HCE Bowen Therapy in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Professional service
HCE Bowen Therapy
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 404 887 134
Address: Narre Warren 3805 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Saddle position is arguably *just* as important as actual saddle fit (to horse and rider!), but I still feel it is extremely overlooked or downplayed. It's beco...me a cultural norm to throw the saddle up onto the scapula (Hey I was guilty of it too!). And it's everywhere! But what implications does this actually have? First I should introduce the trapezius muscle. It's a muscle that our saddle shares a very intimate relationship with. The trapezius muscle is composed of two parts, the trapezius cervicus and trapezius thoracis. Our saddle affects both. The division of the muscle being found down the spine of the scapula. The trapezius cervicus aids in drawing the shoulder upwards and forwards, while the trapezius thoracis aids in pulling the shoulder upwards and backwards. This muscle, without question, is an integral part of free shoulder movement. So, when it is compromised by a poor saddle, it will atrophy. In addition, we have an accessory nerve (CN11) which rests right along your horses wither. Pinching of this accessory nerve signals the brain to essentially block or stop the movement of the shoulder while also contracting the longissimus dorsi, dropping the spine completely and pulling the pelvis forward. The exact opposite of what we want! This can lead to balking, intermittent lameness, refusal to fences, kissing spine, pelvic tilt and rearing. Many horses with ill-fitting or ill-placed saddles will often compensate by recruiting other muscles to do a job they may not actually be intended to do. A good example of this is the Omobrachialis muscle, a member of the Cutaneous muscle group, the thinnest, most superficial layer of muscle in the body. Some horses will experience a degree of hypertrophy in this muscle which creates a deep horizontal groove across the scapula. (Other causes may be hoof/teeth imbalance or compensation for injury elsewhere). And if we dip our toes *very briefly* into a whole body perspective, the reach goes even further. These horses will often also experience a degree of girthiness as the shoulder restriction directly affects muscles such as the latissimus dorsi and the descending and ascending pectorals. Because the shoulder cannot properly lift (and CN11 is compromised), the thoracic sling CANNOT engage. Meaning, a horse whose saddle is too forward will ALWAYS be on the forehand and hollow. This produces leg movement and not back movement, leaving the horse predisposed to injury due to overloading and cumulative micro trauma. But the negative implications don't stop with the horse. The rider is affected as well. Because the saddle is placed too forward, the riders center of balance will be compromised to a degree. Riders with saddles too far forward will often have difficulty posting or moving with the energy of the horse in all gaits. Part in fact due to the improper balance of the rider but also the compromised biomechanics of the horse. A saddle that is ill-placed can NEVER fit a horse and is arguably JUST as detrimental as an ill fitting saddle. In short a saddle placed over the scapula will: 1. Reduce range of motion through the shoulder 2. The trapezius (cervicus and thoracic) subsequently atrophies 3. Other muscles are recruited to compensate for loss of function. 4. The shoulder muscle *group as a whole* is thrown into a pattern of dysfunction and loss of function 5. The horse is forced onto the forehand and hollow. 6. Affect rider balance and efficacy Photo source: https://www.rodnikkel.com//wither-conformation-seeing-dam/
24.01.2022 Can you spare a few $ to help dogs and cats in the streets of bali get fed and desexed to prevent further homeless animals.... $2 will buy a kilo of chicken which will feed a few of these dogs or cats.
23.01.2022 Today myself and friend helped move another friends 2 horses, we are currently in stg4 and the horses needed to be transported a few hours away out of the restriction area. The owner spoke to dhhs and explained she needed her horses transported and had us available to do but we are in stg4, dhhs advised that as long as we had copy of her lease agreement and letter signed from the owner stating who, where too and from transport is needed and the owner was paying for transport ...costs, not to go anywhere else along the way then we were able to do this, time/ date of call and name of contact at dhhs. This is ONLY ADVICE TO CONTACT DHHS FIRST for permission explaining circumstances and if this may be possible for your needs. DHHS MUST be contacted for advice and permission, Vicpol will state the same. (This is in no way legal information only stating how we were able to obtain legal information and permission to help friend on transportation costs) See more
21.01.2022 WEDNESDAY 5 AUGUST 2020 STAGE 3 REGIONAL VICTORIA & STAGE 4 METROPOLITAN MELBOURNE Equestrian Victoria is still awaiting formal government advice re travel ...and care for horses under COVID-19 Stage 3 and Stage 4 Restrictions. In the event you are stopped whilst travelling to care for your horse(s) please advise the relevant authorities that: Equestrian Victoria advises that you have a positive obligation under the Section 9 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 to ensure your animals are fed, watered, exercised and sheltered". We also recommend you carry both your horse registration papers and any documentation related to agistment with you when travelling. We will provide an update as soon as we have formal advice from the Victorian Government. You can download this statement for printing and to carry with you here: https://www.vic.equestrian.org.au//Holding_Statement_S3_S4 Thank you for your patience. Matthew Brown Chief Executive Officer - Equestrian Victoria
18.01.2022 Due to the current health situation bowen treatment on humans is not available until further notice.Due to the current health situation bowen treatment on humans is not available until further notice.
16.01.2022 Hopefully will give some a giggle
15.01.2022 For information regarding stage 3 covid-19 for your horses this is worth a read.
15.01.2022 Had the pleasure of working on these boys today, before and after pics, ages range from 6-37yrs old.
15.01.2022 Erschütterter Tierarzt verrät: Das machen Haustiere Minuten vor dem Einschläfern Jeder Haustierbesitzer muss sich mit dem Gedanken auseinandersetzen, dass das ...geliebte Familienmitglied mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit vor einem sterben wird. Wenn du mit Hunden oder Katzen aufgewachsen bist, musstest du wahrscheinlich schon mehrmals Lebewohl sagen. Leichter wird dieser Abschied mit der Zeit nicht. Besonders schlimm fällt es den meisten Haustierbesitzern, ihre tierischen Freunde einschläfern zu müssen. Der Gedanke daran, seinem Vierbeiner beim Sterben zuzuschauen, kann einen krank machen. Dennoch sollten Haustierbesitzer in diesen Momenten stark sein den Tieren zuliebe. Leider haben nicht alle Herrchen und Frauchen den Mut und die Kraft, bis zum letzten Atemzug bei ihren Tieren zu bleiben. Sie sind nicht da, um den Übergang zu erleichtern, und ziehen es vor, dem Tierarzt die Arbeit ganz allein zu überlassen. Nun hat ein Tierarzt, der anonym bleiben möchte, beschlossen, seine Gedanken über diese Entscheidung mit der Öffentlichkeit zu teilen. Die Botschaft des Tierarztes: Als Haustierbesitzer ist es meist unvermeidlich, dass dein Haustier vor dir stirbt. Wenn ihr euer Haustier also zum Tierarzt bringen müsst, um ihm ein würdiges, schmerzfreies Ende zu bereiten, möchte ich, dass ihr alle etwas wisst. Du warst IHR GESAMTES LEBEN LANG der Mittelpunkt ihrer Welt!!! Von deinem eigenen Leben waren sie vielleicht nur ein kleiner Teil, aber für sie warst du, ihre Familie, alles, was sie kannten. Es ist jedes Mal eine beschissene Entscheidung/ ein beschissener Tag/ eine beschissene Zeit, das lässt sich nicht leugnen, und es ist erschütternd für uns Menschen, sie zu verlieren. Aber bitte, ich flehe dich an, LASS SIE NICHT ALLEIN! Lass sie den Übergang vom Leben in den Tod nicht in einem Raum voller Fremder, an einem Ort, den sie nicht ausstehen können, begehen. Was die meisten von euch nicht wissen ist, dass sie NACH EUCH SUCHEN, WENN IHR SIE ALLEIN LÄSST!!!! Sie suchen jedes Gesicht im Raum nach ihren Liebsten ab. Sie verstehen nicht, warum du sie zurückgelassen hast, als sie krank, verängstigt, alt oder vom Krebs dahingerafft wurden und sie deinen Trost bitter nötig hatten. Sei kein Feigling, weil du denkst, es wäre einfach zu schwer für DICH. Stell dir vor, wie es ihnen geht, wenn du sie in ihrer empfindlichsten Zeit verlässt. Leute wie ich sind jedes Mal aufs Neue bemüht, sie zu trösten, ihre Angst zu lindern und zu versuchen, ihnen zu erklären, warum du einfach nicht bleiben konntest. Von einem müden Tierarzt mit einem gebrochenen Herzen. Teile diesen Beitrag mit all deinen Freunden auf Facebook, damit jeder versteht, wie wichtig es ist, dass Herrchen und Frauchen ihre Haustiere in ihren letzten Momenten auf dieser Erde nicht alleine lassen.
14.01.2022 **The following post shows images of an equine stomach post mortem. ** STOMACH SIZE I get asked all the time about feed and all manner of horse care topics. Alo...ng with all of the usual discussions about type of feed for particular horses, weights of feed etc... there is the topic of HOW MUCH to feed. How many dippers of chaff, how full should the 20litre bucket be, 1 feed per day or two??? Through the amazing process of dissections we have been involved in, we always look at the stomach. Sometimes finding ulcers or bots and varying degrees of health of the stomach lining. One thing I’ve noticed is that the larger horses of mixed breed (say between 14-17hh) is that the stomach size doesn’t vary all that much. Horses are grazing animals, we know this. Horses do well on smaller feeds more often, we also know this. A lot of people struggle to truly grasp this until they see it or it is explained thoroughly enough for them to fully understand from an anatomy perspective. Here I will show you a stomach (approx 15.2hh tb mare) she had had a normal breakfast but also a big special bucket of carrots and apples right before being laid to rest (not her daily feed, just a one off treat bucket) and then the contents of that stomach in relation to a very average sized 15 litre tub. I will also show you the absolute MAXIMUM sized feed I would ever feed a horse of that size. There are plenty of great articles around that talk about overflow of undigested feed into the hindgut and the subsequent problems, feed sizes and ulcers, gut health in all forms but I’m not here to talk about that. I am simply sharing in order to give the average horse owner a deeper understanding of the relative lack of size of the average sized horses stomach ** This post is not about what to feed or even how often. That will be very specific to each horse, it’s environment and situation. Please seek advice from your trusted equine veterinarian or independent nutritionist. ** Dissection with thanks and in conjunction with Southern Holistic Equine & Ev’s Equine Services
13.01.2022 REWARD OFFERED FOR INFORMATION THAT BRINGS HIM HOME Bruno is still missing 18/8 Please keep sharing, Bruno is out their somewhere, ... Could everyone please share this he could be anywhere, If anyone sees this dog please contact me straight away someone has cut the ties on the gate and he is gone, much loved family pet, from caversham drive Pakenham 25/7 please help bring him home where he belongs
09.01.2022 At Paw Station we are now open Monday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s between the hours 9am - 5pm with limited appointments available. (Please note these hours are by appointment only)At Paw Station we are now open Monday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s between the hours 9am - 5pm with limited appointments available. (Please note these hours are by appointment only)
08.01.2022 Might be something to read up on, I understand this is for NZ but the rules may be the same here. Its better to have some understanding of what you can or cant do than to get last minute notice.
05.01.2022 Yesterday was a hard day letting my boy go, he ended up with a twisted bowel and the pressure of that ruptured it beyond repair Tyrone wasnt one to show when he was in pain and early Saturday morning was no different. It was only that i heard him vomiting and grabbed a torch to check him i noticed his stomach was very swollen. He was taken straight to Woof Pur Nay emergency where Gary did everything he could to find the problem but i had to make the choice to let him go.... I want to thank Gary and the girls at WoofPurNay veterinary hospital for everything they did to help Tyrone RIP Tyrone, run free over rainbow bridge i will see you again one day
05.01.2022 When your away and your dog plays
04.01.2022 Warning: Squeamish video ahead! Case of the Day: This 6yo gelding presented with a history of chronic, unilateral (one-sided) nasal discharge. The owner no...ted that clear discharge and sometimes mucoid/cloudy discharge would come out of his right nostril, especially after competing. We call this sinusitis, a fancy word for sinus infection. Causes for this condition can be respiratory infections that fail to clear, dental problems, cysts, or tumors. It’s important to investigate the cause in order to make a diagnosis. After scoping the upper respiratory tract and guttural pouches, radiographs were performed: - Radiograph 1: Left side with clear nasal sinus. - Radiograph 2: Right side with obstructed nasal sinus. We decided to make a small hole in the frontal bone of the skull (called trephination) to access the nasal sinus compartments. A catheter was placed and the sinuses were flushed. An unbelievable amount of pus was drained and we’re sure this guy will feel better after getting all that pressure off! Happy watching!
03.01.2022 Lest We Forget
03.01.2022 Something to keep in mind with young pups