Goulburn-Murray Water | Government organisation
Goulburn-Murray Water
Phone: 1800 013 357
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25.01.2022 The Resource Manager for northern Victoria has updated the 2020/21 seasonal determinations. The Murray system has increased to 83% for high-reliability water shares. Goulburn, Campaspe and Loddon systems remain at 100% HRWS. Broken and Bullarook are unchanged at 100% for both HRWS and low-reliability water shares.... Read more here - https://fal.cn/3bVl2
24.01.2022 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AT GMW We currently have a number of positions vacant across our teams. If you're looking for an exciting opportunity in regional northern Victoria, this could be for you! You can find position descriptions and info on how to apply here: https://fal.cn/3acuv
24.01.2022 An environmental flow will begin tomorrow in the Goulburn River, with flows peaking (about 7100 ML a day) at Murchison on November 17 before slowly receding to current levels (about 830 ML a day) by November 26. Find out below how this flow will help large-scale golden perch migration and spawning! Keep up to date on our Managing Water Storages page - fal.cn/3bosq
23.01.2022 We’re doing a series of irrigation webinars over coming weeks, with the first session; Water Market 101 on 30 September, focused on water trading tips for your ...farm business with Craig Feuerherdt from H2OX Water Trading. This session will provide a water market situation and outlook, overview of trading zones and entitlement classes and inter-valley trade restriction implications. The webinar series aims to give irrigators and industry service providers practical information to help with timely decisions. Registration is required. To register please go to https://bit.ly/3krQBix See more
22.01.2022 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AT GMW We have a number of positions vacant - if you think you would be a good fit for any of these roles, we would love to hear from you! Find out more at https://fal.cn/3aolC
22.01.2022 Don't forget to register for our upcoming customer information webinars! Information and registration details below
20.01.2022 We're nearing the end of Movember, which means the mos around GMW are starting to get pretty hairy! Sam Green and Daniel McLaughlan are two of our prominent mo-bros and both have their own reason for supporting men's health. Sam is supporting the Goulburn Valley League. "With a lot of blokes missing a season of footy, it's important to re-engage and say its ok to struggle, but there's plenty of help out there too."... Daniel said 2020 has been a tough year for many, and alongside growing a mo he's also aiming to walk 150km - as of this week he's already walked a whopping 130km! Donate to men's health at https://au.movember.com/
20.01.2022 You've probably heard lots of talk about carryover in the last few weeks - but what does it mean? Our video explains the basics of how carrying over unused water allocation can work for our customers. If you're thinking of taking advantage of the carryover option, you can find out more at our website - https://fal.cn/3fbwA
19.01.2022 Monday is the last day to submit water orders to ensure delivery before the end of the irrigation season! If you need water, call up our Water Delivery Consultants on 1300 469 469 - they're available 24/7 until the end of the season next week. You can also order via WaterLine - https://waterline.g-mwater.com.au/... If you have any questions about your water management options, such as carryover or trading, phone us on 1800 013 357.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to our Business Support Officer Donald Hughan, who was recently announced as the Deputy Chair of the WaterAble organising committee
18.01.2022 We’ll be starting early works on the Koondrook and Cohuna Weir fishways soon, with preliminary inspections taking place at the two Gunbower Creek sites These fishways will enable upstream and downstream passage of native fish by connecting the length of the Gunbower Creek between Koondrook Weir and the National Channel Inlet Regulator. We’ll be out and about on these sites to assess cultural and environmental impacts, and will be practising social distancing.... Find out more at our website - https://bit.ly/32VKfSC Check out footage from one of the prototypes last year!
18.01.2022 MITIAMO PIPELINE UPDATE Following a thorough tender process, the construction of the 360km Mitiamo Pipeline has been awarded to Mitchell Water Australia. Mitchell Water will tackle the construction with multiple crews to ensure project delivery by mid-2021.... Once complete, the pipeline will supply 75,000 hectares near the townships of MitIamo, Tennyson and Dingee, with a year round service to 150 farming entities and almost 90 rural houses! Check out the project’s November update here - https://fal.cn/3bNji More info about the project - https://fal.cn/3bNjh
17.01.2022 The Resource Manager for northern Victoria has updated the 2020/21 seasonal determinations. Flows into the storages increased with rain over the last fortnight, Dr Mark Bailey said. This increased the volume in storage and the amount estimated to flow into the storages over the next few weeks. Both factors contributed to the seasonal distribution improvements announced today.... Read more - https://fal.cn/3aECp
16.01.2022 The Resource Manager for Northern Victoria has updated the risk of spill for the Murray and Campaspe systems Note that the risk of spill assessment does not describe the chances of flooding in this systems it is a water accounting assessment. Find out more about the risk of spill at the NVRM website - https://fal.cn/3ae53
16.01.2022 Don’t forget if you’re planning on paying your 2020/21 fixed charges account in full to receive a 2 per cent discount, you will need to do so by Wednesday 16 September! We’re also offering eight equal instalments of 12.5 per cent on the 16th of each month, starting this month with the final payment due on 16 April 2021. If you need assistance or have any questions, phone us on 1800 013 357.
15.01.2022 Yesterday marked the beginning of NAIDOC Week, with celebrations across Australia in honour of the history, culture and achievements of our First Nations people. First Nations have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years; GMW has worked alongside Traditional Owners for decades and will continue to into the future. #alwayswasalwayswillbe #NAIDOC2020
14.01.2022 An upcoming webinar by Ag Vic will discuss current situation & outlook for availability & price in the sMDB water market. Listen in to get tips & practical knowledge to inform farm water trading decisions
13.01.2022 CAREER OPPORTUNITY We're looking for a Legal Officer to join our Corporate Secretariat team in a fixed term capacity! We're seeking someone with demonstrated paralegal experience with outstanding communication and issue resolution skills - if this sounds like you, we would love to hear from you.... More information and a position description is available at our website - https://fal.cn/3fdbh
13.01.2022 Travelling the river around Mildura next week? Houseboats, paddle steamers and other craft won’t be able to pass through Lock 11 at Mildura while works by Goulb...urn-Murray Water are underway for three days from Tues 15 September. Please take this into account when planning your activities around the river ow.ly/g2hK50BnENM Mildura Rural City Council See more
13.01.2022 On time and within budget
12.01.2022 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES There are a number of vacancies currently available at GMW: Asset Planning Coordinator (fixed term 12 months)... People, Culture and Safety Wellbeing Advisor Statutory Planner (fixed term 12 months) Senior Financial Accountant (closes tomorrow!) You can find out more about applying at GMW and see position descriptions at our website - https://fal.cn/3azQU
12.01.2022 UPCOMING CUSTOMER INFORMATION WEBINARS A conversation with the Victorian Environmental Water Holder and local Catchment Management Authorities on Water for the Environment (Fri 27 Nov with Goulburn Broken CMA OR Fri 4 Dec with North Central CMA) Join us for an informative session on Water for the Environment. The Victorian Environmental Water Holder will be providing answers to the top 10 most asked questions on what environmental water is, why it is available, and its ...benefits. Time: 12 noon (1.5 hours) Groundwater and Streams Water Resource Update (Fri 11 Dec) GMW staff will provide an update to groundwater and stream customers on the latest water resource outlook. The session will also include a short Diversions customer service update. Time: 12 noon (1 hour) For more information and to register your interest, please visit https://fal.cn/3bsVf
12.01.2022 We are serious about our Houseboat Regulations we want to make sure all houseboat owners at Lake Eildon can enjoy this iconic site. Last week, a houseboat owner was ordered to pay thousands of dollars for leaving an unlicensed boat on the water after failing to pay annual fees. The houseboat owner entered a guilty plea at Benalla Magistrates’ court. Read more here https://fal.cn/3bTaO... If you think you’ve witnessed potential misconduct, phone us on 1800 013 357 to report it. More information on houseboats is available at our website - https://fal.cn/3bTaP
11.01.2022 The Resource Manager for Northern Victoria has released the latest 2020/21 seasonal determination and outlook Resources have continued to improve, despite a lack of substantial rain in recent weeks. The flows into the storages were higher than our conservative estimates over the last fortnight, Dr Mark Bailey said.... More information is available at the NVRM website - https://fal.cn/3ajKn
10.01.2022 Today is White Ribbon Day, and we asked our staff to consider wearing white to show their support - even as many of us continue to work from home. Women make up a large part of our workforce, and we believe in supporting their safety and wellbeing Family violence and/or intimate partner violence is the leading cause of serious injury, disability and death for women. We all play a part in preventing violence against women - more information and resources can be found at ...www.whiteribbon.org.au White Ribbon Australia
10.01.2022 The Resource Manager for Northern Victoria has updated the risk of spill for the Murray system Note that the risk of spill assessment does not describe the chances of flooding in this systems it is a water accounting assessment. Find out more about the risk of spill at the NVRM website - https://fal.cn/3bsQp
10.01.2022 It's only three days until summer, and this weekend's weather is well and truly heating up Our lakes, dams and reservoirs are a great place to cool off - but remember to take your Water Smarts with you! The most common risky behaviours we see are: ... Speeding Not wearing lifejackets Boating alone Not checking conditions or water levels before launching boats Drinking too much alcohol Being unaware of hazards like submerged rocks, sandbars, trees, shallow water and debris Diving from dam walls or ledges Keep your safety and the safety of others at the front of mind when you're out on the water - more tips are available at www.gmwater.com.au/watersmarts Remember to adhere to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions - visit the DHHS website for the latest information: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-co
10.01.2022 Congratulations to our General Manager People Culture and Safety Glenda Smith for being named as one of this year’s top women in the public sector! Glenda joins the prestigious Top 50 Public Sector Women, as announced by the Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria), and was hand-picked from a state-wide field. Since joining GMW in 2019, Glenda has been instrumental in driving significant change across our business and achieving our transformation.... Read more here https://fal.cn/3amGm
09.01.2022 Tune in on Thursday to see our Business Support Officer Donald Hughan as part of WaterAble's Connections and Reflections webinar for the International Day of People with a Disability!
08.01.2022 Helping our diversions customers across the region A number of our diversions inspectors previously stationed at our Rochester office have been relocated across the district two to the Cairn Curran office and one to ther Lake Eppalock office. Our Diversions Service Manager West has also relocated to the Kerang office.... This means customers will have better access to meet inspectors in their region however, please note for now our offices remain closed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
08.01.2022 Our 2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey will take place from today until 9 October. For three weeks our customers will be randomly selected and invited to provide their views on a number of topics relating to GMW. The results will be used to inform and drive changes to our services and standards, communications, consultation and engagement and identify further improvements to our service delivery. ... Conducted by external research company, newfocus, the survey will take place via telephone, supported by an online survey emailed to customers and a small number of in-depth interviews. More information is available at our website - https://fal.cn/3arbY
07.01.2022 As part of our annual winter works program, we need to drain sections of the channel network to undertake important maintenance We ask that domestic and stock customers fill their dams and tanks ahead of the end of the irrigation season on Saturday 15 May - we cannot guarantee access to water from the channel network outside of the irrigation season. Check out what's happening near you during our winter works program - including weed treatment, dewatering, construction, maintenance and our Water Efficiencies Projects winter works - with our interactive map of works: https://fal.cn/3f9Qu
06.01.2022 With recent rainfall across parts of our region, you might be wondering how our storages are faring Our storage levels are updated daily on our website at https://fal.cn/3avBt Real-time data is also available at our Water Status Reports page - https://fal.cn/3avBu
06.01.2022 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES We have a number of job opportunities currently available: Financial Accountant... Senior Water Quality Officer (part time) Field Officer (casual) More information and position descriptions are available at our website - https://fal.cn/3fbGg
05.01.2022 CAREER OPPORTUNITY We're looking for a field-based Customer Service Officer, with two positions available. A position description and more information on how to apply are available at our website - https://fal.cn/3ainR
05.01.2022 Happy National Agriculture Day! We’re proud to deliver water to the farmers in our region that use it to produce some of the world’s best food and fibre #AgDayAU
05.01.2022 Today is RUOK? Day and for GMW, an opportunity to connect with our colleagues across the business in a different capacity to our usual working day. This year is a little different with working from home arrangements, remote learning and restrictions still in place across metro and regional Victoria. This week our staff took a short break to catch up online to acknowledge the day, have a chat and learn more about the workplace support GMW provides. R U OK? is a conversation ...that can change a life and the day is about inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. For more information visit ruok.org.au
04.01.2022 GMW is warning customers and the public to avoid direct contact with water at First Reedy Lake, Middle Reedy Lake, Little Lake Charm and Kow Swamp after monitoring detected high levels of Blue-green algae. This is in addition to a number of locations in the Torrumbarry irrigation area which also have Blue-green algae warnings. The public is urged to avoid direct contact with the water. We'll continue to provide updates if the situation changes.... Keep up to date with current blue-green algae warnings at https://fal.cn/3bHnD or by ringing 1800 013 357 and selecting the option for Blue-green algae information.
04.01.2022 Check out this drone footage of our Upper Deakin (Harston) and Cornella Creek (Colbinabbin) Drainage Course Declaration (DCD) works! These works involve removing obstructions to natural drainage lines to help our customers with improved drainage and farm productivity. The Goulburn Broken CMA-funded program delivered about $2.5 million works in 2019/20, with the key focus on innovation and low costs. They’re a great example of collaborating with our customers and stakeholders for a strong outcome! Well done to the GMW and GBCMA teams involved in delivering these projects.
03.01.2022 GMW is assuring its customers it will continue providing a high level of service as it responds to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Customer access to all GMW offices, including the Connections Project office, has been restricted indefinitely in a bid to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please stay in touch via the Customer Contact Centre, WaterLINE, online services and over the phone as required. Phone 1800 013 357 or visit https://fal.cn/3ab2a
03.01.2022 Were you one of the randomly selected irrigators to receive the Farm Irrigation Survey 2020? If so, please fill it out and return it as soon as you can - we are keen to hear your thoughts!
03.01.2022 Remember - if you have a hazardous dam on your property, there are steps you need to take to prepare for potential flooding due to the La Niña weather pattern. The Bureau of Meteorology says that with La Niña in place, above average rainfall is now likely to continue until February 2021. Review your Dam Safety Surveillance Plan, inspect and monitor your dam, clear spillways and outlets, and repair any cracks or defects.... Find out more at our website - https://fal.cn/3bLM4 Keep up to date with BOM announcements - https://fal.cn/3bLM5
02.01.2022 The Bureau of Meteorology has declared that La Niña has developed in the Pacific Ocean, upgrading from a La Niña Alert status to an active event. This could lead to increased rainfall and increase the likelihood of flooding if you have a farm dam, especially one classed as potentially hazardous, please take some general precautions such as inspecting and monitoring your dam, clearing spillways and outlet pipes, and repairing cracks or other defects. More information is available at our website: https://fal.cn/3aD5y
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