GeoCatch in Busselton, Western Australia | Community organisation
Locality: Busselton, Western Australia
Phone: 97810111
Address: 72 Duchess Street 6280 Busselton, WA, Australia
Likes: 1461
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25.01.2022 Monitoring Beach Nesting Birds event Learn how to safely monitor breeding Red-capped Plovers, Oystercatchers and Beach Stone-curlews!
25.01.2022 ABORIGINAL MEMBERS SOUGHT FOR GEOCATCH BOARD Are you interested in using your indigenous knowledge to help improve the health of waterways and environment in the Geographe Bay Catchment? GeoCatch is seeking expressions of interest from Aboriginal residents in our Catchment, which lies within the South West Boojarah and Gnaala Karla Booja indigenous land use agreements. One representative from each area is preferred. ... Active involvement in providing an traditional land management perspective to natural resource management would be considered favourably. South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Please share this post!
23.01.2022 Jenelle has chosen black cockatoos as her fave native animal at the moment. While she confesses she "knows zero about birds", she loves hearing their songs and the sound of them cracking open the seeds. She took this video while out at site. The cockatoos didn’t seem to be bothered by her, or the sheep that they were hanging out with on the neighbours paddock! "Being in the field with wildlife and with our locals farmers is just a nice reminder of why we do what we do." Can anyone tell us if these are Carnaby's or Baudin's Black Cockatoos?
22.01.2022 Great opportunity to meet new friends and give back to the local environment!
22.01.2022 Take the Bay OK garden pledge! Share if you commit to composting #bayokgarden
21.01.2022 Australia’s largest annual bird count event is back for its 7th year! Held between 1925 October, the Aussie Backyard Bird Count is a great way to connect with the birds in your backyard, no matter where your backyard happens to be.
21.01.2022 Are you looking for new skills in conservation? Free to young people and job seekers, you can get job-ready skills in Safety, Seed Collection and Weed Control and Plant Propagation.
21.01.2022 Farmers interested in changing agriculture practices in the Geographe catchment had the opportunity to help guide future water quality actions last week at a workshop hosted by GeoCatch. Follow the link to read more or contribute your ideas to the survey
20.01.2022 Phosphorus plays a critical role in soil fertility and crop growth. But do you know your SOM from your PBI? And do you know what a P response curve is and why it’s important to both famers and our waterways?? The Story of P, a great webinar hosted by Lower Blackwood Landcare, explains what phosphorus is and how it becomes ‘locked’ in our soil. This complex process is broken down beautifully by Dr Cassandra Schefe, who is joined by DWER’s Dr Kath Lynch and Rob McFerran for an update on #uPtake fertiliser trials results. #WAEstuaries #revitalisinggeographewaterays
20.01.2022 BACKYARD BIODIVERSITY! Lockdown can be a good time to check your garden supports local biodiversity. Wildlife carers are seeing possums suffering heat stress and burns to their feet. Do your bit... Leave water bowls out for birds, reptiles and possums... Add rocks for smaller animals to climb and prevent them drowning Keep water bowls topped up Close BBQ lids when finished cooking Keep mature trees healthy Contact a local wildlife carer if you find an injured or sick animal Check out this wonderful video from Shire of Mundaring to find out how you can support wildlife in your garden. We're all in this together!
20.01.2022 Wonnerup alive with birds! Bird life was thriving on the Wonnerup Estuary today. A circle of seagulls was spotted enjoying a feeding frenzy - and it wasn't fish n chips!! Some migratory waders like stilts have started to arrive, joining Black Swans, pelicans, egrets and Eurasian Coots. If you look closely you can see the sheer abundance of bird life. Thanks to DWER's monitoring team for the photos. January is the best time to be out spotting the diversity and abundance of... bird life that the Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands support. What birds have you spotted so far in 2021?
18.01.2022 NEW RIVER #worldwetlandsday We are sharing photos from three very different local wetlands today. Celebrating the seasonal changes and highlighting the threats that face these important ecosystems. Our first ever annual photo monitoring project was undertaken in 2020 by our team and members, and DWER staff. In the series of fortnightly images, you can see the changing hydrology of New River, off Prince Regent Drive, and the seasonal changes to the vegetation (including the w...eeds!). We had weed control works undertaken here in spring but we expect them to come back this year. Weeds are a significant threat to our wetland systems remember to always dispose of lawn clippings and garden waste in your compost or rubbish bin. #restorewetlands #ramsar
18.01.2022 Join wildlife expert, Joe Tonga, for a night of discovery! We still have a few places left for Friday's Night Stalk in Busselton. A wonderful experience for young and old, spotlighting our local wildlife. Registrations:
16.01.2022 Have you entered our Nature Verge competition yet? Go on, what are you waiting for?!
15.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY! In November Water Corporation will start upgrade work on the Vasse Diversion Drain. Work involves widening the drain and constructing an overflow structure to increase flood capacity. If you’d like to know more about this project, visit the pop-up information stalls in Busselton on 12 and 13 September, or check out the project’s online hub. Visit
14.01.2022 See what best practice dairy effluent management looks like at the Haddon dairy. The Haddons have upgraded their dairy effluent system to store effluent over winter and irrigate onto pastures over the drier months. This reduces the risk of nutrients entering waterways and Geographe Bay. Another example of our farmers looking after our waterways! Thanks to Western Dairy #revitalisinggeographewaterways and #WAEstuaries for supporting dairy effluent upgrades across the Geographe Bay Catchment.
14.01.2022 POSSUM BRIDGES As part of Water Corporation's Vasse Diversion Drain upgrade, which will see increased flood protection for Busselton, 15 possum bridges and around 35 fauna shelters have been installed opposite St Mary MacKillop College. The pedestrian pathway in the newly revegetated zone near Bussell Highway to Moore St is also being extended - take a look if you’re nearby. Construction work on the drain is expected to begin in mid-November, at which time the levee banks an...d pedestrian bridges over the drain will be closed to pedestrians. For the latest information and regular updates, head to #threatenedspecies #westernringtailpossum #biodiversity #busselton #revitalisinggeographewaterways See more
13.01.2022 WATER CORP MOVING MUSSELS Last week Water Corporation started work on an upgrade to the Vasse Diversion Drain which will see increased flood protection for Busselton. Preliminary work to protect the environment and prepare the site for construction is currently underway and included relocating over 35,000 of the protected Carters Freshwater Mussel to the section of the Vasse River that runs behind the golf club. Mussels are known as nature's water purifiers as they feed on ...small organic particles in the water such as bacteria and algae. We are lucky to have so many these little guys living in Busselton, helping clean our waterways. This native mussel species is only found in freshwater lakes, rivers and drains in our South West, where the water is slow flowing and the banks are soft enough for them to burrow into. Well done on the successful relocation of this threatened species! #threatenedspecies #cartersfreshwatermussel #busselton #revitalisinggeographewaterways
12.01.2022 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), along with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) are asking citizen scientists to take part in the Great Quenda Count count to learn more about where quendas are currently living and compare this to previous years. Surveys can be done any time during the spring months, from 1 September until 30 November. Details below.
12.01.2022 Only a few days left until you can get a 10 cent refund for your containers! Not sure which containers are eligible? Follow the link below to find out #ContainersForChange
11.01.2022 In case you missed our Waterbirds webinar last night, you can catch up on our YouTube Channel. We discovered that bird use of the wetlands is highly variable, both seasonally and year to year, and impacted by factors on a local, national and global scale. Thanks to Kim Williams for an informative and inspiring presentation. #revitalisinggeographewaterways #waterbirds #vassewonnerup #ramsar
10.01.2022 VASSE RIVER DELTA #worldwetlandsday Our second site is at Ford Road, where the Vasse River meets the Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands. This is also the Ramsar boundary for the wetland. While this site isn’t always pretty to look at, a few metres beyond the tyre marks you can see the vast expanse of the wetlands and the waterbirds that visit year-round. The pools that form in winter provide habitat for frogs, insects and waterbirds. You can support this wildlife by containing your pets... at home and while visiting our valuable wetlands. If you enjoy experiencing the seasonal changes at your local wetland, or other natural area, why not set up your own photo monitoring project? All you need is two points to line up each time you’re out there with your camera phone. We’d love to share your results! #restorewetlands #ramsar #PhotoMonitoring
10.01.2022 WORLD WETLANDS DAY! Today we celebrate #worldwetlandsday, recognising the global importance of wetlands. Water, wetlands and life: Inseparable. Our quality of life here in the Geographe Bay Catchment is strongly linked to the health, ecology and beauty of our wetland systems. In turn, wetlands support our social and economic development globally through multiple services. They: Store and clean water by naturally filtering pollutants... Keep us fed through aquaculture and rice farms Underpin our global economy as more than 1 billion reply on wetlands for income Provide nature a home as 40% of world species live and breed in wetlands Keep us safe by protecting from flooding and storing carbon Visit: #restorewetlands #ramsar
09.01.2022 Our lucky winner of the Garden Trail Day prize pack, kindly donated by Soils aint Soils - Busselton and Dunsborough, is Ailsa Hohnen!! Enjoy your goodies Ailsa and happy Bay OK gardening!
08.01.2022 Your input wanted into weeds! The City of Busselton is developing a Weed Strategy for City reserves and are holding a community information session: Monday 5 October 3.30 - 5.30 pm Dunsborough District Country Club... Please register via email [email protected]
06.01.2022 Set your garden up ready for summer! Well we know that summer is almost here, but there's still time to get your garden ready with our spring Bay OK tips! Bay OK sustainable gardening advocate, Lisa Massey, says that spring is a great time for applying soil wetter, mulch and clay to sandy soil. It's also the best time to get out and enjoy your garden! #bayokgarden #revitalisinggeographewaterways #waestuaries
06.01.2022 DALYELLUP NIGHT STALK! Wednesday, 7 October. Learn about native wildlife after dark. One hour walk and talk with guest presenter Joe Tonga. Suitable for ages 5+ Registrations essential via Eventbrite. Places are limited. ...
06.01.2022 Continuing our favourite native species for #nationalbiodiversitymonth we have Hakea victoria, or royal hakea! Nicole loves its vibrant colour and unusual form - stunning in its unique beauty! This is a south coast species but can be grown in gardens with dry, well-drained soils. A standout in any #bayokgarden!
04.01.2022 We have a few remaining tickets for our FREE Night Stalk this Saturday. If you are looking for a fun and educational activity before the Christmas chaos starts then this is for you. Registrations essential.
04.01.2022 Does your native bush have dieback, or is it at risk? You can hire a dieback spray unit from the Busselton Dieback Working Group for a small fee. The phosphite spray will give native plants 2-3 years of resistance against the disease. More details on the BDWG Facebook page
03.01.2022 MEMBERS SOUGHT FOR GEOCATCH BOARD-now closing October 9th Are you interested in using your knowledge to help improve the health of waterways and environment in the Geographe Bay Catchment? GeoCatch is seeking expressions of interest from residents in the Geographe Bay Catchment. ... GeoCatch is committed to achieving a diverse board membership and encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. GeoCatch has been coordinating local sustainable land and water management programs for over 22 years. Activities are directed by a community-based council that meets up to six times a year. Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the relevant month between 9:00am -12.30pm. New appointments will have a term of up to four years. Download our 2020 GeoCatch information for applicants and application pack from our website Alternatively, contact us at [email protected] for a Word copy of the document. South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
03.01.2022 Help guide the management of our coastal foreshore! The City of Busselton has extended the closing date of their coastal survey to 8 October. They are particularly interested in hearing from more Wonnerup and Geographe residents....
02.01.2022 Did you know that aluminium can be constantly recycled with no change in properties? Recycling an aluminium can saves 95% of the energy used to make a new can and no new material needs to be mined or transported. Now that you can make extra cash recycling your containers, there’s no excuse not to! Take your bottles and cans to Containers for Change locations: Clarke Street, Dunsborough; Wright Street Busselton or Busselton Waste Transfer and Recycling Centre. ... Get the full lowdown on the environmental impacts of drink containers
02.01.2022 BROADWATER WETLANDS #worldwetlandsday Our final photo monitoring site is the Broadwater Wetlands. The seasonal change in water levels in this system is significant and impacts what bird species live in the system at any one time. This site is on Fairway Drive and would be familiar to most Busselton locals who drive that road. Two days after the last photo was taken, the wetlands completely dried out. Now we wait a few months for the rains to come and fill the system up again. These changes are such a big part of the place we live, and our wetlands inseparable from our life here. #restorewetlands #ramsar
02.01.2022 Look out for our local Oblong or Snake-neck turtles! They are on the move and residents should be cautious on roads and pathways around wetlands. This little guy stopped traffic yesterday on Layman Rd and was helped through the fence on his journey to the wetlands. Long-necked oblong turtles instinctively nest some distance from the water’s edge and will cross roads to find suitable nesting sites during breeding season, which runs from September until February.
02.01.2022 OTTO IS BACK! It was 1897 when Daisy Locke discovered a beached blue whale in Wonnerup. The 24 metre beauty became one of WA’s most beloved treasures and has captured the awe and imagination of generations. The whale was named after taxidermist, Otto Lipfert, who oversaw its preparation and transport to the WA Museum. Otto has moved around to various locations and now, after 17 years in storage, is proudly displayed at the new Western Australian Museum. Mounted in a lunge-feeding behaviour, Otto’s position reflects the dynamic nature of blue whale movement and behaviour for the first time ever!
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