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25.01.2022 Trapped Emotions Affect Our Health Where would you be without your emotions? If the sum total of all your experiences makes up the tapestry of your life, it is the emotions you have experienced that give that tapestry its color. Our emotions really do give color to our lives. Try to imagine for a moment a world where no emotions could occur. No joy would be possible. No feelings of happiness, bliss, charity or kindness. No love would be felt, no positive emotions of any kind.... On this imaginary emotionless planet, there would be no negative emotions either. No sorrow, no anger, no feelings of depression, and no grief. To live on such a planet would be to merely exist. With no ability to feel emotions of any kind, life would be reduced to a gray, mechanical ritual from cradle to grave. Be grateful that you can feel emotions! But are there emotions you have experienced that you would rather not have felt? If you are like most people, your life has had its darker times. You have probably experienced moments of anxiety, as well as other times of grief, anger, frustration, and fear. You may have experienced periods of sorrow, as well as depression, low self-esteem, hopelessness, or any of a wide variety of negative emotions. What you may not realize is that some of the negative emotions you’ve experienced, even though you may have felt them long ago, may still be creating problems for you in subtle, yet very damaging ways. Here is a list of circumstances that often result in trapped emotions: Loss of a loved one Divorce or relationship problems Financial hardship Home or work stress Miscarriage or Abortion Physical trauma Physical or Emotional Combat Physical, mental, verbal or sexual abuse Negative self-talk Negative beliefs about yourself or others Long-term stress Rejection Physical illness Feelings of inferiority Internalization of feelings Neglect or abandonment This list is by no means all-inclusive. Our trapped emotions may show up as pain, illness, disorder and disease if not cleared; emotions are that powerful! A big part of the work I do is finding and clearing those trapped emotions and negative beliefs for you, thus freeing you of their influence and side effects. I do this for people and animals all over the world via distance healing, and it’s as simple as booking your session online, giving me some information and a photo, then going about your day or evening while I work. I send you a report after your session and I can also tell you whether you need more than one. It’s easy peezy healing at its best! No drugs, no need to leave home or take time out while I work! I invite you to feel better now simply message me or go to to find out more and book your session Love, Jo

23.01.2022 Nothing lasts forever, the sun always returns and your happiness will too ...

23.01.2022 Our thought for the day is: "Every thought we think, every word we say, every action we take has an effect on the universe. Other people feel what we're thinking, whether they are conscious of this or not. Surrendering our lives to being more loving is the ultimate taking of personal responsibility. Love is not outside of us but within us." Marianne Williamson - A Year of Miracles (edited)

22.01.2022 Snakes are starting to wake up from their long winter rest, and our pets are once again at risk! All snake bites or suspected snake bites in Australia should be... treated as life-threatening. It is vital that you keep your pet calm and as still as possible. Try to limit any movement (including walking) as much as possible and transport them to your nearest veterinary practice immediately, even if they look well. If you are not close to a veterinary clinic and the bite was witnessed to have occurred on a limb, apply a pressure immobilisation bandage to that limb before transporting the animal to a veterinarian. The bandage should cover the entire limb, from the paw to the base of the limb. The pressure bandage should not be applied too tight as to restrict blood flow, but at a similar tightness to what would be applied for a sprained ankle. There is no role for a pressure immobilisation bandage for bites that are not on a limb. The sooner your pet is treated, the better their chances of survival. Symptoms of snake bites include: - Sudden weakness followed by collapse - Vomiting - Laboured breathing - Paralysis, starting with the hind legs - Loss of bladder and bowel control - Shaking or twitching of the muscles - Blood in the urine DO NOT try to catch or kill the snake for ID or for any other purpose DO NOT apply a tourniquet DO NOT wash the bite site DO NOT cut, suck or apply any other treatments to the bite-site Our service is free for all pet owners and has assisted over 5,000 accidentally poisoned pets so far this year. You can save a pet’s life by keeping this critical service free. Please visit to learn about ways you can support the service.

22.01.2022 sending you all love, hugs and support today from Qld, Australia to wherever you are!

19.01.2022 We all have emotions that can be troublesome; I have even done healing sessions for plants!

18.01.2022 Having a conversation about comedy shows & movies my male partner enjoys & I don’t. I find them purile, because I became an adult a lot earlier than he did, which gave rise to a conversation about how differently bus & girls are raised. He never noticed that boys get to be children a lot longer than most girls. Most men don’t notice because they are allowed or even encouraged to be selfish... another reason why most narcissists are male. As a female, my childhood ended at ...about the age of 4 when my parents & in particular my mother treated me as a servant. My brother as a child & teenager, never had to make tea or beds, clean, cook or wash either dishes or clothes.... Mothers & fathers; please teach your sons that making their beds, washing their clothes, cooking their meals & cleaning their house is equally their responsibility and allow your girls to be children! We are all human beings... Protect women, don’t use them #womenarenotslaves #stopmensentitlement #notwomenswork

18.01.2022 I'm so jealous of this friendship by Jackson ODoherty

17.01.2022 Why Energy Healing Cures #Disease & #Disorder Disease & disorder isn’t something in your body that is destined to happen, according to Dr. Rangan Chatterjee. Our genes are not our destiny.... Most often the real culprits behind these environmental factors are coming from within us in the form of worry, fear, anger, negative beliefs, and past trauma. Each of these has its own energetic signature and is of a much lower vibration than our normal balanced state. When we don’t clear or heal these issues, they build up in our energetic system and become denser. This blocks the flow of life force energy within our bodies and can open the door to sickness and disease. How does energy healing help? Holistic energy healing helps release the negative energetic patterns allowing ones life force energy to flow unimpeded. In addition, when energy healing is coupled with improving our thoughts (intentions) and behaviors, it also helps raise our vibration, making it less conducive for unwanted conditions I find, clear & replace trapped negative emotions, limiting beliefs & blocks for you while you get on with your life at

17.01.2022 Need I say more? ....

17.01.2022 sending love from Australia

16.01.2022 The Government is only after higher tax when they tell you what isn’t good for you. Need I say more?

15.01.2022 Are You Embodying Your GODDESS-NESS? Do you fully step into your power and engage in relationships from a place of confidence and self-love (instead of a place plagued by fears and anxieties or worse, people pleasing!)? Relationships are the cornerstone of our life experience, and the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. The secret to great relationships as well as being successful or prosperous, achieving and maintaining our ideal weight, looki...Continue reading

14.01.2022 R.E.S.P.E.C.T Chances are, there was respect in the beginning of your relationship, or at least enough for you to invest. Then it slowly drained, but feelings had kicked in so you compromised. Because that’s what you do in a relationship, right? Yes, but you don’t compromise self. And if your partner isn’t respecting you, you are compromising yourself. You are sacrificing your own worth for love unhealthy love. And by doing this, you are bringing less to the table. You're c...ontributing to a car crash. A recent survey asked people the question, "What is the most important thing in a relationship?" I would have bet on trust, chemistry, or connection. But the most popular answer was respect. If people picked respect, it was because it was missing in their previous relationship experiences. And that lack created a giant imprint, or it wouldn’t have been their answer. Another interesting fact: Every single person who answered "respect" was female. So there’s a high chance that if you’re reading this, you can relate on some level. You’ve been in a relationship where respect was missing. You compromised. And it affected you, and your beliefs about yourself. This set you up for other experiences that didn’t go well, because you forgot what you deserved. You forgot how you wanted to be treated. You forgot that respect isn’t an option; it’s standard, it comes with the base model. And without it, the engine doesn’t run. The car doesn’t go. But you bought it anyway, and the ride was bumpy and short. The response to this question was a great temperature check for relationships today. We are lacking respect. It’s something that has gone by the wayside, something we don’t really pay attention to. But without it, we can't build trust. And without trust, there is nothing. Only skin. It’s a great reminder that a safe space is required for all relationships to thrive and grow. Safe spaces cannot be built without trust, but trust cannot be formed without respect. So respect, then, is the soil that healthy relationships need in order to grow: Respect Trust Safe space Healthy relationships So if you can’t make it about you, make it about the person you want to invest and share your life with. Because if you allow respect to be missing from your relationship, you are also stunting your partner’s growth. Work on yourself until respect becomes a non-negotiable. And hold it with two hands. Respect. (noun) 1: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation remarks having respect to an earlier plan 2: an act of giving particular attention : consideration 3a: high or special regard : esteem 3b: the quality or state of being esteemed 3c: respects plural : expressions of high or special regard or deference, paid our respects Love & respect, Jo

14.01.2022 A friend shared this and I really liked the lesson! *original poster (Kate Scott 2020)*: RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE. When I was at one of my lowest (mental) points in life, I couldn’t get out of bed some days. I had no energy or motivation and was barely getting by.... I had therapy once per week, and on this particular week I didn’t have much to ‘bring’ to the session. He asked how my week was and I really had nothing to say. What are you struggling with? he asked. I gestured around me and said I dunno man. Life. Not satisfied with my answer, he said No, what exactly are you worried about right now? What feels overwhelming? When you go home after this session, what issue will be staring at you? I knew the answer, but it was so ridiculous that I didn’t want to say it. I wanted to have something more substantial. Something more profound. But I didn’t. So I told him, Honestly? The dishes. It’s stupid, I know, but the more I look at them the more I CAN’T do them because I’ll have to scrub them before I put them in the dishwasher, because the dishwasher sucks, and I just can’t stand and scrub the dishes. I felt like an idiot even saying it. What kind of grown ass woman is undone by a stack of dishes? There are people out there with *actual* problems, and I’m whining to my therapist about dishes? But my therapist nodded in understanding and then said: RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE. I began to tell him that you’re not supposed to, but he stopped me. Why the hell aren’t you supposed to? If you don’t want to scrub the dishes and your dishwasher sucks, run it twice. Run it three times, who cares?! Rules do not exist, so stop giving yourself rules. It blew my mind in a way that I don’t think I can properly express. That day, I went home and tossed my smelly dishes haphazardly into the dishwasher and ran it three times. I felt like I had conquered a dragon. The next day, I took a shower lying down. A few days later. I folded my laundry and put them wherever the fuck they fit. There were no longer arbitrary rules I had to follow, and it gave me the freedom to make accomplishments again. Now that I’m in a healthier place, I rinse off my dishes and put them in the dishwasher properly. I shower standing up. I sort my laundry. But at a time when living was a struggle instead of a blessing, I learned an incredibly important lesson: THERE ARE NO RULES. RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE!!!

12.01.2022 Distance Healing for any issue at

10.01.2022 The Animal Poisons Centre is often called about dogs and cats that have eaten medications and household items that can damage their kidneys. Some pets may devel...op life-long chronic kidney disease from such a once-off ingestion. Prevention is always best check this list to see if your home is kidney safe for your pet. NSAIDs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, meloxicam, etc) the number one kidney killer in Australia and New Zealand. All non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have the potential to cause kidney damage depending on the dose and your pet’s individual sensitivity. This is why NSAIDs for people should never be given to a pet without first checking with your vet. Those NSAIDs prescribed for a pet, should be given at the labelled dose. Dogs are curious and if allowed access to bottles of tablets are likely to eat all of them; especially if they are chewable veterinary prescription NSAIDs. Grapes and sultanas (dogs) they taste sweet and dogs naturally have a sweet tooth (have you noticed this?). However, grapes and their derivatives (e.g., sultanas, raisins, currants) can cause kidney damage in dogs. The dose at which this might occur is very unpredictable and therefore we recommend avoiding feeding grapes and grape derivatives to dogs. Lilies (cats) specifically the Lilium and Hemerocallis species. Every part of these plants is considered poisonous to cats including the vase water and the pollen which a cat may get on their face and mouth just from sniffing the flowers. It is best to avoid these plants in houses with cats. Vitamin D3 many people take vitamin D supplements and multivitamins that contain vitamin D. Vitamin D derivatives can also be found in some psoriasis creams and uncommonly in some rodent baits. Dogs in particular are sensitive to the extra vitamin D contained in these products keep them well away from your pooch. Ethylene glycol common in antifreeze/coolant (and other mechanical fluids), it is extremely poisonous to both dogs and cats and they readily drink it from puddles on the floor. Keep bottles locked away and high up on shelves and attend to any leaked or spilt fluid straight away. If you think your pet has been exposed to any of these items, call us on 1300 869 738 (AU) or 0800 869 738 (NZ) for a tailored risk assessment and recommendation, including first aid measures. Our service is free for all pet owners.

10.01.2022 Bless! So humbled by the wonderful feedback I receive from my lovely package deal clients

09.01.2022 Amen! Imagine our Governments supporting alternate therapies for Covid-19 instead of an experimental vaccine.. The Cuban Government has started a campaign (from 2 April 2020 onwards) to supply Prevengho-VIR (combination of 8 homeopathic medicines) to its citizens (60 years & above) to counter coronavirus disease (COVID-19) 1 Anas barbariae 200... 2 Baptisia tinctoria 200 3 Bacillinum 30 4 Pyrogenium 200 5 Eupatorium perfoliatum 200 6 Influenzinum 7 Tuberculinum aviare 200 8 Arsenicum album 200 Dosage: 5 drops thrice a day for 3 days. To be repeated after 10 days It says that the medicine can also be administered to children under 10 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and patients with liver disorders and alcoholism.

08.01.2022 Another wonderful review from a gorgeous client

08.01.2022 4 Ways Your Emotional Baggage Hurts Your New Partner More Than You Why do we bring past baggage into new relationships? Why do we allow our past to define us and drag us down in the worst ways possible? Why do we punish new partners for the faults of a past one? It’s easier for us to hold on to what we’ve always known and been through, than to let go and allow our present and future to be better than our past ever was....Continue reading

08.01.2022 After healings for both of them My big boys together in the front yard #friendsnow

07.01.2022 Always love it when clients recommend me to others Lulu is a rescue cat in Wales who had been biting & scratching her loving family for 3 years before the distance healing session

07.01.2022 Why We Put the Blame On Others and the Real Cost We Pay Why do we blame other people? 1. Blaming others is easy....Continue reading

06.01.2022 Everything in creation, all matter is in a state of vibration, & 432hz is in tune with the frequency of nature throughout the cosmos. If humans are out of tune with it, it creates discomfort. Listening to music in 432hz helps us realign with our environment and the natural geometric patterns of the universe, promoting well-being physically, mentally and emotionally. "If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" Nik...ola Tesla (my hero!) Around the second world war, the cabal studied which tuning would be the most harmful for humans, and as a result imposed the 440hz tuning via Goebbels (who thought it was the best for war marches), and JC Deagan. Musicians at the time protested against it but it was pushed through anyway. Almost all music has been tuned to 440Hz since then. No wonder we are seeing such violence & unrest! This is supported by a very professional 28 pages scientific study showing a clear reduction of inflammation, stress levels and other symptoms by listening to 432hz music in Pythagorean tuning only three times, for 35min each time, in a period of 7 days. So here's me doing my bit to help heal the world back to love, peace, harmony, wellbeing & goodwill, & you can join in by using these 2 free links (with thanks to The 432 Player) to help you do your bit too by converting your own music to the frequency of 432Hz! convert any song: get the app to install on your phone or computer For more information on How to Heal Your Energy to Change Your Life, go to With Love, Jo

06.01.2022 #challengingbehaviour Does your child or furbaby have some challenging behaviours you wish someone could sort out for you? How about if it was easy & effortless on your part as well?... Would that sound like a dream come true? Lool, boy do I know where you’re coming from! The biting or scratching The sleeplessness Refusal to do as they’re asked The screaming tantrums Intolerance or allergies requiring special diets Rashes Tummy upsets The list goes on! Tranquilizer darts aren’t the answer but what if the solution was as easy as booking a session online with someone who could clear these issues while your child or furbaby slept? Without drugs.. Without invasive tests .. In fact, without leaving home! Hi there, I’m Jo and I’ve successfully helped hundreds of clients all over the world with anxiety, asthma & eczema, severe allergies, acne, low self esteem, weight issues, procrastination, prosperity, healing faster after injuries or surgery (or even avoiding it altogether), overcoming cancer, panic attacks, depression, trauma bonds, hoarding, phobias, childhood abuse, pain, inflammation, kidney stones, teeth cavities, colitis, IBS, ADHD, OCD, POCS & C-PTSD to name a few issues. I’d be happy to help you too! If you’d like to know more, I invite you to message me with the problem you’d like help with or simply go to the website to find out more or book for you or your loved one. Prices start at US$65 Some words of thanks from a lovely client: Stephanie Kakris said; I have been working with Jo-Anne for a year or so now. She has helped me, my husband, my kids (10 & 15yrs), and also my cat with various emotional and physical issues. Her capacity to see the depth and breadth of what is causing the issue on physical, emotional spiritual levels is just amazing! Not only does she see where the core issue is, she clears it too. Sometimes things run deep and need a few layers healed. It has been SO worth it. Some issues we have lived with for years and years are now healing after we had tried so many different things that haven't helped until we found Jo-Anne! Thanks gorgeous, we are so grateful for all your help.

06.01.2022 Healing Can Be As Easy As Relax * Receive * Renew.. Imagine..... feeling calmer, clearer, cleaner, happier, healthier & lighter... That pain, that behaviour problem, that nagging worry, that fear, that limiting belief, that block or even that past trauma is gone! Without drugs, without years of therapy, without even having to get in your car to come visit me! You can be anywhere in the world, because distance is not a factor. It's sooo easy!...Continue reading

01.01.2022 My favourite photo of Bear & his cat, Ming

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