Health Management Solutions Queensland in Ipswich, Queensland | Medical and health
Health Management Solutions Queensland
Locality: Ipswich, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3381 1835
Address: 4305 Ipswich, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 For all the people that have commented on my timing and stop watch skills lately when given 1 minute of [insert any exercise you disliked with a passion here]..... Would you trust my counting or this old school timer from the early 1900's seen on a pre COVID-19 trip to Laidley Pioneer Village / Museum? For those who have upcoming sessions think carefully about your answer!!!
21.01.2022 Sometimes it's hard to see just how far we've come with medical and allied health equipment and services. Nothing like a quick trip down memory lane to see some of the earlier technology. Have a look at what the family and I found at the Laidley Pioneer / Museum (pre COVID-19 of course)! Can you guess what they all are before looking at the labels? Have a crack in the comments section below and test your knowledge. The 1st couple are a bit easy and a warm-up for pics 4 & 5
18.01.2022 This month is prostate cancer awareness month. A whole month aimed at increasing awareness about prostate cancer. In Australia this is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and has been estimated to kill 3,500 men annually Exercise can play a vital role in the treatment of, and recovery from prostate cancer through reducing the number and severity of treatment-related side effects and symptoms (e.g. fatigue, muscle loss, bone mineral loss, anxiety and depression) as well being be good for improving or maintaining function during and after treatment. Men who are physically active after a prostate cancer diagnosis also have a reduced risk of recurrence, reduced risk of developing other chronic diseases, and have better overall survival and quality of life. If you or any other blokes you know would like to consult with our Exercise Physiologist (Steve) regarding maintaining and improving your physical activity, exercise levels and health management. Give us a call and book in to have a chat today! #exercise, #benefitsofexercise, #cancerprevention, #cancermanagement, #prostatecancermanagement, #exerciseismedicine, #exerciseasmedicine, #exercisesforprostatecancer, #ProstateCancerAwarenessMonth, #prostatecancer, #ExerciseRight, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich,
13.01.2022 Now more than ever it is important to look after yourself. They say a picture says a thousand words. So here are some ideas to look after your self in this weird and scary time we live in at the moment. Personally I find the last one the most difficult? How many on this list do you check off regularly? #lookafteryourself, #selfcare, #selfcarechecklist, #healthandwellbeing, #getmoreexercise, #getmorephysicalactivity, #eatforhealth, #healthyeating, #healthmanagement, #health, #healthylifestyle #healthmanagementsolutionsqueensland
12.01.2022 Couldn't of said it better myself. Happy Monday everyone from us at Health Management Solutions Queensland to you!
11.01.2022 A very good question and one that we continually ask people that come to our clinic thinking, but not sold on making a lifestyle change (usually exercising or being more physically active).
10.01.2022 Osteoporosis is a condition of low bone mass that leads to an increased risk of fractures. The most common sites for fractures include the spine, wrist, hip, and upper thigh bone (femur) but any bone can be affected. Approximately 66% of older adults have low or very low bone mass and 42% of women and 27% of men will fracture after the age of 50. Research shows the best exercises / types activities to manage Osteoporosis to can be: 1. Weight-bearing exercises - to maintain density & strength 2. Resistance / strength / weight training exercises - to maintain bone density & strength; and 3. Balance exercises - to improve balance & reduce falls / falls risk. To get some guidance in selecting the right types of exercise to help you manage your osteoporosis contact us for a consultation with our friendly and experienced Exercise Physiologist. #Osteoporisis, #managingosteoporosis, #Osteoporosismanagement, #Exerciseandosteoporosis, #exerciseright, #exerciseforosteoporosis, #exerciserightforosteoporosis, #strengthexercise, #exerciseismedicine, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercise, #movementismedicine
09.01.2022 What you won't hear many people tell you is that most people don't succeed on the first time they try to make a change to their health or lifestyle. Often it takes more than one crack to make it stick, be successful and maintain the change you want. The most important thing we try to explain to our clients is that falling back into old habits is normal and obstacles are constantly being thrown at you (also know as life). It is how well that you can identify these obstacles ...and barriers then come up with strategies to minimize or eliminate them that leads to much longer term success. If someone you know would like some assistance navigating these treacherous waters please give us a call and an appointment. #lifestylechange, #lifestyle, #makinglifestylechanges, #exercise, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exerciseismedicine, #exerciseasmedicine, #health, #healthychoices, #healthmanagement, #healthmanagementsolutions, #healthmanagementsolutionsqueensland, #healthservices, #healthservicesipswich
09.01.2022 Happy world heart day everyone! 48 Australians die every day from heart disease with many more that survive feeling fatigued, anxious, depressed and feeling like they are unable to productively contribute to their family / community as well as they would like. This can pay a heavy toll on their mental, physical and emotional health and wellness as well as quality of life. World Heart Day encourages us all to take care of our hearts. Two ways of doing this are to engage in reg...ular physical activity and exercise as often as possible using a combination of resistance (weight) training and aerobic (cardiovascular) training. If you would like some help planning and executing an exercise program to help you feel better and manage your heart disease better make an appointment when your ready because we'd love to help out. #WorldHeartDay, #hearthealth, #healthyheart, #exercise, #exerciseismedicine, #exerciseasmedicine, #ExerciseRight, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #heart, #health, #exerciseforhealth, #HeartDisease, #heartdiseaseprevention, #heartdiseaseawareness, #HealthManagement, #healthmanagementsolutions, #ipswichexerciseprofessional, #exerciseprofessionals
08.01.2022 If you haven't already checked out our website we'd love for you to take a peak. More content to be added at a later date but we are pretty proud of the site. Big thanks to Lisa at @ [590190117758761:274:Crunch Practice Solutions] and the wonderful work she's done on the site and her patience with me in the process. #exercise, #health, #healthservice, #healthserviceipswich, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyservices, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #ipswichexercise, #exerciseprofessionalipsiwch, #ipswichexerciseprofessional, #exerciseismedicine, #exerciseasmedicine, #healthmanagement, #healthmanagementsolutions, #healthmanagementsolutionsqueensland, #localshealthservices
06.01.2022 Big thanks to the Ipswich Men's Shed Inc. (Bundamba) guys for asking us to run a 6-week exercise program for their members and their patience and compliance with the ever changing COVID-19 health services landscape. Also a big thanks to Stockland for providing funding for this much needed service in our community. COVID-19 restrictions & regulations have meant we couldn't cater for as bigger group as we had hoped for but safety is a key concern for all involved in the progra...m. Despite the frequent cleaning taking place between exercises and social distancing adherence the fellas are having a ball as you can see. All spaces in this program are FULL but we are hopeful of doing more programs for the shed in the near future (COVID-19 situations pending). This is the 1st of our group sessions to return as restrictions have eased. We will continue to slowly reopen our other regular classes at the clinic in the near future while continuing to monitor the situation and rule updates to make sure we are keeping everyone as safe as possible in these uncertain times. If you would like to inquire about similar services for your organization / social group to reach out to how we might be able to help. #exerciseismedicine, #exercise, #groupexercise, #groupexerciseipswich, #exerciseasmedicine, #mensexercise, #mensexerciseclasses, #ipswichexerciseclass, #exerciseclassesipswich, #ipswichgroupexerciseclasses, #healthmanagement, #mensshedipswich, #ipswichmensshed, #mensshed, #mensshedexercise, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercisephsyiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #healthmanagementsolutions, #healthmanagementsolutionsqueensland,
05.01.2022 We had a lady come into the clinic this week with Osteoporosis after it was recommended by her GP that she consult with an exercise specialist to get some exercises to help manage her condition and falls risk. Here's some of the golden nuggets we gave her surrounding her osteoporosis management: The key to effective exercise for osteoporosis is supervision by trained experts (e.g. an Exercise Physiologist); Use it or lose it - gains in bone, muscle and balance from will be lost if the exercise is stopped. Moderate to High intensity resistance training should not be attempted with uncontrolled cardiovascular disease. Activities that involve twisting (golf) or abrupt unusual movements (e.g. squash) may cause fractures in a frail skeletons. Pain beyond general muscle soreness after exercise should be investigated by a medical professional. If you would like to work with our friendly and experienced Exercise Physiologist to help manage your Osteoporosis, call us to make an appointment. We'd love you to reach out. #Osteoporisis, #managingosteoporosis, #Osteoporosismanagement, #Exerciseandosteoporosis, #exerciseforosteoporosis, #exerciserightforosteoporosis, #strengthexercise, #exerciseismedicine, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercise, #movementismedicine, #ExerciseRight, #exerciseasmedicine
04.01.2022 This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month. According statistics 1 in 7 Australian women are likely to be diagnosed in their lifetime. The side effects of breast cancer treatments can often include fatigue, hair loss, adverse changes in body composition (an increased percentage of fat), weight gain, nausea, sleep concerns, joint and other types of pain, bone loss, ‘chemo brain’ (feeling vague), and lymphoedema (swelling in the chest, breast or arm). Exercise plays an import...ant role in the prevention, treatment and recovery from breast cancer, through: Reducing the number and severity of treatment-related side effects and symptoms; Improving or maintaining function during and after treatment; Reducing the risk of recurrence; Reduced risk of developing other chronic diseases; and Improving overall survival rate. If you or someone you know is looking for advice or an individually tailored exercise plan to assist them manage their breast cancer or risk factors please feel free to give us a call and make an appointment when your ready.
03.01.2022 Another uncommon situation today at the clinic and a another great day to be an Exercise Physiologist! A client made an appointment to see us at the clinic today after chatting to her GP about seeing an exercise specialist to get some exercise guidance for managing her major health concerns. After doing all the routine tasks needing to be done during the consult I got to ask my favorite question.... What's stopped you from exercising and being more active up until now? T...he answers are almost always the same (which means your not alone): 1) I didn't know what exercises / activities are good and bad for my [insert conditions / injuries here]. 2) I didn't want to make my pain / condition worse. The key to effectively exercising to prevent and/or manage chronic health conditions / injuries is guidance and supervision by trained exercise professional (e.g. an Exercise Physiologist). If you know someone who would benefit from seeing our experienced Exercise Physiologist then please contact us to make an appointment.
03.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what blood pressure is? Why it is important for your health? Or what the numbers represent actually (if your lucky enough to be told what they are)? Blood pressure (BP) refers to the pressure in the large arteries when the main pumping chamber of the heart, the left ventricle is at maximal contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole). The two pressures are usually expressed together, for example ‘120 over 80’. If you would like us to do a fo...llow-up post to expand on this topic (e.g. generic healthy BP range, risk factors, etc.) make sure you like the post and leave the word "more" in the comments section below and if we get enough interest we'll be happy to oblige. #Exercise, #health, #riskfactors, #bloodpressure, #blood, #pressure, #ExercisePhysiologist, #ExercisePhysiology, #ExercisePhysiologistIpswich, #ExercisePhysiologyIpswich, #Exerciseforbloodpressure, #understandingbloodpressure, #hypertension, #highbloodpressure, #BP, #Heartdiseaserisk, #heart, #diseaserisk, #CVD, #cardiovasculardiseaserisk, #cardiovasculardisease, #stroke, #strokerisk, #readingbloodpressure, #bloodpressurereadings
02.01.2022 In case you missed our last post about Osteoporosis and exercise last week...... here's the recap. 5 Key Considerations for Exercising to Optimize Osteoporosis Management: 1. The key to effective exercise for osteoporosis is supervision by trained experts... 2. Use it or lose it - gains in bone, muscle and balance from exercise will be lost if the exercise is stopped 3. High intensity resistance training should not be attempted with uncontrolled cardiovascular disease 4. Activities that involve twisting (golf) or abrupt unusual movements (squash) may cause fractures in a frail skeleton 5. Pain beyond general muscle soreness after exercise should be investigated by a medical profession #osteoporosis, #osteoporosisprevention, #osteoporosisawareness, #OsteoporosisManagement, #exercisewithosteoporosis, #osteoporosiscare, #exerciseismedicine, #exerciseasmedicine, #ExerciseRight, #exercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologist, #ipswichexercisephysiologist, #ipswichexercisephysiology, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercisephysiologistipswich
02.01.2022 There is some very powerful evidence advocating for exercise and increased physical activity as a cost-effective way to boost quality of life and maintain independence as we age. Worth a read for anyone wanting to know more about the importance of getting and/or staying active later in life. If you or someone you know is looking for professional guidance on exercising especially for your level of life experience. Contact us and make an appointment with our Exercise Physiolo...gist. #healthyaging, #agingbetter, #agingstrongeractivelonger, #ipswichexercisephysiologist, #qualityoflife, #exerciseasmedicine, #exerciseismedicine, #exercisephysiologist, #agingwell, #physicalactivity, #exerciseright, #exerciseprofessional, #ipswichexerciseprofessional, #healthylifestyles, #healthierlifestyles, #healthierlifestylesipswich, #exercisephysiologyipswich
01.01.2022 Did you know that exercise can: Reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks by up to 50%; Help you recover from cancer treatment quicker; Improve the breathing of those with lung disease by 70%; Reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by almost 60%;... Help combat depression and the effects of medication; Improve recovery rates after surgery; Reduce pain and increase movement in those with osteoarthritis (OA); Help manage your chronic pain; It IS safe to make an appointment and see an allied health practitioner in Queensland. If you or someone you know would like to chat further about improving / managing your health we'd love for you to make an appointment to find out how we can help you help optimize your health. #benefitsofexercise, #exerciseismedicine, #exerciseasmedicine, #exerciseright, #exerisephysiology, #exercisephysiologist, #exercisephysiologyipswich, #exercisephysiologistipswich, #exerciseforhealth, #exercisebenefits, #cancertreatment, #hearthealth, #heartdiseaseprevention, #chronicpainmanagement, #diabetesmanagement, #healthmanagement, #healthmanagementsolutionsqueensland
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