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Talk Plus Allied Health Centre | Occupational therapist

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Talk Plus Allied Health Centre

Phone: +61 7 5491 5400


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25.01.2022 This Bluey episode of ‘Calling Nana’ gave us a giggle, as that’s what it’s like at our place! Bluey episodes are so relatable!

24.01.2022 Today we enjoyed gathering for our Quarterly Team Day - with professional development in the morning followed by lunch and an afternoon of laughs and great company.

24.01.2022 We have been recommending social stories this week to help children understand all the changes in their world at the moment. This social story is free and can help kids to understand a bit about coronavirus and a great opportunity to open up discussions about other changes that may happen soon. We are also able to offer tele-health sessions for anyone who is not able to come into their usual clinic or school sessions at the moment, just give us a call on 5491 5400 and we will be happy to help. We hope everyone is staying well and safe

24.01.2022 Talk Plus Christmas party 2020 We had fabulous Friday night celebrating, with lots of laughs and fun! . A big thank you to these superstars, who continually provide such great client care and are a great bunch to work with!

21.01.2022 A big welcome to Justine! We’re so lucky to have Angharad, Justine and Ella in our Client Care Team, with their warm smiles when you come to see us. Super stars!

21.01.2022 We hope everyone had a great day back at school again! At Talk Plus, we’re transitioning back to face-to-face services in stages. This week our therapists are recommencing therapy sessions at schools. At clinic, for the remainder of Term 2, therapists are providing some face-to-face sessions on allocated days and continuing telehealth sessions as well.

20.01.2022 Sunshine Coast Libraries have ebooks you can download at home. A great tip!

19.01.2022 Christmas Social Skills Groups - Details and registration form are in the link below:

18.01.2022 Telehealth and children with ASD: Research shows that telehealth services are as effective as face-to-face services in improving developmental abilities.

16.01.2022 Energex are completing essential maintenance tomorrow, Tues 3 Nov from 8am to 10am. As the power has to be turned off, we will open from 10 am tomorrow. You can message us via Facebook during this time, then back to normal from 10am.

15.01.2022 We’re delighted for Tobi to join our team as an Allied Health Assistant Tobi’s supporting clients to achieve their therapy goals by implementing programs developed by the therapists. If you’d like further information about our Allied Health Assistant services, please feel welcome to contact us on 5491 5400.

13.01.2022 There’s so much innovation that’s happening out of necessity - School on TV from ABC! With learning content for younger children in the morning and older children in the afternoons.

13.01.2022 At Talk Plus, we’re always committed to evidence-based practise and ensuring we keep up-to-date with professional development. The Autism CRC have produced a report which synthesises the best available evidence about interventions for children on the autism spectrum aged up to 12 years. This helps families and clinicians make informed decisions when choosing interventions.

12.01.2022 Welcome to Ashlie Thomson, occupational therapist, who has joined our team! . We’re so happy to have two wonderful OTs, Alex and Ashlie. We’ve got appointment times now available for OT.

11.01.2022 Happy birthday Justine! We had fun celebrating last week, with confetti that went everywhere! Enjoy your birthday day off today

10.01.2022 Tonight our team collaborated via a Zoom meeting with the lovely Kirstyn O’Rourke, speech pathologist, who shared fabulous therapy resources and ideas for our telehealth sessions. The kids will love it! Kirstyn was working with us previously and is currently travelling around Australia with her family. She regularly provides telehealth sessions, so we were lucky to have someone so experienced continue our team’s professional development in telehealth.

09.01.2022 Since last Wednesday, we’ve provided all speech pathology and OT services via telehealth. We’ve had so many great sessions. In the live videoconferencing sessions we can share our screen to show resources and make the session interactive. We’ve seen lots of pets too! Phone consults and home programs are also available.

08.01.2022 Looking for Christmas present ideas? Buildzi is lots of fun and helps promote visual processing and fine motor skills.

08.01.2022 Love these gorgeous Mother’s Day biscuits decorated in some of our telehealth sessions this week! Be Caked have biscuit decorating boxes - a lovely activity for the kids to do, especially while at home at the moment

08.01.2022 With our waiting lists constantly growing for both centre-based and school-based services, we are looking for more speech pathologists and an occupational therapist to join our dream team! Join our friendly, fun allied health team where your role truly makes a difference for children and families

07.01.2022 A farewell to Kate today, as she will moving on to work closer to home. Kate’s been part of the Talk Plus team for four years and we’ve loved working with her. We wish her well in her next chapter (and know she won’t miss the driving!). Our lovely Alex, OT, has had to relocate to WA for the time being due to the impact of COVID-19 for her partner’s work. Ashlie, our other lovely OT, is able to offer clients face-to-face appointments. We look forward to seeing Alex back at the Sunshine Coast in time.

07.01.2022 Building your child’s vocabulary of more mature or sophisticated words is important for reading comprehension and writing. For example, dark and rainy words could be ‘bleak, dreary, drab, drizzle’. These are some great new books with interesting vocabulary, friendly definitions of the words and cool pictures!

06.01.2022 Christmas Social Skill Groups Decorate your own gingerbread house Make Christmas decorations and snow globe ... Christmas light-up tree, stocking and mug Our Christmas groups fill quickly, so don’t miss out! Details of dates and times and the registration form are in the link in the pinned post.

05.01.2022 At 10 am today, Sealife at Mooloolaba are live streaming the little blue penguins feeding and swimming!

05.01.2022 We recently had a Year 10 student with us for her work experience placement, which was a great experience.

05.01.2022 Sharing our gratitude and sunshine In these rapidly changing times, rest assured that we can continue to provide your child and family therapy support via telehealth.

04.01.2022 Great news that the NDIS are allowing eligible NDIS participants to use existing NDIS plan funding to purchase a low-cost device so they can continue to access therapy and disability support using telehealth while physical distancing regulations are in place due to coronavirus. This is wonderful news for the families we see who don’t have a device and haven’t been able to access telehealth until this new initiative.

04.01.2022 So pleased there’s an egg-semption for the Easter bunny to deliver eggs tomorrow!

03.01.2022 With the cold and flu season approaching and coronavirus continuing to be a growing concern, we have implemented a range of measures as part of our duty of care and commitment to the health and wellbeing of our clients and families, our team and the community. Talk Plus are following the guidelines set by the Department of Health and request you do as well. We also request: ... * if your child is unwell with a fever or cough (or yourself or sibling coming to the appointment), we ask that you please don’t attend the practice until you are well. We can offer your child an appointment via Telehealth if you would like * please use the hand sanitiser at the front desk when entering our practice At Talk Plus, we have increased our cleaning and disinfecting procedures, in particular for high touch areas such as door handles, desks and toys. We can provide your child’s speech pathology or occupational therapy sessions via Telehealth as needed, so they can continue to be supported even when unable to attend the practice. Thanks everyone for working together to slow the spread of illness for our whole community - in particular the elderly and those with other health issues. #flattenthecurve

01.01.2022 Ooh, our fresh new look is coming for 2021! Love our new branding with a contemporary, coastal vibe . Stay tuned!

01.01.2022 From our homes to yours We miss seeing you all face-to-face but love seeing you on the video calls during our Telehealth sessions.

01.01.2022 Whoo! New toys delivered! We love making therapy fun

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