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Friends of the Western Ground Parrot | Businesses

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Friends of the Western Ground Parrot


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23.01.2022 Great news! To help native wildlife and their habitats recover from the devastating impacts of the 2019-20 bushfires, the Australian Government is making a further $150m investment. The funds will be available over two years from 1 July 2020 and will target on-ground action across bushfire-affected regions.

22.01.2022 Abby and Abby from the DBCA unpacking all the ARUs that we've recently purchased and getting them ready for field deployment. It's almost like Christmas! (photos courtesy of Sarah Comer, DBCA)

20.01.2022 Fancy a job helping to save the Western Ground Parrot? BirdLife Australia has a 12-month contract opportunity (potentially longer) for a WGP Project Coordinator, based in Albany. The position description is available from the following link: (photo A Danks)

20.01.2022 Thanks once again to WIRES and Landcare Australia for the grant funds which will go towards retrieving the data cards from the ARUs so that we can establish how many parrots may still remain in the wild. We feel very fortunate to be 1 of just 64 groups which were successful.

20.01.2022 Thank you once again to Caversham Wildlife Park for having the Friends of the Western Ground Parrot as their February wildlife fundraiser. We have received a cheque for the $461.10 which they raised.

20.01.2022 The Friends would like to congratulate Georgette Hawes for completing her Honours Research and submitting a thesis at the University of Adelaide on the "Phylogeography & Genetic Diversity of the Critically Endangered Western Ground Parrot (Pezoporous flaviventris)". Well done Georgette! (photo B Barrett, DBCA)

19.01.2022 Woo hoo! Some 30 ARUs (16 solar-powered units funded by the Friends from donations and grants and 14 battery-powered units) have recently been deployed to the Fitzgerald River National Park by the DBCA. These units are integral to increasing the survey effort to locate Western Ground Parrots. (photo credit DBCA, S Comer)

17.01.2022 Thanks to all those who've purchased one of Shelley Barton's beautiful "Saving Kyloring" tea towels - we've just received the first donation into our account from the profits from sales! Thanks again to Shelley at Silken Twine Australia.

15.01.2022 The DBCA has recently, via helicopter and foot, installed 30 ARUs into remote parts of the Fitzgerald River National Park. The ARUs will help survey for possible remnant populations in an area which was once considered a stronghold for the parrots. Recordings from the units will be retrieved in a couple of months and reviewed for parrot activity. Fingers crossed! (photos S Comer, DBCA)

13.01.2022 The race is on to save one of Australia's rarest birds People are the last line of defence for saving endangered species in Australia. Demand stronger en...vironmental laws, so that beautiful, native species like the Western Ground Parrot can thrive into the future. Footage credit: Riggs Australia / Dave Taylor / Anne Bondin

13.01.2022 Happy Monday! We found out today that the Friends' application through the Communities Environment Program has been successful! The $10,650 will be invaluable in helping to fund the helicopter hire which will be needed to retrieve the ARU data cards from Cape Arid/Nuytsland and Fitzgerald River National Parks. The photos of the recent deployment along the edge of unburnt habitat in FRNP shows how remote the area is (photo credit DBCA S Comer). Our sincere thanks go to Rick Wilson and his office for their support with this application.

12.01.2022 Adam Welz, a South African-based writer, photographer and filmmaker, was hoping to travel to Cape Arid to do a story on the Western Ground Parrot. Unfortunately, his sponsorship fell through, so the trip didn't eventuate. An edited version of a Radio National interview he did earlier in March is available on the ABC's website.

09.01.2022 Hi everyone. I hope you are all well and coping with life at the moment. I have a new painting for you called: "The Mysterious Kyloring." This is ...the name given to the Western Ground Parrot by the original Noongar people of the South West of WA. I have written in previous posts about the efforts to save this beautiful, critically endangered parrot from extinction. It is estimated that about 150 still survive in the wild. I am offering this original oil painting for sale and donating 100% of the proceeds to the Friends of the Western Ground Parrot organization. Although the Kyloring once flourished up and down the West Coast of WA, their habitat has shrunk to the South East edge of WA to the Cape Arid National Park, a wild and remote area. I wanted the painting to depict this shy solitary bird in a coastal setting. The coastal heath lands are home to beautiful and unusual flora. A favourite food of the Kyloring is the red Banksia of which there are many varieties. He is looking out on to an uncertain future a bit like we are at the moment. The painting is in oil paint on Arches archival oil paper. It measures 31 cm X 41 cm in total and it has a small white border. It is temporarily set in a white acid free mount ready to frame. It can be framed to suit any decor. The mount protects it in transit. It will be securely packed in a plastic sleeve and set between foam board in a padded post bag. It can be sent anywhere in the world through Australia Post. The Price is AU $250.00 plus AU $25.00 postage and handling. Secure payment can be made, contact free, via PayPal. Any questions/queries can be sent to me via Facebook Messenger. This painting has been sold. More coming:0) This painting has been sold.

08.01.2022 Great work by the DBCA in support of the Western Ground Parrot!

07.01.2022 Want to know what's happening with Western Australia's rarest parrot? Then check out the Spring newsletter, which is hot off the presses! There's some really exciting news from the DBCA about encouraging signs of parrots in some areas of Cape Arid National Park and Nuytsland Nature Reserve, plus there's an update from Perth Zoo on their breeding program.

07.01.2022 An article on Saving Kyloring by Friends' Chair, Paul Wettin, is the feature in the autumn edition of Bushland News, a quarterly newsletter of Urban Nature, a DBCA Parks & Wildlife Service program. The newsletter is also a great read in general!

06.01.2022 Have you checked out the Friends of the Western Ground Parrot website? Come along and have a look at the refreshed and let us know what you think?

06.01.2022 Great news! BirdLife Australia has been awarded three grants, each funding a bushfire recovery project for threatened birds severely impacted by the catastrophic 2019/20 bushfires, and the Western Ground Parrot is the beneficiary of one of the grants! The grants were awarded as part of the Australian Government's Wildlife and Habitat Bushfire Recovery program, so we owe a huge thanks to Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and to BirdLife Australia. The Friends will be supporting the grant through cash and in kind. (photo A Berryman DBCA)

06.01.2022 In some excellent news for the week, FWGP have been fortunate to be one of only two groups in Western Australia to be successful in their applications for funding from the WIRES Landcare Wildlife Relief & Recovery Grants Program. The grant of $20,000 will be used to fund retrievals by helicopter of the acoustic recording units (ARUs) deployed in the Cape Arid/Nuytsland region. The ARUs, which are the prime survey tool used to monitor the presence of parrots, fill up after several months, so need to have the data retrieved and data cards replaced. Collecting this data is a fundamental input to consideration of any future translocation strategy to establish an insurance population. (photos courtesy of DBCA)

05.01.2022 Over 6000 hours of recordings have been retrieved from the acoustic recording units in the Cape Arid/Nuytsland area so now the mammoth task of analysing those recording starts. Feral predator control was also undertaken, with the removal of 10 cats, making a total of 18 (plus 1 fox) since the beginning of the year. (photos S Comer/DBCA)

04.01.2022 Thank you so much to Geraldton artist, Helen Gough Beard for the beautiful painting she has done of the Western Ground Parrot. Helen is offering 100% of the proceeds of sale of the painting to the WGP Rescue Fund, so if you would like to grace your walls with a beautiful original painting, plus help fund the survival of a beautiful parrot, then this is for you.

03.01.2022 In some great news to start the week with, the Friends are delighted to announce the receipt of a $15,000 grant from the Australian Wildlife Society and the Kinder Project. The grant will be used to purchase camera traps for use in monitoring for predators (mainly feral cats) and guiding management actions by the Dept of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

02.01.2022 Thanks to Eddy Cannella from Biostat, a solar BAR (bioacoustic audio recorder) is going to be put to great use in trying to locate parrots in Cape Arid National Park!

02.01.2022 Here's a reminder of some of the beautiful WGP artwork that's been created over the years to help raise awareness of this critically endangered parrot. Thank you to Natalie Grassi and Wendy Binks respectively.

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