Gladstone Primary and Kindergarten | Website
Gladstone Primary and Kindergarten
Phone: +61 8 8662 2235
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25.01.2022 Reminders for Week 5 Tuesday - Student free day for school & preschool Wednesday - Mobile Library Thursday - Assembly 2.35 for a 2.40 start under the shade on main building
25.01.2022 Week 7 newsletter
24.01.2022 Gladstone High School Canteen is closed on Thursday 18th March.
23.01.2022 Last day for Bird in Hand orders. Feel free to text me your order if you don’t have time to complete a form. If you have ordered but are yet to pay, please do so by the weekend as the order is being submitted early next week. Thanks for supporting this successful fundraiser!
23.01.2022 Week 4 newsletter
23.01.2022 Week 2 newsletter
22.01.2022 Week 5 newsletter
22.01.2022 What's happening in Week 5? It is Naidoc Week. Wednesday - 6/7 excursion to Port Augusta - Mobile Library - Remembrance day 11th day of the 11th month at 11am... Thursday - Kindy bus trip to visit children's homes Reminder: The finance committee are looking for donations for the raffle to be drawn at the End of Year Celebration, which will be held at school this year.
22.01.2022 Week 9 newsletter
19.01.2022 We have had some cases of Nits reported. Please be vigilant in checking your children's hair regularly. Treat, comb and then they can return to school.
19.01.2022 Letter from the Chief Public Health Officer
19.01.2022 Videos of maths games to play at home - a pack of cards will be handy. :)
19.01.2022 Exciting times! Keep your eyes peeled for our annual Bird in Hand wine drive. Forms will be coming out this week. Please note there will be a quick turn around to ensure we get our wine orders before end of year celebrations.
19.01.2022 What's happening in Week 11? Wednesday 7th - Schools Ministry group, Easter the Light of the World 10.30am Thursday 8th - Hot Wheels Day lunch and recess; Kindy Working Bee 11.30am; Assembly hosted by 2/3 class 2:30pm Friday 9th - Dusty Feet Mob at the High School 9:30am; Last day of term dismissal 2:10pm
18.01.2022 Outdoor activity for the holidays.
17.01.2022 Student free day tomorrow, Wednesday 17th June, for all preschool and school children. We will see the school children on Thursday and the preschool children next week. :)
17.01.2022 Last week for orders and payments to be made for our Bird in Hand Fundraiser. Get in to get great wine at an awesome price!
17.01.2022 Quick guide for parents and teens
17.01.2022 Whats on in Week 9? Wednesday - Fire Pit day with Miss Deverell and Judy. Who? different classes at different times.
16.01.2022 Things to do in the holidays. We will be in touch with you soon.
16.01.2022 Play School have been doing some great things to help young children cope with the changes to their lives.
15.01.2022 Whats happening in Week 9? Wednesday - Mobile Library - Mrs Clothier and Mr Cs classes are going to the Bundaleer Forest.... Thursday - R/1 children are visiting the Museum in Jamestown - Steve from LCS Landscapes is coming to work with SRC on our planning our new playspace. - Assembly 2.35 for a 2.40 start under the outdoor shelter - Mums night at the Kindy 5-7pm
14.01.2022 What's happening in Week 4? Tuesday - Student Free day Thursday - Book Week dress-up for the theme 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds' Parade and then assembly from 9am. - Kindy walking to children's homes in Gladstone Friday - Playgroup
13.01.2022 Health advice from Chief Public Health Officer.
13.01.2022 Gladstone Primary School and preschool will be closed tomorrow and Friday except for children of essential workers. Buses will be running on these 2 days if children of essential workers need transport. We will have staff rostered on for both days to provide supervision. The school and preschool will have pupil free days on Monday and Tuesday so that teachers can prepare for remote learning. Some learning has been sent home today and more will be available later next week. Please read newsletter and check GPS Facebook page and text messages for further updates.
12.01.2022 It’s back!!! We are once again holding the popular Bird in Hand fundraiser. Stock up on your favourites before the festive season! Details below... Send me a msg or email as per form to order. ... We appreciate your support. See more
12.01.2022 What’s happening this week! Wednesday: Harmony Day Big Boys @ Kindy 5-7 (Kindy only)... Thursday: NAPLAN online -system check
12.01.2022 Week 10 Newsletter
11.01.2022 Week 1 newsletter
11.01.2022 2021 Kindy Enrolment (Children turning 4 yrs between 1st May 2016 and 30th April 2017) We are starting to enrol for 2021. All families intending to enrol their child in Kindy are asked to complete a Preschool Registration of Interest form. This needs to be completed by the end of June. Children within the Catchment Area/Zone will be offered a space and given Enrolment forms in August. Children outside the Catchment Area/Zone will be offered a space and given Enrolment forms in September. The Gladstone Kindergarten Catchment Area/Zone includes children living in the communities of Gladstone, Georgetown, Gulnare and Yacka. Forms can be collected from the Front Office, the Kindergarten or printed from the website.
10.01.2022 What happening this week!! Tuesday 30th Kindy 4 yr old health checks Interviews ... Wednesday 31st Mobile Library Interviews Thursday 1st Early dismissal @ 2:10pm Interviews GOOD FRIDAY
10.01.2022 We hope that families took the opportunity to commemorate Anzac Day at home this year. Thanks to Bev for organising and laying a wreath at the War Memorial on behalf of the school.
10.01.2022 Week 3 newsletter
10.01.2022 Reminder - Student Free day for school and preschool Tuesday 18th August.
09.01.2022 Week 11 newsletter. Have a great holiday at home. :)
08.01.2022 We all love a bit of excitement at the end of the year, a Chrissy Raffle always brings that! Hope everyone is having great success at selling their tickets for our last fundraiser - thanks for all of your efforts! Just a reminder - if you haven't already, we are kindly accepting donations, no matter how big or small to put towards a bundle of prizes for our end of year Christmas raffle. Items can be dropped at the front office.
07.01.2022 Another guide for parents to help their children when using social media. This time Snapchat
07.01.2022 Orders are flowing in and still time to get yours in if you haven’t already! Spread the word, it is the best fundraiser for our school.....should we be worried... lol.
06.01.2022 Have you heard about Water Night? Thursday 22nd October from 5pm to 5 am. Can your family survive on one bucket of water? Find out more at :)
06.01.2022 Whats on in Week 8? Tuesday 7.30pm Governing Council Friday playgroup
05.01.2022 Week 7 Reminders 5 days a week Lunch order trial begins Wednesday Mobile Library
05.01.2022 Whats on in Week 10? * Wednesday - Assembly 2.35 for a 2.40 start outside *Friday - Colour Run 12.45 for a 1pm start outside - 2.10pm dismissal for school holidays
05.01.2022 What's on in Week 3? Mon - Fri - Footsteps dance for all children Tues - Governing Council Wed - Mobile Library Thurs - 4 year old CAYHS checks... - Dad's night at the kindy See more
04.01.2022 Gladstone High have informed us that the buses will be running an hour earlier on Thursday 1st April leading up to the Easter break. Therefore the dismissal time for us will be 2:10 on that day. Apologies for the late notice.
03.01.2022 Latest letter from the Minister for Education
03.01.2022 Good news - school will be open on Monday 23rd November and Kindy will be open on Tuesday. We will not be offering an alternative home-based learning program. As the risks associated with COVID-19 have not passed, we will minimise the number of people coming and going from our site. For school children, please drop and collect your child at the front of the school and maintain the appropriate physical distance from other adults. Kindy will have the usual drop off and pick up. You will get more information about the next 3 weeks soon. Looking forward to seeing all the children on Monday. Have a lovely weekend.
03.01.2022 The K-1s had an awesome day at the Bundaleer Reservoir today
02.01.2022 Week 8 newsletter
02.01.2022 Mo Willems Lunch Doodles 11 + episodes so far. Drawing and writing ideas.
02.01.2022 We currently have quite a few cases of headlice. Please check your childs hair regularly. They are very difficult to get rid of and require a lot of persistence. This link might help
01.01.2022 The new parent engagement survey went live on Monday. Parents will be sent a link via either email or SMS.
01.01.2022 The Kindy Yard looks amazing. Thanks Katrina, Brad, Heidi, Annalise, Beck, Jackson, Kaitlin, Emily, Nina, Jai, Rachel, Archie and Zoe. We look forward to using it next term. Happy Holidays
01.01.2022 Nature Play Week 2020 - Back to Basics Challenge! DAY 1: Were going on a bug hunt! Please share pictures of your bug hunt and drawings in the comments (if you... are happy for us to share them) :) #natureplayweek
01.01.2022 We have sessions available, please feel free to share with your friends.