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Gus Martin Personal Training
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25.01.2022 When it’s cold, wet and you don’t feel like getting out of bed, remember why you started. This morning was a solid bit of hustle with @willsisms in the weighted vests. This little segment was made that bit more enjoyable with all the mud. Also had a drop in by a passing by runner, thanks for the encouragement @genmart22 . Have a great day peeps! Don’t forget to get after it today, ya bloody machines
25.01.2022 Had two rest days in a row.......think I needed it. It’s actually amazing, when life catches up with you, how much you realise you have been burning both ends of the candle. With a big move, kids, and constant training/work going on, it was much needed. Deccy and I eased our way back into it today with some compound movements. Nothing heavy, but higher reps and quality movement. Here’s one of the sets (can’t remember which one and don’t care) that we did. Have a cracking weekend my legends
24.01.2022 Feeling tyred? I will grow up one day, promise. Absolute filth workout today. Heavy squats followed by an absolute shite load of conditioning work with the weighted vest. One of those workouts where during it, I was hating...... Soon as I finished, new ball game and elation has set in. No matter what you’re doing today, go after it (unless it’s robbing a bank, maybe do something else). Have a cracker ya bloody ripping units
23.01.2022 Sometimes when I’m in the gym I like to make up funky dance routines . This is my latest work. Reckon that I’ll tear the dance floor a new one when Dan the Man opens the clubs again. But, until then I’ll just keep entertaining you lot . Nice bit of kettlebell work in between sets today. Give em a whirl weapons and have a cracker
22.01.2022 Will admit, I can’t wait to have a proper chin up bar back. As much as the football goals are great for now, small things like correct grip play a big part in performing chin ups. This was a particularly nasty set. Farmer walk with the kettlebells, followed by 10 chin ups for a few rounds. Got it done, but my arms feel like they’re about to fall off. Get out and smash a workout today legends . Have a ripper
22.01.2022 Minimal equipment, no problem. These single leg deadlifts to rows are amazing when it comes to developing strength and coordination . The aim is to try and get the trailing leg as straight as possible, however, as long as there is maximal weight being distributed through the front hamstring and glute(with neutral spine), you’re laughing . So, if you need to test yourself and you don’t have much equipment, try this one out. Have a ripper day legends
22.01.2022 Serie A and swings . This set up Will is pretty epic for football season......might be disappearing for hours on end. Solid start to the week, better keep kicking on. Have a great start to your week legends
21.01.2022 Doing the little things to help the big things. Couple of Bulgarian split squats to get my bum firing . Love these for developing unilateral strength. Have a cracker legends
21.01.2022 After a few laps of Ligar st hill with two kettlebells and the weighted vest, couldn’t think of anything better to do than weighted burpees. Absolute agony, but worth it for improving the engine. Tag someone below and challenge them to 50 burpees. If it doesn’t appear on the gram, did it really happen. Have a ripper Friday ya champions
20.01.2022 Absolute kettlebell shenanigans in the rain . Set up some conditioning so that I at least earned my dinner tonight . EMOM AMRAP for swings, clean + jerks, suitcase split squats, alternating rows, high pulls, push press and squats, all with the 32kg kettlebell. Let’s just say I regretted this after the first round. Well, I lived to tell the tale. Here’s me having a bit of a clean and jerk in the last round......I was hurting . Have a great evening legends
20.01.2022 On the up . Everything starting to feel smoother, better and repaired. This has been a long slow battle, and I know it ain’t over. Consistency is the key . Even when your backs against the wall, you gotta keep pushing. Little bit of tempo chin ups and some dual KB seated squats. Have a cracker day legends and keep on keeping on
20.01.2022 Early morning hustle. Everyone has different preferences and schedules, but honestly, if you ever get the chance to wake up early and get shit done, do it. Today was a good mix of strength work. Nothing crazy heavy, just good quality movement . Now to a full day of sessions and a run this arvo . Remember to eat at least 5 wheatbix or else you won’t grow your magical unicorn horn. Have a ripper
19.01.2022 Nipples out for the weekend. Day for it out there . Had to try get as much sunshine in as possible when doing my compound lifts today, so t shirts were not an option . Hit my deadlifts at 140kgs for 12, and they felt very good. Cannot wait to get into the gym again to add some more plates to the bar. Have a ripper you weapons, and get some sun in ye
19.01.2022 Absolutely demolished myself this morning. Weighted vest, rain, hills, kettlebells and a positive attitude. Whatever you want to achieve, legends, just give it a good crack. Have an amazing day ya bloody tanks
18.01.2022 We ate a lot of naughty food today for Lil’s bday celebrations . Thought it’d be wise to try burn some of it off this arvo. Getting it done with the supersets. This first lot of deadlifts and swings got the posterior chain working overtime, especially gave my tooshie a nice bit of work . Always important to work your posterior, as it is generally the chain that we as a society neglect with our current lifestyles the most. Looks like it’s conditioning kind of day tomorrow........yay. Have a ripper Sunday peeps
18.01.2022 Sun, snatch, sweeeeeeeeeeet. What a day for it. Had Oscar watching me, hence the face after the last one. Body was a little stiff today, but still got some good lifts in. Made some slight adaptations to my foot work, and still getting used to it . Chasing progress, not perfection though. Have a ripper Sunday legends
18.01.2022 Wanna build power? Look no further than plyometric work . These deadball chest presses are amazing for it. Few little things to keep in mind though....... Don’t go too heavy with the ball. Focus on pushing straight out of the middle of your chest. Make sure you catch the hurts when it smashes you in the face. Have a cracking day weapons
17.01.2022 How often do you use just one side of your body to complete a task/movement? Now ask yourself, how often do you isolate one side of your body with your training........ Might be time to start incorporating it into your program. Unilateral training is not only great for balance and isolation, but it is pivotal in correcting weaknesses that we cause in ourselves by favouring dominant sides. For instance, my left glute is not as strong as my right, so I’ll make sure I put extra strain through that side to help develop its overall strength . Give it a whirl and have a cracking day legends
17.01.2022 Kettlebell flow on a Sunday morning with big dawg Chris Edwards. Got us thinking way harder than what we’re used to on a weekend. This little flow is amazing for working the whole body, and that was exactly what we needed at the end of this workout. If you’re tired of your usual kettlebell flows, give this one a whirl. Make sure you keep a nice neutral spine though, and don’t go too crazy heavy to start with. Getting the movements patterns is key. Have a great Sunday legends
17.01.2022 Bit of power work to follow up all the endurance stuff is always a good idea. One of those things that can aid you in the long run (pun very much intended) with pushing that bit harder when doing the longer activities . I constantly hear endurance participants say they dOn’T nEeD tO dO wEiGhTs!. Trust me, you wanna level up, you gotta do resistance work. So, if you want your next run, ride or swim to be more efficient, get the weights sessions in too. Or you could just take steroids, up to you. Side note : please do not take steroids . Have a ripper weapons
16.01.2022 Love this kid . He said he wanted to do a chin up, and kept trying it. I know he doesn’t quite have it yet, but the fact he kept trying makes me so happy. Absolute legend. Keep on hustling Oc, ya little legend
16.01.2022 Today was a bit of something different in the workout schedule . We were lucky enough to do a family yoga session with @jackieallenyoga. While flexibility is definitely a weak point of mine, I wanted to do my best and try improve it. It was actually the first time I’ve ever enjoyed a yoga session and I’ll be going back to work on it some more. Make sure you get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself where you can peeps. Thanks @genmart22 and Wal Wal for a great Xmas present. In case you didn’t realise, that is Oscar getting involved with his brachiosaurus . Have a ripper legends
14.01.2022 Today there were a lot of squats. Heavy volume is necessary in your program, just make sure it’s not every single day. Know what your body is able to cope with. For instance, days like this for me where there are high sets and reps for compound movements generally happen twice a week. This then allows me to work in my conditioning, power and technical work, as well as my rest day . However you do it, make sure it works for you. Enjoy the sun, ya bloody rippers
14.01.2022 What a day. @mollyclare1 coming down from Melbourne for a solid training session (and to see the crew!). Great bit of work from this one . Always puts in the hard yards, no matter what’s thrown at her (even slam balls!). It’s all about commitment when training, and this weapon is the epitome of it. Be more like Mol and train hard legends . Have a cracker weapons
14.01.2022 Couple of chins at the beach is essential for a) being a fitness enthusiast, b) being a nugget of a human and c) getting that pump on. To be fair, I always feel like I need to do chin ups if I see a bar. So here’s a couple with Oc trying to work out how to use the exercise bike . Have a cracker legends
12.01.2022 As the man @bridgesj3 says-Pay him! Went after it today in the rain, with the vest, a kettlebell, chin up bar and my son. Absolutely love days like this. Not many people like getting out in it, but I have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock, so for some reason I get kicks out of it . It was made all the more special having the little man out there cheering me on. Hope you’re all having a great Saturday! Now time for burgers
10.01.2022 Good strength hustle after a nice hill run this morning . Did some American KB swings to work the shoulders a bit more. If you are going to try them, make sure you don’t over-arch through your lower back. It’s a common mistake made, and it’s not a pretty result. Followed it up with some resistance band decline push ups. If you want to level up your push up game, this is a good place to start. Have a ripper day you bloody legends
08.01.2022 Well thank goodness summer is finally here. Nipples were out, sunshine was beaming and the Echo bike was in full swing. Nothing makes me happier than to be in minimal clothing and getting a shit kicking done. I know a lot of you are gagging down some Canadian Clubs poolside atm, but I def wouldn’t have it any other way. No matter what you’re doing, enjoy the simple things in life. Big love and have a bloody ripper legends
08.01.2022 Varied training isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For instance, sometimes I will alter an exercise in my program slightly to target a particular flaw . I found that when I was doing TRX rows, I was favouring my left. To work on this, the fix was simple. Single arm rows on the TRX and focus on the weaker side. Don’t be afraid to alter things from time to time, just make sure it serves a purpose. Have a cracker legends
07.01.2022 Little bit of strength work to keep the body ticking over after football training last night . Will admit, body felt a little tender today. But that’s why you do all the preparation for competing, to make sure you recover and perform at an optimal level. If you are about to start preseason for any sport, feel free to contact me for your strength and conditioning . Have a cracker legends
05.01.2022 Get ya back work in, ya detty . Here’s a few of my favs when it comes to back exercises. Couple of lat extensions on the roller to help opening up through my thoracic spine, as well as a few Hollywood’s with some bent over rows. Whatever you do, don’t neglect your back. Life is quite difficult to live with a bad one. Have a cracker legends
05.01.2022 If you know, you know. These are bloody tough on the kebabs. Keep that hollow hold position, head off the ground, toes pointed and abs braced like F. If you need a good core finisher, look no further than these. Have a great Friday, ya bloody weapons!
05.01.2022 I always make time for conditioning. Why? Because being able to recover quickly is important in day to day living. If you train your body a couple of times a week to improve your cardiovascular fitness, the benefits are huge . Here’s a snippet of my hustle today. Before you disregard this, think about it...... If your heart and lungs are better able to absorb oxygen into your bloodstream, you’re able to recover quicker in between sets when doing weights training. Not only that, but it is also known to help alleviate stress and stabilise your sleep patterns. So as much as you like your strength sets (which we all do), don’t fob off your conditioning . Have a cracking Monday legends
04.01.2022 Getting after it in the PM . Great to train with my brother from another mother Deccy . We squatted a lot, cause someone had to try out their new lifters (not me). In saying that, can’t ignore the accessory work to strengthen that back. Couple of rows with the football on in the background . Lovely. Have a ripper weapons
03.01.2022 As I’ve said in previous posts, I’m all about trying to generate more and more power in my lifts. These banded barbell squats are extremely good for this development in power. Must admit, I was pretty chuffed when I found the resistance bands to perform it. Make sure you are familiar with doing good quality barbell squats first, before you add the bands. And you’ll probably find you won’t be able to go as heavy. But don’t stress, this is all about speed of movement . Have a ripper Saturday legends
02.01.2022 The whole crew was at it today . Bit of absolute shite conditioning which consisted of a nasty EMOM that involved Echo bike, rower and burpees . This was our last little bit of core work. Bloody love these dead bugs . Core work isn’t just about doing a shit load of sit ups. When doing it, try doing stability work and focus on expanding your whole mid section . This will help you in the long run with all your big lifts . Have a cracker legends . Ps thanks @milmar15 and Deccy for joining me.
02.01.2022 T-Rex Tuesday ! Love some of the classics to get me through my . These pause snatch balances felt really good today. In fact, after the last week of moving stuff, I went into this session expecting very little with the overall goal to move. Well, it threw up some surprises . Good feeling lifts the whole way through! Have a cracking Tuesday legends, get out and move. Have a banger
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