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headspace Osborne Park in Perth, Western Australia | Mental health service

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headspace Osborne Park

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9208 9555

Address: 2/145 Main Street, Osborne Park 6017 Perth, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Checking-in on someones mental health can be as easy as sending a message. Listen to how they are feeling, encourage them to seek help if needed and check back in at a later date. If you want more tips on how to ask someone about their mental health, check out headspace!

23.01.2022 Happy Wear It Purple Day! The theme for this year is we are the change and is a reminder that each of us is responsible for taking steps to support LGBTI*+ young people, and that we all have the power to make change in our communities! What are you doing to celebrate LGBTI+ young people in your life?

23.01.2022 Thanks for having us today zero2hero! We had a great time at their annual In Your Head Youth Mental Health Forum.

23.01.2022 Want to start your day in a good headspace? Come and join us every Tuesday from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm at Hackett Cafe for a free coffee (or other hot drink), board games and a chat. We will be there every Tuesday from August 4th (teaching weeks only). For more info check out the event Spill the Bean - games and social group Feel free to give us a call on 9208 9555 if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

23.01.2022 Today is World Sexual Health Day! The theme for this year is pleasure in times of COVID-19. Check out this great graphic by SHQ - Sexual Health Quarters on how to have pleasurable sexual experiences whilst staying safe!

23.01.2022 Have you seen Indigemoji yet? Young people in Mparntwe/Alice Springs worked with local Indigenous artists, designers and Arrernte cultural advisors to decolonise the internet by learning to design and make a new set of emojis relevant to their culture and lives. For links to download, or to find out more info, visit:... See more

22.01.2022 Are you nearly ready for Wear It Purple Day this Friday? To find out why we wear purple, check out the link below.

22.01.2022 Time to do a mid-month check-in! Sometimes things can pile up, its important to schedule regular check-ins with yourself to identify any problems and celebrate the wins!

21.01.2022 We are now delivering monthly information sessions for family and friends of young people who are new or considering coming to headspace Osborne Park or Joondalup. Gain insight into the journey ahead, how we can work together, and how you can help your young person whilst take care of yourself too. Space is limited so please RSVP via:... [email protected] by calling: (08) 9208 955 See more

21.01.2022 We will be closed on the January 26th public holiday and will re-open on Wednesday the 27th. If you need to speak to someone urgently call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800.

21.01.2022 Are you at UWA today? Come and see us today at Hackett Cafe from 10 am - 12:30 pm for a coffee and a game of UNO!

20.01.2022 As a new school year approaches, family and friends are usually the first to notice changes in a young person's behaviour. If someone close to you is requiring support, discover tips on ways you can assist them through hard times here

19.01.2022 Register now! FREE photography, creative writing, and painting workshops for young people - Saturday 10th October! Our friends at headspace Early Psychosis are putting on a brand new event this Mental Health Week and its going to be ace! Check out the flyer for more, and register for as many of the workshops as you wish via: ... Places are limited so reserve your and your friends places now!

18.01.2022 Check out this great event by our friends at the Stirling Youth Informants this Saturday!

15.01.2022 The practice of taking time off work for your mental health tends to be more of a grey area - especially in times like this. It may be all too easy to convince yourself that poor mental health isnt a good enough reason. But remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health, just like bodily distress, your mind needs time to rest and recover. Swipe across for some tips on how to take a mental health day. 1 You dont need to go into detail or justify it to anyone. 2 Just like a sick day, do things that make you feel better. Do things that make you feel good, not what you think you should be doing. 3 Take a longer break if a single day-off isnt quite enough. Take action and reach out for more support.

15.01.2022 Given the latest Government announcement headspace Osborne Park will be closed for face-to-face appointments effective tomorrow. If you have scheduled an appointment with us we will be in touch to offer you an appointment in an alternative format - online/over the phone. Stay safe everyone.

14.01.2022 This week is Trans Awareness Week! Check our tips by Minus18 on how to be an ally to trans, gender diverse and questioning young people.

13.01.2022 Learning to budget can help you to gain control of your finances and reduce stress. If you're interested to learn how, check out the link below!

13.01.2022 Welcome to YarnSpace, where Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young people can connect with mobs and seek support, all within a safe, supportive online community. Chats are moderated by Aboriginal peer support moderators and you can also create your own mental health toolkit with resources that resonate with you. Discover YarnSpace now >

13.01.2022 All of us play a part in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Your effort matters. Washing your hands, maintaining physical distancing and staying home can make a big difference. The COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted family life and its a lot to navigate for anyone, but especially parents. With the young person you are supporting try: - Talking about COVID-19 honestly and openly... - Keep it positive during the outbreaks - Create a flexible but consistent daily routine For more tips visit > See more

13.01.2022 Are you unsure about whats next, dont know where to start with looking for a job or how to work out what you might want to study? headspace Work and Study is to help. Our service is tailored to your needs and can support you in developing the skills and confidence to reach your work or study goals. Its all online - we use webchat, video, email, or phone so you can do it from the comfort of your home (and its totally free)! Register your interest today >

13.01.2022 Are you a young person living in the City of Stirling? Check out Chills with SYA - Multiculturalism: Differences Bring us together tomorrow night! The event is about about acknowledging and celebrating the diverse communities we live in. This is an event for young people run by young people.

13.01.2022 Today is the headspace Day of Fun! Head down to Holey Moley to play a game of mini golf and support youth mental health.

12.01.2022 Loneliness is something we can all feel from time to time. Even with restrictions changing for some, we can also experience loneliness for other reasons including; living alone or lacking close family, grieving for a friend, being unemployed, feeling stressed or having a cultural barrier to communication. Stay connected via our free online spaces here you can join group chats or discover helpful articles, tools, videos selected by headspace or shared by our community. To get started create an account via >

11.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day for 2020! Do you want to check in with a friend, but arent sure what to say? Check out @ruokday for tips on how to start and continue the conversation.

11.01.2022 Happy Trans Awareness Week from headspace Osborne Park! We spent the afternoon discussing how to support young trans people at our service, and of course had some fun too! #transawarenessweek #transawarenessweek2020 #transvisibility #respectpronouns #headspace

10.01.2022 Today is National Self-Care Day! What are you doing to look after your mental health? If youre not sure, head over to the @headspace Instagram to try out our self-care filter.

10.01.2022 Limiting your consumption of alcohol and other drugs can clear your mind, improve your energy, and boost your motivation. Check out our bio and discover tips on how to find a balance and maintain a healthy headspace. See here and discover tips on how to find a balance and to maintain a healthy headspace.

10.01.2022 A few minutes could change your whole day. Start your weekend with some mindful meditation.

08.01.2022 Do you want to ask a friend about their mental health, but dont know here to start? Just remember, 1 Theres no right or wrong way but its important to choose a way that feels comfortable. 2 Keep communication open and see if they want to talk about things. Maybe youre not the right person for them to talk to right now, but you could let them know that there is free and confidential support online or over the phone from places like eheadspace, Kids Helpline and Lifeline. 3 Listen to their concerns and keep an open mind. 4 Support your friend and help them build their support network.

08.01.2022 With COVID-19 changing our communities and the way we live, you might be experiencing changes in your school, study, work, relationships or your physical and mental health. Whatever it is youre facing, headspace is here for you. Our website is packed with great ideas, information and useful things you can do to support your mental health. Check out our website at, create an account to get the information and support you need.

07.01.2022 Are you a parent, friend or family member of a young person accessing headspace? Would you like to find out more information about headspace and how we can support you? Come and join us next week for our Along for the Ride family and friends information session. To reserve your place, call 9208 9555.

06.01.2022 COVID-19 has taken a big toll on work and study plans this year. If you're concerned about job prospects or not sure how to start, headspace Work and Study can help. It gave me the confidence to get out there and find a job. I now work in a place that I love and my life has improved a lot since [using the] Work and Study Service. - participant. The service can help with job search skills, job applications, resume and cover letter preparation, career planning, study and enro...lment support and more. To get started visit > See more

05.01.2022 Thanks for having us today Churchlands Senior High School! We had a great time talking about mental health as part of your health week activities.

04.01.2022 What were we drawing? Join us again today for our online games group! Click interested and well send you the link! ... See more

04.01.2022 Ever noticed that you feel down or even anxious when you have a bad nights sleep? Find out why in this short video from Kids Helpline Official. Lots of people struggle with sleep, so if you find it tough to fall asleep youre not alone. But there are things you can do about it, like having a regular sleep routine, limiting screen-time before bed and practicing mindfulness. Happy sleeping!

04.01.2022 Its okay to outgrow friendships, relationships, jobs or interests over time. Sometimes developing into the person you want to be means taking a look at the thi...ngs that make you happy and even removing from your life the things that dont. Whatever your path happens to be, make sure to put yourself in charge of your own happiness. Join our peer-led group chat on navigating relationships every Monday from 6:15pm >

03.01.2022 Understanding our emotions is an important part of mental health. Before we can understand our emotions, a good place to start is to observe our emotions and what it is we are actually feeling. By getting better at understanding our emotions, we can get better at choosing how to respond to them. To learn more about emotions visit >

01.01.2022 Sometimes therapy can feel a bit overwhelming to start with, its kind of like a jar of water, silt and mud. The jar is shaken a bit during therapy, and the sediments go everywhere. But hopefully, over time the sediment settles and there is more clear space than before. If youve been thinking about going to counselling give us a call on 9208 9555.

01.01.2022 A new 24-hour crisis line for Aboriginal Men has been set up to provide extra support during the coronavirus pandemic. Brother to Brother is Australias FIRST 24-hour hotline assisting Aboriginal men throughout COVID-19. The crisis number is 1800 435 799... The line is staffed by Aboriginal men, including elders, to promote a culturally-safe service.

01.01.2022 Our friends at The Butterfly Foundation have launched the #TalkingHelps campaign that encourages Australians living with an eating disorder to get support, especially those who may be discriminated against due to their gender, sexual orientation or cultural background. Find out more:

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