Hayley’s Personal Training & Nutrition | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Hayley’s Personal Training & Nutrition
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25.01.2022 Anyone else finding it harder to stay motivated now that we can’t go to the gym & it’s getting colder? That’s where discipline comes into play. Get it done anyway. Even a 15 minute workout is better than nothing! You’ll feel so much better after moving your body! ... All you need for this workout is a bench or a chair. 20 reps on every exercise 5 x rounds Squat with side leg lift Lateral lunges Frog squats Push ups Tricep dips Step ups Reverse crunches Flutter kicks
25.01.2022 It’s very common for people to be fixated on the scales and let the scales determine whether you have done well or not on your fat loss journey. What we need to understand is that fat loss & weight loss are two different things. Weight loss has many various factors. Things that can affect scale weight include: - Bowel movement: simply going to the toilet before weighing can affect scale weight. - Muscle: people that are new to training can put on a substantial amount of mu...scle in the early stages or their journey even in a deficit. - Sodium: consuming more sodium (aka salt) can make you hold/lose more water weight. - Stress: can make you retain water weight quite significantly. - Training: when you train your body holds water to help with recovery. - Carbs: every gram of carbs hold 3-5 grams of water in the form of glycogen. - Menstrual cycle: when it’s that time of the month water weight can fluctuate quite heavily. Other ways to track progress: - Fortnightly progress pictures and measurements. - How do you feel in your clothing? - Has your digestion/bloating improved because you’re actively trying to eat healthier? - Are you sleeping better and managing your stress effectively through more active self care? - How are your energy levels? You might have experienced better moods this week, more mental strength, greater happiness and more confidence. Don’t let the scales determine your success & trust the process.
25.01.2022 Vanilla Strawberry & Protein Muffins I used these at the Nutrition seminar yesterday! They were a treat & a great alternative! Ingredients:... 140 grams strawberries 60 grams oxywhey vanilla icecream protein powder 1 whole egg 1 tsp baking baking 100g plain chobani yogurt 60g wholemeal flour 50 light cream cheese 40g white choc chips Method: - Preheat oven to 180 - Combine all ingredients together and mix well - Spoon evenly into nonstick muffin tray - Bake for 20 mins 111 calories each P: 9.2 grams C: 9.1 grams F: 3.8 grams
24.01.2022 Throwback to a week before gyms were closed. My first seminar. Public speaking has always been a fear of mine and that’s part of the reason I done this seminar. It scared me. It brought me out of my comfort zone. I want to help & teach people. I’ve spent years studying & have years of experience and I wanted to share my knowledge. ... As humans, we are our own worst critic. We all have fears & things that get you out of your comfort zone. But you know what? Those are the best things. Those are the things you should do. It’ll make you stronger, more confident & more successful. Big thank you to Raz & Lyle for your support and help with this seminar! It went amazingly and I couldn’t have done it without you both! Can’t wait to do more in the future! @onestrength_ @tellerazz @lyledavis94
24.01.2022 Train with intent. A 30 minute workout is better than an hour of 30 different exercises. Stop overcomplicating training with a billion different exercises you think you should be doing. Stick to the fundamentals. Train smarter. Get in, get it done. #newweek #onestrength
23.01.2022 Creating habits form who you are as a person. Be the person who exercises consistently. Be the person who opts to take the stairs. Be the person who gets their NEAT up everyday. ... Be the person who eats a healthy diet most of the time. Be the person who doesn’t feel like doing it, but does it anyway. We create these habits, then they create us. So make them good ones and be who YOU aspire to be.
22.01.2022 When you look at these 2 products & you’re trying to watch the calories you’re consuming you’d automatically think the go the Oat Slice right? That would be the ‘healthier’ option. No! Just because something says it is organic or because it is in the health food aisle does not mean it is better for you. Entire Oat Slice contains - 435 calories. Entire Kit Kat contains - 232 calories and a lot less carbs! You could nearly have 2 full Kit Kat’s for the same calories as t...he 1 Oat Slice. Also, size doesn’t matter. Just because something is small in size doesn’t mean its not high calorie. Reality is, calories matter. Especially when dieting or maintaining your physique. Check products nutritional label when shopping and compare. You don’t want to be left hungry when dieting from not choosing higher volume foods. Knowledge is power! Message me for any questions or help with this. #nutrition
21.01.2022 Creating habits form who you are as a person. Be the person who exercises consistently. Be the person who opts to take the stairs. Be the person who gets their NEAT up everyday. ... Be the person who eats a healthy diet most of the time. Be the person who doesn’t feel like doing it, but does it anyway. We create these habits, then they create us. So make them good ones and be who YOU aspire to be.
21.01.2022 Client Transformation! Katie has been doing coaching with me for the past 8 weeks. She has been disciplined, stuck to the plan and hasn’t let isolation get the better of her. ... I’ve been loving the whole process! That’s what I aim for. Something my clients can stick to and make a lifestyle. I’m not about quick fixes that don’t last long-term and leave you feeling miserable. Katie has made gradual changes overtime and this goes to show how it all adds up & makes a difference! Not only has she changed physically but her mental state is noticeably different and she’s learnt so much about nutrition, exercise and her own body in the process. I am so damn proud of you! You’ve been a pleasure to coach and have as a client. @katiegroeller
21.01.2022 Have ripe bananas you need to get rid of? Make some muffins, a cake or a banana bread! I made these banana, protein muffins within half hour & completely winged it! ... No flour or sugar added! Ingredients: * Bananas. * Baking powder * Quick oats * Vanilla protein powder. * Mixed berries. * Eggs They may not look amazing but they are a great alternative!
20.01.2022 What are your priorities? You wouldn’t let someone else down, so don’t let yourself down. Have the discipline to do it even when you don’t feel like it. Not only will that help you physically but it’ll build your mental strength & grit. Go get it done.
20.01.2022 Most people have an All or nothing approach. (I have also been guilty of this) You’re going to workout everyday. You’re going to cut out all sugar, dairy, gluten and alcohol for good. You’re going to have low carbs.... You’re going to drink a detox tea or buy a waist trainer or whatever other bullshit people on instagram try to convince you work to shed those extra kilos. You’re good all week, the weekend hits, you overindulged, and now you have to start all over again on Monday. Reality is: Unrealistic goals and an all or nothing approach aren’t sustainable. If your goal this year was to be your healthiest self and you’re on a new diet regime ask yourself these questions: 1. Is it sustainable? 2. Is it causing me stress? 3. Am I anxious about food? 4. Am I happy? Set realistic goals that work! How about start with: 1. Getting movement in daily that you enjoy. 2. Drinking enough water. 3. Focusing on stress management. 4. Making quality sleep a priority. 5. Instead of deprivation, nourish your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive.
19.01.2022 Here are Glute & Hamstring focused exercises that you do not need any equipment for. 1. Single leg glute bridge hold (L) 2. Single leg glute bridge hold (R) 3. Glute bridges ... 4. Sumo squat hold 5. Sumo squats 6. Reverse lunge (L) 7. Reverse lunge (R) 8. Leg kickbacks (L) 9. Leg kickbacks (R) 10. Frog pumps I did this for time for 4 rounds. You can increase or decrease the time based on if you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced. Please take note of the tempo which will really ensure you get the most from this session. Add weight if you have weight at home. Enjoy! x
19.01.2022 Confused as soon as you walk into the grocery store? I don’t blame you. There are heaps of products on the shelves these days, all making claims about why they are the best.... Here are my grocery shopping tips: Make a list before you go. Plan your meals for the week to avoid shopping and having to throw food away. Shop the outside of the supermarket first before entering the aisles. The perimeter has most of the fresh, staple foods. Know what to look for in the aisles. Don’t shop when you’re hungry, you will be more likely to be tempted by high calorie, sugary foods. Hope this helps next time you tackle your weekly shop.
18.01.2022 Workout I done with my partner yesterday. Simple but effective. . There are so many things you can do without equipment!! Get creative with it. Just get your body MOVING. Whether it be a leisurely walk outdoors, sprints, a jog or a bodyweight workout in the park or at home. ... . Yesterday we done: . Inverted rows Plank (not videoed) Walking lunges Sprint Tricep dips Push ups 4 x rounds . . Not exercising can have such a big impact not only on our physical health but our mental health which I’m sure a lot of us are feeling with the gym closure. Until things are back to normal - do what you can, move everyday.. . Movement + fresh air + vitamin D will improve your mood, mental & physical health. Which is what we all need right now. See more
18.01.2022 You are the 5 people you hang around the most, make sure it’s good energy. #mondayvibes
18.01.2022 Confused as soon as you walk into the grocery store? I don’t blame you. There are heaps of products on the shelves these days, all making claims about why they are the best.... Here are my grocery shopping tips: Make a list before you go. Plan your meals for the week to avoid shopping and having to throw food away. Shop the outside of the supermarket first before entering the aisles. The perimeter has most of the fresh, staple foods. Know what to look for in the aisles. Don’t shop when you’re hungry, you will be more likely to be tempted by high calorie, sugary foods. Hope this helps next time you tackle your weekly shop.
17.01.2022 Deep down you know exactly what you’re capable of. You know you have so much potential. You just have to be willing to sacrifice the habits, things & situations that are standing in the way of your success. Client Alana has shown consistency & is putting in the work. She ensures she’s organised with her food & training around her busy work schedule. Making no excuses. This is the mindset & dedication that I love to see! @onestrength @alanathrift
16.01.2022 When training make sure you incorporate a compound movement each session! Compound exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example: squats, bench press, deadlifts, military press, chin ups, lunges. Compound exercises burn more calories as more muscles are being used and will allow you to build overall strength more quickly. Isolation movements should still be in your training but they shouldn’t be the foundation of your training program. Isolation exercise...s tend to focus on a single muscle group. For example: bicep curl, tricep pushdowns, calf raise, leg extensions. Make your compound exercises a priority. Warm up with accessory work if needed at the start of the session then do your compound exercises followed by isolation work. Focusing more on the compound moves will make a huge difference to your strength and your goals whether it be fat loss and/or muscle gain.
16.01.2022 This one is for the ladies.. Ever wondered or taken time to consider if your training is effected during different points in your menstrual cycle? Every female is different as is her cycle, so this isn’t to say that all females will experience all or any of these side effects BUT it’s good to be aware and educated so you do understand why.... Around OVULATION the hormone estrogen is at its peak and its buddy progesterone is also on the rise. What does this mean? - Potentially, this can cause a hormonal hurricane for females resulting in a decline in strength, fatigue, mood changes, temperature changes, skin changes, sleep disturbance, etc. - In terms of training: this is not the time to be aiming for PBS in the gym. In fact, maintaining the weight on your targets, if not reloading or pulling back at this time may be optimal. POST OVULATION (Luteal phase) our estrogen does ease off and for females you should start to feel a little better and training should be decent during this time. However, during the luteal phase, progesterone does continue to rise to keep the uterine lining thick. Right before your bleed arrives, when progestoerone is at its peak some women may experiencing bloating, digestion issues, weight gain on the scale (temporary), increased blood volume which can lead to tightness/lower back pain etc. This can cause some discomfort during training. POST PERIOD (Follicular phase) is when we want to go hard when it comes to training. Our hormones are cooling off and strength, mood etc should be at its peak! This is the time to push yourself, have fun and a great time for your heavier based training to occur! So take notes ladies, if you’re feeling abit weaker, tired, moody, bloated etc. Check where you are at in your cycle before beating yourself up!
15.01.2022 - Strength improvements (progressive overload) - Becoming fitter/faster - More/better quality sleep - Better digestion from adequate fibre - Training consistently ... - Improved relationship with food - Clothes fitting better - Improved self-confidence - Improved energy levels or higher libido - Improved portion control - Eating fresh fruit and vegetables more often - Ditching a bad habit - creating a positive one - Learning better technique with your training - Caring less about your weight and more about how you feel See more
14.01.2022 4 weeks ago on the 01/12/20 our beautiful little boy decided to come earth side a little earlier than expected. We are over the moon & so inlove. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas & have a happy New Years! ... I will be posting when I can while on maternity leave - mainly nutrition topics/recipes. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see! P.S thank you @onestrength_ for his cute little outfit! #HudsonFord #Huddy
14.01.2022 This one is for the ladies.. Ever wondered or taken time to consider if your training is effected during different points in your menstrual cycle? Every female is different as is her cycle, so this isn’t to say that all females will experience all or any of these side effects BUT it’s good to be aware and educated so you do understand why.... Around OVULATION the hormone estrogen is at its peak and its buddy progesterone is also on the rise. What does this mean? - Potentially, this can cause a hormonal hurricane for females resulting in a decline in strength, fatigue, mood changes, temperature changes, skin changes, sleep disturbance, etc. - In terms of training: this is not the time to be aiming for PBS in the gym. In fact, maintaining the weight on your targets, if not reloading or pulling back at this time may be optimal. POST OVULATION (Luteal phase) our estrogen does ease off and for females you should start to feel a little better and training should be decent during this time. However, during the luteal phase, progesterone does continue to rise to keep the uterine lining thick. Right before your bleed arrives, when progestoerone is at its peak some women may experiencing bloating, digestion issues, weight gain on the scale (temporary), increased blood volume which can lead to tightness/lower back pain etc. This can cause some discomfort during training. POST PERIOD (Follicular phase) is when we want to go hard when it comes to training. Our hormones are cooling off and strength, mood etc should be at its peak! This is the time to push yourself, have fun and a great time for your heavier based training to occur! So take notes ladies, if you’re feeling abit weaker, tired, moody, bloated etc. Check where you are at in your cycle before beating yourself up!
14.01.2022 Nutrition is paramount! You can’t out train a bad diet. It is far easier to cut 300 calories from your diet through a few light switches and portion control than trying to counteract excessive food consumption with exercise. Fat loss is determined by calories in vs calories out, of which nutrition is key in driving the result. Exercise is an accessory to your plan. Additional activity equates to additional burned calories. It also provides you with increased fitness levels..., good endorphins and many other physical and mental health benefits. Cardio shouldn’t be the only tool you rely on and shouldn’t take priority away from your nutrition. Resistance training should also be done more frequently as is has a greater EPOC and muscle retention. Workout smarter and have a good relationship with exercise and your diet.
13.01.2022 I’ve been thinking of ways I can still help my clients without actually seeing them & adapting to this new change with my business. I’ve come to realise that the main thing people need right now is direction & accountability. I’m sure I’m not the only one who is feeling lost now everything’s changed. I am offering Online Coaching. I’ve always offered this however it was never my main service. For the foreseeable future it will be. ... This will include: - 4-week training plan (home/outdoor based) with whatever you have that I can incorporate into your program ensuring progressive overload over the weeks. You will be given a new training plan after the first 4 weeks. - Calorie & Marco target that will be altered when required. - Weekly check-ins with me: how you are feeling, weight, measurements & photos. - 24/7 support with training, nutrition & mindset. If coaching isn’t what you’re after I do also offer training and/or nutrition programs. . DM me for more info.
12.01.2022 I would just like to take this time to shoutout my clients who are still booking in with me regardless of the craziness that’s going on around us. It makes me happy seeing all your faces everyday. This is a hard time for everyone. A lot of business’s are going to suffer due to this and a lot of people will lose their jobs. ... I think it’s important to keep training as much as we can not only to maintain our health but for our sanity & mental health during this tough time. @onestrength_ is always kept in pristine condition. However, cleaning has been increased & hygiene practices are of paramount. If you are sick, have been in contact with someone who is sick or if you have been overseas recently. Please reschedule your session. I will keep working as long as I am well & able. I think it’s important to keep as much normality as we can right now.
12.01.2022 Why is this relevant? This shows the damage of the fires and how the plants & trees are now growing back better than they were before. Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were. ... I’ve began to see the silver lining of what is happening in the world. Maybe this is what we needed as people. My generation has had it so easy up until now. This brings us back down to earth about what is really important in life. We will get through this & we will come out the other side stronger than ever & have a new appreciation for life. #mindsetiseverything
12.01.2022 How the brain controls our metabolism? Have you ever wondered why the leaner you get, the harder it is for you to continue dieting? You start to feel tired, flat and hungrier everyday & your weight stalls. This is your body trying to fight against your desire to burn stored energy just for aesthetic purposes.... Our bodies are perfect fat storing machines & it makes perfect sense from a survival standpoint. For you to get shredded it means to approach extremely low levels of body fat, which is danger zone for your brain, it doesn’t like the idea of giving up those fat stores. All of us have a body fat stand point, which is typically around 10-15% for men and 20-30% for women, which is where most people usually feel their best. Thats because enough leptin is produced at that body fat % so you feel full and energised everyday. As soon as you start moving away from your body fat set point, therefore losing body fat, leptin production starts becoming less and less, your brain doesn’t receive the amount of leptin signal it was used to getting, so it decides to increase hunger & decrease energy expenditure.. Your body is going to do whatever it can to prevent you from dying and will stay at homeostasis whether you like it or not. This doesn’t mean you can’t get super lean! It just means that it will be hard and it won’t be sustainable long term.
11.01.2022 As we get closer to the arrival of Baby Ford I will be taking maternity leave starting this Friday the 20th. I’m playing it by ear as to when I’ll be back but I will keep everyone updated as soon as I have a date in mind. I will still be doing online programs & coaching (PM me for more details.) ... Thank you so much to all of my clients who have been so loyal & understanding. I am so proud of every one of you and I can’t wait to get back into it with you all again. In the mean time - keep on smashing those goals!
09.01.2022 How active are you really? If you train for an hour a day, 5 days a week you’re probably thinking you’re moderate to heavily active. But the reality is you go back to your desk job and average 4-5k steps a day. So I want you to approach it like this: What activity do you undertake outside of your training sessions?... AKA the other 23 hours of the day. A nurse who is on her feet and clocks up 10-15k steps per day is going to have a much higher energy expenditure than an office worker who barely stretches 5k steps. It matters most what you are doing the other 23 hours in the day.
09.01.2022 Preparation is key! If you have a desired goal you want to reach you need to have a plan! Organise when you are going to train, how often per week you will be doing it & what you will be doing. ... If you prepare ahead of time you are more likely to commit to that session. The same goes with nutrition, if you have goals you want to reach you can’t just ‘wing it’ you need to be organised with what you’re going to be eating & have a way of tracking this. Being prepared & organised is a great quality to have in every part of life. You’ll be more likely to be productive & get things done.
09.01.2022 A body well treated on the inside shows on the outside. From your hair, skin, nails, eyes, energy, mood and the way you express yourself. Look after your body for HEALTH and the rest follows.
09.01.2022 TIPS TO REDUCE BODY FAT WITH MINIMAL CARDIO * Eat in a calorie deficit - 10-20% below your total daily energy expenditure. * Prioritise resistance / strength training 3-5 x per week. * Eat sufficient protein: I recommend 2g of protein per kilo of body weight. ... * Move more throughout the day. (Park further away, take the stairs etc) * Maximise sleep quality / duration. * Manage stress levels. * Be consistent and allow time for results! Remember - you do not need cardio to lose body fat. It should be used as a TOOL to increase energy expenditure. As long as you’re in a calorie deficit you will drop body fat.
09.01.2022 NUTRITION SEMINAR - One Strength. - Tuesday the 17th of March at 6pm. - Free for members.... Feeling lost & confused about nutrition, how it works, what / how much you should be eating to reach your goals? There is so much conflicting information out there so this will give an insight of some FACTS on the basics of Nutrition. Knowledge is power & learning about nutrition is a game changer if you want to see results & live an overall healthier life. @onestrength_
09.01.2022 Carb Facts * The body’s preferred source of energy is carbohydrates. It’s the primary fuel that gets us going throughout the day. * When we start restricting carbs or not eating our usual amount we feel lethargic and depleted of energy. * Carbs get broken down into glucose within the body for energy. Your body can use for glucose immediately or store it in your liver and muscles.... * Foods high in carbohydrates include: starchy vegetables, all other veg, rice, quinoa, pasta, breads, legumes, fruit, honey, cereal, grains, lollies, sugar, etc. * High quality carbohydrates are important to support a sustainable outcome. You can eat a variety of carb sources, but the nutrients in quality food will be absorbed far better within your body. * Fibre - Prioritising high fibre carbs are crucial. Vegetables are a carbohydrate and eating an adequate amount of starchy nutrient dense carbs is important for digestive health. 25-30 grams of fibre a day is recommended. * Carbs help restore glycogen levels from being depleted after an intense workout. * For every 1 gram of carb holds 3-5 grams of water. . See more
08.01.2022 If you haven’t already seen... I’ve been keeping a secret. My partner & I are very excited & happy to announce we are expecting a baby in December! I will still be personal training! So nothing will change. (besides my belly. )... Sooo excited to get back into it! Let’s get it!
07.01.2022 A common goal people have. My biggest question is do you think that losing the weight will make you love yourself more? And is that why you are trying to do it? Thinking that losing weight = self love. I have been extremely lean, also a lot softer than I am now, pregnant, but for the most part in between these & I can tell you being super lean doesn’t = guarantee happiness.... Your body doesn’t = happiness. So why is it that sometimes people are happier when they get in shape or lose weight? Because the happiness you get from getting in better shape isn’t about the physical look 100%. It’s about getting my clients to see them achieve in other areas: - Enhanced purpose and why behind training and nutrition. - Built more intrinsic drive and motivation from seeing results from there hard work. - Created habits that will result in a healthier lifestyle going forward such as eating protein, whole foods, water etc. - Built strength physically and empowerment through training. - Built confidence through education on training and nutrition. - Gained more self belief from achieving a goal and following through on it and not giving up. If you can focus on the hidden gems of the process rather than the end results you can create happiness from any journey in health & fitness. But if you’re focused 100% on your happiness being tied just to a scale or physical look it’s going to be less enjoyable and less sustainable.
07.01.2022 I remember when I first met Breanna back in 2018 for our first training session together. She could barely lift 5kg dumbbells. Now here she is squatting 70kgs for reps with ease! (& only upwards from here) From the girl who used to feel unconfident in going to the gym by herself to the woman she is today - going to the gym by herself all the time, knowing exactly what she’s doing and lifting some heavy weight! She’s soo much stronger, fitter & her mental state has changed so much in a positive way! Fitness is now a big part of her lifestyle!
06.01.2022 What are your priorities? You wouldn’t let someone else down, so don’t let yourself down. Have the discipline to do it even when you don’t feel like it. Not only will that help you physically but it’ll build your mental strength & grit. Go get it done.
05.01.2022 I’m sure there’s plenty of people right now that need to read this.. When looking at old pictures of your body, ask yourself. Were you happy then?... Did you practice healthy habits? Was your life different at the time? Were you physically & mentally healthier then, or now? Bodies fluctuate and change for a number of reasons. The body you’re missing might have been a representation of a restrictive diet, low energy, mental health issues, grief, stress or even an eating disorder - in which case, let’s stop striving to be back to a body that isn’t reflective of your best self! Or, that body might have represented a time where you were really caring for yourself, inside and out Maybe you ate better, slept more, got into a good training routine and felt amazing as a result of those healthy actions. Just remember bodies do change with ebbs and flows of life. Your teenage body won’t be the same as your adult body. Our metabolisms do slow down as we get older. Start appreciating what your body can do for you instead of how it looks. I constantly see people (especially women) putting themselves down, comparing themselves to others and their past self, forever wanting to lose more weight. Life isn’t about losing weight or how you look. Honestly no one cares if you have a bit of stomach, arm, back or thigh fat. We all judge ourselves way too harshly. Remember as women, we are mean’t to have curves & a higher body fat then men. We can carry humans so a higher BF is needed to do so for this which is so worth it! Side note; curves are bloody sexy! Try to learn to love your feminine figure. Just remember, when you’re older, you’re going to remember how you felt and the memories you made, not the body you had and no one else will remember the body you had either. People will love you for who you are not what you look like. I could go on and on about this but I’ll leave it at that for today. Strive for the FEELING, not the look and just remember to enjoy life, you only get one. Happy Friday.
04.01.2022 The day has come & we now have a date for the re-opening of gyms! I have had so many messages over the last 24 hours. I cannot wait to get back into it and see all of my clients & the One Strength family again! As I have another job as well & already have my roster for that until July 6th, spots for personal training will be limited until then. ... After that I can get back into a proper routine with you all! I will message you all individually to book sessions over the next couple of days. Can’t wait!! @onestrength
04.01.2022 While being pregnant my goals have changed. I’m no longer working towards body composition goals. I’m training for other reasons & I’ve been absolutely loving it! There’s so much more that exercise can do for you other than change your body. . 1. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Everyone loves that post-workout serotonin high. 2. It’s fun to feel strong! Setting strength goals is a great way to motivate you to train hard and push to new limits. ... 3. It can significantly improve your health, particularly heart health and respiratory efficiency. Studies have also shown reduced chance/severity of diabetes as regular exercise helps with insulin sensitivity. 4. It’s good for your brain! Regular activity promotes blood flow & oxygen to the brain and can maximise cognitive function, keeping you alert and productive. 5. It can help with body image. Pushing yourself to become fitter & stronger is a form of self-care. It’s hard to hate a body you’re taking great care of! See more
04.01.2022 COVID-19 Update: Personal Training will be temporarily stopping. This is very heartbreaking & unfortunate. Times are hard, for everyone. If closing gyms & businesses means keeping people alive & reducing the spread, that’s what is necessary.... All we can do is hope for the best & do what we can. I’m praying things will go back to normal sooner rather than later. I would just like to remind people that I do online programs for both training (can be from home) as well as nutrition programs. I am doing everything I can to adapt to this change with my business & think outside of the box. I’ll keep everyone updated with my plans. We are all in this together. This too, shall pass.
04.01.2022 Not feeling motivated is not an excuse to not carry out a behaviour. We do things everyday that we are not motivated to do. You need to prepare for the times that you don’t feel like doing it and envision yourself doing it anyway. ... By constantly repeating those non-negotiable habits enough times, they will eventually become automatic, like brushing your teeth, then motivation won’t even come into it. Build habits that will help you reach your goals & have the discipline to do things you may not necessarily want to do, but do anyway because it gets you closer to where you want to be. #happymonday
03.01.2022 Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, dairy free, gluten free, paleo however you choose to eat is your choice. Sometimes one persons opinion is just that, an opinion. Every single person’s body is different and is built different, therefore reacts differently to different foods. Food is there to fuel your body. Do what works for you and eat to live and long & healthy life!
02.01.2022 Pumpkin Weetbix Muffins May not look amazing but don’t knock it till you try it! Ingredients:... 300 grams butternut pumpkin (I air fried the pumpkin but you could also steam or boil) 2 cups of spinach 40 grams weetbix crushed 50 grams light shredded cheese 5 eggs 100 grams capsicum Choice of seasoning (I used garlic & paprika) Method: Preheat oven to 200 degrees. In a bowl mix eggs, weetbix and cheese until combined. Add in capsicum, spinach & seasoning. Put in the oven for 20-30 mins until cooked. Let them cool before removing from tray. Enjoy! Great little snack or breakfast
02.01.2022 - Strength improvements (progressive overload) - Becoming fitter/faster - More/better quality sleep - Better digestion from adequate fibre - Training consistently ... - Improved relationship with food - Clothes fitting better - Improved self-confidence - Improved energy levels or higher libido - Improved portion control - Eating fresh fruit and vegetables more often - Ditching a bad habit - creating a positive one - Learning better technique with your training - Caring less about your weight and more about how you feel See more
02.01.2022 Today marked my last session with @katiegroeller before she moves to Woollongong. Katie came to me in Feb this year wanting to change her body composition, get stronger and feel better within herself. It’s safe to say she’s achieved all of those goals! She is now incredibly strong and loves training! She has changed her body composition & feels better within herself. She now has a lot more knowledge about training & nutrition and how to apply that to her own lifestyle/body.... She continued to train at home & do online coaching while in lockdown for COVID. Losing a total of 44cms across all sites since feb. I am so proud of how far she has come! When you stick to the plan you WILL achieve your goals! Nothing worth having comes easy. I wish you all the best. You’ve been an absolute pleasure to work with. @katiegroeller
01.01.2022 Low Calorie / High Volume Green Curry with lots of veg! I used chicken breast but you could also use prawns. You can add rice if you wish as well! ... Ingredients: - Chicken breast - diced - Red capsicum - diced - Green peas & corn - Zucchini - Broccoli & cauliflower rice - Spinach - Green curry paste - Lite coconut milk Method: - Put chicken, capsicum, green peas/ corn, zucchini in a hot pan. - Then add paste. - Reduce heat and add coconut milk (simmer to thicken.) - Add spinach, salt/pepper and broccoli & cauliflower rice.
01.01.2022 Fridge Goals! A simple rule to follow: the more colours on your plate - the more nutrients! Eating a wide range of colourful foods at every meal is vital for boosting your nutrition as the different colours have different health benefits!
01.01.2022 We are still in control of how we MOVE & NOURISH our bodies. The simple things to not underestimate: Walking... Meditating - I’ve started doing this. I’ve always wanted to but never found ‘time’ or just didn’t prioritise it. I’m finding it really helps! Bring some calm into this chaos. Use your body weight. Body weight movements are efficient. Keep food basic - more whole foods. Keep ingredients as minimal and fresh as possible. Hydrate - water is amazinggg. The simpler you keep it, the more likely you are to stick to it.
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