AthleteHub | Sport & recreation
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25.01.2022 JUST HOLD ON You ever pretend you’re enjoying a movement so nobody knows you’re dying inside? Me either Wall sits are great to improve hip and core stability but damn they burn right @kellylee1994 ???... #gethubbed See more
24.01.2022 If you’re looking for that special someone to share your next HUB Ice Bath with then this is your shot *pew pew*
24.01.2022 SUMMER SHOWDOWN It’s getting close now!!! And we are stoked to announce that our HUBPASSES are now available. Remember how rough Rumble in the Jungle was? Well the same guys are doing the programming for Summer Showdown. So you KNOW you’re gonna need your HUBPASS.... Head to the link below to get yours now. HUBPASS: #gethubbed #gethubbedhealth #hubpass #summershowdown #roarfitness #rfxathletic Perrin Leong
23.01.2022 Anyone else feeling like Ray (yes from #prayforRay) after the ChasingBetter Throwdown? #gethubbed @chasingbetter_throwdown ... @rayzerblades See more
22.01.2022 Brought to you by Fitaid Australia & NZ With two workouts in one this week you don’t want to miss Dr Andrew’s mobility tips!
22.01.2022 GAMES DAY COMING SOON This time next week the winners of Games Day will be crowned! Chances are they’ll be wearing an AthleteHUB HUBPASS wrist band when they stand on the podium. Have you grabbed yours yet!? ...
21.01.2022 RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE If you haven’t already got your HUBPass sorted, you’re going to want to! A HUBPass is a ticket that gives you unlimited access to the AthleteHUB, a premier recovery zone for CrossFit events. ... Your HUBpass will give you unlimited access to * Treatment with our practitioners (Chiro, OT, massage) to ensure your body is at its peak performance * Pre and post work out supplements and more to give you the best chance at recovering between events * Ice baths to help reduce muscle fatigue and soreness * Air compression boots to reduce lactic acid build up * Flow guns, from our friends at Rocktape, to help keep your muscles fresh and ready to perform * Foam rollers for every occasion in our athlete chill out zone. Plus more! If you haven’t already, head over to the link below to get a HUBPass for you and your partner (single tickets are also available). You have until next Thursday 6pm to secure an early bird HUBPass. Link: Perrin Leong from The Leong Lens
21.01.2022 From the 3rd fittest 40-44 year old in the world! #Repost @caine_hayes "I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams." @armortech_australia @flexfitnessequipment... @reebokau @thecrossfitgames @injustice_crossfit @gethubbed @thechiropractichub #godisgood #feedanathlete #injusticecrew #australiacrossfit #crossfit #fitness #crossfitgames #crossfitlife #crossfitlifestyle #wod #nutrition #healthyeating #crossfitlife #crossfitter #perthfitfam #crossfitmasters #crossfitfamily #athlete #fitfood #eatyourgreens #Earned #BeKindWorkHard #galatians6:14 #Isaiah40:31 See more
21.01.2022 HAVE YOU SORTED YOUR HUBPASS? Rumble in the Jungle is fast approaching and our HUBpasses are now available. What is a HUBpass?? Unlimited access to... Treatment with our practitioners (Chiro, physio, massage) @fitaidaus supplements @prideontheline ice baths @normatec_anz compression boots @rocktapeaustralia flow guns @blackroll_australia rollers Athlete chill out zone And more. Want one for you and your partner? We also have Pairs tickets available! Get yours now! LINK: @perrin leong
20.01.2022 WE ASKED FOR A HINT See what Hayden had to say when we asked him for some hints on this weekend’s workouts at Games Day We’ll see you in the HUB this weekend ... You’re going to need us Grab your HUBPASS here
20.01.2022 Some sad news that Frantic Day Out has been postponed due to recommendations put in place regarding COVID-19.
19.01.2022 Not sure if you want a HUBPASS for Games Day? Watch this
19.01.2022 FIRST comp of 2021 is set to be an epic one! Grab ticket now! This will sell out And yes the HUB will be in action again!
18.01.2022 GET THE 5 STAR TREATMENT Grab your HUBPASS for Frantic Day Out now before the Early Bird Discount expires! (Link in bio) It might have been a while since we’ve had an event but we’re still offering the best recovery in the West!... Unlimited practitioner access Unlimited Ice Bath recovery True Protein Supps Rocktaping Normatec Compression boots BlackRoll MobilityHUB @trueprotein @rocktapeaustralia @blackroll_australia @thechiropractichub @theotplace @beyondbodyworx_remedial @franticdayout
17.01.2022 C O M I N G S O O N We’ve been teasing you with a coming soon announcement for a couple of months now.... here’s a little more teasing
14.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR . . 2020 has officially begun and we could not get more excited! .... . 2019 was full of PBs, fist bumps and a lot of hard work. . . We had such a blast supporting you guys at your events and we celebrated all of your achievements. And we know that this year there is only bigger and better to come! . . @theleonglens #gethubbed #gethubbedhealth #athletehub #crossfit #crossfitperth #crossfithealth #crossfitaustralia #movement #wellbeing #healthtips #healthylife #healthylifestyle #crossfithealth #perthfitfam #ilovechiropractic #fitforlife #goals #roarfitness #thinkwell #healthymind #positivevibes #newyear #2020 See more
14.01.2022 WHO’S READY!? Games Day kicks off in 24 hours at CrossFit Artax with Friday Night Lights! Are you ready!? (Have you got your HUBPASS?)... #gethubbed
14.01.2022 Brought to you by Fitaid Australia & NZ If you want to prep for 21.1 we’ve got what you need! Check out Dr Andrew’s mobility tips for 21.1
13.01.2022 CHRISTMAS PRESSIES . If you’ve got a HUB-frother in your friendship circle or family and you’re a little stuck on gift ideas we’ve got some banger AthleteHUB apparel available from @chasingbetter_wod_supplies including HUB shirts (pictured), HUB socks, HUB trucker hats and men’s HUB shorts! Head over there now! Just in time for Chrissy!... #gethubbed See more
12.01.2022 Ryan Woodall takes the Saturday night lights win at The ChasingBetter Throwdown! Australia’s fittest masters male is like a fine wine - he gets better with age! @chasingbetter_throwdown @ryano_woodall
12.01.2022 BOOM Less than a week until the WA CrossFit season officially kicks off with @franticdayout! Have you grabbed your HUBPASS yet!? (Link in bio)
12.01.2022 We hope you enjoy your Australia Day Long Weekend! #gethubbed
12.01.2022 Dr Andrew wrote a little piece for Reebok Australia for anyone struggling to keep their workout mojo during self-isolation!
11.01.2022 21.2 MOBILITY TIPS If you want to avoid feeling like the hunchback of Notre Dame at the end of this workout get on these tips from Dr Andrew! Brought to you by Fitaid Australia & NZ
10.01.2022 THE JONO DUNLOP (He hates it when I call him that ) To help you roll through the rest of this week we thought we’d tell you a bit about a pretty familiar face around the WA CrossFit scene - Jono Dunlop.... Jono is a bit of a walking anatomy chart - don’t pretend you haven’t noticed. He’s been competing in CrossFit since 2016 and has qualified for several Sanctioned events including the 2019 Down Under CrossFit Championships where he finished 8th and scored an event win. Before CrossFit Jono raced road and track cycling for about a decade which kinda explains his huge quads. He said the highlight of his cycling career was crashing on national TV at 13 years of age and bursting into tears. Weird flex but ok.... Jono owns and runs Northbound CrossFit and juggles his training around coaching, running the gym and being a husband (sorry ladies) and Dad.
10.01.2022 GOT YOUR HUBPASS YET? Rumble in the Jungle is only 5 sleeps away!!! And our early bird expiration is even less!!! If you haven’t already got your HUBPass sorted, you’re going to want to! With unlimited access to our ice baths, practitioners, compression boots and more, we have all your recovery needs sorted ... Get your HUBPass for you and your buddy before Thursday 6pm and make the most of our early bird discount!! (There are also single HUBPass options available!) Get yours now: @theleonglens @rfxrumbleinthejungle @roar_fitness247 @theotplace #recovery #crossfit #movewell #crossfitperth #crossfitaustralia
09.01.2022 ARE YOU READY? Frantic Day Out is just around the corner! Did you miss the Early Bird Discount? Don’t worry HUBPASSes are still available (link in bio) and if previous Frantic Day Outs are anything to go by.... you’re going to need one! See you in the HUB... @franticdayout @wafitnessseries
08.01.2022 HOW IT FEELS Having a HUBPASS is like a big warm hug. You feel loved. You feel safe. You feel looked after. Grab yours for Games Day now! ... Perrin Leong
07.01.2022 GETHUBBED at GAMES DAY! HUBPASSes are now available for GAMES DAY hosted by CrossFit Artax In 3 weeks time you’ll be throwing down completing workouts modeled after the CrossFit Open, Regionals/Sanctioned Events and The CrossFit Games!... To make sure you bounce back and recover between each event the AthleteHUB will be there with our practitioners and recovery toys! Grab your all-access pass here! (Early Bird discounts expire 1st October 6pm) GRAB yours NOW!
06.01.2022 GRACE WHO? Yesterday saw a news face on top of the Women’s RX podium at the RFX Summer Showdown! To keep you entertained during this week’s WA lockdown and help you deal with your gym withdrawals we thought we’d tell you a little bit about Grace Walton!... If there’s one thing we can be thankful to COVID-19 for it’s bringing Grace into the WA CrossFit Community. Grace was living and working in London with plans to backpack through Europe last year but COVID-19 forced her to come back home to Perth last year. That’s when she began CrossFit! So yes if you’re doing the maths Grace hasn’t been doing CrossFit for long. Just 6 months in fact! It was pretty obvious from the swim event that Grace has swam before.... casually at a state level. She’s also done the Rotto swim twice solo! Grace has also dabbled in gymnastics and cheerleading growing up but now her favourite thing to do when it comes to exercise is squat cleans! Grace was also smart enough to have a HUBPASS for last weekend.... just in case you were wondering @gracewaltonn_ @rfx_summer_showdown #perthcrossfit #perthfitfam #gethubbed
06.01.2022 DON’T BE A CLOWN AT THE SHOWDOWN You all know you’re going to need a HUBPASS at the RFX Summer Showdown so why haven’t you grabbed one yet!? One of our resident massage-machines Callum will be bringing your muscles back to life over the weekend! If you want some pre-showdown soft tissue work done you can find Callum at Fitness HQ Health....... But don’t forget to #gethubbed
05.01.2022 NEW YEAR NEW YOU? . For starters you don’t need a new you. You’re great. But if you do want to improve next year forget the New Years resolutions. Straight up - they don’t work!... New Years resolutions generally are all about a cold turkey change and cold turkey very rarely works.... unless we’re talking about Christmas lunch leftovers.... Successful change is usually slow and sustainable. That’s why we say ditch the New Years resolutions. Set New Years goals instead. Goals work if you do it right! And here’s how to set a good goal for next year: 1) Set a goal that’s achievable, something you’re passionate about or driven by but something that will make you work. Choose an objective goal - something that can be measured. For example Get fitter isn’t objective. Being able to run 5km is objective. It’s needs to be that specific. 2) Share the goal with someone you cares about you and can support you but keep you accountable. It might be your coach, it might be your chiro, physio or OT, it might even be your loved one. 3) Make plans to accomplish your goal and follow those plans. If you set a goal around hitting a snatch PB but never snatch, overhead squat or snatch pull/deadlift how on earth are you going to achieve your goal!? Make a specific plan that fits your goal and stick to it. 4) Set a reward. This is one of the most important parts of goal setting! If you don’t reward yourself and celebrate your success you will NEVER be satisfied. Set a reward that excites you. A want not a need. Then freaking reward yourself WHEN you accomplish it! . Let me share with you mine for 2020! Some of you may know I had a pretty bad accident 7 weeks ago and dislocated my shoulder. Shoulder dislocation rehab is slow and painful and it hasn’t been easy. It’s made life pretty bloody awful. Some of you might also know I LOVE to snatch..... but snatching means your shoulder is basically in the most vulnerable position possible in terms of a redislocation.... My goal for 2020 is to get back to being able to snatch comfortably and safely - and when I do I’ll reward myself with a new pair of lifters Dr Andrew #gethubbed @theleonglens See more
05.01.2022 WHEN you hit the spot just right What can I say? Our practitioners know where it hurts @erriejane @aleknagram @thechiropractichub ... @theleonglens
05.01.2022 WE’RE BACK! We know you’ve missed us! And yes, we’ve missed you! But don’t worry! We’re back in action at Frantic Day Out 2020!... So come enjoy the ice baths, the Normatec compression gear, the supps, the foam rollers, the chill out chairs and most importantly the beautiful and caring hands of our skilled practitioners! GRAB your HUBPASS now!
04.01.2022 HAVE YOU GOT YOUR HUBPASS? . . With @cfgamesday fast approaching this weekend, you want to be getting your HubPass sorted ASAP! .... . A HubPass allows you UNLIMITED ACCESS to all of our recovery tools including chiro, physio/massage, @rocktapeaustralia Flow Guns, @prideontheline ice baths, @blackroll_australia foam rollers and @fitaidaus @switch_nutrition products. . . We have ALL your recovery needs sorted, in one HUB. Get your HubPass by Thursday to claim our early bird discount. We know you’re going to need it!! . . Get it now: . . #gamesday #perthcrossfit #recovery #crossfit See more
03.01.2022 DON’T GET CAUGHT with your pants down at Rumble in the Jungle this weekend! Make sure you’ve got your HUBPASS ... Perrin Leong
02.01.2022 GET YOUR HUBPASS It’s our last HUB of the year coming up very rapidly. Rumble in the Jungle will be our last CrossFit event of 2020! Are you competing? Get your HUBPASS now before the early bird tickets expire! Don’t worry, we know this is a partner comp and we have early bird passes for you and your buddy! ... Get yours now! Head to the link below. HUBPASS: @theleonglens #crossfitperth #crossfit #recovery #gethubbed #gethubbedhealth #chiropractic #movewell
02.01.2022 RFX SUMMER SHOWDOWN A huge weekend for the AthleteHUB at the RFX Summer Showdown! Congratulations to everyone who took part!... We worked hard in the HUB to get people back out on the competition floor. @rfx_summer_showdown @rfx_athletic @roar_fitness247
01.01.2022 THE KID We have been watching this legend since the birth of the HUB. Kieren The Kid Power has frequented many a table of a HUB practitioner. Kieren earned the nickname disappearin’ Kieren because every time his name would get called for treatment he’d mysteriously disappear..... but this weekend at the ChasingBetter Throwdown he didn’t disappear from the top of the leaderboard!... It’s been epic to watch him mature and represent Injustice CrossFit! We’d like to congratulate Kieren and all the other winner, place-getters and anyone who just had a red-hot go this weekend at the Throwdown! We’ll see you all at Rumble in the Jungle! #gethubbed @chasingbetter_throwdown @k_pow.the_kid
01.01.2022 S P R I N G The first day of Spring has rolled into Perth feeling more like an ice bath than a sauna.... How have you recovered after Frantic Day Out?... @franticdayout @prideontheline @theleonglens
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