Geelong Korean Baptist Church in Manifold Heights | Religious organisation
Geelong Korean Baptist Church
Locality: Manifold Heights
Phone: +61 432 086 093
Address: 165 Shannon Ave 3218 Manifold Heights, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 " " ( 52:6 ) ' '(I AM WHO I AM) . , .... , . . . . , . . : . Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I. (Isaiah 52:6 NIV) When Moses asked the name of the LORD He answered I AM WHO I AM. The Israelites couldn’t dare call out the name of the LORD, but they knew that He was speaking. The LORD who they called God by name, saved them and spoke of their restoration. Jesus is the name of God who saved us from sin. Jesus came so anyone who calls out His name will be saved. We are God’s people who know and believe in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray in the name of Jesus and we sing and testify His name. I pray you lift the name of Jesus Christ and testify it today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can call the name of Jesus Christ.
22.01.2022 " " ( 40:31 ) . .... , . , . . : . "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31 NIV) The Lord God gives renewed strength to those who look towards Him and put their hope in Him. Those who receive strength from God are like eagles soaring in the sky. They will run and not grow weary, and they will walk and not be faint. Jesus Christ, our hope makes us strong when we are weak, and gives us strength when we are tired. I bless you live an energetic life in Jesus today. Thanksgiving: we thank that you give new strength everyday.
22.01.2022 " " ( 44:21 ) . .... . . , . . , . , . : . Remember these things, Jacob, for you, Israel, are my servant. I have made you, you are my servant; Israel, I will not forget you. (Isaiah 44:21 NIV) Jacob and Israel are the two names of one of the ancestors of Israel. God called the Israelites like how he calls one individual. God promised that He will save and restore the Israelites. We have been chosen as God’s people in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ saved us and made us His witnesses. Jesus is our Lord. The Lord will always be with us and will never forget us. I pray you remember the salvation through the Lord’s cross and testify Jesus today. Thanksgiving: We thank that Jesus Christ is our Lord.
21.01.2022 " " ( 50:10 ) . " " .... . , . , . . : . "Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant? Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on their God." (Isaiah 50:10 NIV) The LORD God shines the light to those who fear Him with His words. It is written in Psalm, 'Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path'. God speaks through His servants. Jesus Christ is the Word, and came to this world as the Light. Those who trust in Jesus and believe in Jesus Christ as their God walk in the light. I pray you walk in the light, following the words in the Bible today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we have God's words, the Bible.
21.01.2022 " " ( 53:6 ) . , .... . . . , . . : . We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53:6 NIV) The LORD God told through the prophet that the Messiah will come as a suffering servant. The Messiah will be pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. According to these words, Jesus Christ came to save us and died on the cross. Jesus paid the price of all our sin. We were all like sheep gone astray. Jesus came and found us to give us peace and heal our wounds. I bless you enjoy the grace and peace in Jesus Christ today. Thanksgiving: We thank that our sins are washed through the blood of Jesus.
20.01.2022 " , " ( 42:1 ) . .... , . , . . . . : . Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations. (Isaiah 42:1 NIV) The Lord God said He will hold the Israelites in His right hand. God says He delights in Israel. And as these words say, God holds us and delights in us through Jesus. God chose us in Jesus and gave His Spirit to us as evidence. Jesus Christ completed God’s righteousness on the cross to save us. This was Jesus bringing justice to the nations. I bless you live in Jesus Christ as one who delights God today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we are the new Israel in Jesus.
19.01.2022 " " ( 45:22 ) . .... . . . . . : . Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. (Isaiah 45:22 NIV) The Lord God proclaimed Israel’s salvation. He also opened the door of salvation to all nations. Not just Israelites, but anyone who turns to the Lord God will be saved. These words became truth through Jesus Christ. If you turn to the one and only Saviour, Jesus, you will be saved. Jesus commanded his disciples to go to the ends of the earth and spread the gospel to all people. I pray you proclaim the only Saviour and Lord, Jesus today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can believe in our Lord of Salvation, Jesus.
19.01.2022 " " ( 54:13 ) . .... . . . . . . : . All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace. (Isaiah 54:13 NIV) The LORD God told of Jerusalem’s future when it is restored. Especially about the children who will be taught by the LORD and have great peace. When Jesus was talking about the bread of life He used this verse. He said those who have heard from the Father and learned from Him will come to Jesus. Those who God chose and leads will come to Jesus. Those who come to Jesus and believe and follow Him will have eternal life and true peace. Jesus said He gives peace that the world cannot give. I bless you enjoy true peace that comes from the lesson of eternal life from Jesus today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we believe in Jesus through the selection and calling of our Father God.
19.01.2022 " " ( 37:9 ) . .... . , . . . . : . This is what the LORD says: Do not deceive yourselves, thinking, ‘The Babylonians will surely leave us.’ They will not! (Jeremiah 37:9 NIV) When they say it is a prophesy, people fall for it knowing it is false. They want to believe that things will happen the way they want it to. Satan uses this and deceives people into false religions such as idolatry and superstition. False prophets were active in the past, and are still active today, and that’s why heresies and black magic are still increasing. Only the word of God can overcome all false religion and give you true faith. All faith that isn’t based on the bible is false. I pray you have true faith based on the bible today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we don’t fall into heresies and superstition.
17.01.2022 " " ( 37:20 ) , . .... . . , . . . : . Now, LORD our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, LORD, are the only God. (Isaiah 37:20 NIV) The king of Assyria verbally threatened the people of Judah to tremble, and sent threatening letters to the king of Judah. The king of Judah opened this letter up to God and prayed. He asked that the Lord God will deliver Judah from the hands of Assyria, so all the kingdoms of the earth may know that the Lord is the only God. God heard this prayer and promised to save them through a prophet. The angel of the Lord went out and put death to the soldiers of Assyria overnight and the king of Assyria withdrew and was killed by his own son in the temple of his god. It was a tragic death for one who was insulting God. I bless you pray in the name of Jesus to have your prayers answered by God today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can pray in the name above all names, Jesus.
16.01.2022 " " ( 41:13 ) . , .... . . . . . . . : . For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13 NIV) The Lord said to the Israelites that He was their God. He will always be with them, strengthen them and help them. The enemies who oppose them will be as nothing and perish. Therefore do not be afraid nor be dismayed. Jesus is our God. Jesus saved us from sin and death. And He became our Lord and promised that He will always be with us and help us. We don’t have to fear or worry about anything. I pray you enjoy the peace that the Lord gives today. Thanksgiving: We thank that Jesus is our Lord.
15.01.2022 " " ( 38:20 ) . .... , . . , . . , . . : . The LORD will save me, and we will sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the temple of the LORD. (Isaiah 38:20 NIV) The king of Judah prayed to the Lord God at a time of crisis and was saved. Even when he was about to die from illness he prayed earnestly to God and miraculously lived. The king of Judah thanked the God of salvation and proclaimed the faithfulness of the Lord to his people. And he confessed that the people and himself will sing all the days of their lives in the temple of the Lord. People who have experienced God’s salvation proclaim His faithfulness and praise God. Jesus Christ saved us from sin and death. We should boast of Jesus’ salvation and praise Jesus Christ for as long as we live. I pray you proclaim and praise Jesus, the Lord of salvation today. Thanksgiving: We thank that Jesus is the Lord of salvation.
15.01.2022 " " ( 47:4 ) . .... , . . . . . : . Our Redeemerthe LORD Almighty is his name- is the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 47:4 NIV) The Lord God proclaimed the judgement of Babylon through the prophet. The prophet proclaimed the judgement and also proclaimed that the Lord is a God of Salvation. This was proclaiming that God’s judgement is righteous and God redeems all nations. The God of Israel is the God of all nations. Jesus Christ bore the cross to save anyone who repents and believes in Him. This gospel of salvation needs to be shared with all nations. I pray you believe and testify Jesus Christ as the God of Salvation today. Thanksgiving: We thank that God’s salvation does not discriminate against nations.
12.01.2022 " " ( 39:6 ) . , .... , . . . : . The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD. (Isaiah 39:6 NIV) The king of Judah prayed to God in front of the immediate threat of an enemy but he boasted and showed all the riches in his palace to the envoy who brought gifts. The prophet told God’s words that everything that the king had shown and boasted about will be carried off and his descendants will be taken away. We also ask for God’s help in immediate crisis, but when our situation becomes good again we can become proud and start boasting. Whether we are in trouble or comfortable, we should consistently trust in God and be humble. I bless you pray to God in humility asking for His help today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can look humbly towards our Lord.
09.01.2022 " " ( 51:11 ) . .... , . . . . , . . . : . Those the LORD has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. (Isaiah 51:11 NIV) The LORD rescued the Israelites and they returned from being captives. They returned to Zion with singing. Their songs were songs of thankfulness to God and joy of salvation. Sorrow and sighing fled away from them. Jesus Christ saved us from sin and death. We look towards eternal heaven and continue singing. We sing songs lifting the name of Jesus Christ and in joy of God’s salvation. When we sing of Jesus Christ’s salvation with joy, all sorrow and sighing flees away. I bless you sing Jesus’s Salvation with joy today. Thanksgiving: We thank that You give the joy of salvation.
08.01.2022 " " ( 46:4 ) . .... . . . . . : . "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." (Isaiah 46:4 NIV) The Lord God carried the Israelites from birth. He says He will sustain them even to their old age. God has chosen us as His children in Jesus Christ even before we were born. Just as a parent holds and carries their child God takes care of us. God will carry us not only till our old age but forever. We will be in the arms of God through Jesus forever. I bless you enjoy peace and rest in Jesus Christ today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we were chosen as children of God even before we were born.
07.01.2022 " " ( 55:11 ) . , .... . . . . : . so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11 NIV) The word of God is never empty or wrong. Different to the will of man, the will of God is complete, and the word of God is always truth. Everything God desires becomes true through His words. Just as God spoke of His will, Jesus came to this world and completed it. For us to believe in Jesus and receive eternal life is the will of God that He delights in. I pray you enjoy joy and peace in Jesus Christ today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we receive eternal life through believing in Jesus.
07.01.2022 " " ( 27:19 ) , . .... . . . . . : , . creating praise on their lips. Peace, peace, to those far and near," says the LORD. "And I will heal them." (Isaiah 57:19 NIV) The LORD God will guide and correct His people when they are going the wrong way, and will comfort their sadness. And He will create praise on their lips. God not only gives peace to the Israelites but to everyone. We who were gentiles far away from God have also received peace through the Lord Jesus Christ. We have spiritual peace and physical health in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ gave us eternal peace and happiness. I pray you enjoy the peace and health that Jesus gives today. Thanksgiving: We thank that You correct and guide us and give us comfort and peace.
06.01.2022 " " ( 56:8 ) , . .... , . . , . . : . "The Sovereign Lord declares he who gathers the exiles of Israel: I will gather still others to them besides those already gathered." (Isaiah 56:8 NIV) The LORD God restored and gathered the exiles of Israel, and said even those who wouldn't have been considered His people will be gathered as well. We are gentiles by lineage and not Israelites. So we are full of flaws and could not ever reach the standards of God. God was gracious to us and made us His people through believing in Jesus. When God gathers the people of heaven, He will also gather us who believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. I bless you receive the protection and help of our Father God. Thanksgiving: We thank that you called us to become people of heaven.
06.01.2022 " " ( 48:18 ) , . , .... , . , . . , . : . "If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea." (Isaiah 48:18 NIV) The Lord God taught what is best for His people, and directed them in the way they should go. However His people forgot His teachings and didn't follow the way He directed them. If they had paid attention to God's commands, they would have had peace like a river and well being like the waves of the sea. God was gracious to them and restored them and told them to pay attention to His commands and obey them. Our peace and well-being is in Jesus Christ as per God's words. I bless you believe in God's promise and obey His commands today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can enjoy peace and well-being in Jesus.
05.01.2022 " " ( 38:20 ) . .... . . . . : . They will not hand you over, Jeremiah replied. Obey the LORD by doing what I tell you. Then it will go well with you, and your life will be spared. (Jeremiah 38:20 NIV) The Prophet encouraged the king to listen to the voice of God. Even as a king, he listened more to the voices of man than the LORD God. The word of God was different to what the people around him were saying. It is easy for us to listen to the media or a persuasive person. Whatever situation, we should follow the word of God. I pray you obey the word of God over word of man today. Thanksgiving: We thank that You gave use the words that give blessing and life.
05.01.2022 " " ( 34:9 ) . .... , . . . . . . : . Everyone was to free their Hebrew slaves, both male and female; no one was to hold a fellow Hebrew in bondage. (Jeremiah 34:9 NIV) The LORD God told the people of Judah to free their Hebrew slaves. And they were told to never hold a fellow Hebrew in bondage anymore. This was to show how God will free us from being slaves to Satan and become God’s people enjoying eternal freedom. This is true. Jesus shed His blood on the cross to pay the price of sin and buy us. Therefore, we who believe in Jesus will eternally be free people of God. We obey the Holy Spirit in Jesus to be free from sin’s control. I bless you enjoy the freedom the Lord gives today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can be free people in God’s kingdom.
04.01.2022 " " ( 49:8 ) . , .... , . . " " . . : . This is what the LORD says: In the time of my favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you; I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people, to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances, (Isaiah 49:8 NIV) The LORD God proclaimed the restoration of Israel. God answered in the time of His favor and helped in the day of salvation. Israel was protected by God as the covenant for the people, and received the promised land as their inheritance. We have received the time of grace and day of salvation in Jesus Christ. Paul said In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you. I bless you live today as the time of favor and day of salvation. Thanksgiving: We thank that we inherit heaven as people of God.
02.01.2022 " , " ( 43:10 ) . .... . . , . . : . ‘You are my witnesses, declares the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me.’ (Isaiah 43:10 NIV) The Israelites were chosen to testify that the Lord is the only god to all nations. They knew and believed the Lord God as their Saviour. We are chosen to testify Jesus Christ as the God of Salvation. We know and believe Jesus as our Saviour and Lord not because we learnt from a person but all through God’s grace. God chose us to believe and testify Jesus. I bless you testify the Lord of Salvation, Jesus Christ today. Thanksgiving: We thank Your grace to know and believe in Jesus.
02.01.2022 " " ( 35:16 ) . .... . . . . : . The descendants of Jehonadab son of Rekab have carried out the command their forefather gave them, but these people have not obeyed me. (Jeremiah 35:16 NIV) The LORD God rebuked the people of Judah, saying certain descendants living nomadic lives carried out the commands of their forefathers, but the people of Judah have not obeyed God. Therefore He will not hold back in bringing disaster to them. People think of family or national tradition as important but do not like to serve God. People try to remember quotes of famous people but ignore the bible, which is the word of God. This is because we are all fallen sinners. I pray you delightfully obey the word of the Lord today. Thanksgiving: We thank You for giving us the bible, the word of God.
02.01.2022 " " ( 36:8 ) , . .... . . , , . . , . . : . Baruch son of Neriah did everything Jeremiah the prophet told him to do; at the LORD’s temple he read the words of the LORD from the scroll. (Jeremiah 36:8 NIV) The LORD God made His words be proclaimed through words and to be written to be read to people as well. The bible is the written word of God, written by people who were inspired by the Spirit of God. When the first bible was being translated to different languages God intervened such that it was translated correctly. In the many ways to read the bible, reading it out loud is the best way. This is because you read the word of God with your eyes, speak with your mouth and listen with your ears. And it will be even more beneficial if others are listening to the reading of the bible. Whenever we read and listen to the bible the Holy Spirit works to help us understand correctly. I bless you read the bible out loud today. Thanksgiving: We thank that we can believe the bible as the word of God.
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