Genesis Christian College in Bray Park, Queensland, Australia | School
Genesis Christian College
Locality: Bray Park, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3882 9000
Address: 12-16 Youngs Crossing Road 4500 Bray Park, QLD, Australia
Likes: 2409
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25.01.2022 Congratulations to Yr 12 student, Jessica, who has been accepted to attend the National Youth Science Form Year 12 Program in January next year. The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program is a 10-day residential program designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields. As a selected participant, Jessica... will: visit science and technology related laboratories and facilities, go on site tours, listen to lectures, take part in workshops, participate in group activities that improve communication and presentation skills. Well done Jessica!
25.01.2022 This week (and until next Thursday), our Yr 12 students are undertaking Mock External Assessments in preparation for the real exams in Weeks 4 - 7 of Term 4. Under the new ATAR system, every subject has an external assessment. These mock external assessments mirror the real exam conditions and assist in preparing students for October. Great work so far, Year 12!
24.01.2022 RECYCLING PRO TIP 3: COFFEE CUPS Disposable coffee can't go in the Council recycling bin because they are lined with plastic and the lids are too small for sorting COVID has put a pause on the use of KeepCups, so what can we do?? Where possible, take a break and drink your coffee from a mug at the café instead of having it on the run. 7-Eleven have also developed their amazing Cup-Rescue initiative. Check out the link and find out where you can drop off coffee cup...s and lids for specialist recycling. The College is also looking into ways we can be involved with this great program
23.01.2022 Help our Interact Club raise money for CBM Australia! Show us your baking skills with Australias favourite cookie dough, Billy Gs. Post photos of your cookies in the comments below! There are ten flavours available to satisfy any cookie dough. Theres even a cheese flavoured doggie dough for your furry friend Create an online fundraising page at and share your page to family and friends and share the love. Happy fundraising!
23.01.2022 Employment Opportunity // We are seeking a suitably qualified Secondary Teacher to provide excellent career guidance and pathway planning for Years 10, 11 and 12 students and their parents as a Careers and Future Pathways Leader (Director of Careers). You will actively be contributing to an exceptional learning environment that promotes the strong aims of an independent Christian school. For more information visit
23.01.2022 Its Camp Season at Genesis right now! Last week our Year 3 students embarked on their first ever camp to QCCC Brookfield. They students had an amazing time orienteering, tackling the climbing wall, trying archery, enjoying learning on nature walks as well as a fun survival challenge.
22.01.2022 DRAMA As a part of their assessment for a unit on Childrens Theatre, our awesome Year 10 Drama students recently entertained students from Little Genesis. All students (big and little!) had a ball thank you Kindy for coming to visit us!
21.01.2022 YR 6 DESIGN CHALLENGE Over the past two weeks, our Year 6 students, as part of their Design Tech Unit, were challenged to build a 1m tall tower that could hold 1kg in its top 10%, for 2 minutes, for the lowest cost. Students were required to manage invoices of all construction material purchases from "Teachercorp", the supply company who held a monopoly on all resources. Teachercorp reserved the right to change the material prices each day, based on supply and demand ...At the end of the build, students had to account for all invoices on a spreadsheet of their costing. Aside from very valuable skills of across-classes collaboration and team cooperation, learning included: design elements of strong shapes creative problem solving (iterative design process) time management division of labour while waiting for Teachercorp to process Click and Collect orders completing invoices and spreadsheets determining best buy methodology of bulk vs individual pricing understanding concepts of monopoly understanding supply/demand market forces. Thank you to Mr Johnson for creating this amazing unit and to our wonderful teachers aides and Mrs Holmes!
20.01.2022 Finish Term 3 strong and join us for the final morning of Fuel For School breakfast program tomorrow from 7:45am. We have had a great response from students and families enjoying the new P&F initiative this term and we look forward to continuing the program Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings of Term 4.
20.01.2022 Last Friday night, our Junior and Senior Dance Companies partied at school! The dancers came into the College for a "Pizza & Pyjama Viewing Party", to watch a streaming of an online competition they had entered. They had a blast, digging into pizza and snacks while watching the performances of other schools. And to top it off, they also placed really highly: 3 x 2nd place 1 x 3rd place Well done!
19.01.2022 Ssssee what we made Here are some slithery finger puppet snakes that our Primary students created today in Art Attack
19.01.2022 Were on our way to help our Interact Club raise money for CBM Australia. Our goal is to sell 1000 tubs! Simply create an online fundraising page at and share your page to family and friends and share the love. Happy fundraising! Well keep you updated on our progress!
18.01.2022 This morning we officially opened our STEM Building and were delighted to host special guests including Shane King MP, Cr Mick Gillam Div 8 MBRC, Councillor Cath Tonks, BGA representatives as well as other important attendees. It was also lovely to see our retired Principal, Brian Barker, again. After the official ceremony, small groups toured the STEM Building to witness our staff and students showcase the amazing learning activities that occur within the classrooms.
17.01.2022 What's beneath our feet? That's the question our Yr 4 students have been investigating in Science recently They explored different types of soil and identified different rock formations. Students observed what occurs during weathering, erosion, and deposition. Teachers created river, wind and wave action and discussed their varying effects on landforms. Students really enjoyed this unit and continued collecting rocks so they could identify them!
17.01.2022 The moment we officially open the STEM Building by unveiling the commemorative plaque.
17.01.2022 It was Pirate Party at Prep yesterday! Our swashbuckling buccaneers braved the crocodile infested swamps, foiled Pirate Petes attempts to trick them with riddles, made their own parrot sidekick and engaged in so many other learning activities throughout this fun morning!
16.01.2022 The Year 10 Justice & Legal Studies class have been participating in Mock Trials in class this week. The students have shown genuine curiosity and engagement in this subject as well as having lots of fun along the way
16.01.2022 Genesis Aquatics Swim Club Sign On Did you know that in Term 4, Genesis Sport & Aquatics will run Swim Club at 4pm on Fridays? Swim Club is a fun and social afternoon where swimmers can put their training into practice in a non-competitive environment. ... Level 5 & 6 Learn to Swim + all squad members are welcome. For more information come along to our sign-on morning - Sat, 19 Sept Saturday from 10am-12pm, outside the Genesis Aquatics Centre. If youd like anymore information please email [email protected]
16.01.2022 One of our favourite authors and speakers, Michelle Mitchell - Author, Speaker, Educator, has released a new ebook that shares helpful tips for parents of tweens including managing social media. The issue of supervising your tween online is a serious one, especially in the primary and middle school years, especially given recent Tik-Tok incidents. We have loaded the e-book to the Care Hub by Pastoral Care - please access here: Over the holidays, we highly recommend taking some time to look through the Care Hub - its an ever expanding resource of information for both parents and students.
15.01.2022 There's still time to donate an item or two for our Food Drive! Bray Park Community Church will be hosting a community Christmas dinner for those most in need and providing Christmas hampers to brighten the season for them and our Food Drive supports this event. Please drop your Christmas snacks, biscuits, dried fruit, gingerbread, chocolates....anything yummy really to P8 (Mrs Grotius' classroom - 2G).
15.01.2022 Congratulations to our Yr 10 students, Hannah and Brayden, who recently received the Year 10 USC Rise and Shine Award. A special congratulations to Ellen also, who received the Rise and Shine Sporting Excellence award
15.01.2022 It was a Pirate Party at Prep yesterday! Our swashbuckling buccaneers braved swamp infested waters, foiled Pirate Petes attempts to trick them with riddles, created their own parrot sidekicks and lots of other activities that engaged the whole child in learning
14.01.2022 All Breakas are now $2 today and tomorrow (Thursday 17 Sept & Friday 18 Sept) at Eden Eats!
14.01.2022 Congratulations to our Shakefest team who were unable to showcase live this year but still produced amazing dramatic performances. Please enjoy this video which gives our students the recognition they rightly deserve!
14.01.2022 Japan Outboard Exchange (JOE) 2020 Yesterday, our JOE students had a get together to mark the fact that this week they would have been departing for their Japan adventure and sister school visit. While sharing Japanese noodles (Somen) and rice cakes (Onigiri) the team talked about rebooting the exchange in 2021. Once the way forward becomes clearer, these eager students will have first option of joining the exchange to our sister school, Minokamo High School in Gifu, Japan.
14.01.2022 Our Camp program continues with our Year 9 students embarking on a survival style camp at Kenilworth. Theres hiking, mountain biking, tackling the high ropes course and lots of other challenges over four days!
13.01.2022 This will be one not to miss! "Transforming Anxiety into Courage and Resilience" - a Facebook live event with Hey Sigmunds Karen Young and two special guests Renee Jain and Dr Shefali Tsabary.
13.01.2022 Our COVID-safe pre-formal is looking amazing - thank you to Yr 11 Hospitality for assisting with catering.
12.01.2022 This term the year 11 Industrial Skills class developed their sheet metal and finishing skills to produce their own Cantilever toolbox.
12.01.2022 Have you entered the Genesis Sport & Aquatics colouring in competition yet? Entries close this Friday
12.01.2022 RECYCLING PRO TIP 2: SOFT PLASTICS Soft plastics include things like ziplock bags, chocolate bar wrappers and chip packets (the list goes on and on!). Soft plastics cannot go in the Council recycling bin. However, they may be dropped in the REDCYCLE bins outside Coles and Woolies stores. Find out more about the wonderful work of REDCYCLE and their partners who are working to give these plastics a second life. ... It’s even better to reduce the amount of soft plastics used in the first instance, like using reusable containers instead of single-use bags and clingfilm; and remembering those shopping bags!
11.01.2022 Congratulations to the Genesis Rowing Team who competed for this first time this year on Saturday at Lake Wyaralong. The students achieved some great results, especially considering it was the first time many of our student had raced. We had a number of students placing first in their event, along with plenty of second and third placings.... First place winners included: Jonathan 1st (Yr 9 Div 2 Single Scull) Nathan 1st (Novice Single Scull) Ella & Jaeve 1st (Open Girls Double Scull) Ryan 1st (Yr 10 Div 1 Single Scull) It was great to see our student having a great weekend of racing and were looking forward to our next regatta this weekend!
10.01.2022 We're excited to announce that the College plans to begin work on our next building project in early December Stage 21 focusses on the re-development of our Lower Primary School and includes: the renovation of 8 x general learning areas one LOTE Specialist room... two large flexible learning areas / staff training centre. Take a look at the Architect's render below and for a full fly through, please visit our website:
09.01.2022 The Rite Journey concluded for our Year 9 students today with their Celebration Ceremony, which was livestreamed for parents and mentors. The fun continues this evening at the Year 9 Dinner Dance tonight!
09.01.2022 Do you have a Tween or Teen girl? Our Pastoral Care team would like to let you know about "The Lighthouse Plan" from Rebecca Sparrow. Its described as creating strong connections between mothers and daughters and as a "roadmap for the teenage years." For more information, please visit
08.01.2022 YR 4 CAMP REPORT We left school yesterday morning with 132 happy and excited campers. We arrived to glorious sunshine and then started our adventure. Weve had a mud pit experience, learnt bush skills, climbed a large wall, swung on medium to high ropes, participated in archery and so much more. Roast beef and vegies and egg and bacon are just some of the yummy food being dished up. The camp staff are very impressed with our students so they are being fabulous ambassadors for our school community. Today is another opportunity for more fun and some free time later in the day. from the Year 4 team!
08.01.2022 Our Pre-Formal Event last Friday was a great success, with our Year 12 students looking glamorous. Students departed from the campus in sports cars, limos and trucks of all shapes and sizes and headed to the official Formal event at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
08.01.2022 We are seeking a suitably qualified full time Agricultural Science Teacher for an exciting opportunity to lead the development of our successful Agriculture program commencing Term 1, 2021! For more information, visit
08.01.2022 Yr 8 Design & Technologies have completed their Stained Glass Unit and created some amazing pieces! Students learnt to: recognise and use glass cutting tools how to use the glass grinder... how to apply copper foil how to solder The students thoroughly enjoyed the unit and found it a rewarding challenge as all of the skills were totally new to them!
08.01.2022 TODAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to pick up Cookie Dough if you have ordered some! Please collect from the Hospitality Kitchens (in Secondary School). There's lots that have been ordered but not picked up, so please be sure to drop by today between 3-4pm.
07.01.2022 A little sneak peak at the Yr 12 pre formal event
06.01.2022 Lest we forget... Today we commemorated Remembrance Day with a moving ceremony that honoured those who have served our country.
05.01.2022 A reminder that the morning and afternoon school routes serviced by Thompson Bus Services have recently changed their timetable. For more info, please visit
04.01.2022 Our Year 11 Specialist Mathematics students have been studying complex numbers. Complex numbers involve the square root of negative one. Did you know if you graph a set of complex numbers they can create beautiful patterns which are seen throughout nature? This type of artwork was made famous by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and his Mandelbrot set. Mandelbrot said, Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, no...r does lightning travel in a straight line. The students have created artwork using the Mandelbrot set and Julia set and various computer programs. The Julia set is based off the Mandelbrot set. Different parts of the graph can be emphasized by using various colours hence why the artwork is formed.
04.01.2022 Have you ever needed a babysitter for one off or regular help, but unsure where to go for trusted help? As part of our new Genesis Christian College Alumni initiatives, weve created a directory of graduates from our Alumni Community who wish to offer their babysitting services to our families. If you would like know more, please email us at [email protected]... For any Alumni wishing to register their interest in providing babysitting services, more details can be found in the Genesis Christian College Alumni Facebook group.
04.01.2022 Primary Fun! Last week, 2R got out of the classroom to investigate push and pull forces on the playground! The children were so engaged in their learning and had lots of fun as well!
03.01.2022 We recently purchased a number of VR googles for use in our Secondary classrooms over a range of subject areas. This is a rapidly advancing area in schooling and will no doubt bring a new level of engagement within the classroom. Students using the equipment will receive education regarding the safe use of the goggles and how best to care for these resources, as outlined in the ICT Agreement. We are virtually jumping out of our seats to see where this take us!
03.01.2022 Apprenticeship Opportunity for a Year 12 Graduate! Tyres and More at Strathpine is a full mechanical workshop. They are seeking a light vehicle mechanic apprentice to complete a Certificate 3. The position would suit a recent Year 12 graduate. Interested applicants are asked to please schedule an appointment with Tyres and More Strathpine to hand your resume in. Please contact Shaun on 32057500.
03.01.2022 Our Year 4 camp photo spam concludes with these fun photos of last weeks adventure
02.01.2022 Eden Eats Reminder If your student uses Flexischools to pay for their purchases at Eden Eats, please remind them to bring their student ID card with them! This will help the queue move much quicker as we simply scan the card, instead of manually searching for the student in the system.
02.01.2022 The Christmas Festival is on again Bray Park Community Church. It looks a little bit different due to COVID Safety Plans, but is still set to be an amazing festival
01.01.2022 As you may be aware there is a very distressing video that has rapidly spread on all social media platforms, in particular Tik Tok. In addition, reaction videos and the perceived social pressure to react are flooding the social media algorithm to prioritise viewing of these videos, therefore making them easily accessible or even suggested viewing. We are alerting you as this may be very impacting on any young person who views the video. The Office of the eSafety Commis...sioner is working with the various social media platforms to monitor the situation. Please closely monitor your childs social media use over the coming days. To keep up to date on this situation, please follow the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. For information and support: Kids Helpline Official 1800 55 1800. Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467. headspace 1800 650 890. Lifeline 13 11 14. Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636. Additionally, our Pastoral Care team is available if you have any further concerns - [email protected]
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