and energy well spent this year? If something happened that wasnt so nice in 2019 what is the gift in it? And if something didnt work at all, what was it trying to show you, the lesson? What is your 2020 12 month vision? List the goals for the year that will help you achieve or get closer to your 12 month vision How will you feel when you achieve these goals? Now focus on the 3 TOP goals that will help you reach your 2020 vision Comment below 1 goal that you would like to achieve in 2020 #ladypreneur #smallbizsquad #ladybosses #womenprenuer #girltribesonly #bossbabestatus #ladybossliving #freedombasedbusiness #soulpreneur #girlpreneur #girlbossmovement #bossladystatus #bossbabemindset #laptoplife #womenoftheworld #likealadyboss #bossbabequotes#bossbabetribe#girlbossmagic#wifemomboss#slayallday#businessmentor#pregnancyglow#bizbabecrew #lifeofanentrepreneur#shesocialsociety#femaleentrepreneurship#bossladylife#femalestartup#millennialentrepreneur See more

12.01.2022 [ ] My clients all say "I want to earn 6+ figures" Awesome right? But when I ask "What would you do with 6+ figures" ... Its usually responded with "Umm save some, invest some, spend some" or "Im not sure TBH!" Heres the thing. Money is energy, and if you dont know how you would actually use the money, then how can your ENERGY become a match with the amount you desire? and if you cant become a match to your desires then.... It wont manifest and you will keep hitting the same financial limit. You know, that sneaky glass ceiling keeping you *safe* Here is an exercise I do to energetically expand my capacity to receive money. : This manifested 16k off my student loans Lowered the rate on my home loan Manifested my BEST month ever Bills are always paid because im unavailable for anything else Its this or something BETTER always. ! 1Write the amount of money $$ you want to attract 2Write out how you would spend every dollar (Dont cop out by putting it all in savings) 3Get into the feelings of what its like to spend that amount and receive that amount 4Notice how this feels, Resistance? Cant think of anything past a certain limit? You will find the amount you are actually aligned to. This exercise you energetically spend cash, allows you to find what your energetic financial maximum is and allows you to expand + brings awareness to your current limit. Give it go! Youre spending energetic cash so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain! I created a FREE workbook to Quantum leap to your 6fig self. Click the link in my bio to download it now - ? @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

12.01.2022 (Save this for ) It grinds my gears when I hear of coaches belittling the ideas of people based on their OWN fear that it wont work.... "I had this idea ive been so EXCITED about! but this coach said that its to over saturated and Id probably wont make it" "We made a whole launch strategy but honestly I dont feel aligned with it and my coach said thats the only best way to launch sooo I feel stuck" * * ... ... : IF YOUR COACH SHITS ON YOUR DREAMS GTFO IF YOUR COACH ABUSES YOUR IDEAS RUN DONT WALK IF YOU FEEL BELITTLED BREAK UP W THEM! YOUR COACH IS NOT THE BOSS OF YOUR BIZ Your coach shouldnt make you feel fear/ scarcity around your biz or make you feel like you *SHOULD* do things their way without considering how YOU want to run your business. ITS YOUR BUSINESS not theirs! Youre the one working in it. : > Be a guide for my clients & support your GOALS with ALIGNED actionable steps that feel so GOOD for YOU! > Nurture your mindset and help identify patterns of resistance + beliefs holding you back from reaching your next level > Support my clients so you feel SEEN + VALID + HEARD in their business > Help you follow your intuition to take inspired aligned action > BELIEVE WHOLE HEARTEDLY IN YOU AND YOUR DESIRES There is not 1 strategy thats the secret sauce to make you successful. All strategies WORK *for different people* + It is soooo safe to trust in your intuition, to follow what LIGHTs you up, to take creative risks, to do what brings you JOY. It is so safe to do things your way! and BREAK THE RULES of how things *should* be! You cant fk it up! ? @ Los Angeles, California See more

11.01.2022 Journaling Prompts to help you break through limiting beliefs that are stopping you from embodying your best life. Did a mini training on my IG stories today about this today. Watch here - Journal these Questions below:... - Where in your life are you judging yourself which stops you from living fully? - When did you first have this limiting belief? - Whats possible for you when you let go of that limiting belief? Let me know how you go and comment below any questions. For more trainings and cool tips come join my facebook group Paradigm Shift - A tribe for intuitive entrepreneurs xx

10.01.2022 WHY THE LAW OF ATTRACTION ISNT WORKING FOR YOU! Oh, Ive tried to manifest, but it just doesnt work for me! I must be doing something wrong.... I HEAR YOU, So let me bust them myths (and save this post)... I know there is so much info out there searching about LOA on pinterest looking for the magical answer and it just gets so confusing! But let me tell you something. You are always manifesting, constantly, your life right now is a manifestation of the Law of Attraction. It is never not working, even when it seems like it isnt Its the force my young padawan, that governs your entire life, your existance, your past, present and future! There is NOTHING more POWERFUL then understanding how this works and how it controls your life. Here is where YOU can take back your power. Here is the TOP reasons why your manifestations havent been working for you. Youre not an energetic match for your desires because YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS HAS NO POINT OF REFERENCE... and YOU DONT FEEL LIKE YOURE WORTHY OF IT... Please, Dont give up you can do something about it! This is the most life changing, important thing you can do for yourself. If you dont know where to start, start here, in this post... I have also made a free PDF Magnetic Manifestation Ritural in the link in my bio for you to begin targeting your manifestations. I made this a few months ago so grab it before I take it down! Tell me, did this shock you? also what are you manifesting? See more

09.01.2022 Just did a LIVE on my FB group - Paradigm Shift Community for Intuitive Entrepreneurs - On 4 Tips on How to be confident on instagram stories coming from an actor. Come join and check it out

09.01.2022 ARE YOU STUCK ON ALL THESE FKN STRATEGIES? Save this post! Real talk I see coaches/ Influencers saying:... "This is the only strategy you need to be successful" "If you DONT BUY THIS then you WONT reach success" "This is the ONLY course you need!" "Here is the 12-step formula to make it in online business" and TBH, I choose not to purchased based on fear, and choose NOT TO SELL ON FEAR either. There are a million different strategies out there to become successful. There are a million different ways to do one thing, and what would work for one person may not work for the next! Let me tell you something Success is in your ENERGY not just your strategy. It is 80% ENERGY and 20% strategy. You can say and do all the right things, follow the 12 step systems, follow every strategy in the book and still get nowhere if your ENERGY is off. You wont go too far if your subconscious mind believes that you dont deserve success or riches. Do what feels in ALIGNMENT to you and NOT what other people say you "should be doing" Listen to what your inner guidance system is telling you! Its not all about the HOW or WHAT to do, But WHO YOU are being in the process, your ENERGY, your ALIGNMENT, YOUR DANG SELF. The more you can authentically be who YOU are, is when you align on the vibration of the people you want to attract, or else you attract those on your fake self-vibration. MIC DROP This week, what can you do to embody more of YOU? Spoken with love because I used to beat myself up finding a strategy to realise thats just a small piece in the puzzle. I have some spots open for 1:1 coaching DM to chat id love to support you xx #createyourlife#intentionalliving#livewithpurpose#stayinyourmagic#mindfulliving#embracechange#mindsetcoaching#fempreneur#girlpreneur#buildingbossladies#femalepreneur#mindsetiseverything#designyourlife#liveauthentic#thisgirlmeansbusiness#taketheleap#trusttheprocess#girlbosstribe#girlbossparty#quarterlifecrisis#ownyourlife#goaldigger#goalcrusher#goalgetters#mindsetcoaching #bloglifestyle#actor#planneraddict#growyourbiz#fempreneur See more

06.01.2022 Type HELL YESS to affirm this belief

06.01.2022 These limiting beliefs are stopping you from receiving good things NOW Ever thought of: "Good things come to those who wait" ... "Good things never happen to me" "Good things will happen once I reach success" "Insert whatever story you tell yourself before you reach the Good thang" These are old conditioning limiting beliefs that are seriously hindering you from having good things right NOW Perception shift What if - Good things ALWAYS happen to me? What if - I deserve good things NOW NOT when I wait, Not later, Not if it would happen, Not when these conditions are met first but NOW good things are happening to me NOW What would happen if those where your beliefs instead? How amazing would you feel knowing that good things always happen to you? That you get to create your life and recieve all the juicy goodness every single day, not just some days? Tell me, What difference would it make if you knew that good things always happen to you? Say it with me sis IM OPEN AND READY TO RECIEVE AS GOOD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME! AMEN #ladyboss #girlboss #hustleandheart #bossbabe #ladybosslifestyle #savvybusinessowner #creativeentreprenuer #bosslady #beingboss #bossbabeco #solopreneur #womeninbusiness #mompreneur #businesschicks #staybossyladies #herbusiness #femalepreneur #workitgirl #yasgirl #femaleceo #ladypreneur #startuplife #womenempowerment #girlbosslife #slaytheday #laptoplife #laptoplifestyle #smallbizowner #creativeentrepeneur #womenwhowork See more

06.01.2022 I was stuck in the survival cycle once. I was conditioned to believe that no matter what I did, it wasnt good enough... As a child my parents would constantly compare me to everyone else who was *Better* than me, at hopes of *fixing* me "why cant you be more like *insert name* shes smart and quiet"... Like the core essence of who I was as a soul was wrong, because I didnt fit their conditioned expectation of how someone *should* be... I carried this burdened belief of *Im not good enough* for to long. I stopped myself from pursuing anything worthy because I felt like I wasnt good enough anyway I realised that these thoughts are only the opinions that OTHER people gave to me, and I adopted them as my own The belief of feeling like you arent good enough can get you into the worst circumstances... : Abusive relationships Working Jobs pay check to pay check Making no sales Not following desires Smoking cigarettes Poor mindset Now I feel like that version of me is dead, that girl was a completely different vibrational person, literally. I am unavailable for ANY of those standards. To move past this, is to HEAL your mindset, traumas & beliefs to move onto the Cycle of Expansion, and it starts with remembering that you ARE good enough . It is your BIRTH RIGHT. Been BORN means you where that strong sperm who made it out of a million! When you feel good enough, everything becomes more effortless. You know you deserve the money, abundance, the business, desires, LIFE YOU WANT because youre MORE than good enough. A energetic match to your desires. Your soul clients will be vibing with that energy and be sooo attracted to you that they just want to be apart of your magic! I created a FREE workbook to Quantum leap to your future self. Click the link in my bio to download it now and move onto the Cycle of Expansion. ? or just me? lmfao @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

05.01.2022 ? If youre anything like me then I know that youre SO DONE with repeating the old patterns of the past and probably annoyed you did so for so long. AMIRITE??... Let me tell you something... , Stepping out of your comfort zone can make you feel sick! Literally. Why? ! You have never seen this next level version of you! ...and It can be scary! Your primitive mind will try and make you come back to safety. , . ... - . , ! Give yourself the grace you deserve as you evolve to a more ALIGNED version of you while you embody your higher self. I know youre so ready for expansion and so done with repeating the same old struggles and patterns So DONE with a lack or money in the bank So DONE with letting your mindset hold you back Like fukc that right off! The better it gets the better it gets! and youre SO READY to do what it takes to TURN this all around! : . - . DM me right not to secure your spot Love Foster xo See more

05.01.2022 , You are doing a disservice to your audience by not showing up to sell! This is one of the biggest limiting beliefs keeping my new clients from making sales... I hear you say I dont want to sound to salsey or annoy anyone : Fear that people might say no to you Fear of rejection, am I good enough for this? Fear of actually been seen and judged Fear that if you FAIL you cant blame anyone else but yourself Fear of actually doing the work I dont want to waist my time or even know what to say! I know youre SO DONE with these thoughts and are SO READY for that to be like yesterday. When I started my business, I made NO sales *cry face* I wasnt showing up confidently in my services and resisting what I shouldve been doing. Talking about your offer. I was waisting time perfecting the best caption, Changing my IG BIO, Downloading all the freebies and searching every strategy and OVER THINKING every dang thing! Sound familiar? My business looks allot different now, I work less hours and produce double the results! Here are the TOP 3 things that transformed my business: 1I took hypnosis, TA & sales training and reprogrammed my mindset around money and sales. I fell in love with ALIGNED SALES strategies that felt so good and sales psychology 2I implemented what I learned into my business and it busted imposter syndrome, I started to show up with energetic alignment, confidence, consistency, and naturally attracted more money. 3I let go of the outcome. I trusted the seeds that I planted, I stopped focusing on what I wanted and showed up to SERVE those who are SO READY for their next level. Wasnt about me anymore. I am SO DANG EXCITED to teach you the juice in my upcoming TRANSFORMATION 60-90min 1:1 session Where we reprogram your blocks at the root of your identity (inner child) to a more aligned SO READY for more version of you. No more month at the end of your pay check! #moneymagnet Waitlist dropping soon. DM me & you will be the first to know See more

05.01.2022 Staying silent isn't the right thing to do... "Being uncomfortable isn’t an excuse to stay silent Imperfect action is still better then your slience.... If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality. Bishop Desmond Tutu I don't know what to say, and I understand that I will never truly understand... However, I stand by you. Here are some anti-racism resources I’ve come across and is exploring, as well as ways you can donate. Podcasts: 1619; About Race; Code Switch; Seeing White Books: Color of Law, White Fragility; Me and White Supremacy; How to be an Anti-Racist Netflix: Dear White People, 13th Donate: Color of Change, Minnesota Freedom Fund, George Floyd Memorial Fund #blackouttuesday @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

04.01.2022 I dont do everything the way it should be or follow all the rules Some days I wake up and do a morning routine, and some days I dont. Its ever changing depending on how I feel... I dont follow a ONE set structure, I follow intuition The other day my morning routine was spending quality time with my newborn baby while hes awake, another day im pulling oracle cards, watching some netflix and sipping ice coffee Throughout it all im processing trauma, healing, cleaning memories and working on my growth. I am not like other coaches who only show you the highlight life, The highlight is awesome but thats not my full life I am imperfect, I am triggering real and I LOVE who I am and how I lead myself through lifes challenges Its not only about how you lead yourself through the good times, Its how you lead and show up for yourself when the shit hits the fan. I can confidently say im really fuckn good at that If you want a perfect coach who can fix you and tell you who you should be and how you should run your business and life then im not your coach I am your coach if you want someone who can help you RISE to a greater standard of your soulful alignment when shit hits the fan, when business is overwhelming, when things feel like its not moving forward, navigate the ugly Who can hold a safe space container to relate to traumas, connect back to intuition and help you find yourself again that feels GOOD to YOU while elevating your mindset to attract your true desires. Then I am your coach See more

03.01.2022 . . ( - ) I just want to spread some . I have been working from home since Last October in my online business and here are some of the things I do, In hope that it can help you. ... . Ive been trying out new recipes, Baking cookies, watching shows on @wearegaia Joined a group coaching program and listening to training videos to increase my skills. Do what you can to support your audience in this time. Its not the time to STOP showing up or to stop selling in . People need you more than ever, please be mindful that people need to feel not uncertain. Im focusing on my energy and thats deleting twitter, not watching the news and limiting the FB scroll (my IG is pretty positive). Deleting, unfollowing, muting those posting FEAR-covid19 posts. If youre like me and can feel the energy of the world and absorbs emotions then I recommend to take time for YOU and your mental health. Raise your vibes, Meditate, Journal, Whatever makes you feel GOOD. Also 28+3 pregnant and having an intimate baby shower this weekend. Not the best timing tbh. Due to circumstances lets see who shows up hahaha (my state hasnt been affected as dramatically yet compared to other countries, schools + work hasnt been shut yet) So the baby shower is a go before things get worse and Ill have a baby soon... So much I could say about this... anywaaay ! @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

03.01.2022 Your beleifs become your experience. Whether you think you can or you think you cant. Youre right! What is one limiting beleif are you willing to let go of today?

02.01.2022 THIS IS FOR YOU IF YOURE STRUGGLING WITH MANIFESTING Seriously the power of manifestation connected me with my DREAM car Teslas and Im so dang grateful! This is what many clients tell me that their biggest roadblock to manifesting is... Doubt... "Im not sure if manifesting is working for me" "Its not happening quick enough" "I dont get exactly what I want" So, if you have thought any of these plus probably a whole lotta more, then this is exactly for you right now The thing is, if you dont really feel it or believe its for you, like deep down in your soul then how can it be yours? Here is something tangible you can do to help yourself get into the feels of having everything that is waiting for you to align on the frequency UNIVERS ALWAYS DELIVERS ON INTENTION Universe always responds to your thoughts, energy and emotions. So, what you put out you will receive back whether you want it or not. Be aware of negative thoughts! CELEBRATION Do you feel comfier in a state of doubt than in a place of celebration? Weve learned to rely on fear as a way of protecting ourselves from being disappointed. Introduce CELEBRATING EVERYTHING, A positive thought, the acknowledgement of a negative thought. Celebrate feeling GOOD TUNE INTO THE FREQUENCY Controlling the outcome never works. When we tune in to the energy of our manifestation, we also dissolve the fear of not having enough! When you believe that its yours and its waiting for you, you get into alignment with the energetic frequency to attract what you desire. HEALING SUBCONSCIOUS BLOCKS (MOST IMPORTANT) At the end of the day, you can do everything BUT if your subconscious mind isnt on board then you will run in circles. Find and heal those limiting beliefs to open up new pathways. THIS TAKES WORK I teach you just that, How to tap into the subconscious mind and reprogram from a self level. Imagine if you could: Attracting dream clients like yesterday Manifest with EASE Attract all the MONEYSS Doubt, Fears and anxieties GONE! JOIN MY FREE FB GROUP - PARADIGM SHITF - A TRIBE FOR INTUITIVE EUNTREPRENEURS See more

01.01.2022 ARE YOU CHASING THE WRONG METRICS? > ! (Save this post!) I know youve probably thought "If I have more followers then id sell out my program and make more money helping people!" Yeah I thought that also tbh ... Yeah having 10k+ followers is cool by vanity metrics culture but if they are your dream clients or are bots, it equal business growth You may think, but it looks good... yes, BUT having an engaging TRIBE means youre doing good & creating impact + income. I dont blame you for thinking this, Its an easy TRAP to fall into, especially if youre starting out in the online business space. Had this chat with my new client whos starting their online business & felt overwhelmed by not having thousands of followers... ... Your dream clients are knocking on your DMs door who are loooving the content your are bringing who actually ENGAGE with you (means your content gets SEEN by the IG algorithm) When it comes to launch time, you have a hella warm audience who is WAITING for you to drop an offer and are excited to work with you! You have a clarity on who your DREAM clients are and can speak directly to them, No more B.S * , ?* Direct access to your ICAs minds and do EPIC market research straight from your tribe so you know everything that you create has your dream clients in mind (no more making wishy washy offers that DONT sell out) If youre struggling with creating 5k months, finding your niche, building an engaging tribe & need the tools to impact your Mindset + Growth Then my bespoke Transformation Session 60-90mins of 1:1 coaching and a WHOLE WEEK of voxer access with me to support + implement everything & work through mindset blocks, is for YOU DM me to find out more or to book your Transformation Session! Ive only got a few spots still open for May! @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

01.01.2022 Had an intuitive pull to go live and share my thoughts today. Decided to create riffs for content and trainings and this was one of them that came from it. Seed to Success riff

01.01.2022 HUSTLING MORE IS NOT THE ANSWER You cannot out work & out hustle a negative mindset... Its like working hard every day for an hour at the gym yet have a poor diet and a unhealthy lifestyle. ... You cant just out work & out hustle your mindset to grow a business without having an effective foundation. Your mindset. You might have your own business and still not make any money in it You might do all the strategies and not get the desired results You might consume all the information and do all the courses and not integrate what you have learned into your business You might listen to the gurus and try to work on your mindset but reject and resist the embodiment work Does that mean to change everything youre doing? If its aligned yes! If its not then NO! When you force yourself to do things that arent in alignment with your mindset, It wont work out... EX: You want more clients & money rolling in your biz, yet your mindset believes that the rich are greedy, so subconsciously you repel clients & money. If you reaaaally want to get the needle moving and get the results you desire, its to get your mindset in check and aligned with your higher self. Expanding your mindset and reprogramming subconscious blocks, Is the only thing that either makes or breaks your life and business. Here are 2 things you can do NOW 1 CLARITY Wth do you want? Overcome limitations of not setting goals or been to broad wishy washy. Get clear on your desires & dreams, they are made for you. 2 CONNECT TO YOUR HIGHER SELF Who is the boss babe/bro positive image of you? What would your higher self feel, Do and Be and take aligned inspired action right NOW. What beliefs did your higher self have to let go of to get to where they are? Stop scrolling, Stop resisting and do it now. Seriously, not tomorrow, or in a week, or next month. If your soul had a split second of a tug that this message was for you. Do it before your critical mind & ego comes in and says eitherwise. Stop resisting your intuition its there to guide you. 1:1 coaching is now OPEN, Link in bio to apply or DM me now to take aligned action xx See more

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