Freya Blackwood Books | Artist
Freya Blackwood Books
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24.01.2022 My Two Blankets has been translated into many languages for overseas editions, but the most exciting has to be these three bi-lingual editions, published in Australia by Hardie Grant Egmont in collaboration with The Readings Foundation and the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
23.01.2022 I'm not certain, but think I may have fixed the shipping issue on my store! I'm attempting to offer cards and prints on my website, only in Australia at present, and only a limited range. Life is just far too complicated to manage everything at the one time!
22.01.2022 Orange Open Gardens is happening here in Orange this Saturday 10th November. There has been rain (in fact its pouring, though it most certainly won't be on Saturday!) and the gardens of Orange are looking magnificent (even mine). There will be delicious food (definitely tea and scones) and delightful music groups. Tickets are available at Orange Public School from 10am on Saturday. We hope to see you there. Orange Open Gardens
21.01.2022 Just a reminder to anyone wanting to come along to the Orange event for The Tiny Star, RSVPs (to Collins 6369 1333) need to be in by the 19th November. Hope to see you there!
21.01.2022 Why did Mr Chicken go to Paris? Why do two blankets change the way we see the world? Why do animals give us insights into ourselves? Join industry-leading illu...strators Freya Blackwood, Alison Lester and Leigh Hobbs as they discuss what's involved in creating characters that go on to warm the hearts of children and readers worldwide, with facilitator Dr Belle Alderman AM. 10 October 2019, 6.00pm-7.00pm National Library of Australia
19.01.2022 Just lovely to see The Tiny Star available on Story Box Library.
15.01.2022 I’ll be chatting with Margrete about picture book illustration next Wednesday. We’d love others to join us!
13.01.2022 Welcome to my studio, where every horizontal, vertical and otherwise angled surface is covered in drawings, or things to draw with, or a dog. (Thanks for the photo Timothy Hunt!)
10.01.2022 We LOVE this book! Mem Fox and Freya Blackwood came by this week to sign copies of The Tiny Star - a beautiful and absolutely stunning new book. Make sure you a signed copy while stocks last --> Once upon a time, although this happens all the time, a tiny star fell to earth... This touching and timeless story combines, for the first time, the talents of world-renowned author Mem Fox with the heartwarming illustrations of Freya Blackwood. These two luminaries craft a truly unique and moving story about the journey of life, to be cherished and shared for generations to come. Freya Blackwood Books Penguin Books Australia
09.01.2022 For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted a twin. Imagine having another you, a best friend, that dresses the same, plays whatever you want whenever you want. Jules has a twin, called George. They’re identical twins but not always willing twins... Testing my new book, The Unwilling Twin, out on the locals. Excellent response. Jules and George will be heading out into the world in November. ... Enormous thanks to @pippavaughan and @curtisbrownaus @chren_kali and @harperkidsau for gently and willingly bringing The Unwilling Twin into the world. @harperkidsau #julesandgeorge #theunwillingtwin #pigsandkids #freyablackwood #freyablackwoodbooks
01.01.2022 A few snaps of the super cute Jules and George, currently being wrangled into book form.
01.01.2022 I’ve said a fond farewell to my old website, pictured here. The new one is up and running, jam packed full of typos and certain to be a work in progress that never progresses! That’s the way I roll.