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GKR Karate in Toowoomba, Queensland | Gym/Physical fitness centre

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GKR Karate

Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland

Phone: +61 450 011 620

Address: Rangeville State School, 32A High Street, Rangeville 4350 Toowoomba, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Good morning everyone I hope everyone enjoyed last nights class we went back to basics last night and work shopped some blocks and strikes with stances. And finally working through kicks in stance as well. To end the night we did some kata. We focused mostly on long fighting stance and timing for locking it in with the block as well hips . We gave a far amount of feedback during the class please take it on board as it may apply to you . We gave some feedback on some kata po...ints as well but were not going to over the top with this as it wasn't a kata class. For those learning new kata keep working on angles and foot timing in conjunction with strikes. We will do some kata work shops in the future to focus on the new katas for those that are at that stage. I hope everyone had some fun learnt something new and left exhausted . Until next time enjoy See more

24.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone just a quick update, we are all good to use the main hall tonight for training so I will see you all there ready to train hard

23.01.2022 For all tonights class due to the hot weather please make sure you bring lots of water and other drinks. Also it will be a kata work shop class and some tournament based kata activities with this weekend state titles looming. See you all there.

22.01.2022 A little memento from sensei Kelvin for running the zoom classes through the covid period. This is for all who participated in my classes you guys made this fun and pushed me to keep thinking of new ideas each and every week. So from me to you thank you . Sensei Steve

22.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone just a reminder we are back at training tonight ready to test out the brand new flooring and have some fun . See you all tonight, can't wait

20.01.2022 Good morning everyone I hope everyone enjoyed the class last night, I did several demo's last night explaining possible bunkai applications and some controlled take downs hidden within certain kata. Also I explained some changes for more self defence based application. We work shopped parts of this but not the actual partner work and take down sections. We will definitely come back to these once the whole covid 19 situation levels out and we return to the new normal. We also ...worked on some combos and some kick drills . I added in some variations of kicks incorporating some kata moves from saifa and bassai dai . We worked on a few variations of these as well. Again for both tournament and self defence applications. We work shopped a couple of sections of kata and ended with personal choice of kata to work on for 10 mins. I gave some feed back to various groups and people . I see some really great improvements with everyone, so keep up the hard work. Also as I mentioned Dec grading, let's focus our sites on this and work towards making it happen. Great work by all, and again thanks to all who chip in and help out in class makes what I do so much more enjoyable. Until we see each other again enjoy Sensei Steve See more

20.01.2022 Good luck to everyone doing their black belt grading today go hard and show em what you got. Can't wait to see the new bling.

19.01.2022 Good morning everyone, what a fun night of karate we ran a mash up of all kind of things to give everyone a bit of something to take home to work on over the break. It was a great way to end the year and I believe we ended on high note. I hope everyone has enjoyed our classes this year and I hope we can actually stay in the dojo next year for the entire year. 2020 has certainly been a test for everyone in so many ways, but wasn't doesn't kill us makes us stronger and after... this year we should all be superman level strong . I want everyone to set their goals for 2021 and would be so awesome to see some familiar faces return and get their journey back on track. We are here to help you guys reach your goals and hopefully have some fun on the way. I have tried my absolute best this year to keep as many people motivated and keen to keep training i have tried to stay in touch with those yet to return to our dojo keep them as interested as possible and keen to continue their journey. I would again like to thank sempi /sensei Matt R for all his help this year makes doing this even more enjoyable. Also I would like to thank sempi Gavin Chainey from the sunny coast for assistance when he trains with us . Also as stated last night Gabby for her our karateka attitude assisting and helping new students. And I would like to make a special mention to all the students who trained with me via the zoom classes, I believe you guys kept me motivated and kept challenging me to find ways to teach karate in small spaces. I believe you all know who you are, and again thank you as you helped keep this going . Lastly as mentioned our first class back for 2021 will be the 20th of JAN and I hope to see everyone then ready to smash out their dreams. Have a merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year . Sensei Steve and Matt

19.01.2022 Good morning everyone just a heads up for Wednesday night's class, please make sure you have a mask for class and if you have been in the Brisbane area please consider staying locked down it is a requirement. Stay safe stay positive test negitive Sensei Steve

19.01.2022 Good morning everyone, what a fun night ( well was certainly fun for us ) we started with a warm up which we will get back to and add some more fun to it. I then wanted to work on stances as this is our fundamentals and forms a large part or our karate. We work shopped several variations of 2 stances . Mostly focusing on back leaning stance. We finished up with some kata answering a few questions on the way. With our last grading for the year in DEC fast approaching we will working on some combos mostly grade requirements and kata and again refinement of kata. We will also be throwing in some other fun things to break up the classes a bit. So if your goals for grading have been made don't miss out on these classes. Also as mentioned grading is only one part of karate and when your time comes to grade thats the day you shine. Its a journey not a race and again its your journey to make . Patience is key with this and Patience is a very valuable tool to learn and take on board. If we rush we can miss key things and not spend the correct amount of time required for us as individuals to lock in muscle memory, create a good amount of flexibility and most importantly understand why. So let's push ourselves and see what comes. Until next week train hard work hard and love life Sensei Steve and Matt. P.S welcome back Trish so glad everything has worked out and we will help you achieve your next step to black belt in the new year. Along with so many others from our area chasing the same thing im sure we can all push each other and make the day together. Toowoomba strong. Also even though no luck is needed good luck sempi @ Gavin Chainey for Sunday and I know you will smash it, you now have some R10 influence

17.01.2022 Good morning everyone firstly I would like to say to everyone who attended training last and braved the cold cold weather well done, hardest part is getting to class easy to make excuses especially when it's cold . We had semoi in training Paul run you guys through a pretty awesome warm up while sempi Matt and myself ran through some higher grade kata as our warm up. Then we ran through some combos and stance work vary relevant to each grade level and at times lower grades to do higher grade level combo's. We did however only do these at a slower pace generally. . We finished class with about 10mins of kata working on kata of choice. We bowed out said the dojo kun and went for warmth . I did mention last night that if you need to wear thermal gear please do so GKR has this particular equipment for sale if needed. However I also mentioned if you all ready own this in another colour I would rather you wear that and be at class then not, continuing to attend training to me is more important then the clothing under your GI . So as winter looms closer please also make sure you are warmed up correctly before training as to not cause any damage to yourself, I personally have torn my hamstring slightly this week so definitely be careful. Until we see each other again train hard and set your goals sensei Steve and Matt R See more

16.01.2022 Good morning everyone firstly for those that came to class well done, was certainly a unknown with the weather yesterday and all the storms around as to what would happen so again great effort by those that braved it. I wanted to run through some combos especially while they were fresh in my head and the points and fine tuning mostly from my own feedback was still fresh. I ran through several of the grading formats and we broke them down to a step by step count then work sho...pped them over and over again. I must say that everyone put in 110% or more and everyone made a great effort with all the timing and preparation side of the combos. And as always we have to keep working on the small details within the combos . And for some this was trying to stop any short cutting or timing of hips, timing of stance locking in with the 1st move whether a block or strike. Also could be some minor fine tuning with hips preparation of things, but again the key words here are fine tuning, im confident that everyone understood what was needed and certainly put in their best effort so as we continue to work on these items and become more familiar with them we can speed up and get through more to free up more class time for other awesome fun things . So for those students that didn't make it last night this will be ongoing over the next several weeks and we will use thus as a warmup for other things with the intention of covering grading combos and doing a good warm up. So make your best effort and come to class have some fun learn some awesome things and hang out with a bunch of like minded outstanding people. Until we see each other again have fun enjoy life Sensei Steve and Matt See more

16.01.2022 Don’t forget the Dojo will be open this Monday night (3-5-21) so get the Gi ready and I will see you all there. If you have a kick shield and focus mits please bring them along. Sensei Kelli

16.01.2022 Happy New Year !!. We hope you've had a great holiday season and are rearing to get back to training !. Please find the Holiday Timetables. Most classes will re...start from Monday the 4th of January, some will be resuming later. Please read the timetable to know which classes are restarting and when. If yours isn't starting straight away you are free to go to another Dojo and train. Let's get ready for a great 2021. See you in the Dojo !! See more

16.01.2022 Good morning everyone firstly well done to those who class last night As promised we just worked on kata and more importantly worked on some technical points within the kata. This Was also great because we did this as a combined group as some students are now attending senior training classes, which means anything I missed you guys picked up on . This makes classes really great as their is now so much more technical knowledge. Love it so good. We worked all the ...way up to hungetsu kata which sensei Matt R is working on for next grade level, also was good for me to run through some of these katas and get asked some questions which made me run through parts of the kata to see what I actually do. We did have a smaller class so we were able to share a lot of information. We also had a white belt student in class last night and to her credit followed along with pretty much everything we did which was so good to see and yes some if these katas are years away for her but having her focus on the stances more then anything else gave her a challenge . At the end of class we graded Hannah to 9th kyu and she probably deserved a higher grade rank too. So well done and great work can't have asked more from an awesome karateka. ALSO PLEASE NOTE RANGEVILLE DOJO WILL BE CLOSED OVER EASTER DUE TO THE SCHOOL DOING A COMPLETE REPLACEMENT OF THE HALL FLOORING . WE WILL BE RETURNING ON THE 21ST OF APRIL. Have a safe and enjoyable Easter break and I hope to see everyone back in the dojo on the 21st. Also please note all other dojos are open throughout this period unless otherwise stated Sensei Steve and Matt R

10.01.2022 Good morning everyone firstly I would like to apologise for the hall issues last night, it was out of my control however we managed to come up with a plan and work together to make training happen. So well done to everyone who stayed and trained. We split the class up into 2 groups and worked on different aspects within these groups. Sempi Matt R worked with one group focusing on kick shield drills and the fundamentals that go with kicks. My group with the aid of some studen...ts worked on some kata and putting our focus on the technical aspects within the katas. Very repetitive but towards the end most students had a pretty good understanding of what was required. Hopefully the hall will be open for use next week and we can return to some normality. And again I do apologise for the confusion with the hall use. Stay posted to this page and for many to our group chat for an update. Again thank you to sempi Matt R for your assistance and to the higher grades helping me with kata. Many hands make light work. Well done to everyone and keep up the great work. Sensei Steve and Matt R See more

08.01.2022 Good morning everyone, noticing a lot of new followers and new page likes. I'm blown away and I hope everyone enjoys reading the content that I put up and hopefully everyone takes something from it and uses it a way thats relevant to them as an individual. I'm a big believer in training in martial arts for so many different reasons not just self defence. Also to me the style of martial arts you do is not really important ( Unless your in an area where GKR is available of course ) its more your doing something that gives you the tools to help you achieve greatness. So again thank you to all those who follow this page and again some of my inspiration comes from my students that train with me week in week out. Train hard and keep chasing those goals sensei Steve

04.01.2022 Good morning everyone well we certainly had some fun last night we ran through most of the grading formats we did miss a couple but they are ones we have done before. Then we ran through kata up to bassai dai. Agsin keep in mind we did run through slow medium and fast, at grading their is no slow . Also with kata we did this twice and then some adjustments. On the day at grading you may do kata more times to check things its never a given so again keep that in mind. And I... have to say for all those who attended class last night great work and great effort by all, it was a fast paced class as their was lots to get through. I have to say it has been an interesting year and it has certainly been a test and perhaps a little different for everyone, I have learnt alot about myself and alot about my own journey. I have now also come to fully appreciate class time rather then learning via computer with our zoom classes, as fun as they were and motivational as I could make my class it just really wasn't the same. It tested my skill sets as an instructor to find things to constantly do that were relevant but also things that could be done in small places with limited room. I also did some classes with some students just focusing on kata in which I didn't really teach we just all did our own kata and we could see each other and chat of needed. I'm really proud of all the people who have stuck with it this year and battled through this crazy time and for all thise students that have yet to return to the dojo 2021 is just around the corner so don't be shy and don't worry about the rust you may have because thats why we are here to help you get back on track and reach your goals. Next week the 16th of DEC is out last class at Rangeville dojo for 2020. It would be fantastic to see as many people there as possible and to say merry Xmas and happy new year to before we shut down. If you have any questions or concerns about 2021 im generally available for chat. Good luck to everyone attending the grading assessment this Sat I will see you all there . Until next time stay focused on your own goals and keep working hard . Sensei Steve and Matt. See more

04.01.2022 Good evening everyone it has been a really long day hence the late post tonight. For everyone that came to class instead of staying home and watching the state of origin, great effort and good to see your loyalty towards karate exceeds watching QLD dominate . We ran through some grade combos as a warm up and to keep ourselves familiar with them. We also ran through some kick combos to refresh ourselves with them again. After all the combos and giving our legs a good w...ork out we moved onto some kata for about 30mins. Giving feedback as we went through. And from what we saw great work and so much effort and so so much improvement since returning to the dojo after covid. And as mentioned pretty much all our feedback was on fine tuning and we were being really picky so again great work by all. We are so happy with the progress by everyone and hope to be able to put some people forward for assessments either in Dec or early next year. Again keep up the hard work and keep working towards your goals. One of my proudest achievements that I have tried to pass onto everyone that trains at Rangeville dojo is respect for your fellow student, and week in week out I see so many students offering help to others. My vision for this dojo was to try and pass something on that would continue to be passed on as it was something I learnt from another sensei so many years ago in a different style of karate. Remember respect is a 2 way street, a student should never fear a sensei they should only ever respect them, and thats because the sensei has given them the respect they deserve. I see so much passion in this class that it blows me away every week, and its the reason I continue to teach, you guys are awesome and I can't praise you all enough. Great work by all sensei Steve and Matt

04.01.2022 OPEN SENSEI CLASS !! Ever wondered what it's like to train like a Sensei ?, how would you like to train with your Sensei ? During the Month of January the Regio...n 10 Instuctor class will be open to all students. Not only can you kickstart your training for the new year but you can do it like a Sensei ! See you there. See more

03.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone just a quick reminder grading / assessments this Sat so please make sure your in class Wed night if your someone I have been assessing, I will hand out grading slips then. Also next week the 16th of Dec is our last class for the year at Rangeville dojo so I will plan a mixed class of fun and stuff

02.01.2022 Hi guys, yet another election this weekend so karate will be in the yellow hall off of Hennessy street. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

02.01.2022 Good morning everyone I hope everyone enjoyed last nights class, it was really good to see some new faces in the class welcome along and I hope you guys had some fun and learnt some things throughout the class. I mixed the class plan up a bit to cover the new students and keep most of my class plan for the higher grades. I explained some items that we went through from senior class that i felt especially for higher grades this needed to shared. And we work shopped a couple of... items that related to these . We work shopped a couple of sections from kata to really set everyone's focus more for the whole kata later on. We ran through some kata more to demonstrate things to come for the newer students. Again I hope everyone enjoyed and I hope everyone took away something to work on . I also mentioned for homework we need to work on our dojo kun for next week as we all seem a little rusty with this me included. So next week let's pump it out with full enthusiasm as a group. Until we see each other again enjoy your karate . Again and as always thank you to all who help out during class sempis and students Sensei Steve See more

01.01.2022 Good morning everyone, last night was an interesting night indeed. We did a small warm up to get the blood pumping, then we went through a series of stretches to loosen our legs and hips up to allow us to punish some kick shields. We ran through a drill where we did our 4 basic kicks as fast and light as possible for a small amount if time on each leg time what is time . Once we ran through these on both legs and both people. We had a quick break. Then moved onto some kicks again working on speed and technique not power. After this we used this opportunity to work shop our cresent kicks for kata bassai dai which is something we needed to work on anyway so great opportunity. Then I introduced some kicks from other styles or applications which are different to say the least. But great to see everyone have a bit of fun with this and take it on board. All these alternative type kicks are very useful in their own way. We ended the night doing kata for about 10 mins to warm down and stretch out the tired legs. Hopeing everyone can walk today and their not in to much pain. We will definitely be doing another kick shield class in the near future as I have so many more things I want to work on . Mostly speed as I saw some room for improvement here and mostly on retraction of kicks not execution. Thats the great thing about karate their is always something to work on and improve. Grwat work by all who where there and for thise that missed out always next time but don't not come because its hard, that's the point to challenge you so you improve. Also as mentioned its with sadness that we say good bye (even its not for ever ) to one of our long term students and friends, Trish. Trish has made the hard decision to stop her karate journey at this point due to ongoing personal things. Hopefully we see Trish from time to time somewhere and as mentioned we wish you good luck for all your future endeavours. You explained your goals that you wanted prior to starting your journey and you have more then exceeded them and I hope you have made some long term friends from your journey. Again best of luck and I hope you forfill any goals you still have left to tick off. Sensei Steve and Matt See more

01.01.2022 Good morning everyone, what a fun night of karate (not football) We had last night, we ran through some warm ups to get the blood pumping and fire us up for what was coming. We split up the class with sempi Gavin (from the sunny coast) taking care of a couple of newer students and having some fun with a kick shield, and running through some basics . Big thanks to you sempi Gavin for jumping in and helping out especially when you weren't even in your own region or class. Great... attitude from a great karateka . The rest of the class ran through some kumite drills with my main focus of introducing relaxation to the combos and trying to incourage ways to help with this. For the most part thus seemed to work for most which was great. I have to admit relaxation seems to be one of the hardest things to grasp and I am so open to any suggestions for teaching this. I know even for myself this has been one of my own struggles and I understand it and from time to time achieve it but still believe I need more as well. Let's all say and agree its a work in progress for us all . We ended with some kata drills and some fine tuning points on some kata. With the Dec grading / assessment looming and those that are currently in the spot light and being preped so they are at their absolute best, keep working hard not much longer to go and you will have your opportunity to shine. We will continue to assess those that are close but please do not take it as anything negitive if we do not put you forward it just means we want to keep working with you towards your goals. I'm always honest with everyone in my class and I even let you guys know my own goals and where I'm generally at with them, for the most part I'm being assessed for my next level and with all that I have going on i haven't at this point done enough to make the next step so I now know I need to work harder moving forward and push myself for next year. Again this is my goal and I have to work for it. The important part is im not discouraged that I didn't put enough in, im now more determined to make it happen next year and preparing myself mentally for the challenge. To all keep working hard keep focused on your goals and stay positive tomorrow is a new day and yesterday was our hardest day Sensei Steve Matt and Gavin See more

01.01.2022 Good morning everyone what a great night of karate and fun And we got to do it all on a brand new floor how awesome was that. Have to say it was a little slippery but pretty good overall. Sempi Matt took you guys through a bit of a warm up while i signed in the last few students so we old stay on track time wise. I ran everyone as a big group through a set of combos which I did during the zoom class period. Working on so many things in a very simple series of combos. Wor...king on stances hips timing basic blocks and strikes. So much to focus on and again easy basics. We then worked on some kata to finish the night splitting into groups. Sempi Matt Working on basic fundamentals of 1st and 2nd kata with lower grades Working mostly with stance and transitions not really focusing on the full katas. Had some higher grades run through seiunchin kata with another group while I worked with a group focusing on siafa kata. Absolutely impressed by all who attended last night. Great work keep it up and keep working hard towards that next grade level. P.S set your goals for the year and work out what you want to achieve and then work out a way to make them achievable. Our next grading will be held in June so let's work towards our goals for June. Again and as always thank you to sempi Matt for his assistance and to the higher grades who are now part if the sempi training stage many hands makes light work. Great to see everyone again after our short break. Sensei Steve and Matt R See more

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