Gerlinda Personal Stylist | Businesses
Gerlinda Personal Stylist
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25.01.2022 Time by the ocean is nourishment for my soul Dress Global Free Style Lifestyle Fashion Earrings gift - Veronica
20.01.2022 How do you feel about sage? I’m curious to know who else sages their home It’s said that the burning of sage:... + Removes bacteria from the air + Repels insects + Improves intuition + Purifies objects (crystals, jewellery, etc.) + Improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety I started using sage a few of years ago and I’ve found that using sage: + Makes the whole house, my hair and clothes smell like I’ve been by a campfire + Creates holes in various pieces of furniture due to fly away embers (mental note, turn off the fans next time) + Results in the disappearance of my cat for hours + Annoys my family - they pretend to cough and act like the smoke is choking them All in all I find the house does feel cleansed and clearer, mainly because everyone evacuates when I brings out the sage
20.01.2022 Looking forward to this Saturday’s webinar taking all things astrology with Donna from Register for free via the event link:
19.01.2022 Super excited for the next episode of The Internal Wardrobe. Our guest is Alison Maiden who is one of Australia’s leading Psychic Mediums and Spiritual Healers. As a Metaphysical Teacher Alison shows her students how to uncover their psychic gifts, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe around them. Looking forward to having you there.... Gerlinda xx Saturday October 10 at 9am Register Now:
19.01.2022 Super excited to have styled the gorgeousness that is Alison Maiden Psychic Medium for what I know is going to be an amazing episode of the Batchelor
19.01.2022 A group of children aged 4 to 8 years old were asked "What does love mean?" This is how they described love... Wow
17.01.2022 Recently I spoke with Jannah from Album Registry about what to wear for a family portrait You can check out my top tips here:
17.01.2022 After all the fights and tears I’m so grateful that my little girl has grown up to be my best friend Who also steals my clothing, makeup and hair products
14.01.2022 Looking forward to our Business Branding Masterclass!!! Emma and I will show you how to style your hair and choose your make up and create stylish outfits for work ... On Wednesday 19 August 2020 at 5:15pm to 7:30pm location Blended Hair Book now
13.01.2022 Find yourself in the stillness Be still, place your hand on your chest. Can you feel the beat of your heart calling you home? If you’re willing, it’ll lead the way. The perfect people, places and situations will be provided for you. All that’s needed is your awareness. Many of life’s synchronicities pass by without acknowledgment. These coincidences are divine interventions, the silver linings that are only noticed through present moment awareness. ... The noise of unforgiveness, judgement, anger and fear keep you asleep. The hibernation of resentment can last longer than the winter. Emotions are like waves coming and going, stronger feelings can flow in unexpectedly like a tsunami. Sweeping away all the good, leaving in its wake what seems like destruction. This might appear obvious like a health scare or serious accident. It may come as the loss of possessions, relationships or a job. Sometimes it’s disguised in a series of disappointments and the need to blame others. You’re left naked, stripped bare, alone with the you who has hurt others and been hurt by others, the you who’s lied and been lied to, the you who’s cheated and been cheated, the you who’s allowed the opinions of society, culture, friends and family to overshadow your truth. The you who’s life experiences have left you feeling unworthy, unloved and unforgiveable. It’s through the clearing and letting go of the past we’re able to rebuild, rising like a phoenix from the ashes. In the rubble you may feel a tired, shaken and unsure. As you forgive the past, yourself and others you feel stronger, lighter, brighter and the noise turns to silence. In the silence you fall in love with your divine essence. You’ve been cleansed, you’re sparkling and renewed. You recognise the conscious self-that’s indescribable and somehow familiar like home. Timelessness, spaciousness, freedom, connectedness, gratitude, love, joy and peace reside here. This is where you find yourself in the stillness. Gerlinda xx
13.01.2022 Last chance to register for The Internal Wardrobe Webinar This morning at 9am I’ll be speaking with the fabulous Dagmar Hirsch about all things Yoga It’s free! Sign up now ...
13.01.2022 Wow I finished my first yoga class with Dagmar Hirsch Dagmar Hirsch TriYoga & Ayurveda What an absolutely divine experience I feel centred, peaceful and full of love ... I’m super blessed to have this beautiful human being Dagmar join me for The Internal Wardrobe Webinar to talk all things self love and Yoga Saturday | November 14 | 9am-10am Register for free now
12.01.2022 Cairns Cup racing outfit - I didn’t realise I resembled The Statue of Liberty until multiple people pointed it out. It happens to mean Liberty Enlightening the World so I’ll take it Thank you Lucy for my crown and Y.M.O. for my dress
10.01.2022 Reach for the stars Register now:
09.01.2022 Recently I was in a room full of women and when asked the question, "Who here completely loves their body?" I was the only person to raise my hand. Most women have a checklist of things they think needs changing. I’m too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short. I don’t like my arms, my legs, my nose, my boobs, my thighs, my wrinkles. In the past I’ve fallen victim to the comparison game. ... During the birth of my second child, a nurse refused to give me pain relief because according to her All mothers should experience the full agony of childbirth, that’s what makes you a woman. WTF!!! The messages I received about my body were loud and clear: If you want to be a woman, be strong not bossy, be gentle not weak, weigh this, eat that, do this, buy that and then you’ll be happy because you’ll finally be perfect. In my youth I spent so much time loathing a body that society taught me to hate. Transforming my outsides didn’t change who I was on the inside. It just kept me focused on the external. Most of the things I didn’t like about myself were based on my genetics; this body is a gift of survival from my ancestors. My body is a miracle. From creation to birth, no-one told my body how to grow. The infinite intelligence inside of me does the work without my input; My heart beats, my lungs breath, my stomach digests, when I’m injured my body works to heal it. When I choose to put poison in my body like alcohol, it works to detoxify it. Everything outside of me asks me do more, be more, as if I’m not already doing enough. I am enough, I’m not broken, I don’t need fixing, I don’t have to do anything other than be me because I am a miracle and so are you. You’re beautiful. You’re loved. You’re perfect just the way you are. Love your body, appreciate your body, talk kindly to your body. Body I know I don’t tell you often enough how amazing you are, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
08.01.2022 Do you experience what I call, "The knowing"? The knowing to me is an intuitive feeling before something happens. It's usually followed with the statement, "I knew that was going to happen!" Have you ever wondered about life after death?... When loved ones have passed, I've often looked for signs that they're still close by. For example hearing a song on the radio, seeing butterflies or visits from them in my dreams. I'm super excited that our next guest on The Internal Wardrobe is Alison Maiden, she is one of Australia’s leading Psychic Mediums and Spiritual Healers. As a Metaphysical Teacher Alison shows students how to uncover their psychic gifts, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe around them. You're welcome to comment or PM me with any spiritual questions you may have, I will ask these throughout the webinar. To be part of this very special free webinar register now.
07.01.2022 I love shoot days, this one was magical Alison Maiden Psychic Medium Thank you to my trusty assistant Mercedes
07.01.2022 Loved being interviewed by the wonderful Natasha from Rose Lane Clothing lots of styling tips xx
06.01.2022 Thank you to the fabulous Emma from Blended Hair for my curly cut and style. Makeup by Amber and Veronica Sagredo from Blueclick
03.01.2022 The Internal Wardrobe Webinar is a place to explore new ways to love ourselves from the inside out. We discuss our divine essence, share personal stories and real life experiences aimed to leave you feeling inspired on your journey of self-discovery. In this episode of the Internal Wardrobe we’ll get to know astrologer Donna Johnstone. Donna assists clients by helping them to align themselves with their true path. ... Donna says, Astrology was the passion, I’d been searching for and finally found. It’s helped me to understand myself and those around me. I now enjoy sharing this knowledge with others. Looking forward to having you there xx It’s free! Register now:
01.01.2022 The Internal Wardrobe | Webinar Replay In our last episode we spoke to Astrologist Donna Johnstone from Rising Perception. We discovered the importance of our Life Path Number, Rising Sign and how to use Annual Profections to make future predictions.
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