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Gippsland Students' Medical Network


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25.01.2022 *****WIN A $50 GIFT CARD***** The Physicians Conference was a huge success. SO - what would you like the network to offer for our next event? Some options are:... -Practice OSCEs -Simulation Sessions -Internship information -Career Advice/Presentations from Specialists on their areas -Social Events -Lectures/Tutorials on specific topics -Information from each of the Gippsland Hospitals -Whatever you want! Please post below, inbox, or reply to my email with suggestions as to what the Network can do next to support you. One of the responses will win a $50 gift card - so start suggesting now! Responses close on Friday 24th July and the winner will be announced then.

25.01.2022 A snapshot of the Gippsland GP workforce with a good percentage of our local workforce coming via the Eastern Victoria GP Training pathway...

24.01.2022 And the winner of the $50 gift card for providing feedback is.................EMILY MOGRIDGE! Congratulations Emily! Can you please inbox me your postal address so I can send it to you? Just so you are all aware, Practice OSCEs was by far the winner of what you would like the network to provide for you next. Stay tuned for further details to come!

23.01.2022 Current medical students - WHO WANTS A MENTOR? I have a list of some students who have indicated interest, and the pairing/matching process begins 21st September. If you havent already let me know that you are interested, then please inbox/email me to confirm you are interested in having an awesome Gippsland mentor.

23.01.2022 The GSMN with the support of Monash Rural Health will be hosting a number of upcoming Pathways into Medicine Information sessions across Gippsland in May. For further details and to register as places will be limited, please go to our website

22.01.2022 To live, work & play.have it all in Gippsland! AGPT applications closing 9 May 2016. We are passionate about Growing our Own medical workforce in Gippsland and there is more support than ever before to ensure our medical workforce is supported into the future. With several pathways to choose from including advanced skills/specialised training, apply now. Further information can be found on the AGPT website or contact Eastern Victoria GP Training in Churchill on (03) 5132 3100.

21.01.2022 SGPT Cluster Group Meetings are learning groups, based in a geographical region and offered to those working in the SGPT footprint. Registrars in hospitals/General Practice as well as STUDENTS are encouraged to attend and contribute to the cluster group meetings which are held in the evening on a monthly basis. Dinner is provided, and you need to RSVP to Julie Rogalsky at SGPT [email protected] for catering purposes. Its a great chance to learn, and to network with other junior and senior doctors in your area.

21.01.2022 REMINDER TO FINAL YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS PMCV Intern Match closing 1 June 2016 - remember to register for our fantastic and rewarding programs in Gippsland where we are passionate about Growing our Own. You have the option of the Gippsland Rural Intern Training Program (GRIT) or the East Gippsland Community Based Internship programs.

20.01.2022 To all our GSMN member, wishing you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy, healthy and exciting 2017! For those that have completed Year 12, congratulations on your efforts and remember that we are here to support your journey into Medicine beyond secondary school. A list of upcoming events for 2017 will be available early in the New Year...

20.01.2022 Good luck to all those students with exams coming up! If you need some tips on exam stress check out the below links. If you are feeling like the stress is becoming too much to deal with and these tips are not helping, there is still help available. You could consider having a chat with your parents, brothers/sisters, friends, school counsellor, your local GP/doctor or contact headspace which is located in Morwell and is free to attend....

19.01.2022 Hope everyone has done well with their exams, now take some time to RELAX!

18.01.2022 Our network has some great things coming up - stay tuned everyone!

16.01.2022 The GSMN with the support of Monash Rural Health are proud to once again provide a series of Information sessions for Gippsland Secondary School students interested in a career in Medicine. There will be great speakers as well a tour of the Monash facilities and activities in the Simulation Labs. For dates and locations go to

16.01.2022 If you are completing Year 12 this year or your contact details have changed, please inbox me your new email address so we can keep in contact beyond Year 12.

16.01.2022 Thankyou to everyone that came to the session in Traralgon today, the feedback received indicated that this was one of the best sessions you have attended. A special mention to the wonderful medical students from Wildfire, our amazing home grown General Practitioners that helped out and of course Monash Rural Health for hosting and providing access to the Sim Labs. For those students who have joined the Gippsland Medical Students Network, thank you and we will keep you posted of upcoming events, however if you have any further queries or suggestions on what you would like to attend in the future, please feel free to inbox us at GMSN.

16.01.2022 Year 10, 11 & 12 students from Sale, Maffra, Orbost and Bairnsdale Walked in the shoes of a Medical Student this morning at Monash Rural Health, Bairnsdale. Students sat in on a tute about how to treat Snake bites, had morning tea with the Med Students and Tutors and then split into groups and participated in 5 clinical skills stations. These stations consisted of examining a new born, a cardiovascular activity, basic life support, airway management and dealing with the ...SimMan going into a minor asthmatic fit. The feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive and the GSMN would like to extend its gratitude to Monash Rural Health, Bairnsdale, the Medical Students and Interns for not only hosting a well run program but providing such a valuable opportunity exposing some of our Gippsland Secondary School students to a medical environment. See more

15.01.2022 The GSMN is currently hosting with Monash Rural Clinical School students from Nagle College. Students are making their way through a number of skills session in the Sim Lab with the medical students. Great to hear the students asking questions and discovering the opportunities studying medicine provides. If you havent registered yet for an Information session particularly students in Sth Gippy for the session at Monash Rural Clinical School in Leongatha tomorrow starting at 6.30pm - please email: [email protected]

15.01.2022 Reminder - Registration for the UMAT closes 3 June 2016.

15.01.2022 Only 5 days to go to enter your suggestion for what future Gippsland Medical Student Network events should be - $50 gift card for one of our members who posts, inboxes or emails their suggestions.

15.01.2022 REMINDER...Information session on the Pathways to Medicine this Saturday 19 May 2018, 10.00am - 1.00pm at Monash Rural Health located within the Latrobe Regional Hospital Traralgon. Guest speakers include a local Intern with a background in the Australian Defence Force, Doctor of Gippsland origin, Anaesthetic Registrar and local Nephrologist. An interactive tour of the Sim Lab with some great clinical skills will also be included for Year 10, 11 and 12 Gippsland Secondary School students. RSVP: [email protected]

13.01.2022 The Gippsland Regional Viral Hepatitis Forum is on TUESDAY 10th November in Sale and is FREE to attend. If you are able to attend, it will be well worth your time! See the flyer for further details.

12.01.2022 Reminder...'Pathways to Medicine' information session for Year 9 -12 Gippsland Secondary School Students at Monash Rural Health, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Traralgon this Saturday 20 May 2017, 10am - 1pm. Hear from local students about the journey from 1st Year Med Student through to being an Intern in Gippsland plus take a tour of the Monash facilities and participate in activities in the Simulation Labs. Please rsvp via email: [email protected] For further information on the Gippsland Students' Medical Network go to

12.01.2022 Reminder...Pathways to Medicine information session for Year 9 -12 Gippsland Secondary School Students at Monash Rural Health, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Traralgon this Saturday 20 May 2017, 10am - 1pm. Hear from local students about the journey from 1st Year Med Student through to being an Intern in Gippsland plus take a tour of the Monash facilities and participate in activities in the Simulation Labs. Please rsvp via email: [email protected] For further information on the Gippsland Students Medical Network go to

12.01.2022 Dont forget to register for our upcoming events next week in either Bairnsdale, Sale or Leongatha. For further information go to our webpage

09.01.2022 To all our members who went to the Latrobe Physicians Conference on Saturday- how did it go? Did you enjoy it? Did you learn something? Did you meet other students and Doctors from across Gippsland? Give me some feedback about the event!

09.01.2022 Information on the East Gippsland Community Based Internship: What we offer An internship with a focus on GP rotations and rural medicine Want extensive hands on experience... Individualised learning and support Dedicated teaching time Constant and direct access to supervisors, specialists and consultants Great exposure to procedural work Your own manager and director advocating for you Opportunity to follow patients care and see the results of your treatment plans Pathways to further community and/or rural training Where we are We have 5 interns 3 based in Bairnsdale for the year and 2 based in Sale for the year. Interested? If you have questions, want to chat it through or arrange a visit please contact Juliet Church on 0428 526 931 or 5150 3448 or email [email protected]

07.01.2022 Practice OSCEs are in the lead so far - if you want your say on what the next Gippsland Medical Student Network event should be, then post here, inbox, or email me! $50 Gift voucher to be won just by posting your opinion! Winner drawn and posted this Friday. (Come on, youre med students, I know you could do with a $50 voucher!!!)

07.01.2022 Reminder to register for the upcoming information sessions on the Pathways to Medicine for Year 10 -12 Gippsland Secondary School students: Monash Rural Health Bairnsdale - Monday 7 May 12noon - 2pm Monash Rural Health Leongatha - Tuesday 8 May 6.30pm - 8.30pm Monash Rural Health Sale - Monday 14 May 12noon - 2pm... Monash Rural Health Traralgon - Saturday 19 May 10.00am - 1pm. If interested in attending, please e-mail: [email protected]

07.01.2022 Wow - we are doing really well with mentors/mentees partnering up. If you have any questions, or would like to participate in this program, please dont hesitate to inbox me. Have a great weekend everyone!

07.01.2022 REMINDER...Information session on the 'Pathways to Medicine' this Saturday 19 May 2018, 10.00am - 1.00pm at Monash Rural Health located within the Latrobe Regional Hospital Traralgon. Guest speakers include a local Intern with a background in the Australian Defence Force, Doctor of Gippsland origin, Anaesthetic Registrar and local Nephrologist. An interactive tour of the Sim Lab with some great clinical skills will also be included for Year 10, 11 and 12 Gippsland Secondary School students. RSVP: [email protected]

07.01.2022 Just a reminder if any Year 12 students interested in applying for Medicine or other courses where the UMAT (Undergraduate Medical Admissions Test) is part of the entry requirements process, students need to register by 5.00pm this Friday 2 June 2017. For further information, please refer to the UMAT website:

07.01.2022 2015 Wildfire South East Clinical Skills Weekend :D - Latrobe Regional Hospital, Traralgon - Saturday 8th - Sunday 9th August - Tickets are $40 (includes meals ...and accommodation) - Places are strictly limited to 30 people - Surgical skills: Laparoscopic Boxes, IV cannulation, airway Management and laryngeal mask airways, managing trauma emergencies, managing obstetric emergencies with Sim Mum and baby, suturing, etc. - Get out of Melbourne for a few days. - Keep posted on the Wildfire Facebook page and the event link for more details (ticket links coming soon!) See more

03.01.2022 We have some exciting events coming up with Information sessions on pathways into Medicine planned. Dates will be advised of shortly via our webpage If you are in Year 12 and planning to register for the UMAT, the GSMN will be hosting a 4 hour preparation session for GSMN members at no charge. If you are not already a member, please register via our webpage and further details will be made available shortly.

02.01.2022 GOOD LUCK to all those students sitting the UMAT today!

02.01.2022 Reminder of our upcoming information and clinical skill session for secondary school students hosted by the GMSN and Monash University, particularly for Years 11 & 12 students this Saturday 28 May 2016. Inbox to RSVP. 10.00am - 1.00pm Monash Rural Health Latrobe Regional Hospital... Princes Hwy Traralgon OR 2.00pm - 4.00pm Monash Rural Health Bairnsdale Hospital Victoria St Bairnsdale

02.01.2022 Reminder to register for the upcoming information sessions on the 'Pathways to Medicine' for Year 10 -12 Gippsland Secondary School students: Monash Rural Health Bairnsdale - Monday 7 May 12noon - 2pm Monash Rural Health Leongatha - Tuesday 8 May 6.30pm - 8.30pm Monash Rural Health Sale - Monday 14 May 12noon - 2pm... Monash Rural Health Traralgon - Saturday 19 May 10.00am - 1pm. If interested in attending, please e-mail: [email protected]

02.01.2022 Anyone thinking already about their Internship year for 2017? Let us know, so we can give you some information about the great Gippsland programs which are available.

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