Greg Quicke's Astro Tours in Broome, Western Australia | Travel and transport
Greg Quicke's Astro Tours
Locality: Broome, Western Australia
Phone: +61 417 949 958
Address: Broome Hwy 6725 Broome, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Even though the moon is totally washed out in this photo, you can see the equal spacing of moon, Jupiter and Saturn just for tonight. Step outside and have a look right now. And then have a look again tomorrow night to see what has changed. Paw paws and mangoes get a look in too!
25.01.2022 A memory from 7 years ago. Quite relevant with Mercury currently in the early evening western sky. An extract from this mornings writings for "Surf Stars and Handlebars"; Mercurys orbit is more eccentric than any other planet except Pluto. It is 46 million kilometres from the Sun at perihelion, or at its closest point, and nearly 70 million kilometres from the sun at aphelion, or its furthest point. Gravity varies directly in relation to the distance squared. This means there is more than twice as much gravity from the Sun acting on Mercury at perihelion. The two laps and three spins resonating orbit and rotation of Mercury slams Mercury right into a gravitational well every time it reaches perihelion. Two points on opposite sides of Mercury alternate in pointing exactly at the Sun at each perihelion. Its almost like Mercury clicks through this gravitational deep point every orbit in the same way a magnet clicks onto iron or in the way a racing magneto flicks its copper windings past a permanent magnet to induce a spark to fire off a charge of methanol in a 4 valve 500cc Jawa speedway solo engine. Mercury is surely driving an electrical process equally as important for the functioning of the solar system as in its role as the Messenger of the Gods.
25.01.2022 Jupiter is in the middle between the moon and Saturn. Oh yes, Pluto is there too although you wont see him. Right now.
24.01.2022 Imagine if your teacher looked like Gandalf from Space and explained everything about the universe in the most simplest way possible... Thats when everyone dec...ides to be a scientist! The way Greg got to become an Astronomer is quite amazing! You can find him here in Broome, Australia at Greg Quickes Astro Tours. Hes as earthy as he looks!
24.01.2022 Venus, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Weve lost the Evening Star! Not to worry, shell be back as the Morning Star pretty soon. Venus spends 8 months racing towards us from the other side of the sun in our western evening sky.... Then she disappears as she zooms between us and the sun. That is today! In a week or so shell turn up as the Morning Star in the eastern morning sky to spend the next 8 months racing away from us to go around to the other side of the sun. Then she hangs out on the other side of the sun where we cant see her at all for around 3 months before gradually making her way back into the evening sky to begin another cycle. Cycles within cycles within cycles. #Broome #BroomeVisitorCentre #VisitBroome
23.01.2022 Our stargazing season is looking like it might just happen. Have a look at what were getting ready for you. A tentative opening date at this stage of uncertainty is 10th June. Bookings open at Edit: with todays announcement made a few minutes after I made this video, we will be able to open!!!... #visitbroome See you soon!
23.01.2022 When we talk about country, its all about the land, the sea and the sky. All is one.
22.01.2022 The Astro Tours arena is right next door to the Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park, a must do while you are in Broome. #visitbroome
20.01.2022 Hi Greg, call me late to the party but I was flicking through the channels last night after a late shift at the paper and caught A Stargazers Guide about a quarter of the way through. What an AWESOME piece of television. Youre the perfect host and I enjoyed and learnt so much about our planet and solar system that I kind of feeling guilty for not understanding before! Ive always had a fascination with astronomy and youve just reawakened it. Cant thank you enough, mate. I... love the fact that my favourite astronomer has his eyes to the skies but hes so down to Earth. Thanks again, mate. Hope to get up there again one day to take an AstroTour. I got up years ago to do some work for the travel section of The West. Take care, Niall Watching A Stargazers Guide To The Cosmos in iview
20.01.2022 Ill be having a chat with Simon from Wildiaries and Rosie from @Kingfisher Tours to share some of our wild and beloved Broome and Kimberley region with you this Thursday 28th May at 4pm Perth time, 6pm Sydney time or 8am Greenwich for those of you spread all over this wonderful planet of ours. #visitbroome
20.01.2022 La Luna is making her monthly visit to Zeus and Cronus, both of whom are making a 20 year visit with each other. To put it another way, that is the moon passing Jupiter and Saturn who are on their way to a Great Conjunction with each other on the 21st December. The moon will pass them both again in a month and they will be even closer together!
20.01.2022 Talking about planets, I quite like this one that we live on. And yes, youll see me in the mix here riding a strapless surfboard.
18.01.2022 Look what I got for my birthday!
17.01.2022 Who is coming to Broome this year to hang out under some of the best stargazing skies on the planet? Check the Astro Tours 2020 schedule of live performance star shows with Greg Quicke at We work the shows around the natural cycle of the moon so be sure to book in early to get the dates you want.
17.01.2022 Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise has graced us with a brief appearance south of the equator in Broome. The waxing moon is likely to take him out in the following days although still worth a look with binoculars. Broome Adventures - Richard Young Photography has taken some awesome shots in the last couple of nights with his SLR and no doubt some pretty good lenses. We picked up this faint (not visible to the naked eye) cometary visitor at Astro Tours last night and managed to get a b...unch of telescopes lined up on him for all of our stargazers. Tonight Im at the beach with an 80mm achromatic refractor telescope and binoculars for some pretty nice visuals. These photos were taken using only the lens of the iphone 11 on another tripod. You can barely see Neowise as a very faint fuzzy blur left of middle with the tail going right. You might not see it at all if fb kills it.
17.01.2022 The photo on the left was taken by Todd Cleave showing how the Full Moon looks in Broome. I took the poor quality photo on the right with my mobile phone in Melbourne but good enough to show the contrast in positions. Greg Quicke has kindly described the difference in viewing from the two locations.
17.01.2022 The earth is really going for it today with interactions galore! First up, at 5.43am she points her North Pole as close as she can get to the sun. Today is Solstice, a particular place in space of the earths journey around the sun, a particular point in the sky that the sun lines up with on this day. Astronomy and astrology both call this point the First Point of Cancer. This Southern Winter Solstice is a switching point for the sun as it touches a place on earth directly ab...ove the Tropic of Cancer before turning to travel south. If you got naked under the stars last night to get ready for this powerful moment, youll certainly be well equipped to absorb the next major interaction that is going on today. Our Mother Earth is ducking through the shadow of the moon! This is always a major drama, if you happen to be on the skinny strip of the earth where the moons shadow touches down. Even if youre not, you might just feel something of the seriously grand scale events of today. Grand at least in terms of the little human lives that we are. The moons shadow stretches 379 100 km across space from the moon. The moon is further away today at 384 000 km. That means it is too far away to cast a total eclipse shadow on the earth. Instead, with the moon appearing smaller than the sun, it will block all of the sun out except for a perfect ring or annulus of sun around the moon. This is an Annular Eclipse. It started in Africa, is most likely in India as I am writing this, will pass through South Asia including parts of China and Taiwan. Australia? Forget it unless you are around Darwin or Far North Queensland, and even then you will only get a partial eclipse without the ring of fire. So what do we do about all this eventfullness? Breathe, look up and into your surroundings, smile and give someone a heartfelt hug. #visitbroome
16.01.2022 Hi Greg, I recently did one of your terrific Astro Tours while in Broome. I am heartened, in these uncertain times, to read your words confirming "an ability to see things for what they really are, to see yourself in relation to the whole and to know that everything is on track. I am a writer of haiku. I try to distill big ideas into manageable kernels of truth. Im finding that difficult at the moment. Your conviction that everything is on track is therefore very import...ant to me. You have haikud the heavens for me! I am an insignificant grain in relation to the cosmos, but somehow now feel as if I have a place in the universe. And perhaps I dont even need to know why. So, thank-you for your words and may I offer you the following haiku. terrestrial isolation Southern Cross always tells me where I am All the best, Candy
16.01.2022 "You have your own eyes. You don't need a telescope. You don't need binoculars." You don't need any fancy equipment to stargaze and learn about the universe all you need is a swag, Greg Quicke (aka Space Gandalf) tells Nate Byrne.
16.01.2022 The two giant planets in our solar system are both on the same side of the sun today (2/11/2020). They are in heliocentric conjunction. If you were able to look at them from the Sun, they are right behind each other in the sky. There is a direct alignment from the Sun to Jupiter to Saturn. With Jupiter taking 12 years to go around the Sun and Saturn taking 30 years, Jupiter overtakes Saturn on the inside lane once every 20 years. This is a major regular event in our solar sy...stem. From our earthly viewpoint, they are not yet in alignment. The Earth, on it's journey around the Sun, is out to the side of todays Sun-Jupiter-Saturn alignment and so we are seeing both of these giant planets high and bright in our evening western sky. They are separated from each other by about 2 finger widths held out at arms length. Between now and the 21st December, they will get closer and closer to each other each week until they are 0.6 of a degree, or less than one finger width apart in our early evening western sky. Find them tonight, and then tomorrow night, and then next week and then every week until Christmas and you will be playing witness to a greater reality with your eyes wide open.
16.01.2022 The moon and Mars on a balmy, hazy, wet-season-on-the-way October evening.
15.01.2022 The vertical shadow on the earth tells us that both the northern and Southern Hemispheres are equally lit. At 11.49am WAST on 20th March, the earth is at that place on her journey around the sun that we call equinox. As the earth passes through this point with the sun appearing to be directly over the equator, as we switch the suns direct attention from the southern to the northern hemisphere, lets see if anything else switches in our world situation at the same time. ... Watching, watching, watching. The other pics are the morning sky with Jupiter and Mars getting all friendly above the moon with Saturn nearly washed out in the moons halo in my quick iphone grab before heading to the beach this morning.
14.01.2022 Plan to come and experience the wonders of the night sky in the Kimberley once out of isolation with Greg Quickes Astro Tours. Broomes world renowned charisma...tic astronomer Greg Quicke takes you on the ultimate guided tour of the southern sky, using his remarkable life story to help reveal unseen connections between the everyday world around us and the stars above. Clink on the link below and checkout Episodes 1 - 10 on ABC iview!
13.01.2022 You might have seen Greg Quicke on ABC’s ‘A Stargazer’s Guide to the Cosmos’ with Professor Brian Cox, or joined him for stargazing with Greg Quicke's Astro Now, in IS THE MOON UPSIDE DOWN? Australia's 'Space Gandalf' answers all the questions you never knew you wanted to ask about the night sky. See more
12.01.2022 Friends, as the tide goes out on 2019 wed like to reshare one of the years biggest hits. May your 2020 be filled with Space Gandalf levels of wonder.
12.01.2022 Here goes the tide, popping up again! 10.4m today in Broome, 10.6 tomorrow. Seriously impressive.
11.01.2022 Something has changed since last nights view. That is how far the moon moves through the sky and around the Earth in one day! The moon passed Jupiter during the day today and is now rapidly overtaking Saturn who is nearly lost in the moons glare. Oh yes, thats me camping under the nearly full moon doing the final edit on my new book.
10.01.2022 Are you ready for this!!!!!!?????? Penguin Random House are the most awesome crew to work with and look what weve got!!!!!
09.01.2022 Were on! 2020 season kickoff! See you soon. #visitbroome #wanderoutyonder #tickbroomeoffyourbucketlist
09.01.2022 Youve gotta love Venus and the moon having a morning chat with passionfruit and bananas.
09.01.2022 The earths journey around the sun has very specific switching points which the earth clicks through. Today is the Southern Summer Solstice. At 12.07 WA time, the earth, being tipped over at 23 1/2 degrees in relation to the sun, travels through the point where the Southern Hemisphere is pointed most directly at the sun. The sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn. ... This picture shows the North Pole and the whole of the Arctic Circle in darkness and the whole of the Antarctic Circle lit up. In 3 months we will have Equinox and this line of shadow between night and day will be vertical and run through both of the poles. This is the earth going around the sun. Todays Global Silent Minute is tapping all of Humanity into this powerful moment of solidarity with our Mother, the earth.
08.01.2022 Were going stargazing tonight! for bookings and schedule. Cheers
08.01.2022 The land, the sea and the sky! Looking after country.
07.01.2022 Professor Brian Cox on the big screen just before the debut screening of Greg Quickes A Stargazers Guide to the Cosmos on ABCTV. Here is a link to it on ABC Iview in case you need to brush up on your cosmic connections.
06.01.2022 New moon, old Venus and tiny Mercury further away than both of them. Venus at the bottom, Mercury to the right, and you know which one the moon is. Venus is about to make the plunge between the sun and ourselves, disappearing out of our evening skies to be reborn as the Morning Star.... Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, Quicksilver is coming at us from the other side of the sun. Watch all three again tomorrow night to see how fast they appear to move in relation to each other. Starry nights!
05.01.2022 Getting ready for a bit of stargazing.
05.01.2022 Nearly 40 years of watching Broomes Stairway to the Moon and I am still blown away by this amazingly beautiful demonstration of the power of our natural world. #wanderoutyonder #tickbroomeoffyourbucketlist #visitbroome
03.01.2022 Based on Gregs first book, Earth Turning Consiousness - An Exercise in Planetary Awareness, available through astrotours dot net
03.01.2022 For the full 4 and a half minutes of the ABC Science 2 minute excerpt on the 10m tides of Broome, watch Stargazing: Moon and Beyond with Professor Brian Cox, Julia Zemiro and Greg Quicke. The tide movie starts at 13:50 or watch the whole 1 hour show!
02.01.2022 We are getting ready to take you stargazing!
01.01.2022 We get the best people at Astro Tours! Hi Greg I was walking along Cable Beach this morning, reflecting on last nights Astro Tour and felt the need to share these thoughts with you.... I am a retired primary school teacher. I obtained my degree as a mature aged student in the early 90s. The old Social Studies syllabus has remained with me. The scope and sequence chart in the syllabus was arranged in knowledge, skills and values outcomes for students from kindy to year 10. Experience has taught me that values are the most important of the 3. You epitomise this. Your love of the heavens and inquisitive nature have driven your quest for knowledge and skills in this area. Your enthusiasm for sharing this with others is catching. I really appreciated the following aspects of your presentation; your ability to explain complex concepts like the earths rotation in practical terms your tone of voice and pace of delivery you accepted all questions humbly you acknowledged you dont have all the answers you thanked your assistants and volunteers. We will be observing the night sky more often, including locating the Southern Cross and southern rotation point. We will be sharing our new found enthusiasm and knowledge with others, including our grandkids. Thank you for a memorable experience. Lynda Jones Photo Mark Hallett
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