Friends of the Barwon | Community
Friends of the Barwon
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24.01.2022 our e-DNA survey of the Barwon catchment is even more vital...
22.01.2022 They are minute but oh so important... put your hand up for our e-DNA project and you will get to be a super citizen scientist and provide valuable information about our waterway health... including water bugs!
21.01.2022 Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria is a patron of Landcare Victoria. She has asked us to alert the landcare community to a con...dolence book for signing by members of the public at the front gate of Government House Melbourne, in memory of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke was a committed conservationist and through the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme, many young people have volunteered to support landcare projects. See more
20.01.2022 Another great documentary this time about the short finned eel.. Well done to the First Friends of Dandenong Creek
20.01.2022 "Water for the environment sustains plant life in and around wetlands which then provides habitat and food for waterbirds, water bugs, frogs and turtles. For a snapshot of how the delivery of water for the environment will aid in the health of plants and animals in your region, check out our central region 2020-21 plan on a page." from the Victorian Environmental Water Holder..... great graphic
19.01.2022 For anyone wanting to protect water quality and restore their creeks, streams and rivers, it is crucial to consider management of stock around waterways. Join o...ur upcoming webinar to learn about managing stock around waterways and the practical actions to take within your overall property plan that will provide multiple benefits for agriculture and the environment. Register here:
18.01.2022 A wildfire in the Otways would have a devastating impact on the health of our waterways...shutting the Gellibrand fire tower will result in major black spots in the early detection of wild fires. Perhaps this decision nears reconsidering!
16.01.2022 Wondered what impact all that silt from developments has? Good summary below...and in Victoria it is illegal to allow sediment from a construction site to reach a water course!
16.01.2022 Friends of the Barwon is ALL ABOUT WATER.! And... it is national water week... speak up for your rivers and streams.... so important for the health of us all.. Wonderful spring flush for the Barwon west of Geelong.
15.01.2022 This could be the bank of a waterway... or a dam feeding into one of our streams.... support the "Friends" to be a strong voice for our fresh water.
15.01.2022 Our organisation made a submission to the "INQUIRY INTO ENVIRONMENTAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR GROWING POPULATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING COMMITTEE, LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, VICTORIA"... If you would like to read it please go to our website
14.01.2022 This is an awesome partnership between Bellarine Catchment network and the community...
14.01.2022 Whilst the previous Facebook post is wonderful news, not so wonderful is the planning application to the City of Greater Geelong for a significant motor cross track on the banks of the Barwon at Fyansford. The earth works already undertaken, it is understood prior to any permit, and within meters of the river, have the potential to contaminate the river and are contrary to all guidelines for riparian protection. See image below.... Another need for the strong voice of the Friends of the Barwon to roar into action.... but the more community voices the better to help prevent this project going ahead... and assure that the site is rehabilitated.
12.01.2022 Something we should definitely be a part of. .
09.01.2022 A valuable summary of the legal implications of the proposed "Camping on Crown Land" legislation.
08.01.2022 Now steam weeding might be an option for our sensitive riparian areas!
05.01.2022 Above the link to River Basin Management Society - River Fest 2020 presentations
05.01.2022 Today is World Rivers Day Our rivers and streams are the arteries and veins of our landscape. For our land and all the species that inhabit it to remain healthy we need to take care of our waterways. Hence the need for our Friends of the Barwon group. Help us to help our land.
04.01.2022 The Australia’s Environment 2020 Report has been released The report shows how ecosystems are responding to climate change and the conditions after drought. P...ut together by the ANU Centre for Water and Landscape Dynamics with data from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. Read the report, watch the summary webinar and find the scorecard for your region on the website . . . Landcare Victoria Inc WA Landcare Network Inc Landcare NSW Landcare Association of SA Queensland Water and Land Carers Landcare ACT Landcare TasmaniaLandcare NT #Australiasenvironment #NLN #NationalLandcareNetwork #Landcare #ANU See more
03.01.2022 Our floodplains are part of the river system...
01.01.2022 This is wonderful news... not only for the amazing community who are working so hard to protect the Barwon Estuary... but of course for the entire Barwon River system... Friends of the Barwon is the voice for the river system from the "source to the sea"... the Barwon estuary plays a major part in the overall ecosystem that is this wonderful river.