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25.01.2022 And I followed up with this: 2nd 12:15am gold pushed through the first resistance at 1590 after dropping immediately below my comments at 10:05am. Now we are testing that 1601 area. If US Treasuries are a safe haven then so is gold. This it not a permanent damage to gold. The AUD is in trouble as 35% of our exports go to China and not just iron ore. We also import 24% of our imports from China so this can hurt Aussies companies that cannot get supply. Most of our gold
23.01.2022 Now I can release the 'rest' of the post on the 6th Feb for non members. 6th February 10am once again the fan line has supported price and now gold has positive Mandelbrot calculations. It looks like that sharp 2hr smack down to the final low was a "run the stops" exercise. Gold is still holding the pause / consolidation scenario before launching through the 1600's and up into the 1700's in USD terms.
23.01.2022 Update 13th April for the post below in March. Happy Easter to all, and sorry it has been a long time between updates in here as I have been putting out two newsletters per week of late. So much macro to cover and connected markets like the AUD: USD, DXY, and DOW in addition to metals. Note: Trump extended his time line to end April for getting the US economy back into operation in a careful manner. Lots has happened over this Easter however and it is very important to un...derstanding what is happening. Here is a post from last month: 25th 11:05am Trump is calling an end to this by Easter and Chloroquine in conjunction with another drug cures Covid-19 in 5 days. Countries that use this drug (FDA approved and been around 20 years) have very low incidence of Covid-19. The V bounce is on. The media is fake and ramping the panic. The best thing I can do for you all right now is predict the end of this event so you have a time line. The AUD POG is huge and so the producers are catching up to that in a surge like silver which is roaring back. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and the sources I have been watching with interest have been right time after time. Predictive power is the only proof and commodity of value in the markets which is why I have concentrated on that these long years at my desk.
22.01.2022 And yesterday, honesty only here at GoldOz, well except for accuracy (most of the time): 3rd 11:30am I am going to need more data to make sense of the reading as that crash made no sense. It was an attack on stops and margin across the gold sector and in the metals and has most likely set up a low. I am not too sure yet so a lot more work has to go into this. A lot of damage was done to value, fear has been completely over done and whipped up in the media. A few clients contacted me and asked if certain stocks were good value. Of course... (more for clients only).
22.01.2022 6th June: I have posted every day in the live area since the last update keeping clients abreast of developments and selected markets. Here is an interesting one from Friday morning because it preceded a fall last night to exactly 1670 before gold bounced on the close. Just to put things in perspective: this was all following a partial sale of one stock very close to the top last week. Here the post from Friday morning: 5th June 10am I will have the NL up straight after this post today. Gold has bounced so the penetration of that support did hold after all. It can bounce down the top of that line towards the 1670 level or scenario two is an early break to the upside. That is just a
19.01.2022 18th May 5pm Quick catch up on messages now enjoyed by clients over at the GoldOz web site. I have called this perfectly and that is no easy feat. Many newsletter writers are right half the time which would be a total collapse in performance here. After the last post gold did fall a bit over $23 but this is what I soon had to say: 8th May 10:08am Gold looking good it just refused to fall as the buying pressure builds. Back at 11am, worked to mid-night and hard at it this... morning so much happening! 8th 11:15am Gold has lifted back to my second highest fan line and yet this has not held twice before as resistance. I only recently placed a new upper fan line above this one. I have just updated the Harmonic model as time is almost up but remember this is measured in years so I have a target for you. The Aussie gold sector is in fantastic shape here and... (the rest was for subscribers only) 8th 2:50pm NL302 has now been uploaded. I have updated the Harmonic Model and analysed... (members only). Gold and silver are close to break out and the stocks should run hard if I am right. NOTE: gold and silver did break out and the stocks have run from 7300 (XGD) to 8491.1 in 7 trading days.
19.01.2022 The following was offered 30min before the final launch on the 24th. That reads as 21:30 on the 21st in TradingView due to the time differential internationally. Gold performed exactly as predicted (once again) after that post. I cannot say that is boring but it is very common these days and I enjoy being able to predict the near term future with such a high level of success. I keep nothing in my computer to give away or store the system that enables this. Imagine how he...lpful this could be if received in real time as a savvy GoldOz premium client. This is a cut and paste: 24th February 9:30am gold had a stellar week last week reaching almost my next maroon fan line and the RSI is back up to just over 77. The hourly shows a parabolic pattern which has to consolidate or correct very soon. Gold has a fire in its belly now. Silver is lagging for now. Mandelbrot suggests consolidation or a short pull back is probable with further upside after that so i present the following medium term targets. The fundamentals are dominated by uncertainty and potential volatility from Corona, political upheaval in the US (looming actions against establishment) and monetary issues in the banking sector and funds management. There is a black fan line looming overhead and it intersects with a significant horizontal resistance at...
18.01.2022 From this morning: 6th February 10am once again the fan line has supported price and now gold has positive Mandelbrot calculations. It looks like that sharp 2hr smack down to the final low was a "run the stops" exercise. Gold is still holding the pause / consolidation scenario before launching through the... (more for subscribers only) Note: gold was US$1556.21 this morning at that time and is now trading 12 hours later at 1566.44 (10:22pm here).
18.01.2022 12th August 9:10am OK some comments from early this week in the Premium Live Commentary section of GoldOz. Note that after the comment on the 4th gold did "blow off" even higher into the 7th Australian time and at a higher level before the system kicked in and turned out correct yet again. Early warning is valuable. These moves below are in context with a large amount of other work and education that teaches what is happening and (mostly) how I arrive at this level of acc...uracy. The fan line has held up as support last night 11th (USA time). Here are two live updates can you imagine how valuable this is a guide and education source? 10th August 10am I warned a pause / small correction was due and up over $2000 we can have $100 down and it is only 5%. I provided warning and levels last week so please see below. The good news is contained in the comments below and the newsletter from Friday and I stand by that. Early warning is so important as you can then prepare. This is... and 4th August 9:58am please see below NL311 now uploaded. Gold is consolidating and the RSI is still just above 80 so the pressure is still on. Any dip may take it back to the 20dma which is rising and currently at 1876 (yesterday 1868). The fan line may also offer support as it is up to 1905 and rising gently towards that old high of 1921. There is also the chance of a blow off to an even higher overbought reading but for now the AUD POG hit an all time high last night. The DXY had too many shorts and they got hammered with that bounce I talked about right on point. The DXY has drifted back from that spike yesterday but the 20dma is up over 95 and falling rapidly offering a potential rally stopping resistance.
18.01.2022 Note on the call on the 6th February; and now the price is $1574.50 as of 11:05am 10th February. My system worked perfectly yet again. This is not meant to be possible. The educational portfolio just bought another stock on Friday after taking a massive profit on another which had become drastically over weight in the portfolio. That is due to success. Portfolio and cash management are both part of a successful investing strategy in the share market. Financial education is not taught in schools yet it is so vital.
16.01.2022 Gold broke out on the 17th but this is what I had to say to clients (as guidance not advice) on the 12th along with comment on some stocks (which is not for public consumption). It was spot on - here is the cut and paste: 12th February 10am Gold was boring as suggested "no change" after failing to run through my overhead fan line after it bounce off the next one down a week ago. This is a consolidation and I expect gold to break upwards again pretty soon now. Perhaps we have to wait until next week?
15.01.2022 And from the 19th (below in this post as I am posting this on the 27th march 1:16am) as live comments are for premium clients only. A V bounce it was could that have been helpful for you during that plunge? I called the low in silver at the same time. Gold turned after consolidating from that time hitting as low as 1450.8 so I missed by $2.80 in a $250 plunge over just 5 days. It consolidated for just 4 days however I map this by the hour so that picture is different. Go...ld is now up around $187 from that low and the XGD was "played out" rising sharply. Here is the post from last Thursday: 19th 1:25pm the AUD has been as low at 0.5501 already in case you did not believe my 48c prediction (and ultimately an $A with a xxxxx in front of it have I mentioned that?). The pattern in the ellipses on the XGD looks about played out. I have to pull the trigger shortly on the rest of the Funds I am not going to miss this opportunity. The chances of a V bounce are reasonable IMO because Covid is massively over played. I still cannot believe how low silver has gone what an opportunity. Gold support is not far below at 1,448 on the same black fan line that held previously. Aussie gold is 2,662 and the producers are being slaughtered so savvy buyers are scooping this up.
14.01.2022 This was a recent post but what you do not see it the newsletters which I deliver on average once a week. This post in the live area from last week (note three down days on AUD since that point in time and gold acting as predicted): 29th April 10am the AUD may be topping here I have run an additional Fib study and Mandelbrot so the confirmation needed is a break below 64.6c but never use derivatives on Fx using my comments please. The banks rig the game as they have the dat...a and the clout in this space and probably have access to some announcements at times too. Gold has to consolidate longer in a larger range in line with this stage of the parabola. It has started to accelerate as suggested a couple of months back and it will rise more rapidly as time goes by. The time scale for this parabola is an important study and we have at least...
12.01.2022 10th August 2020 I am sorry I have been so busy with new clients, old ones coming back, research and newsletter production not to mention work on the Educational Portfolios. I have not had time to post in here. Sign up to the members if you want education that includes commentary on companies, guidance on the markets and macro research that is vital for you to succeed in this challenging time. Here is a recent post from the Live Commentary "premium" area of GoldOz: 28th July 10am the DXY is oversold and gold has pushed higher as expected from Mandelbrot calculations. I was surprised it did not even pause at the old high in 2011. While gold is pushing up and sitting on top of the upper BBand we have to expect even higher prices. This is monumental and silver is confirming. I am expecting gold to run up to the... (members only).
09.01.2022 This might have been helpful for you the past few days? 2nd March 10am margin call slaughter in gold and the Mandelbrot system still reads nothing but a short term dip. That is astonishing and smacks of an attack by the banks but I have to admit I missed this and it is extreme. Back in NL287 on the 21st February I stated "no major panic yet" well that has changed as shown by that absurd sell off on Friday in the stocks.
08.01.2022 7th July post: 3rd July 9:50am gold is poised to launch and so the last three days have seen washout moves to the downside which have seen reversals. These fluctuations create hammer formations in the candlestick chart which are bullish. I count two in the last five trading days with the dips probing down to the 1760 area so volatility is low. Silver is in an area of heavy resistance going back to early 2015 and it needs to break above the $21 to $22 area after which it will head to 24.30 which is a major Fib line. It has a long way to go to catch gold and it always tends to outperform once the lag effect is resolved.
08.01.2022 13th April and another post from April this time so it is more up to date: 6th April 10am sleep is nice I hope you are all not too disturbed by the events at hand. I am hearing reports of a possible 3 day shut down of phone and internet this week as operations are concluded but I have no idea if this is true or not. Yet I do feel it wise to report this rumor. Gold paused then continued and then dipped slightly exactly as predicted in the post on Friday morning. The pause 11 hours, the rally was $18 off that low 9 hours later and the last 3 hours saw a dip back to 1608 and consolidation in the last hour to close at 1615. I believe gold is building up the energy to run to new highs and test the old September 5/6th of 2011 soon. I believe the reset of the financial system must include... (more for subscribers only)
04.01.2022 Calling gold perfectly of late (still) and without a crystal ball. Advanced maths and a long history with technical analysis allows this to happen on a very regular basis. Not predicting at certain times is just as important for one cannot always know what is about to happen. Here is a post from last week (23rd June today): 16th June 9:30am we are heading into a significant solstice and may see that as a turning point. Gold was belted down however the Mandelbrot reading...s were positive and it turned before running up to an insignificant resistance line (short term). This line has already been invalidated last week. We are almost through the tax loss selling period as investors adjust their portfolios. Please see my post from yesterday this week is interesting due to Fed Chair Powell testimony which will attract a lot of eyes. Mandelbrot work tomorrow will be more revealing than today. For now we wait. See more
04.01.2022 From Tuesday morning here when gold was around 1703. 5th May 9:55am gold drifted up so far to almost touch fan line resistance. It is a weak impulse at this stage and Mandelbrot readings are not especially positive so an event is needed to spark any rally. Some support is offered here just above 1700 which is horizontal support. The highest probability I can predict with the current data is that fan line below which has now risen to 1657.46 and converges with the 1660 level early next week. As I have said gold is... (subscribers only content).
04.01.2022 23rd July old clients and new ones arriving at present. This is a post from the 14th July to illustrate what I have been saying in the daily briefing. The newsletters have been bullish on silver and so I have ramped up coverage since the Covid dip when I was pointing to the opportunity. Here is the post: 14th July 9:59am the AUD and DXY remain stable while gold and silver continue to "climb the stairs" as price hugs the top BBand. This implies price movement that is 2x t...he standard deviation above the average. As I said bullish and yes I called the break for silver and it is heading for the next fan line up near US$20 and needs to confirm above this to prove a bull move is finally on. Silver is always late to the party but she makes a big entrance once she arrives. Big stink about Wayfair being exposed selling... G***s being exposed on MSNBC of all networks as giving money to Epstein and he was logged as a flyer on the Lolita Express and at the island too. TO see elites like Ell** (Wayfair) and G***s is a big sign that the dynamics of the whole world have shifted. The dots are lining up with 30k pedo ring busted in Germany and 2100 children rescued in California. The bullion banks trapped short in gold. Do you see the changes? I will keep going with the companies and please note I have said a lot about *** of late so look for the chart to confirm that S#### is going well as this has a positive dynamic change in potential progress.
03.01.2022 18th March I had this to say yesterday morning and note the DOW rallied and so did gold. This is a crazy time for markets no matter what the cause was wealth is changing hands. Here is the post: 17th March 9:55am how long can this stupidity last? Even ZeroHedge is in on the sensationalism perhaps because their hit rate has increased? The DOW is set up to reverse on a buy divergence so a more lasting bounce is due now. I ran a full Mandelbrot calculation on it and that lo...oks promising too however I would caution this may mean the down force will decrease and that a double or triple buy divergence will be needed to reverse this. Gold fell to my lowest fan line last night from the last set (so maroon) and that was just above an important (***) line I have had in the chart all along. It bounced hard as short positions would have been covered with buying. Silver got hammered what a *******. The public will be very annoyed with the media after this is all done and dusted. Gold needs to consolidate down here now and I will monitor however the panic is still irrational so anything goes.
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