Harby Studios in Leederville, Western Australia, Australia | Advertising agency
Harby Studios
Locality: Leederville, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9227 1149
Address: 220 Carr Place 6007 Leederville, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.harbystudios.com.au/
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24.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL "Wonderful to work with, efficient, professional, highly motivated and exceptionally good at what they do!" Thank you Tristan & Ainslie, we really enjoyed working with you to achieve your desired website outcome and can't wait to continue works in the future.... #clientfeedback #testimonial #perthmarketingconsultant #perthdigitalmarketing #marketingtalkperth #marketingplansperth #smallbusinessaustralia #businessgrowthstrategy #onlinebusinessmanager #savvybusinesschick #passionproject #smallbizsquad #marketingadvice #marketingideas #marketingteam #australianmarketingstrategists #australianwebdesigner #pertheventsmanager #perthmarketers #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
22.01.2022 Hashtags are an essential part to your social media marketing! They work! Hashtags have the ability to to reach audiences who are interested in your type of contentwithout them having to follow you! Hashtags WILL help you build your brand for your business. ... If you engage in high-traffic conversations by using trending topics (related to your brand) you are likely to attract new audiences to your platforms - resulting in your page audience growing and potentially increasing fresh leads for your business! Our hot tip *have 5-7 different hashtag 'sets' ready to go so you have an endless supply for each day of the week... Instagram allows for 30 hashtags per post #hashtags #socialmediahacks #socialmediatips #socialmediaexpert #socialmediahelp #socialmediastrategist #socialmediamanagement #socialmediasetup #socialmediacreative #contentcreator #instagramtips #facebooktips #linkedintips #socialmediamarketing #marketingtips #digitalmarketingtips #instagrammarketingstrategy #socialmediabranding #marketingcoach #socialmediacontent #onlinebusinesstips #startuptips #inspiremyinstagram #growthhacking #theinstagramlab #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
22.01.2022 The last few weeks we have had some incredible feedback from our clients which has reinforced why we do what we do. Almost everyday we hear someone selling themselves short and not realising the impact that their industry makes and has on others. We love that everyday we help businesses increase brand visibility and awareness, promote their services and/or products and build long lasting relationships. ... No matter the industry, the job that you do makes a difference to someone, their business or even their life - so keep working as if it does! #contentmarketingperth #businessadvice #smallbusinesssuccess #marketingsavvy #perthgirlboss #brandingdesign #marketingcoach #marketingmanagement #australiandesign #welovemarketing #pertheventsco #businessdevelopment #perthsmallbusinessowners #perthcreatives #supportlocalbusiness #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
22.01.2022 Today is World Social Media Day World Social Media Day was created to recognize social medias impact on global communication. Social media has not only created a way for us to communicate with friends and family but has led to a whole new world of business growth.... There are over three billion active social media users globally ... imagine the reach your business can achieve with that many users What is your favourite social media platform and why? #worldsocialmediaday #perthsocialmediamarketing #creativeentrepreneur #digitalmarketingservices #smallbizsquad #marketingtools #marketingcampaign #australianmarketingtrends #perthevents #australiandigitalmarketingagency #marketingwa #perthcreative #perthbusinesses #lovemarketing #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
22.01.2022 Invite your connections on socials! If you're implementing strategic marketing tactics, hashtags, paid advertising etc and you're still not reaching your desired audience, ask yourself why...?! The first step to increasing reach on socials, particularly LinkedIn and Facebook, is having connections that will engage with your content... so, invite them too!... If people are liking, commenting and/or sharing your content, chances are it means they like what you're posting - so if they haven't already liked/followed your page, invite them! You would be amazed at how many more connections you'll have at the end of each month and how high your engagement soars! Then you can start targeting audiences that are connected to your followers via paid advertising, but we can touch on that later #marketingtip #marktinghack #socialmediaexpert #socialmediahelp #socialmediastrategist #socialmediamanagement #socialmediasetup #socialmediacreative #contentcreator #instagramtips #facebooktips #linkedintips #socialmediamarketing #marketingtips #digitalmarketingtips #instagrammarketingstrategy #socialmediabranding #marketingcoach #socialmediacontent #onlinebusinesstips #startuptips #inspiremyinstagram #growthhacking #theinstagramlab #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
21.01.2022 Creativity at its finest We love the artistry opportunity we get when we work on Department 13 - Drone Technology marketing materials! Creating a range of product summaries for the team was a collaborative effort and we enjoyed every minute of it ... #marketingmaterials #design #print #printmaterials #printperth #perthprint #digitalprintperth #printmarketing #brandingmaterials #brandingmaterialscreation #lovemarketing #printbranding #printingandbranding #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
21.01.2022 Is it learnt or learned? Learnt and learned are variant spellings of the past tense form of the verb learn, which means to acquire knowledge. As an adjective, learned is the only appropriate spelling, and it is pronounced with two syllables.... Learnt is more common in British English than American English but is still overshadowed by learned. You should always choose learned, especially in formal writing. It is more common even as a British English verb, the one context where learnt is accepted. #swaggergrammar #copywriting #grammartips #onlinemarketingperth #perthmarketingcoach #smallbusinesssuccess #perthgoalboss #sayyestosuccess #brandingidentity #marketingsocial #smallbizperth #australianmarketinginstitute #ilovemarketing #australianwebseries #pertheventsignag #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
21.01.2022 Today marks the day of the new financial year (yay ) and with that comes the opportunity to plan and strategise for the next twelve months for your business. Our focus for this financial year is to look at a different account category each month and save 1% - give it a go, you may be surprised at how much you save Do you have a different plan? We'd love to know ... #newfinancialyear #contentmarketingperth #businessadvice #smallbusinesssuccess #marketingsavvy #perthgirlboss #brandingdesign #marketingcoach #marketingmanagement #australiandesign #welovemarketing #pertheventsco #businessdevelopment #perthsmallbusinessowners #perthcreatives #supportlocalbusiness #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
20.01.2022 Why are custom WordPress websites better? We get this question a lot from clients when they are looking to upgrade from a current site builder like Wix or Squarespace, or sometimes they may not have a website at all yet and are learning about how everything works. Here are a just a few reasons why we always recommend custom WordPress sites: * They are fully customisable there are pretty much no limits on what we can do with it and we can make layout and design changes later... on. * The site will last longer making your investment go further. * Custom sites are SEO friendly, meaning you will get more leads and increase your conversions. * The themes that WordPress and other sites offer are more rigid and may not support the future evolution of your business. * Custom sites are easier to maintain and fix if technical issues arise. If your website needs a refresh, then we have just the tools to do it. We’ll sit down together and work out your priority items, create a proposal and work together to achieve that look you’ve always wanted all using a site that will actually last and do what it’s meant to. Win! #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
20.01.2022 It's safe to say that the HS team were pretty stoked to have received this gorgeous gift in the mail this week. Landi Bradshaw Photography you have out done yourself with this photograph and what an amazing way to say thank you to the team for all the hard work Such an unexpected but much appreciated gift. ... #clientlove #perthmarketingegency #marketingperth #businesschicksau #perthbusiness #businesspassion #brandingagency #marketingadvice #marketingbosspro #womeninbusinesss #perthgoalboss #perth #perthbiz #perthsmallbiz #australianmarketingagency #australianwebdesign #pertheventscompany #marketingaus #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
20.01.2022 Swagger Grammar / What the heck is a stalwart? One of our clients recently referred to our Marketing Consultant Abbey as a stalwart and we thought we'd share the meaning of this mysterious word! A stalwart is a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team. Well done Abs! It may not have initially sounded like a compliment, but it definitely is! ... #stalwart #swaggergrammar #teamhs #perthmarketing
20.01.2022 We’ve been working with The Karijini Experience team to help promote and engage Western Australia with this sensational regional event! Held in Karijini National Park, on the traditional lands of the Banjima people, from 6 to 10 April (right now!), The Karijini Experience is a festival of culture, food, music and art. Considered to be one of Australia’s best-kept secrets, Karijini is the second-largest National Park in WA and offers visitors spectacular sights and experiences.... It’s been a pleasure working with the KE team and we’re super proud of everything they’ve achieved to make it such a successful event. The Karijini Experience is happening right now for more information and tickets visit www.karijiniexperience.com (and most of the events are free!). #harbystudios #hsclients #clientwork #wanderoutyonder #seeaustralia #adventure #bucketlist #roadtrip
19.01.2022 This year we have been fortunate enough to commence work with another innovative, diverse and epic team - Department 13 Over the last week we have had their building signage installed and it looks so good it almost looks fake! Designing the signage is so different from seeing it in action and we are so happy with the outcome!... #signage #buildingsignage #design #perthdesign #interstatedesign #canberrasignage #brandingdesign #marketingcoach #marketingmanagement #australiandesign #welovemarketing #pertheventsco #businessdevelopment #perthsmallbusinessowners #perthcreatives #supportlocalbusiness #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
19.01.2022 Giving your customers/clients small bits of information without expecting anything in return can have a number of benefits. Can build a trusting and lasting relationship It may entice them to use your services again or buy your goods When the time comes and they, or someone they know, needs your goods or services they may just come your way because of the 'freebie' you gave them ... Although we work so hard to get to where we are in our businesses, a little bit of free knowledge here and there can go a long way! #socialmediamarketingperth #australianbusiness #businessminds #girlceo #savvybusinessowner #visualstyle #smallbusinesslove #learnfromthebest #marketingbosslady #womensupportingwomen #brandingtips #marketingonline #marketingguru #aussiemarketingagency #australianmarketingconsultants #australianwebhosting #pertheventscoordinator #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
19.01.2022 Over the weekend we traded our heels for sneakers and joined the F45 Training Leederville crew in supporting R U OK Day and it was a blast Although our bodies were a little sore after, it was great to see so many people attend for such a wonderful cause Round two team? ... #f45 #ruokday #teamevent #workevent #perthsweatlife #teamhs #harbystudios
19.01.2022 Who else has had a crazy busy week But - when we're flat out, our team is at their most productive, smashing out tasks and goals! What's your best tip when insanely busy - we need to know?!... #productivity #busytimes #workproductivity #socialmediamarketingperth #australianbusiness #businessminds #girlceo #savvybusinessowner #visualstyle #smallbusinesslove #learnfromthebest #marketingbosslady #womensupportingwomen #brandingtips #marketingonline #marketingguru #aussiemarketingagency #australianmarketingconsultants #australianwebhosting #pertheventscoordinator #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
19.01.2022 We had a fabulous time celebrating Jess' last day at work before Baby Blight arrives! Huge thanks to Paul from 21st Ammendment Bar in Leederville for the fabulous spread of food and drinks We miss you already and wish you all the very best ... #harbystudios #babymoon #congrats #perthmarketing #dreamteam See more
18.01.2022 Our Senior Marketing Consultant Jessica has recently set up a new ergonomic work station with a sit/stand desk in our HS office! A sit/stand desk can help boost productivity, improve moods and increase energy - as well decreasing the likelihood of back pain. Here's to a healthier work environment Jess ... #sitstanddesk #workergonomics #healthierlifestyle #digitalmarketingperth #perthmarketingmanager #aussiebusiness #businessgrowthstrategy #smallbusinessadvice #girlbossau #shemeansbusiness #smallbusinesslove #marketingconsultant #marketinglife #marketingboss #marketingbossbabe #australianmarketinganddesign #australianwebsite #networkmarketingboss #pertheventsplanner #ausmarketing #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
18.01.2022 Today is World Emoji Day An interesting question is whether emoji's add any value to social media content? 92% of the online population uses emojis so what's their benefit? Emojis enable you to speak the same language as your audience and can make your social media posts stand out ... A few tips if you're using emojis to enhance your content: 1. Make sure they make sense and complement your message. 2. Don't make light of a serious situation with the wrong emoji's. 3. Try not too be too crazy with how many you use What's your favourite emoji?! #perthsocialmediamarketing #creativeentrepreneur #digitalmarketingservices #smallbizsquad #marketingtools #marketingcampaign #australianmarketingtrends #perthevents #australiandigitalmarketingagency #marketingwa #perthcreative #perthbusinesses #lovemarketing #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
17.01.2022 We have had the privilege to work with Lee from Down To Earth Gardens for the last few years. Originally designing her website, we now action minor updates and perform web checks to ensure the site is performing as its best. Its great to assist clients like Lee when she needs us and continue building those lasting relationships. #website #websitedesign #websitedesigner #websitelaunch #websites #websitedesigning #websiteservices #websitecreation #websitedesigns #websitemarketing #websitehosting #websitecontent #websitebuilding #websitemaintenance #websitemanagement #websitedesignaustralia #websitedesignaustralia #websiteperth #perthwebsite #websitedesignperth #perthwebsitedesigner #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
16.01.2022 Seek relationships not just followers. Having 100 followers who regularly engage with your social media profiles is way better than having 1000 followers who show no interest in your content and never engage. The amazing thing about social media is you can build relationships with people from all around the world, whom you've never even met! ... How do you build relationships online? Easy! - Always @mention people you are talking about in your content - Answer questions people ask (in a timely manner!) - Reply when people @mention you or share your content Watch how your engagement soars when you implement these steps! #socialmediaexpert #socialmediahelp #socialmediastrategist #socialmediamanagement #socialmediasetup #socialmediacreative #contentcreator #instagramtips #facebooktips #linkedintips #socialmediamarketing #marketingtips #digitalmarketingtips #instagrammarketingstrategy #socialmediabranding #marketingcoach #socialmediacontent #onlinebusinesstips #startuptips #inspiremyinstagram #growthhacking #theinstagramlab #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
16.01.2022 Marketing Tip // Email Marketing We produce virtual news, email updates and eDM's (electronic direct mail) for a number of our clients (like Chinatown Broome!), and after some time in the game we thought we'd share with you a few of our top tips for getting your emails read! * KISS: Keep it super simple! You don't want your reader to get overwhelmed by too many confusing messages. Be clear and consistent and only include as much information is necessary. Also make sure the ...content is relevant and written in a language style suitable to your target audience. * CTA: Call to action. What do you want the reader to do - sign up, enquire, make a purchase ? Make sure you include an action item for them within the email. A button with a click through link is usually a great way to achieve this! * BRANDING: Make sure it's on point! There are lots of programs out there that will help you set up easy and free email marketing templates, but just remember that not all of them are styled to fit your brand! Check with your designer or marketing team to make sure that the colours, logo and styling are consistent with your website and other brand materials. Need help with email marketing? We'd love to help! DM us for more info. #marketingtip #emailmarketing #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb
16.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL "Harby Studios has been the marketing company I have used for almost three years now; practically from the day I started my own business. They have guided me through advertising, branding, web design and of course, growing my business. Their staff work with me on a one-to-one basis both over the phone, email and meeting in person whenever necessary; and are very attentive. ... We have now got to a point where my AdWords are completely streamlined, and I have a steady stream of good leads every day, giving me the opportunity to expand. I would definitely recommend Harby Studios to anyone, they have helped me enormously." Thank you for the feedback Chris - we have thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the years and have loved playing a helping hand in growing your business - you blow us away with your dedication and know you've got big things coming your way! #testimonial #clientlove #clientfeedback #smallbizsquad #marketingtools #marketingcampaign #australianmarketingtrends #perthevents #australiandigitalmarketingagency #marketingwa #perthcreative #perthbusinesses #lovemarketing #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
14.01.2022 We recently re-joined the Shire of Broome and we are so happy to be back working with their wonderful team, assisting with the communications of stage two of Chinatown Revitalisation Project! We have designed communication/marketing materials, update their website, plan and post social media content, branding and template design for internal and external documents and various media releases when required. We hit the ground running and we are loving every bit of it!... #perthmarketingconsultant #perthdigitalmarketing #marketingtalkperth #marketingplansperth #smallbusinessaustralia #businessgrowthstrategy #onlinebusinessmanager #savvybusinesschick #passionproject #smallbizsquad #marketingadvice #marketingideas #marketingteam #australianmarketingstrategists #australianwebdesigner #pertheventsmanager #perthmarketers #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
14.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL "The Harby Studios team were excellent to deal with and were very patient with me and understanding of my requirements. The quality of the capability statement was something I could never have achieved on my own. Thank you very much ladies!" Thank you so much for the feedback Dale, we really enjoyed the creativity we got to implement with Constructive Project Solutions capability statement and are so glad you love it too! ... #capabilitystatements #design #branding #rebranding #brandingaustralia #brandingdesign #brandingagency #promotingbusiness #australiabranding #brandingidentity #brandingdesigner #brandingstrategy #capability #capabilitystatement #marketmybusiness #marketingmybusiness #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
14.01.2022 Do you know the difference between law and lore? Law means a rule or collection of rules whereas lore is knowledge or tradition passed from generation to generation which originated from our traditional landowners. We love learning new meanings and expanding our grammatical knowledge! ... #swaggergrammar #perthmarketingegency #marketingperth #businesschicksau #perthbusiness #businesspassion #brandingagency #marketingadvice #marketingbosspro #womeninbusinesss #perthgoalboss #perth #perthbiz #perthsmallbiz #australianmarketingagency #australianwebdesign #pertheventscompany #marketingaus #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
14.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone! We hope you enjoyed your weekend and had a wonderful Father's Day The HS team are set and ready to go after a fabulous weekend with our families ... #perthmarketingconsultant #perthdigitalmarketing #marketingtalkperth #marketingplansperth #smallbusinessaustralia #businessgrowthstrategy #onlinebusinessmanager #savvybusinesschick #passionproject #smallbizsquad #marketingadvice #marketingideas #marketingteam #australianmarketingstrategists #australianwebdesigner #pertheventsmanager #perthmarketers #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
13.01.2022 Cheers to the weekend The team are off to enjoy a much deserved wine after a crazy busy week! If you're not having a vino - we will have one for you! #weekendvibes #cheerstotheweekend #happyfriday #perthweekends #perthvibes #weekendvibes #winetime ... #learnfromthebest #marketingbosslady #womensupportingwomen #brandingtips #marketingonline #marketingguru #aussiemarketingagency #australianmarketingconsultants #australianwebhosting #pertheventscoordinator #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios See more
12.01.2022 What's the difference between peal and peel? These two homophones (two words but sound the same but have different meanings) can be confusing. Peel has to do with the outer part of a fruit or vegetable - like when peeling a potato or a mandarin. Peel can also be used as in a chemical peel at a spa, or to keep your eyes peeled. ... Peal on the other hand has to do with loud sounds of bells or laughter... like how Abbey's laughter can carry though the hallways of the Leeder House & Co office . You could use the word to describe a storm - last night there were peals of thunder for hours. What words do you get confused on? Let us know and we might use it for our next swagger grammar
12.01.2022 We'd like to say a big welcome to our new full-time Marketing Consultant Kelsey Kelsey has an immense amount of experience in the communications, media and design industry and we are thrilled to welcome her to the HS team Kelsey will be jumping on board a number of current client projects so it won't be long until you meet her ... #perthmarketingconsultant #perthdigitalmarketing #marketingtalkperth #marketingplansperth #smallbusinessaustralia #businessgrowthstrategy #onlinebusinessmanager #savvybusinesschick #passionproject #smallbizsquad #marketingadvice #marketingideas #marketingteam #australianmarketingstrategists #australianwebdesigner #pertheventsmanager #perthmarketers #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
10.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them
09.01.2022 Today we celebrated Abbey Ross's first anniversary with Harby Studios at one of our local favourites Sayers Food! It's not every day you get to work with an amazing person who brings a positive spark to the office, and skills and dedication to the workplace - what a champion! Cheers to another busy, crazy, fun filled year ahead ... #celebrate #anniversary #workanniversary #teamhs #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
08.01.2022 We love getting out of the office to visit our clients and seeing our work come to life #branding We assisted Cape Bouvard with the naming, re-brand and style of the new EQ12 building brand and we love the final product and their building #perthmarketingconsultant #perthdigitalmarketing #marketingtalkperth #marketingplansperth #smallbusinessaustralia #businessgrowthstrategy #onlinebusinessmanager #savvybusinesschick #passionproject #smallbizsquad #marketingadvice #marke...tingideas #marketingteam #australianmarketingstrategists #australianwebdesigner #pertheventsmanager #perthmarketers #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios See more
08.01.2022 Our mantra this week and it's paid off big time! It's been heads down and go all week, and we are seeing the results today! All ready for a stress free, relaxing weekend. Enjoy the weekend - we're off to have a vino ... #socialmediamarketingperth #australianbusiness #businessminds #girlceo #savvybusinessowner #visualstyle #smallbusinesslove #learnfromthebest #marketingbosslady #womensupportingwomen #brandingtips #marketingonline #marketingguru #aussiemarketingagency #australianmarketingconsultants #australianwebhosting #pertheventscoordinator #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
05.01.2022 I was lucky enough to travel to Karratha recently to officially meet the team from Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation and to participate in the reopening of the Ngajarli Art Viewing Project and the announcement of the Murujuga Cultural Landscape to the World Heritage tentative list. I love when we get the opportunity to travel - not only do we get to check in with our more remote clients but we also have the opportunity to see beautiful WA #travel #worktrip #karratha #wa #per...thmarketingegency #marketingperth #businesschicksau #perthbusiness #businesspassion #brandingagency #marketingadvice #marketingbosspro #womeninbusinesss #perthgoalboss #perth #perthbiz #perthsmallbiz #australianmarketingagency #australianwebdesign #pertheventscompany #marketingaus #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios See more
04.01.2022 We are thrilled to share that our clients from Department 13 - Drone Technology have been selected as finalists in the Australian Defence Industry awards! Reinforcing their mission to establish drones for good in the commercial and government realm is well underway. We are so proud of the entire Department 13 team, we will be cheering for you! #dronetechnology #department13 #harbystudios #clients #perthmarketing #finalists
04.01.2022 Happy birthday to our awesome team member Abbey Ross The HS office couldnt do without you, we hope you get spoilt and have many birthday drinks to celebrate Rhi & Jess #birthday #birthdaylove #celebrate #teamhs #harbystudios
04.01.2022 R U OK? Day Such an important reminder to check in on your colleagues, families and friends! The theme for this years R U OK? Day is 'there is more to say after R U OK?' Sometimes it can be difficult to respond and know what the right thing to say when someone confides in you. Increase your confidence when it comes to having difficult conversations and head to R U OK Day to use some of their resources! ... #theresmoretosay #ruok #ruokeveryday #digitalmarketingperth #perthmarketingmanager #aussiebusiness #businessgrowthstrategy #smallbusinessadvice #girlbossau #shemeansbusiness #smallbusinesslove #marketingconsultant #marketinglife #marketingboss #marketingbossbabe #australianmarketinganddesign #australianwebsite #networkmarketingboss #pertheventsplanner #ausmarketing #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
03.01.2022 We took a quick break to go enjoy lunch at Totally Thai Leederville and it was well worth it Great food and company, we absolutely love that we work in such an epic location with so much choice! #socialmediamarketingperth #australianbusiness #businessminds #girlceo #savvybusinessowner #visualstyle #smallbusinesslove #learnfromthebest #marketingbosslady #womensupportingwomen #brandingtips #marketingonline #marketingguru #aussiemarketingagency #australianmarketingconsultants #australianwebhosting #pertheventscoordinator #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
03.01.2022 Thank you Minuteman Press for our surprise calendar desk pads - we love them! Such a thoughtful idea for you and your team to have created for us - it has made our day. We love working with you all and can't wait to try them out ... #perthmarketingconsultant #perthdigitalmarketing #marketingtalkperth #marketingplansperth #smallbusinessaustralia #businessgrowthstrategy #onlinebusinessmanager #savvybusinesschick #passionproject #smallbizsquad #marketingadvice #marketingideas #marketingteam #australianmarketingstrategists #australianwebdesigner #pertheventsmanager #perthmarketers #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
03.01.2022 Marketing Manager/Consultant: Full-time, initial 12-month contract Were on the search for a full-time employee to join our growing team as soon as possible! The roles core responsibility is to seamlessly manage client accounts and to develop and implement effective marketing and communications campaigns using best practice and creative methods that successfully promote products and services and provide expected results.... The role of the marketing manager/consultant will encompass strategic, creative, analytical skills and responsibilities with knowledge and experience across the full suite of marketing and communication channels required. Criteria: Minimum four years marketing experience. Degree/qualification in marketing, public relations and/or communications preferred. In-depth knowledge of marketing principles and best practice. Broad experience in most marketing mediums traditional and digital. Demonstrated experience as a marketing consultant or similar position. Highly organised, multi-tasker, efficient and proactive. Ability to think strategically and analytically. Proficient in MS Office, email marketing platforms, WordPress and design programs will be highly regarded. Strong communication and presentation skills. The successful candidate must be able to work as a collaborative team member, independently and thrive in a fast-paced work environment. We work hard and are known for getting the job done all while delivering high quality campaigns on budget and to deadlines. Please note this is an initial 12-month contract, with the view for permanency thereafter. For full details click here: https://www.seek.com.au/job/50213318 Applications close COB Wed 15 July 2020, however, if the perfect candidate is found earlier we reserve the right to close applications before this date. #perthjobs #perthpr #perthmarketingjobs #perthcommunications #perthjobsearch #contentmarketingperth #businessadvice #smallbusinesssuccess #marketingsavvy #perthgirlboss #brandingdesign #marketingcoach #marketingmanagement #australiandesign #welovemarketing #pertheventsco #businessdevelopment #perthsmallbusinessowners #perthcreatives #supportlocalbusiness #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
02.01.2022 We work hard during the week and love the weekends when we get to unwind, spend time with our family and friends and enjoy a sneaky drink or two #perth #perthweekends #perthsaturday #perthweekendvibes #perthnightlife #workhardplayhard #loveperth #teamhs #harbystudios
02.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL "Harby Studios have been a key enabler for Department 13 - Drone Technology to connect with new and existing customers across existing and emerging markets. Rhianna's and Abbey's commitment and dedication to supporting Department 13 across multiple marketing streams has been outstanding. Harby Studios has delivered professional products and services to a very high quality and have always made themselves available to support Department 13's across multiple a...nd challenging time zones." Thank you so much for the feedback Dan, we truly enjoy working with the entire Department 13 team and being a part of your projects. #harbystudios #marketing #perthmarketing #Department13 #testimonial
01.01.2022 Client Work // Department 13 - Drone Technology D13 have had so much going on in the past few months! From award nominations to events to new exciting partnerships, it's been a fantastic ride and plenty of fun working with Lee and his team across Australia and the US! Here are just a few achievements our team have aided D13 with over the past few months:... * Travelling to Canberra to help manage an onsite drone response and client demonstration * Assisting with the preparation of a number of technology and innovation award submissions * Releasing new partnership announcements with major clients and governments around the globe * Developing a range of branded marketing materials and merchandise * Arranging the installation of signage and decals * Participating and presenting in their 2021 strategic vision planning session. It's been a massive year already for D13 and we’re proud to be a part of it. Well done gang, it’s definitely a team effort and together we’re achieving great things! #harbystudios #department13 #dronetechnology #dreamteam #clientvisits #teamhs #canberra
01.01.2022 The team are always training and investing their time into upskilling to ensure we can provide the best for our clients. Jess and Abbey have been very busy taking part in the latest six week Google Ads course, completing it with fantastic results #googleads #googleadscourse #onlinemarketingperth #perthmarketingcoach #smallbusinesssuccess #perthgoalboss #sayyestosuccess #brandingidentity #marketingsocial #smallbizperth #australianmarketinginstitute #ilovemarketing #australianwebseries #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
01.01.2022 We recently finished the design and build of the EQ12 website and we are thrilled with the outcome! Another great project we have been able to work on for Cape Bouvard. On the project start to end, we are so happy with the end product. Be sure to check it out and don't miss the stunning photography! https://12theesplanade.com.au/... #website #websitedesign #websitedesigner #websitelaunch #websites #websitedesigning #websiteservices #websitecreation #websitedesigns #websitemarketing #websitehosting #websitecontent #websitebuilding #websitemaintenance #websitemanagement #websitedesignaustralia #websitedesignaustralia #websiteperth #perthwebsite #websitedesignperth #perthwebsitedesigner #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
01.01.2022 We've been bursting with anticipation in the HS office as we've been keeping a little (not so) secret ... Our gorgeous Jess is pregnant! A little Christmas baby on the way, we couldn't be more excited about this wonderful news Jess you're going to make an amazing mum and we cant wait to meet your little bundle ... #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
01.01.2022 Chronicle vs Chronical - did you know they have two different meanings To chronicle something is describing past or current events and a chronicle is a record of those events. Chronical means relating to, or controlled by, time and is another word for chronic. ... #swaggergrammar #chronicle #chronical #grammar #englishlearning #perthmarketingegency #marketingperth #businesschicksau #perthbusiness #businesspassion #brandingagency #marketingadvice #marketingbosspro #womeninbusinesss #perthgoalboss #perth #perthbiz #perthsmallbiz #australianmarketingagency #australianwebdesign #pertheventscompany #marketingaus #perthmarketing #marketing #perthdesign #perthweb #perthpr #businesstobusiness #communications #teamhs #harbystudios
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