Fourth Trimester Encapsulation- Perth, Brisbane, Sydney & Newcastle | Alternative & holistic health service
Fourth Trimester Encapsulation- Perth, Brisbane, Sydney & Newcastle
Phone: +61 488 001 238
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25.01.2022 April is Caesarean Birth Awareness Month Sometimes a caesarean section is the safest option for mother and baby and we want to recognise and celebrate abdom...inal birth. Whilst we champion the safety inherent in normal physiology, we are firm believers that all births are valid. We understand that circumstance, safety and preference can influence the mode of delivery and believe it is our job as midwives and birth workers to guide families through this process without judgement, providing evidence-based information and supporting them to make informed decisions. There is still work that needs to be done on changing the narrative of caesarean births. Too posh to push and the easy way out, for example, can both trivialise and minimise the significance of a c-section. In addition, caesarean rates remain high and perhaps a more individualised approach could help more women and birthing people achieve a vaginal birth, if that’s what they wish for. Ultimately, we believe all births are beautiful and should be honoured, supported and respected. Amazing artwork by @spiritysol - check out her page for more! #midwife #studentmidwife #midwives #studentmidwives #midwifery #midwiferystudent #midwifelife #midwiferycare #caesareanawarenessmonth #csectionawarenessmonth #caesarean #csection #abdominalbirth
25.01.2022 P L A C E N T A The only temporary organ, a multifunctional organ, acting as baby's lungs to supply oxygen, kidneys to filter out waste, and as and immune systems by delivering nutrients and antibodies. MATERNAL SIDE: attached to uterine wall FETAL SIDE: connected to baby via umbilical cord The placenta detaches from the inside of the uterus after the baby is born, this leaves behind a wound 6-8 inches in diameter that needs time for healing to ward off infection and hemorrhagingat least 4-6 weeks for the wound to completely heal. One of the many reasons birth givers need lots of rest and community care to recover & heal **that is an internal wound the size of a dinner plate but does reduce with the contraction of the uterus (involution)** Be gentle with yourself! @viviandoula #Repost @midwifemarley #placenta #placentalove #placentafacts #pregnancy #pregnant #birth #postpartum #naturalbirth #wombwisdom #humanplacenta #placentaencapsulation #firstfortydays #4thtrimester
24.01.2022 Placenta prints Don’t forget that our sale ends tomorrow!! 10% off new placenta encapsulation bookings! Have a great weekend everyone #placenta #placentaencapsulation #placentaprint #fourthtrimester #placentacapsules #umbilicacord #fourthtrimesterencapsulation
24.01.2022 Cosleeping and more specifically bedsharing is often frowned upon, discussed in hushed tones at coffee groups and not mentioned to health professionals for fear... of being lectured or told off. But by not talking about safe bedsharing, there are many instances of unsafe sleep with babies, on couches, with adults who are impaired by substances or who are smokers or who are extremely sleep deprived. So here's some articles about bedsharing and co-sleeping.... THE CUDDLE CURL 8 THINGS I’VE LEARNED IN 4 YEARS OF BEDSHARING MY BABY IS AWESOME! SHE WAKES OFTEN AND FEEDS MOST OF THE NIGHT BABIES NEED TO SLEEP WITH SOMEONE HERE’S HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD SLEEP (NO SLEEP TRAINING REQUIRED!) IS IT HEALTHY AND SAFE FOR BABIES TO SLEEP ALONE? Tocaya por Ale Favoretti . . For support in your gentle parenting journey get your copy of the new Winter Issue 39 of The Natural Parent Magazine
24.01.2022 Sunny Sunday sale 10% off everything!!!! New Placenta encapsulation bookings (deposit or full amount) and store items use code happy10 at checkout!!!
23.01.2022 The placenta is made up of 50% cells from the mother and 50% of the cells from the baby. ... The sperm is responsible for creating the placenta and umbilical co...rd. #placentacells #placentaencapsulatorsunshinecoast #sunshinecoastlocalbusiness #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastpregnancy #sunshinecoastholistichealth #spermhealth #northbrisbaneplacentaencapsulator
23.01.2022 What great news!!!
22.01.2022 Don’t forget about our sale! Until the end of the month
22.01.2022 Life.... Breathtaking... Earthshaking... Spiritually awakening... Transforming... Life... . : @kpphotoinc .... . #thebirthimpact #normalizebirth #BirthWithoutFear #BabyBirth #doulaviewllc #thelamazedoula #itsyourbirth #pregnancy #birth #birthphotography #childbirth #mothers #fathers #newborn #birthday #doulas #midwives
20.01.2022 Nothing better than hot chocolate and warm cookies on these cooler days we have lots of @themilkpantry lactation products in our online store!
20.01.2022 A beautiful homebirth that brimmed with love, support, and courage. This amazing couple was expecting their second baby...but it was this particular mom's firs...t pregnancy/birth. She knew from the beginning she wanted to give birth at home. The birth of their older daughter had taken place at a hospital...and while nothing bad happened...they both wanted something different for their second baby. And so they found a midwife loved and trusted. They hired me just a few weeks before their due date. They trusted that her body would go into labor on it's own (it did) and that she would be able to birth their baby the way she wanted. Of course, this fortitude doesn't always translate to a successful home birth. I know plenty of folks with just as muck knowledge, commitment, and drive that had to transfer for unforeseen complications. But there's still room to celebrate and honor this mom's strength. Together, they worked so hard to make this happen. A long labor through the day...into the night...and finally the wee hours of early morning. She did it. They did it. He was here.
19.01.2022 Breastfeeding goddess stickers in our online store, LOVE THESE
15.01.2022 Has anyone done this with their bub?
15.01.2022 Posted @withregram What a beautiful morning capturing some pretty special pictures
13.01.2022 Happy humpday!!! This weather is fabulous isn’t it? To add a little extra excitement to your day we have 10% off all new placenta encapsulation bookings for the rest of the week!!!! Just use the code humpday at the checkout :)
11.01.2022 I love getting these! Delivered placenta capsules today and got such a special picture soon after oh goodness, look at that little face #placenta #newcastleplacentaencapsulation #newcastleplacenta #placentacapsules
11.01.2022 Beautiful little board books from @edgarsmission are now available in our online store! These are just so perfect, lots of pics of those sweet animals
10.01.2022 Let’s talk ... PLACENTA INFARCTS This placenta shows two obvious areas of infarction. An infarct refers to a localised area of ischemic villous necrosis. ... In other words its an area of localised collapse of the placental intervillous space. They result from the interruption of blood supply to that area of the placenta, resulting in cell death (necrosis) - typically due to blood vessel complications. They are more common with high BP in pregnancy, preeclampsia, Rh incompatibility and antepartum haemorrhage (bleeding after 20wks). There are ‘white infarcts’ and ‘red infarcts’. White infarcts (as shown) consist of old fibrin deposits. They can also be yellowish, are of granular appearance and are tough and rubbery to the touch. They are removed and discarded as part of the placenta encapsulation process as they hold no benefits to the mum. Unlike this placenta, they typically occur at the placental margins. If occupying less than 5% of the placental mass they are usually clinically insignificant. Some consider them part of the normal aging of the placenta. Growth restriction is often present if more than 15% of the placental tissue is involved. Those involving more than 50% of the placental tissue, or those present in the 1st or 2nd trimester within the centre of the placenta are clinically significant and have been linked to intrauterine growth restriction, fetal distress or death, or long-term complications incl. developmental delays and cerebral palsy. This is primarily due to decreased blood flow capacity through the placenta to baby. It’s estimated they can occur in 5-20% of all pregnancies, averaging around 12.5%. Red infarcts are considered fresh infarcts. They appear as dark red blood clots with a firm consistency within the intervillous space. All infarcts are located underneath the chorionic plate on the fetal side of the placenta. More than 90% are located at the placental margin and less than 1cm in diameter. As a doula in the birth room and through placenta encapsulation clients, I’ve seen many, many placentas with infarcts over the years. Some bigger than others but nearly always they’ve been clinically insignificant for the mums I’m working with.. - Reposted from BodyWise BirthWise - Naturopath, Birth Educator, Doula & Placenta Services
09.01.2022 How amazing to see that!
09.01.2022 There will be some beautiful little books available in our online store tomorrow @edgarsmission farm animal books for kids, so special!
06.01.2022 Umbilical cord keepsakes #placentaencapsulation #umbilicalcord #umbilicalcordkeepsake #keepsake #placenta #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimesterencapsulation #newcastlensw
05.01.2022 Did you know that we sell bodyice products in our online store! We have a great range of bodyice women and we even have warm/cold bodyice kids packs @bodyicewoman @bodyicekids
05.01.2022 How beautiful! Little thank you cookies from one of my first family
02.01.2022 867grams! This massive placenta made 211 capsules!! 211 amazing placenta capsules to help through the first few months #placenta #placentaencapsulation #placentacapsules #placentaencapsulationspecialist #fourthtrimester #fourthtrimesterencapsulation
01.01.2022 Back to two birth partners at JHH and Belmont
01.01.2022 Posted @withregram @jerushasutton All it can take to change your life is one flaming, gutsy and sky shattering decision to do something different, than what you thought you had to do. @thebrookesolis .... Mama @gabriellawoodward___ Midwives @jacquiwood8114 @midwifejohunter #birth #birthphotography #sydneybirthphotographer #homebirth #waterbirth #midwives #doula #family See more
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