Global Recordings Network Australia in Prospect | Mission
Global Recordings Network Australia
Locality: Prospect
Phone: +61 2 9899 2211
Address: Unit 1 36 Stoddart Rd 2148 Prospect, NSW, Australia
Likes: 412
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24.01.2022 18 | Fri | LRI (GRN) BANGLADESH Give thanks that our families in Bangladesh are well. Life and ministry in Bangladesh has been very limited during lock-down. The team have been using the time to develop their storytelling skills locally. Please pray for them to take advantage of opportunities as they arise, and to be patient and careful regarding the pandemic.
24.01.2022 Hybrid board meeting. Half the board are in the room and half are online. It's important to keep our governance in order.
24.01.2022 Getting ready for ReachOut NW!
24.01.2022 There's more than meets the eye with GRN picture flipcharts. They contain many years of research into what makes an effective picture. For example, thick black lines help the audience identify the various people and objects in the picture. Because of this research, the pictures are able to help people engage with GRN's audio-Bible resources. #throwbackthursday #globalrecordings #pictures #flipcharts #thearchives #reachingtheunreached #missions
23.01.2022 GRN will be attending the online ReachOut Missions Conference happening today. If you're attending ReachOut, why not connect with GRN online during the Agency Connect times? We'd love to help you think about how you could be a part of God's global mission.
23.01.2022 The results are in - GRN came 7th in the 20-49 employees division for the 2020 NSW Biketober Challenge! Give thanks for fun and health benefits to the many GRN staff that participated in Biketober.
23.01.2022 ReachOut Lite is underway!
23.01.2022 14 | Sun | CHURCH ENGAGEMENT Please pray for opportunities for GRN to share with churches about its ministry and resources in this new year, especially since Covid-19 significantly reduced GRN's ability to engage with churches during 2020.
22.01.2022 20 | Sun | FRANZ BROSCH Praise God that I have been able to continue my work on the 5fish app unhindered during the Covid crisis. Pray that the app would continue to be an effective and well-working tool spreading the Gospel to people everywhere around the world.
22.01.2022 Vida McLellan (1923-2020) was married to Dick for 65 years and had four children while serving in Ethiopia. She was a nurse and midwife who provided medical care to many in very difficult conditions. Seeing women neglected, she started a ministry to women, teaching them the Bible. She had the joy of seeing many ladies come to faith. Vida used the GRN records while she treated patients at the clinic, on the road and in the villages. Vida served with GRN for 23 years while Dick was GRN National Director. She served in the office, helping send records, cassettes, players and picture books all over the world. They were very hospitable, often inviting people into their home for Ethiopian meals and games.
21.01.2022 Editing of audio recordings was not as simple as now. Back then, GRN recordists had to splice the tape of the recorded audio. This was a task that required careful attention to ensure the correct audio remained on the tape. #throwbackthursday #globalrecordings #editing #thearchives #reachingtheunreached #missions
19.01.2022 25 | Wed | RECORDIST TRAINING COURSE Pray for God's timing of a proposed recordist training course in the Northern Territory. Noel Bachelor and Chris Mason were hoping to run this course for some mission partners in September, but it has been delayed until 2021, due to travel restrictions.
18.01.2022 Seasons greetings from GRN Australia! We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
18.01.2022 On the road - destination Tamworth for ReachOut NW Lite. If you are out that way come to Tamworth Baptist about 3:30pm and learn something about world mission and how you can play your part. Cost $15 including a hamburger. Come and visit me at the GRN stand.
16.01.2022 Have a read. God is at work in Southern Africa.
16.01.2022 Christians pray as we recognise God as the good Father who listens and provides (Matthew 7:11). GRN will be hosting an online meeting each month to allow anyone to join in praying to God for GRN ministry. The first session will be on 23rd February 7.30-8.30pm AEST. If you'd like to join, please send an email to [email protected] to RSVP. You can find more information or tell others about this prayer event using this link:
16.01.2022 17 | Thu | FROM PAKISTAN In February this year, we visited different Christian colonies and shared the Word of God. People were blessed. They are very keen to grow in discipleship and missions. One believer said, I have come to a new level of understanding that I am called to be a channel of blessing to the local people.
15.01.2022 For 80 years God has lead many volunteers and staff members to serve with GRN. They have all played a part in helping GRN record and distribute the message of Jesus in many different languages all around the world. Please pray that God would raise up more people with the desire to serve with GRN. #throwbackthursday #globalrecordings #thearchives #reachingtheunreached #missions
15.01.2022 26 | Thu | FROM THAILAND The Compassion Project under the Lahu church in Thailand provided for children within the project to learn about trusting and following God, while becoming more familiar with the Bible in their own language, via mp3 players with recordings. GRN Thailand sent 130 mp3 players with GRN recordings in the Lahu language.
15.01.2022 11 | Fri | REACHOUT CONFERENCE ReachOut Missions Conference starts tomorrow. Pray that the new format will be successful, and that there will be many enthusiastic participants this year.
14.01.2022 16 | Wed | LINGUISTS NEEDED GRN would love to increase its linguistic expertise with some highly trained and skilled linguists to bring more expertise and credibility to our recordist training course, add basic linguistics skills to a recordists toolbox, and add more credibility to our language research work.
14.01.2022 How can you replicate a professional recording studio? Use mattresses - which can help absorb sound and give better sound acoustics. Please pray for GRN recordists to be wise so that they can obtain the best sound acoustic possible to record high quality audio Bible resources. #recording #soundacoustics #globalrecordings #reachingtheunreached
14.01.2022 21 | Mon | KENNY & JOAN MCKEE (GRN-UK) Pray for Kenny and Joan as they continue to send out GRN materials. Some of their recording work is still on hold due to the pandemic.
14.01.2022 GRN Australia would like to increase their recording and editing capacity by building more studios in the office. Please pray for wisdom for the studio staff as they make plans for these addtional studios.
13.01.2022 Geoff is briefing Mark and Christine on the Global Missions Forum yesterday and what Dominic Steele had to say about social media.
13.01.2022 GRN's audio-Bible resources in over 6,000 languages are available from our website . You can download these resources in many different audio and video formats to best suit the people you evangelise to. See what you can share today at our website #5fish #globalrecordings #Jesus #Bible
13.01.2022 A large fire has burned down tents and makeshift homes of 12,000 refugees in the Moria refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece. Please pray for the GRN France team as they distribute food, water and supplies
13.01.2022 Did you know that recordings downloaded through our 5fish app can be played offline? Here's Jurine from the GRN Phillipines team sharing a GRN recording using 5fish in a Mindoro village with no internet access. Try out the 5fish app today. #5fish #globalrecordings #Jesus #Bible
13.01.2022 25 | Fri | MISSION MATTERS CONFERENCE Pray or the Mission Matters Conference being held in Mt Tamborine, Qld over this weekend. Pray that those who attend will be inspired to serve God through mission agencies.
13.01.2022 24 | Thu | CHRISTMAS EVE She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21 NIV)
12.01.2022 18 | Fri | GRN MEXICO Pray for Chucho, Chuy and their families in Mexico as they deal with high inflation and heavy restrictions in their work. Pray for good opportunities to contact partners to both record and distribute recordings.
12.01.2022 15 | Tue | BOARD MEETING GRN Board members will meet together tonight. Pray for them as they discuss issues and make decisions that affect so many aspects of GRN's ongoing work.
11.01.2022 GRN Thailand will prepare and send 130 Mp3 players with GRN recordings in the Lahu language. They will be distributed by a pastor in the Fang District. Please pray for the children to be able to learn about trusting and following God through these recordings. #thailand #globalrecordings #lahu #soallmayknowjesus
11.01.2022 21 | Mon | GRN KENYA Kenyan recordist James Shikuku, has been overseeing the translation of the Good News in the Keiyo language. It is now translated and ready for recording and later editing. Pray for a safe and opportune time to make the recording.
11.01.2022 22 | Tue | TRANSLATION OF 5FISH Pray for the complete translation of the 5fish text user interface into more languages so that our recordings are accessible to more users.
11.01.2022 19 | Sat | INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR SEARCH Please continue to pray for the ongoing search for a new International Director to replace Graydon Colville by 2023. Job description available on request.
10.01.2022 What was in that very first record which Joy Ridderhof made? This excerpt from "Capturing Voices" by Phyllis Thompson narrates the record that started Global Recordings Network: "She made her plans. Play some background music fo the type of the people of Honduras liked, read selected Bible verses interspersed with a few explanatory comments, perhaps a little singing ..." #throwbackthursday #globalrecordings #records #joyridderhof #honduras #thebeginning #reachingtheunreached
09.01.2022 Stuart Mill and his wife Molly organised a recording opportunity for Joy Ridderhof and her teammates during their visit to Australia. This recording inspired Stuart, who would found GRN Australia, to become involved in the mission. As he recounts: "Molly and I had a lot to talk about during the next few days. What we had both seen and experienced the night we helped record the first gospel message in Taobaita, radically affected us both. In some ways, we seemed to be at a cro...ssroads. My earlier leaning towards a business career at home was now being shaken ... We began to realise that it was God who had brought Gospel Recordings to us" ("Lost for Words" - Stuart Mill with Dan Wooding) #throwbackthursday #globalrecordings #taobaita #australia #reachingtheunreached #missions
09.01.2022 9 | Wed | RESISTANCE TO THE GOSPEL One of our teams in Asia is seeking to reach a very resistant people group. They are in the process of training local Christians who are neighbours of this tribe, so they can reach out to these people and follow them up. Pray for our team as they embark on this very indirect method to reach them. Pray too for recording opportunities to emerge as they continue this work.
09.01.2022 23 | Wed | FROM SOUTH AFRICA Dalene Joubert gives thanks that GRN recordings and picture books have been delivered to trained evangelists amongst the remote Luvale people living on the Lungwebungu River in Zambia. Pray too for another 25 evangelist sets to be sent, so that more Luvale people might hear God's word.
09.01.2022 14 | Mon | MIGRANTS ENTERING EUROPE Migrants and refugees continue to flow into Europe. While GRN cannot do much to improve their plight, we do have a message of hope to share in their languages. Pray that our European teams will seize every opportunity to share Christ with these people groups, who are needy on so many levels.
08.01.2022 14 | Sat | GRN BRAZIL Praise God that Dionara Peres, centre leader from Brazil, has recently safely returned home, after a prolonged stay in Thailand. Pray for the team members’ ongoing safety and protection in their country, as Covid-19 is rampant.
06.01.2022 22 | Tue | BRAD & BEK HARRIMAN Please pray for Brad & Bek Harriman, whose baby is due during this coming week. Pray for a safe delivery, the health of mother and child, and for their two young boys, as the family adjusts to the new family member.
06.01.2022 10 | Thu | GRN STAFF WHO ARE STUDYING Several of our staff members are currently taking study courses. Please pray for them as they learn new information and focus on completing their assessment tasks.
05.01.2022 24 | Thu | MESSAGES OF HOPE AND COMFORT Stressful times have led to an increase in Domestic Violence in Cape Town, South Africa. Our team in South Africa have been very thankful for the comfort and help that the Tumi Tiger player has been giving to traumatised children, as have those working with these children.
05.01.2022 Frank has designed an entrance to protect our drawbridge entrance into the office - no more will rain get in or people soaked as they open the door. He even made a scale model to check aspects of his design.
05.01.2022 13 | Sun | NELLIE FRANCIS Andrew and I give thanks to God for taking care of us through the last couple of months and giving us a safe workplace that hasn't been affected by the virus so far.
04.01.2022 Sybil Shaw - recordist extraordinaire! Sybil recorded 650 messages in over 400 different languages across 18 different countries. Read more:
04.01.2022 23 | Wed | HOLIDAY BREAK Praise God for the past year, and as we take a short break, may we be renewed in our vision and passion for the work that God has given each one of us to do.
03.01.2022 15 | Mon | YOUSIF & VIVIAN We praise God that Yousif and Vivian recently returned from Victoria, and are back working at the Sydney office. Please pray for their future ministry plans, which may include spending the dry season in the Northern Territory this year God willing.
03.01.2022 8 | Tue | RECORDING CONTINUING We have teams in a couple of Asian countries who are continuing with their recording and distribution ministry undeterred by Covid-19. Please pray for their health and safety, for God's guidance and help, for them to do the work God is calling them to do and be sensitive to His guidance.
03.01.2022 For many years, there has been animosity between people groups in South Sudan. Bishop Jeremiah* lost his parents, three brothers, and several cousins due to the... tribal conflict. At the end of 2018, Great Commission Media Ministries launched a campaign (which integrated MegaVoice audio devices) in an effort to foster reconciliation between tribal groups. . "If we do not forgive others for their sake, then we must do it for our own sake...," Bishop Jeremiah said after receiving GCMM's materials. "Bitterness does not kill your enemy, but it will kill you... I wrestled with this truth for a long time. Finally, I let go and forgave those who had so deeply hurt me. . A powerful reminder on the Intl. Day of Peace. . . *Photos and names have been altered to protect identities. See more
02.01.2022 Sybil Shaw, previously a GRN recordist, has recently gone to be with the Lord. Pray for Sybil's family as they grieve their loss. Also give thanks for her faithful service in helping people in 18 different countries hear the message of Jesus in their own heart language.
02.01.2022 13 | Sat | CONTENT DOWNLOADED Give thanks for 4 million hours of audio downloaded over the internet during 2020. Please pray for people to listen to the recordings, for God's work in their hearts and minds and for the kingdom of God to grow as a result.
02.01.2022 12 | Sat | REACHOUT CONFERENCE ONLINE ReachOut missions conference is being held online today. Pray that the conference will challenge attendees to take part in God's global mission. Pray that GRN would make contact with people who are interested in serving with GRN.
01.01.2022 Prayer is GRN Australia's daily routine. All work stops at 12pm each workday so GRN staff can join the prayer session in-person or online, with the exception of Wednesdays where the extended prayer session starts at 10am. Please pray that GRN will continue to prayerfully rely on God for His provision for GRN's ministry and needs.
01.01.2022 Mission Matters conference is happening 25-27 September. Mission Matters encourages, envisions and equips people to help complete Jesus' commission cross-culturally. Register today for this great conference.
01.01.2022 19 | Sat | MORE PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED We give thanks to the Lord for our prayer supporters, who faithfully uphold GRNs work in prayer daily. Pray also for a new surge of prayer warriors to pray for our future endeavours.
01.01.2022 20 | Sun | SYSTEMS SECURITY Give thanks for the 5fish app and the systems that allow it to work. Pray for stability, reliability and security. Ask God to protect our systems from harm, especially over the Christmas period.
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